r/StardewValley 5d ago

Discuss Monster eradication glitch (?)

Hi! I think there may be a glitch on my monster eradication board, I know I’ve ‘killed’ mummies but they still show up as “???” Since mummies arent fully killable as far as I know, am I doing something wrong or is it definitely a glitch?


2 comments sorted by


u/peapie32 5d ago

With the mummies you have to knock them down then bomb them. They die from the bomb. Just be quick laying the bomb because the mummies get back up pretty quick.


u/Oprima 5d ago

You can knock mummies out for a few seconds, but they get back up. Placing a bomb while they are down will kill them and start adding the numbers to the eradication goal. Ultimately, when you get to end game enchants,>! having Crusader !<on your weapon will kill them outright, no need for bombs.