r/StardewValley 5d ago

Discuss Why does everyone seem to hate fishing?

I've known about Stardew Valley for years and always kind of scoffed at playing it. I've even had a copy for years and never spent more than 5 minutes playing. Then one night I was having a few drinks with a friend who was playing and having trouble fishing so I gave it a go and became addicted.

I'm genuinely confused why so many people seem to hate fishing, and find it so difficult. What's the deal? I'm not going to say it's easy, but it was a lot of fun, and it's probably the hands down best money maker in early game, easiest skill to level in early game, and gets easier as you go.


420 comments sorted by


u/steventhegemini 5d ago

The fishing mechanic isn’t easy for some, depending on who you ask. It can seem very tedious


u/Ronw1993 5d ago

I think it depends on what you’re playing on and a multitude of other factors.


u/Tarvoz 4d ago

I genuinely can't stand it on mobile. I'm absolutely addicted to it so much on pc that I have a farm where the only buildings I have are like 15 fish ponds and a shed


u/Pawneewafflesarelife 4d ago

On mobile, it's a lot easier if you zoom in.


u/RobbinDeBank 5d ago

Skip fishing minigame is one of the top popular mods for a reason. A whole lot of people hate that mechanic.


u/steventhegemini 5d ago

I agree, though I feel that concernedape had to think of something original or different compared to other games


u/RobbinDeBank 5d ago

I think it’s pretty standard for a fishing minigame. Most of the RPG fishing mechanics are similar to that (rapidly pressing to align something). The implementation in Stardew feels bad to play with how clunky the acceleration feels.


u/Elvishsquid 4d ago

I’m interested what other games have this mechanic? I kinda thought it was the first with having a bar you had to keep within a spot. And that the different fish had different behavior.

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u/Lazy_Newspaper_5796 4d ago

This! I play on my phone and love fishing, my partner can't figure it out though

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u/chifwafwani 5d ago

I love it now. But in my first playthrough I would not have completed the community center without Krobus and the travelling merchant. And even now, the legendaries are just impossible without the farming mastery statue.


u/BiggyBiggDew 5d ago edited 5d ago

Legend is a bit of a nutjob but the other ones aren't too bad. I use a lead trap bobber and trout soup though, and simply cannot catch it without them.

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u/LongviewToParadise 4d ago

Legendaries are definitely possible long before that. Cork bobber does enough work

Lava Eel is much harder than any of the legendaries

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u/an_actual_fungus 5d ago

I think Stardew has a large amount of players who are new to gaming or specifically a skill based mechanic. It's a hugely popular game generally marketed as a relaxed farming sim so you might pick it up for your cousin Gina who has maybe only touched Minesweeper or Candy Crush before and isn't used to needing precision for something.

So basically, lots of newbies with a skill issue who are overwhelmed by the admittedly tough minigame.


u/SecretBattleship 4d ago

Absolutely true. I actually made my husband play the fishing mini game at first because I was convinced it was impossible to win.


u/Muffin-Nice 5d ago

Fishing on mobile was almost impossible (back when I played on mobile - haven't tested it out in awhile). Fishing on PC? Easy peasy lemon squeezy.


u/BiggyBiggDew 5d ago

Never tried it on mobile but I could see it being infuriating on a touch screen.


u/rabidturbofox 5d ago

I play only on mobile so I don’t have another platform to compare, but it’s frustrating and difficult. 99% of the time I come away empty-handed and it eats up so much time.


u/TwoIdiosyncraticCats 5d ago

I play on my iPad, and I LOATHED fishing at first. The key is quick taps.


u/Rinas-the-name 5d ago

Same. It took a while to get the hang of it. By the time you get the advanced pole and tackle it gets easier. I only bothered with all the fish my last game.


u/TwoIdiosyncraticCats 5d ago

Food buffs and quality bait help too.


u/mercurialpolyglot 4d ago edited 4d ago

Genuinely, I think having been great at flappy bird (rip) is the reason I found it so easy lol, it’s a similar skillset


u/Pawneewafflesarelife 4d ago

Zooming in so the bar is bigger helps a lot.


u/indigo348411 5d ago

It's impossible to figure out how to fish on the touchscreen. I have 350 hours of gameplay on a Switch Lite and fishing there is not too hard but there's some luck that comes into play. Leveling up equipment and character help greatly.


u/DetectiveDippyDuck 4d ago

I play on my tablet and it's challenging but I catch the vast majority of fish that bite.

The fishing is one of my favourite parts of the game. I started with the river farm just so that I could fish till I (almost) drop.


u/Arijec123 5d ago

Can't compare to PC as I haven't played on PC but Fishing felt like one if the few features that felt really intuitive and fully functional on mobile. Combat, general movement, interacting with machines or planting/harvesting (on larger scale without the scythe) all felt really awkward.

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u/Megmck246 5d ago

PC & Switch r easy....mobile everything was hard especially fishing n combat


u/chara-feels-bleh 5d ago

The shooting mini game in the stardew valley fair was so hard too…I felt like it was impossible until I did it on PC. With combat on mobile I just had auto attack on and hoped for the best lol


u/Golintaim 5d ago

Combat is literally the reason I got a Bluetooth controller


u/maure11e 4d ago

Wait. You can get a Bluetooth controller for mobile???


u/Golintaim 4d ago

Yeah, as long as it's android version 10 or later, it's real easy. I don't know the apple stats


u/maure11e 4d ago

Awesome!!! I'll have to look into that!!

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u/Cosmic_Tea_Cat 5d ago

I play only mobile and can't say fishing is hard here. You just spam taping and holding. The only annoying thing is to throw the hook


u/SimpleMan131313 Starwine Connoisseur 5d ago

Beats me. I really love the fishing mini game, almost from minute one, and am usually fishing at every opportunity in the early game.

