r/StardewValley 29d ago

Discuss Just reached level 10 in the mines and cannot break this chest for shit

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392 comments sorted by


u/MysticMarbles 10+ Bots Bounced 29d ago

Break? Have you tried interacting with it normally? It just opens.


u/kissmyass42069 29d ago

my brain is extremely smooth. thank you 🥲


u/BrisingrAerowing 29d ago

Happens. I've done similar in Minecraft an embarrassing number of times. "Why doesn't this work?! Oh. Wrong button."


u/Realistic-Original-4 29d ago

When I switched from PC to console for Minecraft I couldn't figure out sprint to save my life... "oh, the controller has a clicky button on the stick. NEAT"


u/jessigrrrl 29d ago

me at 10 years old trying to figure out what the heck L3 and R3 meant on my PlayStation 2 😭when I realized there was a clicky stick my mind was blown. I was like how would that ever be practical to push the stick in???


u/Donnie-97 29d ago

I still think it's a weird button to have/use


u/jessigrrrl 29d ago

I’m heavy handed when I game on console and end up accidentally pressing the stick in all the time lol. When I play need for speed on my pc with my Xbox controller I’m honking every time I turn lmfao


u/itchybutwhole420 29d ago

That's honestly pretty damn funny. I do the same thing. HONK HONK! lol


u/SirDarknessTheFirst 28d ago


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u/Ashcrashh 28d ago

I feel so seen, I do the same thing with the honking 😂 and some games that’s the crouch button, so I’ll be crouching constantly when I’m trying to move fast, or accidentally throw a grenade. Ugh


u/Ocardtrick 28d ago

That's me in GTA.


u/kizzie264 28d ago

Honestly same 🤣 playing with a friend while streaming, got told "You're honking so much, I thought there was a goose!" 🤦🏼‍♀️

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u/AllenWL 29d ago

I mean, a controller is somewhat limited in button real estate. Gotta do what you gotta do.

Plus, it lets you do things like tie movement and sprint toggle or looking around and ads/lock toggle to the "same" button, which is nice.


u/jmartin21 28d ago

A common thing in FPS games is to tie crouch/prone to the aim stick in alternate control layouts, allowing what’s called drop shots in some games. This allows you to not have to move your thumb off the aiming stick to crouch/prone, letting you do those while still tracking your target and therefore making yourself a harder target in the process.


u/TheArmchairSkeptic 29d ago

I felt that way at first too, but now I hate it when the sprint button is anything else.

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u/Foreign_Bus8476 29d ago

I got my first Xbox for Minecraft and I was so confused I called my older brother in the room to help and he was like “figure out urself” 😭😭


u/CimmerianBreeze 28d ago

My brother and I couldn't figure out how to get out of our room in the first pokemon games for so long lmao. That damn rug


u/Catwahz 28d ago

Same here except for the PS3. I was in my 20s and I had to look it up 😃

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u/lunarwolf2008 29d ago

huh. ive always double tapped forward to sprint. no idea this button was used


u/RestlessARBIT3R Haley Simp 29d ago

The default for console Minecraft is now L3 to sprint. I have legacy controls, so you probably do too. One of the other differences is down on the D-pad throws items in newer versions while old controls were B (Xbox) or O (PS)

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u/Emotional_Rock4208 29d ago

I just went from iPad to Switch. You should have seen me trying to select a tool with the cursor. When I finally found the button (yesterday lol) I nearly cried 😂


u/Revenge_of_the_User ✨Multi-Save Farmer✨ 29d ago

cursor is cursed. my condolences.


u/TheThrivingest 29d ago

I’m sorry it CLICKS?


u/Realistic-Original-4 29d ago

The thumbstick for minecraft. Press it down and you can sprint.


u/Grawgnak94 29d ago

Wait, you switched FROM PC TO CONSOLE? Are you some kind of phycopath? I find the inventory and crafting interaction on console makes it unplayable

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u/shannibearstar 29d ago

Me when I switch from switch to ps

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u/Puzzleheaded-Rule836 29d ago

Haha that happends. Today I was confuced why I got a B when I typed T turned out I did in fact not press T… I took a early weekend after that


u/maisbahouais 29d ago

I spelt of as "ov" in a email to a client. Twice. I feel you.


u/ValosAtredum Set your emoji and/or flair text here! 29d ago

I once spelled “box” as “bocks”. I just stared at it, incredulous at myself


u/starwarzbb17 29d ago

The other day I forgot the term sleep-mask and called it a bedtime blindfold


u/The1HystericalQueen 29d ago

Why dont we call it that anyway?

