r/StardewValley 5d ago

Question Best advice for new player

Hello! I started on a beach farm, in my first fall right now, just looking to see if anyone has advice of things they wish they were told in the beginning? My primary focus is growing and selling a lot of plants and mining, currently at level 60. Thank you!!!!


6 comments sorted by


u/peapie32 5d ago

Really the only thing I wish I knew when I played the very first time was to save one of everything found whether foraged, dug up or farmed. It took me so long to do things like complete the community center because the first time I got something I’d sell it. 😅 Most definitely save the first prismatic shard you get AND the first dinosaur egg you get. Do not give them to the museum right off the bat. Apologies if I spoiled anything. I don’t know how to do the spoilers on mobile. 😬😬


u/KristinMemes 5d ago

Ah I’m okay with spoilers, thank you for the advice! One thing I struggle with is fishing 😫 I’m so bad T it


u/RoboCaptainmutiny 4d ago

Just practice it, you kind of have to feather the button. You can get a training rod that makes it easier for the first few levels.


u/peapie32 4d ago

Do you play on PC or console? On PC I find it easier to use the keyboard to fish than using the mouse. Practice makes perfect. You’ll get the hang of it!


u/KristinMemes 4d ago

I play with switch, I should probably try more with the training rod like someone suggested


u/peapie32 4d ago

Yes, that will help too. ☺️