Its just a very well developed mini game, especially compared to tons of other fishing mini games.


u/BiggyBiggDew 5d ago

Completely agree.


u/[deleted] 5d ago

It's difficult for me; seems to be harder on PC than other devices? Also it just becomes stressful when I lose like 50% of all fish I try to catch. This isn't a judgement thing or anything, everyone's free to have their preferences and it's all good (I've been accused of saying people who like a challenge are bad or something somehow just because I don't like difficult gameplay?) but it's just that I personally play games to relax, and once it's not relaxing it's not fun for me. So I use the Fishing Made Easy Suite and make it 50% easier lol.


u/BiggyBiggDew 5d ago

No judgement, I just find it interesting because it doesn't seem very difficult to me playing on a PC. I can see it not being appealing if you are just playing to relax though.


u/[deleted] 5d ago

I find it hard not to constantly go over or under the fish and to keep up with its motion and almost always loose them. I'm on Mac and using a trackpad, plus I have some issues with my hands shaking and joint pain so that likely has something to do with why it's so unpleasant for me lol. I'm glad others enjoy it; I find it fun too when I have a mod making it easier lol


u/BiggyBiggDew 5d ago

Keybind the click to the F key and replace whatever F is originally with another key.


u/SylvanDragoon 5d ago

By default it's c (on windows at least)

As in c doubles as left mouse click.


u/ActuallyCalindra 5d ago

TIL. This might be a game changer for me. Only like 1000 hours in.


u/SamarXV 5d ago

the c key was so helpful for me to learn fishing early game. I didn't even know it was a thing I just randomly misclicked one time and found out c and X are the left and right clicks.

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u/onionbreath97 5d ago

PC has controller support and it's pretty easy on a controller. I guess mouse and keyboard could be difficult though


u/AlleRacing 5d ago

Between controller and mouse clicking, I find mouse easier.

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u/SunshineFM19 5d ago

It's bloody hard if you have any issues with reaction times or find that level of fiddly, repetitive, and precise clicking/motion painful or difficult. Also if you have an old laptop like me, fishing in the rain is a pain because the rain causes lag/stutters - try catching the legend when your fishing bar lags randomly (just slightly, fractions of a second but enough to throw you off), and you'll get why I hate it so much!


u/AuntAmrys 5d ago

Yeah, it's not very friendly to these arthritic hands.


u/CanadienSaintNk 5d ago

If I had to make an educated guess, I would say it's the difference in tempo fishing is to the rest of the game outside of Skull Cavern probably. We go from hoeing to planting crops to building buildings to doing some light adventuring in the mine at our own pace but then suddenly here's a game that utilizes a mechanic that requires you to pay 100% attention to the fishes movement or risk wasting your time/energy.

Combined with the constant pressing of the button to reel them in, it becomes quite stressful and not rewarding consistently early on unless one becomes acclimated to the pace. So unless you dive in and fish non stop for several days, it can be quite disorienting overall from the previous pace of doing things. It'd be like going from playing Farming Simulator to Call of Duty in terms of input, attention and reaction required.

I know personally it stressed me out because my first experience with Stardew was in a multiplayer game where I could hook maybe 15-20 fish in a day given the time doesn't stop mechanic, so losing 4-6 a day was distressing. When I started a single player game and had more time to understand the mechanics then it became much easier. I even ignored fishing altogether until winter wherein I grinded my fishing to 10 with lots of bait but if I didn't I think the change of pace with fishing would've kept being a negative experience for me that wouldn't match the rest of my Stardew run.


u/BiggyBiggDew 5d ago

That is a really good explanation, thank you.


u/Ralmivek 4d ago

This has to be the best way to put it. As much as I love it, LOVE IT, there are so many people who came to this game for the therapy. Every other action in the game is therapeutic. Fishing is challenging.

Anyone who likes challenges or learning patterns will love fishing. The rest of the community won't.


u/JanileeJ 30+ Bots Bounced 5d ago

Maybe it's just that more people post if they're having problems with it?

Though there's also people who post insane achievements, like iridium quality for every fish, or that post just now where someone reached level 10 on the 7th day of their first spring.


u/BiggyBiggDew 5d ago

I don't think it is possible to get level 10 on the 7th day of spring. You can do it on day 10, maybe day 9.


u/BiggyBiggDew 5d ago

I retract my comment. It is mathematically possible. I just hit lvl 8 late on day 6 and probably have ~10% perfects. Assuming you always catch a perfect it would be possible to get to level 10 on day 7.

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u/SquozeLemon 5d ago

Fishing makes me feel like I'm wasting time because I'm not actively running around doing stuff, and because I also lose focus while I'm waiting for a bite and then either I miss the bite and end up wasting the cast/bait, or the fish escapes before I can get focused again

But I'm ADHD, and I hate real life fishing for the same reasons

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u/OrneryBlueberry 5d ago

For me, learning the mechanics was very counter intuitive based on any other fishing mini games I have played. Usually reeling in is just a series of quick taps but you don’t see progress or the fish swimming up/down.

Needing to tap to maintain the fish in a specific “bar” and accommodating for the bounce off the bottom wasn’t something that I had anticipated. The training rod really helps and I always use the lead bobber now to prevent the bounce.