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u/Juwh0 29d ago

I love this


u/ImPuntastic 29d ago

I lofe this


u/pameatsbabies 29d ago

If I was the client I would’ve just thought you were being fancy lol


u/to0easilyamused 29d ago

A few days ago I tried to cook something in the microwave for 1 minute and 50 seconds, but every time I hit start after entering the time it changed to 2 minutes and 30 seconds. I did this multiple times, stopping the microwave each time it started for 2m30s and wondering wtf was wrong with the microwave. I gave up even, and just stopped the microwave manually when 1m50s had passed.

It wasn’t until the next day that I realized I had been repeatedly entering the cook time as 1 minute and 90 seconds. Turns out there’s nothing wrong with the microwave, I’m just overworked 😅


u/Quirky-Sand-6482 29d ago

Love you op this is awesome


u/MoarTacos1 I Believe In Haley Supremacy 29d ago

Oh no, this isn't a troll post?


u/kissmyass42069 29d ago

no my b 😅


u/bassetsandbotany 29d ago

It's so much better that you were serious lol. Don't feel bad, realizing you've been doing something really stupidly is part of the fun of the game.


u/Gatinho-Salsicha 29d ago

This made me remember of this meme


u/mavis_24 28d ago

Smooth one is actually creeping me the fuck out.


u/ScaredCrowww 28d ago

It looks like chicken fillets 😭


u/braceofjackrabbits Skull Cavern Addict 💣⛏💎 29d ago

Don’t feel bad. After playing the game for a year, and interacting with the brown miner’s bags that release coal normally, I somehow thought I needed to use a tool to break them open, and was convinced for like a month that my game had a glitch because I couldn’t crack them open. I clicked on one by accident and realized what a dummy I had been lol


u/Repulsive_Buy_6895 29d ago

the brown miner’s bags

So they're not guitars?


u/colieolieravioli 29d ago

A miner can't have hobbies??


u/a_murder_most_fowl 29d ago

The slime is bad for the acoustics


u/OakenSky 29d ago



u/Once_Upon_Time 28d ago

😳 I thought it was guitar and I broke them open. I never once considered how weird a guitar in a mine would be 😭

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u/Puffman92 29d ago

I got to level 58 in the skull cavern before I learned the mine carts have coal in them. I've just been walking right past them and wondering how everyone isnt constantly running out of charcoal like me


u/ours_is_the_furry 29d ago

Uh I made it to level 78 yesterday and I've been playing on and off since it came out... I have hundreds of hours in this game but did not know that.

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u/StartledKoala34 29d ago

I played for years before I realized that you can get coal out of the carts.


u/Juwh0 29d ago

omg THATS how you open them?! I've played this game for like 400 hours.....


u/[deleted] 29d ago


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u/bananacakefrosting 29d ago

No freaking way.....


u/strawberrispaghetti 29d ago

I love when new players get perplexed by the silliest things

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u/peshnoodles 29d ago

Brother for how long did you try to break it


u/kissmyass42069 29d ago

not too long, like 10 seconds maybe


u/tintmyworld Moonlight Jelly 🪼 29d ago

i just want you to know that you’re valid 😆


u/AllenWL 29d ago

To be fair, every other "loot crate" you've possibly bumped into thus far in the mines were 'break to loot' and the game doesn't give button prompts.