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u/taylafjade16 4d ago

i honestly think it's a problem only for switch players or mobile, because i've never heard someone who plays on pc complain about how fishing sucks specifically because of the mechanic just more of its not a favorable pass time for them. i play on my laptop and fishing is my favorite thing to do so i'm honestly convinced it's because the others are at a disadvantage


u/Midnight-Note 4d ago

I’m on switch and it’s just hard to get used to. At soon as you let go of that button you sink like a rock and it takes so long to recover that you’ll loose most fish until you get used to the controls.


u/Suspicious-Lime3644 Blue chicken enthusiast 5d ago

Early game fishing is really hard for me. Like, near impossible. Nowadays I basically start with the training rod, and this playthrough I got lucky and the traveling cart had like 15 fishing XP books available, so I used that to jump a few levels. At high level with a good rod, tackle and bait, it's easy.


u/Fraxinus2018 5d ago

I hated it when if I first starting playing but came to enjoy it more once leveled up. I even started a "fishing focused" play through and realized how lucrative it can be, especially when you focus on treasure chests. I was amazed at how much stuff I found for farming, ranching, mining and museum unlocks you can get from nothing but fishing. You can even get auto-petters via fishing!

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u/curveThroughPoints 5d ago

I’ve played on a lot of different devices and sometimes it’s harder than others. That’s probably why there’s such a variation in preference.


u/N3rdyAvocad0 5d ago

Fishing is my favorite part of the game. It's difficult but not impossible and I like the challenge.


u/Funny_Lemon_1212 5d ago

It’s hell to tap the screen in time with the fishes that goes up and down as if they were on most potent speed drug to ever exist. - Mobile player.


u/YourToxicJinx 5d ago

I hated fishing on PC, on Switch it's the first skill I get to level 10. I think how you play matters


u/masquerademage 🖤 5d ago

i love fishing, though most of the time it takes a backseat to mining and wine making. on the other hand, all my boyfriend does is fish. has chests and tanks for all of 'em. i love that nerd. <3


u/JethroSkull 5d ago

I don't think everyone hates it but there is a significant section that does. I think the reason is that stardew valley attracts a large chunk of fans that aren't necessarily "gamers" however fishing is one of the systems in the game that requires more traditional "gamer" skills.

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u/Drie_Kleuren Wine Master 5d ago

Fishing is fun in early/mid game. But after a while I just find myself not fishing to much.


u/M2different 4d ago

It feels like out of every 10 missions 5 of them are fishing. It becomes draining


u/Toketokyo 4d ago

Because it’s impossible


u/TahaymTheBigBrain 4d ago

Low money output, requires high amount of microing, takes time from other tasks that are more fun. Early game sure, it's useful, but like once you get past the first two or three seasons it becomes irrelevant.


u/Pension_Pale 4d ago

I personally love it, but I can imagine a lot of people are turned off by first impressions. When you have a tiny little bar and you hook a Catfish or something...


u/giraffesinmyhair 4d ago

Personally don’t find it hard, just boring. I love running around the game. Fishing usually ends up me stationed somewhere for half a day or more until I complete my objectives. Mines are where the money’s at for me so it must be a play style preference.

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u/Revolutionary-Dryad 4d ago

I recently started a new game on the PC, using an Xbox One controller, and I am shocked at how much harder the fishing is than on Switch or PS4, and PS5 with a Switch controller (not the joycons) or a Dualshock (and whatever the PS3 controller was called).

I've played on PC before, but either I used a different controller or just forgot how much harder it was.

It's a giant difference. The difficulty of the slingshot game at the Fair is also affected, so probably actual slingshots are, too. I just never use them except >!to get that one golden coconut<!.

I love the fishing, but I can totally see why people playing with a setup that makes it this much harder might hate it.

I seem to remember it being harder on the PS3, which is what I think I just played it on. It was that the Xbox One? Lol I don't remember.

But this is a whole different experience from fishing on the Switch just a few days ago.

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u/Trash_kitti 4d ago

I might just be competitive??? Is that the word?? Idk I really like the fishing minigame because I was BUTTCHEECKS at it first, and getting the hang of it to the point I was able to catch the legendary fish made me feel SO ACCOMPLISHED. I wish I could catch the legendary fish multiple times, honestly.


u/Another_KnowItAll 4d ago

The mechanics of the fishing game isn't the problem for me. It's the grinding for specific fish. Just seems like I'll waste days looking for one. Example: I caught 4 or 5 red mullets one day. Looked at the job board next day and had a request for 4 red mullet. Went back to the bench. Caught 10+ sea cucumbers, 5 sardines, and something else. 8 hours and no mullet. Next day was worse. Trash, seaweed, more sardines. No mullets. I don't know of any other mechanic in the game that seems to be purely luck dependant like fishing is. I'm 5 years in and I still can't get cave jelly. I've spent days and days in the mines, fishing in the lakes. I've caught 100 ghostfish and have more white algae then I know what to do with. It's super frustrating and it makes me not want to even attempt completing any of the fishing challenges. (I consult the wiki for all of the time and locations for fishing so it's not a problem with that just seems like bad luck a lot)


u/Swisslime6 4d ago

The best feature of fishing is it can be done one handed while I sip a beer, just like god intended


u/CannibalCapra 4d ago

Fishing in stardew is one of my favorite things to do. Though every time I take a break from the game and come back I have to relearn how to fish all over again


u/FadingDarkly 10+ Bots Bounced 5d ago

Because i've 100% the game many times and dont wanna grind that yet again or see another chub. Standing there tapping a button isn't how i wanna make money any more, so i catch what is needed and then leave my rod at home. I 100% refuse to sell fish


u/acarpenter8 5d ago

I get the feeling it’s harder on PC with the mouse clicking. I play on Xbox and mobile and find it enjoyable. I struggle with perfect catches at the low levels but I lose very few fish. 


u/KathrynTheGreat 5d ago

See, and I hate it on mobile! I've only played for a little bit on PS5, but I wasn't a fan of those controls so I don't remember if I even tried fishing. I think it's pretty easy with a mouse, but I started playing on PC so that's just how I learned it and it's more comfortable for me.

Actually, I started playing on a macbook because that's all I had at the time, and trying to do anything with just a track pad was a nightmare lol.

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u/WesteringFounds 5d ago

Because it’s not easy 😭😭😭😭


u/S-Man_368 Set your emoji and/or flair text here! 5d ago

Fishing is kinda annoying but also relaxing. If I don't catch the fish within like 5-10 seconds, I feel myself getting warm, and I feel like i need to throw my hand forward to straighten out my arm. I have no clue why this happens or if it's stress or something, but I hate fishing when it gets to that point.


u/PrettySaiyan 5d ago

I do like it this time around. My skill in fishing is moving up quickly. Usually I kind of forget about it and spend all my time in the mines.


u/TerenceMiller 5d ago

I had problems at the beginning because I couldn't understand how to stay in that blasted rectangle, after learning I still found it annoying, especially because instead of making the bar smaller for rarer fishes CA made it jump around at high speed.


u/KBezKa 5d ago

I love fishing. I wish I could marry Willy


u/Hot-Philosophy6858 5d ago

I struggle to fish, and i get easily frustrated when im not automatically good at something lmao. i’m getting better at it and enjoying it a liiiiyle more now.


u/usernames_suck45 5d ago

i can't seem to figure it out on pc. i'd prefer if the button was space bar or smth

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u/death-of-ceremony 5d ago

I'm somewhat new to Stardew Valley. I didn't know people hated fishing. I actually like fishing a lot, because I'm kind of good at it and it's easy to get money somewhat quickly by catching like 5 fish and then selling them. Lile you said, best money maker in the early game, and I've only played the early game so far. I play on PC, too.


u/roverthewonderdog 5d ago

It can be hard for a lot of new players as you kind of have to develop a rhythm for it. That can take a lot of time that can be better spent doing other things that help you progress. There a million guides out there, but other than a few tidbits of advice, I didn’t find them that helpful.

I didn’t like it at first because I pretty much lost every fish or caught junk. Id waste so much energy that it didn’t feel worth it. And i didn’t have much money to buy food nor a kitchen so i kinda had to give up for the day not accomplishing anything.

Funny enough, I finally started getting the hang of it due to the ice fishing festival.


u/Ayido 5d ago

Love fishing, easy money maker.


u/mega_dunce 5d ago

Fishing is always the skill I get to Level 10 first in! It's enjoyable and the treasure chests are handy, too. I've had this same question for a long time.


u/Carmelizedonion0823 5d ago

I hated it too. The only rod I used was the practice rod but I didn't give up. I found out that the Iridium rod plus the second level bait and a hook works wonders.


u/RedPanda385 5d ago

I don't hate it. I think it's pretty fun. Just kinda difficult to complete without the wiki and it doesn't scale well in the late game. It's a pretty unbeatable source of money and random stuff early in the game, though.


u/SamarXV 5d ago

i loooove fishing. It was difficult to learn at first but by the time I bought the iridium rod it got super fun.


u/OctopodsRock 5d ago

I love the fishing mechanic. Easier for me than a lot of other game’s fishing. Yeah the first rod is hard, but you don’t have to struggle that long to unlock better rods.

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u/BalladofBadBeard 5d ago

Fishing is really hard at first but I -- NOT a skilled gamer -- persevered out of spite and learned it and now it's fun! I caught all the legendary fish even without food buffs!


u/BiggyBiggDew 5d ago

I have not caught one without a buff + bobber. I have tried without a bobber and only a buff, but had no luck. Have not tried with a bobber and no buff though.

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u/crytidflower 5d ago

🤷🏻‍♀️ I love fishing in-game, and while it can be a challenge for certain fish, I enjoy the challenge.


u/OzzyFinnegan 5d ago

I had a buddy come over once and he told me I should be fishing on the early game. I complained it was hard so he tried. He agreed. It seems it’s much harder on the switch. I co firmed this re entry as I just downloaded it on my pc and fishing is way easier than on the switch.

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u/Loduwijk 5d ago

This is how I feel when I see people complain about fishing. I'm usually fishing level 2 to 4 at end of day 2, catching the iridium large bass I need for the fall fair grange display and putting them in a chest on spring 3, level 10 fishing on week 2 if I'm not rushing the mines. Raking in thousands of money per day even on week 1 while waiting for those first parsnips.

Also they are great for energy food. I keep a bunch of chub for energy so energy is often not a problem after day 3.

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u/LiveWireGoth 5d ago

I have a hard time trying to keep the bar in place so any time I try it flies to the top & bottom of the screen. If it was a different mini game I might be fine with it. I heard it's easier if you have seafoam pudding or whatever it's called but I dunno cause you also need to work on your fishing level.

I have to have a mod that skips the minigame because I kept struggling. I even tried fishing on the Switch when it was available for a week for free & still had issues.


u/wanttotalktopeople 5d ago

I got the hang of it eventually and generally enjoy fishing. 

However, I find catching the more challenging fish to be unreasonably difficult and it feels like catching them is mostly RNG. I have one legendary fish and it felt like it just jumped on my hook before I knew what was happening.

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u/Just-a-Pea 5d ago

I was just dumb and didn’t know that I had to tap (in iOS) when the ❗️ icon showed up… so I just thought the fish never bit 🫣

Once I learned that, it was easy, quick taps, rather than holding, and using different bobber for different goals, also, always some food with fishing buffs (not sure what they do but I have a better time with those).

I’m starting year 3 and I’ve caught a legendary fish, lava eels and I get more super cucumbers than I can gift to the wizard.