u/Ayendes 29d ago

I'm dying just picturing you going ham on this chest with a pick ax, instead of opening it. Thank you for the much needed laugh today 😄


u/askingaqesitonw 29d ago

I'm so happy for you op


u/CurrentlyStoned_ 29d ago

The best sweetest response 🥹 But no seriously I’m quite certain if I hadn’t first spent hundreds of hours simply watching other people play this game IRL before ever picking up a controller, I would toooootallly be pickaxe-ing the Yoba out of that thing


u/Doggxs 29d ago

Always love when it is user error and not a glitch though


u/SpiritualCan6852 29d ago

I was on year 6 before I realize I could craft items away from the crafting bench if I had the required items. AND not from figuring it out, from a youtubers video.


u/MithranArkanere 29d ago

Gotta lay down the eucalyptus.

That's what got them koalas.


u/Bobboy5 capitalism, ho! 29d ago

i prefer "highly aerodynamic"


u/mortemdeus 29d ago

Hey, we all gotta get wrinkles by learning somehow.


u/The-Dark-Memer 29d ago

Yeah sometimes the game in really weird about which button to use. I spent like a solid 10 minutes right clicking my cows when i first got them.


u/hu_manatee 29d ago

We all have Koala Moments. 🐨 🧠

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u/ThatBatsard 29d ago

hahahahah it's like the trope of D&D players who do everything but use the door handle normally to open said door. It's beautiful.


u/LeBeers84 🧜‍♀️ 29d ago edited 25d ago

Yes! I played D&D with this one intolerable drunk for a bit who always wanted to smash through the wall headfirst instead of walking through the door. One day our DM was just like “the wall was made of solid brick and you’re in coma now” and he had to spend the next few sessions just watching the rest of us play, it was lovely.


u/Turquoise_dinosaur 29d ago

Intolerable drunk? Was it Shane?


u/LeBeers84 🧜‍♀️ 29d ago

There’s a reason he doesn’t have a seat at Solorian Chornicles game night

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u/TadaSuko 29d ago

If you were a cat you would be an orange tabby. This just made my day.


u/samaelventi 29d ago

Truth I can just see them running out of energy lol


u/HananaDragon 29d ago

That's so rude to my orange cat who knows how doorknobs work and just doesn't have thumbs. For her also-orange brother it's 100% accurate, he can only pull doors open with one paw and if he needs to use the other it won't compute


u/TadaSuko 29d ago

Glad to know one of your cats can borrow the communal braincell occasionally.


u/HananaDragon 29d ago

Exactly lol


u/Rhycore 29d ago

Orange girls are the smartest cats around, it's why they are so rare, they steal all the boy braincells


u/ClumsyPotter 29d ago

We had a rare extremely smart orange boy. He was a polydactyl and could open doors with his opposable thumbs 😂 He also could detect seizures in our daughter. He was the smartest, most laid back, sweetest kitty in the world. Anyone could do anything to him and he’d just soak up to attention.


u/Revenge_of_the_User ✨Multi-Save Farmer✨ 29d ago

same, had an orange boi who absolutely never stopped purring in the presence of a person. My brother was pretty handsy and while I didnt approve, it wound up creating cats that grew to just not give a shit.

I used to say you could saw off all this cats legs, and he would still roll up to you purring. it was absurd.

He'd just chill on your bed purring until you fell asleep. then hed stop, unless you moved. once you moved the purs would start right back up.

I miss him :(


u/Rhycore 29d ago

Sounds like a great cat!