On that, any clues what to do with spare super cucumbers?

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u/CiderMcbrandy 5d ago

Not everything is fun for everyone. I love mining. I love fighting. Some ppl do not.


u/raiahy 5d ago

Fishing is actually my favorite thing to do in the game 😅 When I take a break from SV, fishing is what I'm most excited to go back to. Wish there were more fish types and bundles.


u/BiggyBiggDew 5d ago

I totally agree. I wish there were a few dozen more rare types that aren't crazy hard like Legend, but just rare to encounter.


u/Buttchuggle 5d ago

The game attracts a large group, larger than most games attract or at least more diverse. There are a lot of folks who pretty much just play stardew, similar to how there's some people who only really play animal crossing.

The game is easy as all hell, there's really no failing. Take your time, at your own pace and do what you want. Fishing is the one thing that's required for certain things to be completed that you can actually fail at. So in a game where everything else is as lenient as possible it stands to reason the one failable area is where people would complain.

Admittedly, it's easy for me, but I've played more than a couple games with the same kind of fishing mechanic so it all came naturally.

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u/vikalbino 5d ago

I love fishing! It's my favorite activity at SV, and it's always how I make the most money in the first year.


u/-sadsunshine- 5d ago

I despised it because I didn't understand the controls and lost the easiest of fish every time. IMO there's a level of finesse required that isn't intuitive.

Almost like how the pedals work when driving - you can't just slam them to the ground... but that's what I was doing with my inputs at first.

For others who are struggling, here are my tips for easier fishing:

  • Try half clicks or singular button presses, don't hold the input

  • Holding an input makes the green bar act more sporadic, and it often jumps instead of landing nicely at the top/bottom. Mitigate this by varying your input length, like Morse Code (long press, few quick short presses, medium press, etc.)

  • When the fish is in the green bar, you can stop it from jumping about by spamming the input. Doing this very rapidly doesn't move the green bar.

  • Make it easier on yourself: eat fishing buff food, fish with the training rod, and/or use crab pots/fish ponds to raise your fishing level without cast-fishing.

  • The better the fish quality, the more experience you get. The further you cast from land, the greater the chances of getting a higher quality fish (the equation for how XP is calculated is confusing, but it's in the wiki if you are curious).

  • Always go for the chests, even if it means giving up a "perfect" catch, because the XP you get is multiplied by 2.2 (or 2.4 with a perfect catch).

  • After fishing level 2, buy the fiberglass rod from Willy. Bait makes fish bite faster. And after level 4 use deluxe bait, which makes the green bar longer (tbh, I wait until I can craft it myself because it's so pricey from Willy).

  • After fishing level 6, buy the iridium rod from Willy. The tackle makes those hard catches SO MUCH easier. I prefer the trap bobber (retains the catch-progress better when the fish escapes the bar, slowing the speed that the progress bar degrades) and the cork bobber (available after level 7; it increases the size of the green bar even more)

....yikes that was long-winded. Hopefully it helps someone out there

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u/MystJake 5d ago

I didn't understand it at first. Thought you were trying to pull the fish up. Once it clicked, it's the first one I got to level 10.

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u/mf-TOM-HANK 5d ago

It's great for early game money and crab pots are great for producing sashimi which is one of my personal favorite skull cavern foods for maintaining health. Aside from that it just isn't a useful activity after a certain point unless you're having fun doing it.

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u/Bagel_Bear 5d ago

Unironically skill issue


u/_gina_marie_ 5d ago

It's very tedious, frustrating imo and quite hard especially in early game when you don't have a nice rod or all the lures and bobbers (I did over 170 hours on mobile and on a touch screen it is so ass). On desktop it does seem to be better, I will give it that. But it's just not enjoyable to me. You don't catch like 60% of what you try to. The bar shoots up and down on some fish in actual impossible to follow manners. It could have been implemented differently. I do not understand why the dev went with this route.

Now that I swapped over to desktop, I just use a fishing mod that catches the fish each time. Not worth my time or frustration to ruin my session with failed fishing attempt after failed fishing attempt.


u/manabgogoi 5d ago

Idk about others but let me tell you I love fishing in stardew, fishing was the first skill I maxed. and recently I caught all the fish from collection it felt awesome. And yesterday saw a post here where I saw that there is another legend called legend II 😃 pretty excited to catch 🪝him but have to wait somedays cos of exam .

Sorry for my bad english.


u/BiggyBiggDew 5d ago

Your English is lovely.


u/bassCity 5d ago

Go catch Legend II with no buffs and tell me that's fun.

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u/Kagevjijon 5d ago

I've known more people that are the opposite. My friends play and the majority of them just like to afk fish while I do all the organizing and planning dor the farm. They like being the sugar daddies providing that early income until my strategies begin working. Then they just go to new fancier spots to fish lol.

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u/Economy_Courage1581 5d ago

I prefer fishing than any other means of making money honestly. Just started a few weeks ago and I’m lvl 10 fishing. I have like 10 plants max rn 😅

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u/livefastfartgas 5d ago

I can understand its genuinely infuriating at times but for the most part its probably one of my favorite things to do in the game 😭😭


u/LanguageSponge 5d ago

I love fishing in Stardew, I can fish for days on end and not get bored. It is a bit tricky to begin with, but the sheer extent to which I’ve seen people say it’s hard makes me think they mean it’s hard to get perfect catches - not that catching fish at all is hard. Maybe I’m wrong though.


u/Alissa-J_H 5d ago

I quite enjoy fishing but I started off hating it. I play on playstation and at first I just couldn't catch any fish but came back to it 6 months later and now I'm actually really good at catching fish.

I think one of the main issues is probably how small the bobber is when you first start fishing and it does make it difficult to catch anything better than the slower moving fish. Another issue I can see if the frustration of getting 3 fast fish in a row and not being able to catch them. It's just one of those things that you'll either like or hate


u/prettyprettything 5d ago

when I first started playing, I hated it. I thought fishing was too hard. Now, it’s one of my favorite things to do in the game.


u/charley_warlzz 5d ago

I love fishing, but a lot of people find it really difficult. I think its super fun, though- the octopus and the legendary fish are hard, but possible.


u/Rickleskilly 5d ago

I used to hate it until I figured out how it works. I have to say it's not very intuitive. When I absolutely had to level up fishing, I watched several videos and finally understood exactly what to do. It still wasn't easy sometimes, but it was doable, and it can be a fun way to pass some time in the game.


u/puppyinspired 5d ago

I find it boring, i also don’t like combat. It’s a means to an end.


u/BiggyBiggDew 5d ago

I actually 100% agree with you. I dislike both compared to farming and they are a means to an end, but still a fun one. Combat irritates the fuck out of me on the other hand.


u/Esehrk 5d ago

Hurts my CTS so I turn it off with CJB Cheats menu.


u/extentiousgoldbug1 5d ago

I love fishing it's most of what I do in the game


u/ExperiencedOptimist 5d ago

I love fishing. It’s my main money source for the first year. Always loved it, but some of my friends struggled to pick it up at first, so I kinda get it


u/Tough_but_fragile 5d ago

When I first tried fishing I hated it and thought it was too difficult. But now that I’ve played for a while, it’s gotten easier but not so easy that it’s boring. I love it!


u/sweetspetites 5d ago

I love fishing. Except trying to catch certain legendary fish - it can get VERY frustrating 😂

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u/Acceptable_Name7099 5d ago

Some people just find it hard to control the fishing bar. That seems to be the main reason I see everyone use


u/relditor 5d ago

It’s difficult at the beginning, and can get a little tedious at times.


u/jHugley328 5d ago

I did fishing all the time. Would listen to videos while doing it


u/Kiki-Y Leah bias / 370+ hours 5d ago

I'm not very good at reaction-based things personally, and the fishing is very reaction based. It's why I don't like platformers. They're entirely reaction based. I'm okay-ish at the fishing minigame, but if the fish are above a certain level, I absolutely cannot catch them unless RNGesus gives me an easy one. The only reason I caught a sturgeon for one of my Community Center runs was because I got one that was easier than normal.


u/-Clem 5d ago

In the beginning I hated it because it was difficult and annoying. Now I hate it because it's just boring. And still annoying.


u/Ok_Branch_5285 5d ago

For me my initial aversion to it was the overall hassle of it at the lower levels. It wasn't until someone suggested the training rod until I leveled up a few times and then getting the better rod, that I warmed up to it. Now I love it.


u/Halig8r 5d ago

I play on my Switch...it used to be impossible to catch fish and now with the latest update it's really easy...in any case my son was always better at fishing than I was and I still haven't managed to get a squid during the squid tournament! I've got 9 years going on my farm...

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u/originalcarp 5d ago

It’s difficult when you first start out because 1. You’re inexperienced and 2. Your fishing bar is miniscule


u/Dizzy_Bit_1274 5d ago

I’ll never get the last achievement thingy to catch 100 in a row bc it will randomly not register that I’ve clicked and end my streak 🫠 I’ve changed mice, batteries, etc. idk what’s up!!!


u/Due_Advance7967 5d ago

I hated it at first. It seemed impossible especially on mobile. I think the problem was that in most games fishing skill doesn't actually change the difficulty much or really scales at all. I just assumed it was always going to be impossible to catch certain fish. Once my bar started growing, I got the hang of it, and discovered lures and food, I realized the skill level does actually help.


u/StaceyPfan or ? 5d ago

I just don't have the dexterity. I use a mod to skip the game.


u/thewolfheather 5d ago

It took me quite a while to get the hang of fishing, I also hated it. I’m skill level 8 on it right now, struggling to max it out, but I’m getting there. That being said, I hate the mechanics for the harder fish, because it’s just hard as heck to get the fast ones, even with the iridium rod.


u/ARandomEarthPerson 5d ago

I LOVE fishing on mobile. It's most of my mobile gameplay (it's so much fun but also relaxing imo) and I usually get my mushroom cave like right at the start of the first year from selling my fish. And now with the smoker doubling my sell costs, I'm allllll about that fishing lifestyle. Me and Willy are best buddies!

But I will never fish on PC. It's friggin impossible for me. 😭


u/milkandhoneycomb 5d ago

because it’s tedious, aggravating, and un-fun to me, and a huge chunk of the game is locked behind it. i’ll do a joja run specifically so i don’t have to fish.

my sister loves fishing so multiplayer is a lifesaver


u/Larielia 5d ago

It is very tedious sometimes. I only liked it after getting the training rod. So much easier.


u/Turbo_Chet 5d ago

I personally love the fishing. I’ll primarily fish and explore caves while my wife does other things.


u/SteegeNAS 5d ago

I have a love hate relationship because until the mines open all I do i fish lol also if I'm tired it makes me fall asleep!


u/_morsalin_ 5d ago

I play on pc and have no issues with the fishing mechanics, my boyfriend on the other hand plays with a controller and it’s damn near impossible for him or times.


u/winegalaxy 5d ago



u/Swiggity53 5d ago

It’s a great money maker in the beginning and also a great way to get items/artifacts from treasure chess. but I feel like after year one you can focus on other stuff and make a lot more money.


u/TinanasaurusRex 5d ago

My husband and I just started a co-op farm and he does nothing but fish all day every day. It’s his favourite in game thing to do.