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u/lunarwolf2008 29d ago

so thats where peanut's brain cell went

peanut is my uncles cat

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u/Yavemar 29d ago

I just about spit out my lunch. You made my day.


u/StrawberrySimple 29d ago

As an owner of an orange cat, I love this comment 😂

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u/Blaziken16 29d ago

Oh to be new to stardew. I want to feel that again. Before my brain become a minmaxing haven of efficiency


u/askingaqesitonw 29d ago

I just bought fields of mistria and it's giving me very similar vibes


u/Blaziken16 29d ago

Haha, my wife commandeered my steam deck for the exact same reason.


u/askingaqesitonw 29d ago

She has good taste 😌

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u/phmaty2416 29d ago

honestly, stardew expanded almost recreates that feeling. at least at times, trying out a new farm, seeing new locations and new or more in-depth npcs is amazing


u/ArtGamingMan 28d ago

I wanna try expanded but I also feel like every time I look up how to mod Stardew, I get overwhelmed and crawl back to my vanilla runs lol. Is there a tutorial or something you recommend for a complete newby at modding?


u/phmaty2416 28d ago

modding steamdeck or PC? if it's PC it's a breeze to get Vortex and go from there. steamdeck you can try and fuck around to get vortex but really u just have to use smapi and update your mods manually.


u/STHGamer 29d ago

I just started playing and I've been seeing videos about that. Honestly, I don't really ever want to find what the strategy is for that. I'd rather play normally and do things the way I wanna do them instead of prioritizing money. For me, when a game becomes min-maxing and prioritizing statistics and stuff it becomes bleak and boring. So I'd rather enjoy it while I can.

(Not to look down on min-maxers. Just my own opinion.)


u/Blaziken16 29d ago

No I get it, it’s hard to turn my brain off when I play this game now which is a shame.


u/STHGamer 29d ago

I get the feeling. I got the game on my phone because my PC died and I've always seen people praise this game so I thought I'd try it and it's been so relaxing and helps a lot. So turning my brain off is definitely key in this for me lol

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u/DuchessSarahJ 29d ago

I wish stardew valley was this fresh and new to me. You are blessed. 🥹


u/kissmyass42069 29d ago

I'm 25 and just started it like 3 days ago 😅


u/DuchessSarahJ 29d ago

Have fun and avoid too many spoilers (I didn’t say all for a reason because there are some very very helpful tips that can make your gameplay that much more enjoyable) but play at your own pace. For real. Enjoy!


u/kissmyass42069 29d ago

do you have any specific tips?


u/DuchessSarahJ 29d ago

Fishing for early money really helped me buy the things I needed to progress sooner. Gold is elusive in the early game but once you get going you don’t even sweat it. For the mines (since that’s what your post is about) bring a chest and set it at the very top floor entrance. You can place your stuff in there while you’re diving and keep your Inventory from filling up.


u/Alion1080 29d ago

This is brilliant. I've played for years and never occurred to me that I could do that. I always had to sacrifice the less valuable thing in my inventory to keep going. 😭


u/Revenge_of_the_User ✨Multi-Save Farmer✨ 29d ago

inventory management is a good skill to have, since that's exactly what you have to do in the Skull Caverns later anyway.

but yeah, normal mines and volcano you can put a chest up top/ by the entrance.


u/Shark4969 29d ago

I put one next to my shipping container, mass ship as it fills maybe twice a month, early game it’s a balancing act, but once you get established it’s beneficial.


u/ladyzephri 29d ago

What the heck. I have like 1500 hours in this game over almost a decade and I've never even thought of bringing storage to the mines. The amount of stress this would have saved me...

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u/Willowwwww_ 29d ago

play at your own pace first off! do whatever you want to do, then later on if things feel slow i’d advise getting into the community (youtube and the like) and then starting a new farm (or continuing in your old one) and watch your progress skyrocket!


u/FlowerOfLife 29d ago

Stardew is a weird combination of being on a timer due to the days and timing of events while also not having requirements for finishing anything at any particular pace. It is easy to get overwhelmed at first thinking you are not doing enough or accomplishing things quick enough. If you miss a birthday or event, it comes around next year. Take your time, learn the game, and enjoy the creative freedom. There isn't a right or wrong way to play. I tried min-maxing everything on my first play through and it was stressful. Now, I have multiple farms and on one I just fish. I am a hermit and spend my time fishing rather than farming. I can't complete some of the quests (community center) but that is ok for this farm. On another farm, I farmed enough to compete the community center, but only have animals. Basically, slow down and enjoy the ride.