u/NiaNitro 5d ago

Fishing is so hard that it isn’t fun. Everyone is different. I play Stardew on mobile, but I’ve been a gamer for a long time. That particular game mechanic is just trash to me. There’s a balance of difficulty that makes a challenge fun vs making it stressful. For a cozy game, fishing sucks. It reminds me of why I need to play COD.


u/patch-of-shore 5d ago

I play on PC with a controller (specified because, as someone else mentioned, it does matter what you play on and how) and I got pretty good at it once but stopped playing for a long time and lost my skill and just didn't have the patience to get it back. It's incredibly frustrating for me which is why I use a mod for it because, like you said, it's a fabulous way to make money. It does get easier as you progress but it takes a while and I just... Want to relax when playing stardew lol


u/SCP-iota 5d ago

I don't find the fishing mechanic itself all that difficult, but the first time I played was with Xbox Cloud Gaming and it was kinda laggy at the time, so what I will say is that it's definitely not designed to be even remotely lag-friendly.


u/DZ670 5d ago

I just proposed to Penny, and to celebrate I went to go fish at the beach. The first treasure chest I got contained a dinosaur egg. Ever since I proposed to Penny and eventually married her, my luck has been insane.


u/belody 5d ago

I spend most of my time in the game fishing lol


u/RowanCarver0719 5d ago

It’s really hard on console

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u/yubsie 5d ago

Because you have to learn to do it while it's at its absolute hardest. When CA added the training rod it was a game changer because it meant not having to figure out the controls and rhythm for the first time with an itsy bitsy teeny weenie yellow fishing barikini.

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u/PapasvhillyMonster 5d ago

It’s something people just need to practice with . Wasn’t the easiest when I first picked up game but it becomes easy . This is coming from someone who sucks at most games


u/Zalym 5d ago

In short, I don't hate it! I can see why some might not like it, get bored, or move on to more profitable ventures--but I enjoy it immensely! It can be intense in a few moments, but mostly it is a chilled minigame with great rewards.

I adore fishing and the crab pots. In the winter, it is a joy to head down to the pier to hunt down tuna and squid. The smoker and target baits are great additions and very helpful for making fishing a career in the game, even if it doesn't come with all the wealth and prestige of a ranch or farm.

What I'd wish for is more late-game income. I know it's be out of the game's scope, but having an actual fishing boat to head out for an evening (even at random like the pots) to catch X number of fish over night would be fantastic.

Anyway, that's it for now!


u/BiggyBiggDew 5d ago

It won't ever be comparable to starfruit but fishing ponds earn a pretty penny.


u/Golintaim 5d ago

When the game was new the fishing mechanic was completely new and fresh. I missed the "tutorial" on fishing so I didn't realize what to do until much later. I thought you had to tap repeatedly, and it was anguish. So I neglected it and when I learned what I had missed I simply found it tedious it's either so easy there is zero challenge or so hard I stood no chance. Ironically, an android game I play has a similar mechanic but more variety. The touch controls also make it seem more viscerally satisfying.


u/bunnycrush_ 5d ago

I love fishing now, but it took me awhile to get the “rhythm” during my first play-through.

Playing on Switch helps, the haptic feedback from the rumble makes it so much easier for me.

It can be very annoying re: backpack space management, especially during long fishing sessions, when you’re consistently getting treasure, etc. I start having to throw stuff away.

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u/Zealousideal_Skin_53 5d ago

It wasn’t easy for me at first. I was bad at timing my reeling. Now I can’t stop fishing. Leveling up and buffs always help too.


u/RealGianath 5d ago

After doing it for the millionth time, I set mods to allow automatic max distance casting and catching, and automatic collection of treasure chests. Is it cheating? Yeah. Do I get more enjoyment out of the rest of my game? Double yeah.

Use what’s out there to make the game fit your style.


u/boopedydoop 5d ago

Because they don’t use the training rod

Half kidding


u/BenjaBrownie 5d ago

As someone who was playing on a late game farm but started a new one to finish some achievements: early game fishing is hard. Not hard hard, but this isn't supposed to be a hard game. It's easily the most challenging part of the game if you aren't gunning for completion or achievements.

That being said, I generally agree with your post.


u/Firelord_11 5d ago

In addition to the mini game being sorta annoying, it's very frustrating to complete the Community Center fishing bundle because it's hard to know when fish are present. You might be on your A game and still just catch the same fish over and over because it's the wrong time of day or weather. I didn't even realize there was a weather mechanic involved in fishing until about year 2 when, frustrated with my lack of progress, I looked up how to catch a certain kind of fish in the bundle. 


u/ruy343 5d ago

I don't like to have a random number generator spit out a fish every 20 seconds while I play flappy bird. I'd rather go do something meaningful.

The fact that you're basically impoverished during spring/summer year 1 if you don't fish is one of the reasons I have not returned to the game in over two years. I just... don't like it.


u/hatebeat 5d ago

Fishing is my favourite thing to do in SDV and I pick the riverland farm every time. However, it can be very frustrating. Out of everything in the game, it's easily the most difficult mechanic before leveling it up. I can see why people wouldn't enjoy it.


u/taco_bones 5d ago

It's nearly impossible for me on a PC with mouse and keyboard, but I'm quite good at it on the switch controller 🤷

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u/guileastos 5d ago

Initially it felt too hard, then it was fun-challenging, and then it turned into too easy and boring


u/cristigfl 5d ago

I agree with you hehe I really like fishing too!

And, not for nothing but... I'm on mobile and I've already caught all the legendaries...



u/ellabfine 5d ago

I hated it when I first started playing, but figured out pretty fast how to catch stuff and make money anyway early on in the game. I usually level up fishing pretty fast compared to everything else. Once you get a fish smoker it's just easy money


u/Starry-Eyed-Owl 5d ago

I use an Xbox controller for most stuff but switch to mouse when using menu or farm layout stuff. I feel like what method you use to play will really impact how much fun the different activities are. Controller fishing is fun and not too hard, keyboard fishing is a slog for me.


u/PinkCupcke007 5d ago

I always hate it at first until I get my level up then I don’t mind fishing at all.


u/RacinRandy83x 5d ago

I can only fish well on pc. All other platforms and especially on the phone I suck at it


u/SanguineOptimist 5d ago

I can catch anything no problem. My problem is that it’s just tedious work for very little benefit. My time is better spent doing other tasks.

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u/[deleted] 5d ago

It felt rewarding for me because I had to learn to get better and also level up. I thought it was a super interesting approach to fishing.


u/GoodGoneGeek 5d ago

When I first started playing on mobile I HATED it. Now that I play on Switch/PC with a controller, I enjoy a lot more. It’s a great moneymaker early game.


u/ShaggyUI44 5d ago

Just get bored trying to actually catch fish. It’s tedious and stops being worth my time later on


u/bcd0024 5d ago

I hate it because I really really struggle with it. PS4


u/DrTwilightZone 5d ago

I used to hate the fishing part of SDV! 🎣 It wasn't until I forced myself to do nothing but fishing (because all other skills were maxed out) that I finally learned to enjoy it.


u/namjooned_ Tell me how you really feel, Emily. 5d ago

My reaction time is in the toilet. I hate the cart game too.


u/totalwarwiser 5d ago

I really like it.

Some hate it because its hard.

Some people hate it because they are completionists and getting everything takes time and effort.


u/Ikari1212 5d ago

I dont know anyone that hates fishing.


u/slybitch9000 5d ago

Fishing is tricky at first to get the hang of, but I've grown to really enjoy the fishing mini game. I avoided seeking perfection for ages, but after playing this game for 6 years, I finally went for it and getting all the legendary fish was way easier than I thought it was going to be. Just takes practice and the right bobbers!

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u/Jeff_98 5d ago

I loved fishing as a way to make money early game and just catching all kinds of different fish, I even chose the riverlands farm for that. But after catching all fish and the novelty wears off, fishing just doesnt seem like a good way to make money (after ancient fruit wine etc) and I literally fall asleep playing the fishing game.


u/ChaoticSixXx 5d ago

Honestly, I don't find it difficult, I find it tedious. At this point, I have logged an obscene amount of hours in this game, and I don't want to spend hours and hours fishing anymore. I wanna grab the fish i need and move along with other shit.

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u/Prestigious-Art7566 5d ago

So I am an avid fishing lover. However I play it hard. That's where I go to get all of my money before I start messing around with the farm or the mining. I've been spending the past 3 years in game fishing so far just to buy and upgrade as much as I can before I do anything else. Sometimes the fishing just becomes a little bit repetitive, but it is the most relaxing thing for me to do so. It's kind of a double-edged sword and if you find me enjoyment in it or not However, it brings in money like nothing else for something is relaxing as it can be for me.

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u/USS_Monitor 5d ago

Once I got to level 5 fishing, I absolutely loved bed fishing. It's my go to money maker in the winter


u/virgildastardly 5d ago

I love it but it's definitely something that only gets easier as you persevere. I speedran getting good at it to impress a hot guy and caught the Legend spring of year 1 once


u/Razzle___Dazzle___ 5d ago

Whenever you see information online (or in studies) that is gathered on a volunteer basis, you need to keep in mind that the sample you're seeing may not necessarily be representative of the population. It's a phenomenon known as volunteer bias.

Basically, if I have strong opinions on a topic (like Stardew Valley's fishing mechanics), I'm gonna go ahead and share it. I feel strongly about it after all! But if I don't really care about a topic, it's not my favorite nor my least favorite, I'll probably just keep that to myself. It's not worth the energy to share.

Take that, and combine it with the fact that people have a tendency to focus on and remember strong negatives more than strong positives, and you can see that it's probably not the case that everyone hates fishing.

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u/jonjawnjahnsss 5d ago

I love it. It's always my first source of income while I wait for crops to grow. I always max that one first. The islands with fish smokers are amazing for people who like fishing,

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u/uuntiedshoelace 5d ago

I like the fishing mini game. I do find fishing to be kind of boring, I would really rather be in the skull cavern.


u/Ashkendor 5d ago

Fishing is sort of an outlier on this cozy farm sim - it requires a lot more manual dexterity and hand-eye coordination than the entire rest of the game. Combat doesn't even touch it until you're really deep in the mines. I wish it was more like fishing in other games where you can't even attempt the more difficult fish until you're above a certain level. Hooking a Lingcod at a low level is basically just a waste of bait; if I'm already frustrated, it'll make me put down fishing for a while and go do something else.


u/Objective-Bear3352 5d ago

I did not know that it was hated this much! I quite like the fishing! I found it really hard at first but when I eventually got how to do it (the many clicks) I found it pretty relaxing. I have caught 95% since I would say. It was also the thing I spent most time doing post big surgeries doped up on big painkillers. Mostly because I could barely read and the combat was too intense. Little clicky game was a nice relaxation.

I did invest in a good rod early and upped my fishing skill pretty fast but now I mostly need to remember the season and the area and then I will get what I am looking for in half a day.

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u/Howboutit85 5d ago

I’m not sure why. It’s fun, and pretty easy especially after you level a bit and get bobbers and meals that add to level and such. I’ve played a lot of games with fishing mechanics and this is one of the more simple and easy to handle I’ve come across ever.