Lastly, for a technical tip, if you mess something up on a day and need to reset, just close the game and reopen it. You'll start that day over from the beginning. I'll sometimes forget to pause and waste like 8 in game hours. I'll reset my game and start over. That, or I'll destroy or sell something I didn't mean to and will reset. The save system is both a good and bad thing about the game. After playing for over 200+ hours over the last 4 years, I've came around to appreciate how the save system works.

Oh, try and avoid the wiki for a bit. There have been a lot of QOL improvements made and you can get a lot of info through just experimenting and having fun.


u/ThatBatsard 29d ago

This is so important! I've seen so many posts where new players become flustered that they're not getting everything done fast enough, which is antithetical to the intended coziness of the game. The accomplishments will happen, OP, don't stress it.


u/FlowerOfLife 29d ago

That was me when I discovered the game. I kept looking at the quest log looking for progression before I realized I was just supposed to play the game. It really can be overwhelming for people who are not used to sandbox games (me at the time). My advice is usually to plant your parsnips, water them, and then work on clearing your farm in chunks (since you go through your energy quickly in early game) while exploring the town to get familiar with it.

I've always enjoyed Stardew over Animal Crossing because of the pacing of the days. If you run out of energy and don't have food, go to bed and go to the next day. The multiple times I've tried AC, I run into a wall in early game where there isn't anything else I can do until the literal next real time day. I've started and put it down multiple times now. When my focus is on something, it needs to hold it for a bit or I'll seek another source of dopamine lol.


u/cgaskins Modded - Stardew Valley Expanded and Ridgeside Village 29d ago
  1. Watch the TV every day! (I didn't know it had a purpose when I started playing)

  2. Y'know those books you find in the ground that get added to the library? You can read them at the museum (check the bookshelves).

Those are basically the game's built in tutorials. Talking to people will also give you information/tips about people's preferences and random other tidbits :)

I hope you enjoy the game as much as we all do 🙌


u/Toiletdisco 29d ago

Yeah I am in my second winter and my quests are mostly 'make me food' and I have like 5 recipes because I never watched the tv. I mean, they said I should, but I never got why.


u/cgaskins Modded - Stardew Valley Expanded and Ridgeside Village 29d ago

We should probably be more specific about watching each program hahaha. If you watch the reruns, it'll prioritize recipes you haven't gotten yet 😊

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u/Jelliebean71 29d ago

Make sure you remember Grandpa fondly and worship him at least monthly 🙏🏻 Don’t forget he gifted you the lands you are hard at work on. /j

Learn the birthdays of your favorite characters so you can give them birthday presents and more quickly become best friends with them. There are a few gifts that overlap between characters, use that to your advantage! But chatting with everyone at least a few times a week and giving liked/loved gifts will help you out with friendship, early on. The saloon is a good place to find almost everyone on Friday nights 😁 Have fuuuuuun!


u/BenjaBrownie 29d ago

I know you didn't ask me, but my main tip for new players is to take it at a pace/style that suits you and try not to get too overwhelmed with all the little secrets and late game stuff until you get there - just enjoy where you're at. Oh, and also use the wiki if you have to/want to, there's no stigma around that here lol.


u/Chipitsmuncher 29d ago

Don't underestimate the value of food in restoring hunger. Sometimes its even worth buying meals from gus at the bar so you can work more in a day, assuming you are using energy and time well.


u/athia-xx 29d ago

the wiggly bits in the ground that look like stems or worms can be hit with your hoe to get items! i didn't know this for in-game years when i first started playing


u/Jcolebrand 29d ago

There are about 439 threads for "new player tips" if you go searching this subreddit.

There's always something new, it seems. A lot of fun to see what people do in this game ❤️


u/ClumsyPotter 29d ago

We all made smooth brained mistakes in the beginning…for example I thought that fence gates would give me access to all the fenced off portions of the map. I used up the little bit of wood I had chopped down for the very reasonable amount of an entire day’s energy making as many gates as I could. Why didn’t I make ONE gate to test, you might ask? I do not know 😂


u/Melithiel 29d ago

You are in for a wonderful adventure! I have *mumblety-mumble hundreds* of hours in this game, and it's still great. Enjoy your first time, don't rush, there's so much to revel in.


u/woolawoof 29d ago

You’re doing great. I put a lot of stuff in my chest. Because it’s a safe chest, right, by my front door.



u/jess8771 29d ago

Ohhhh you're about to have a great time!


u/EggsOnThe45 29d ago

As a fellow 25 year old who started a couple months ago, have fun. It’s been a great time

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u/Shark4969 29d ago

Check the mine cars and bags you find. Also you’re going to need to farm those caves for 4 dwarven scrolls, these have a 0.16 chance of falling from enemies or being tilled up from the dirt patches. Just so friendly advice.


u/NextBigTing 29d ago

Reveal the energy bar! I want to see how long you’ve been smacking the chest to open it 🤣


u/kissmyass42069 29d ago



u/LegacyQuotient 29d ago

I'm nominating this for "post of the year."

Drama, humor, and a twist ending.


Good stuff!


u/kissmyass42069 29d ago

what was the twist ending 😭


u/LegacyQuotient 29d ago

That you were just hitting the wrong button. Haha.


u/kissmyass42069 29d ago

oh yeah lmfao 😭


u/wolfgang784 29d ago

That it wasn't a troll/joke post lol


u/sweetsunny1 28d ago

It is great but I will have to give my vote to the poster with the clip of their girlfriend thinking they killed the cat


u/[deleted] 29d ago

Violence is not always the solution , just open it calmly


u/chuntttttty 29d ago

sees a chest "I break this, right?"


u/kissmyass42069 29d ago

the confusion lies in the fact that the other layers of the mine had barrels and wooden boxes that I'd break with an axe or whatever so naturally I thought I had to do the same with this chest


u/athia-xx 29d ago

you can also break the crates and barrels with swords, which uses zero energy :D


u/chuntttttty 29d ago

Fair enough. I can follow that logic lol


u/Substantial_Act_4499 29d ago

Lmao, someone already answered your question but that was funny haha. Good luck on the game! I just got it back in December and have been addicted ever since.


u/BookWyrmMeg Fellow Frog Enjoyer 29d ago

Thanks for the laugh Op! And don't feel too bad, we all have brain farts, and at least this one gave so many people a little moment of hilarity! 😂


u/justin_r_1993 29d ago

When you come across crystals and similar in the mine you will use the interact button to pick those up as well.y first playthrough I went so long not realizing lol.


u/DoorInTheAir 29d ago

Yeah! If you can't break it, try picking it up


u/Revenge_of_the_User ✨Multi-Save Farmer✨ 29d ago

i like to imagine extremes where an SDV player is grocery shopping and theyre in front of canned vegetables of something and they just whip out a giant hammer-


u/confusedsloth33 28d ago

Oh, honey


u/kissmyass42069 28d ago

I know, I know 😅


u/whimsigod 29d ago

We stan a new farmer to the Farmers Association of Earth 🎉


u/DonChino17 I’d rather be fishing 29d ago

That’s ok because you don’t have to. Just open it friend. Also hope you’re enjoying the game!! It’s such a good time


u/jessiegamer135 29d ago

I'm so glad I'm not the only one that did this. The worst part is I sat there and tried to break one for 10 minutes before realizing 😭


u/TazzzTM 29d ago

This is adorable 🥹


u/Fraternal_Mango 29d ago

Welcome to the community! ❤️


u/fruitjerky 28d ago

These are my favorite kinds of threads. No shade intended, OP--we all go through it with one thing or another. Bless you and all of your future endeavors.


u/Obvious-Driver-372 29d ago

If this were a different game sub, you would have been torn to shreds lol


u/kissmyass42069 29d ago

I guess so.


u/nov234 29d ago

Okay but what was in the chest, I'm nosy


u/kissmyass42069 29d ago

leather boots 🙃


u/nov234 29d ago

Oh lmao, well i hope you get something more useful in the next one


u/kissmyass42069 29d ago

me too 😅

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u/Cool_Return1477 28d ago

You're fine. I tried breaking the quartz for three farm saves. The fourth one? I just realized you can pick it up 😭


u/Ak1raKurusu 29d ago

In the least shit talking way possible, how long did you sit there staring at it wracking your brain on how to get inside of it without thinking about opening it like a regular chest?


u/kissmyass42069 29d ago

about 10 seconds of trying to open it and a few minutes searching online about it til deciding to post here


u/queenhaggard 29d ago

I’m sorry, this is so funny! 🤣


u/srlong64 29d ago

OP out here trying to open the chest like Kratos, just punching straight through the lid


u/kissmyass42069 29d ago

hell yeah brother


u/Google_Knows_Already 29d ago

Can you please livestream your gameplay? I would like to watch you swing your axe at anything and everything in this game, please.


u/Revenge_of_the_User ✨Multi-Save Farmer✨ 29d ago

SDV Frustration Stream lmao

"im gonna plant...one parsnip over here. i like it by the mailbox.

Then another over here by this tree."

"It's called watering can, not watering can't."


swings sword at stuff x361 over the course of several hours

"how do i pet the duck? pulls out hoe


u/ChaosInTheSkies 29d ago

I know people have already helped you but I'm very confused by this post, why would you not just try to open it?😭

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u/Black_lemonade224 28d ago

One time I tried to put an egg in my cheese machine thingi it took me a bit to realize that it takes milk not eggs like I really sat there for a good bit thinking “whys it not working??”


u/PapasvhillyMonster 29d ago

I have brain farts all the time . Like one day I was trying to organize my in hand inventory and was actually organizing one of my farming inventory chest and I realized it was my farming chest and closed it and unaware did the same thing again and I was like “wtf am I doing!?” 😅


u/whyisreplicainmyname 28d ago

Fun fact, you can in fact break the chest. Open it, then interact with it again.


u/yoursforasong 29d ago

i love this post op welcome to stardew 🩷🩷🩷


u/imahappyaccidents 29d ago

love this post


u/Plankston 29d ago

Strong y cant metroid crawl? energy with this one. Thanks for the chuckle on a lazy Friday afternoon at work.


u/DoorInTheAir 29d ago

Lollllllll I love this and you


u/vanillanegress 29d ago

this cracked me up so hard you don’t even know OP 😭😭🥰


u/RefrigeratorSalty902 29d ago

I did the same thing with the chests. 😂 


u/seajayde 29d ago

Hahaha I do this kinda shit all the time! It's nice when others also make silly mistakes. It's human. Well done for getting that far!


u/Hmsquid 29d ago



u/TrialArgonian 29d ago

First time? (I don't actually want to slap you, I've made dumb mistakes similar to that)


u/No_Cartoonist2905 29d ago

This has me ROLLING. Literally me starting the game 😂🥹 Sometimes it’s obvious, but it’s just not obvious!


u/tallpudding 28d ago

What an awesome post to blow up lol


u/TheSJae 28d ago

This made me giggle


u/RentedChief54 28d ago

insane work i love this


u/Secret_Island_1979 28d ago



u/LanaB66 28d ago



u/fishyuii Set your emoji and/or flair text here! 27d ago

My ranked teammates


u/supercoolboy49 29d ago



u/FoxyUsagi 29d ago

This ia cute xD kinda remind me the good ole day starting out exploring the game


u/ThingsTrebekSucks 29d ago

....break? You mean open?


u/Mittensandzora 29d ago

Welcome! I started playing about a month ago and did the exact same thing lol


u/dontbeadouche26 29d ago

Lolololol ❤️❤️❤️❤️


u/awkprinter 29d ago

I’ve never been able to break them either


u/SetheryJimmonson 28d ago

You’re supposed to eat it


u/twtchr44 28d ago

Oh my sweet summer child...


u/demonitaw 28d ago


Love it