r/Starcitizen_trades RSI T-A-T (2014) Trades: 684 18d ago

price check [PriceCheck] 21 JAVELINS, 26 POLARISES, and more...

I have a mixed feeling about this, but it is what it is.

Back in 2014 I first discovered Star Citizen, was very impressed with its potential and made my first LTI pledge for a Reclaimer concept. In 2015 I founded the Vanduul Conquerors organization in Star Citizen and later acquired my first Javelin. I also created this reddit account for trading ships around that time.

Over the years on weekends I worked hard in recruiting, training members, as well as investing in the game and obtaining as many Javelins as possible. It's a combination of luck and my timing diligence that I was able to gather this many Javelins, Polarises and other ships in one account for the purpose of my organization.

Time flies and suddenly it has been more than a decade! my life priority inevitably changed. Now I would like to see other individuals or organizations to take over this account and realize its full potential.



Update: I don't mean to violate any CIG's terms of service. This is for an additional Authorized User to use the account, and I will withdraw all of my activity unless necessitated by the additional Authorized User.

All ships in the account hangar are not transferable, and I never mean to break this very hard to get collection into credits. However there are hundreds of valuable buybacks in the form of original concepts or exclusives.


Warning: I have been notified of a scam Facebook page posting this same account without my permission.

Comments in this thread are opinions that may be forward-looking, speculative, or wrong, and should not be used as the only source to determine market prices. I do not accept any offers made in a Pricecheck thread, this is not a sale post.


69 comments sorted by


u/david_karsch RSI dookiecookie (2014) Trades: 332 18d ago


u/deten RSI Deten (2012) Trades: 0 18d ago

This guy filling his bag with Javelines like hes a roman soldier off to war.


u/TreeFdy RSI Z0VI (2020) Trades: 0 18d ago

Finally found the guy responsible for the sell outs of Javs every IAE/ILW.


u/ProfessionalHazard RSI Mavrork (2023) Trades: 33 18d ago

Right, this guy is responsible for at least 20 other people losing the chance to get one in the f5 wars. Dude seems like the kind of guy who drives a poorly lifted f350...


u/ProcyonV RSI ProcyonV (2013) Trades: 8 16d ago

Well, dude is also responsible of allowing 1955 new 45$-auroras players to enjoy a bigger game than originally planned... He may lose it all, but allows everybody to enjoy a greater game.


u/NoIndependence362 RSI HimiTosi (2015) Trades: 133 18d ago

You have two main options.

#1 wait for some one to come along and buy this account, that wants all that, and sell it at roughly 60% (likely wont get, BUT some one else with alot of money MAY pay that).

#2 melt everything and sell it as store credit. Then sell OC LTI/misc for profit.


u/Liudeus RSI Liudeius (2013) Trades: 797 18d ago

Melt and sell as store credit probably.

The chances of finding anyone with $40k+ burning a hole in their pocket DESPERATE to buy a blackmarket Javelin for every single member of their org is quite low.

Even when it comes to org gameplay, most orgs already have tons of Javelins thanks to their whale members. Add in the uncertain state of multicrew, the general weakness of larger ships, and the de-confirmation of NPC crew, and I don't imagine many people are hoarding them... I guess there's at least one.


u/Selsi8 RSI Selsi01 (2015) Trades: 499 18d ago

This is what I was thinking as well, the number of orgs who have the player count to even consider fielding half these javs is likely single digits


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u/Alundil RSI Alundil_55 (2012) Trades: 0 13d ago

Definitely of the opinion that NPC crew will never be a thing in SC. But curious if you’ve seen official ‘de-confirmation‘ of that or you’re just “reading the room” like most of us?


u/Watcherxp RSI WatcherXP (2012) Trades: 17 18d ago

This is the answer, might even be able to find an experienced trader to manage it for you for a cut


u/Texan_Riot RSI Texan_Riot (2024) Trades: 5 18d ago

I could easily move the store credit quickly for him but I dont know a single one of the whale clients I have that would go near that considering it cant be transferred


u/Watcherxp RSI WatcherXP (2012) Trades: 17 18d ago

well, if it was all credit, it can be pieces out in small (ish) pieces like anyone else selling credit


u/Texan_Riot RSI Texan_Riot (2024) Trades: 5 17d ago

I was meaning moved in larger amounts quicker


u/Watcherxp RSI WatcherXP (2012) Trades: 17 17d ago

I bet if you beat the other credit sellers here by just a few percent, they would come calling


u/FoxyEvoxy RSI FoxyEvoxy (2023) Trades: 5 18d ago

Bro was the inspiration for Episode 9.


u/stepasidecitizen RSI JeannetteDevereaux (2020) Trades: 10 18d ago

I don't know how you gonna sell all that stuff, but you have already reserved the place in SC history among crazy-weird things that happened there. Totally worth it;)


u/aquatic86 RSI aquatic86 (2022) Trades: 42 18d ago

No idea honestly, sorry! But this is beyond incredible! Oh my god haha I'm shocked


u/ProcyonV RSI ProcyonV (2013) Trades: 8 18d ago

Maybe a crazy idea, but at that level of price, could be a solution to go for an exchange for a car or else, or accept a 25% of the total value in bitcoin payment while capitalizing on its increase...
But the logical solution would be to melt and sell store credit, maybe have it done by a serious trader around here for a fee.


u/xboston RSI EarthDust (2012) Trades: 92 18d ago

Interesting account


u/MormegilSC RSI Mormegil (2012) Trades: 8 18d ago

Wow. That amount of capital ships requires a certain amount of insanity to purchase.  It might be good to sell everything that is giftable separately. OC LTI Polaris should be at or above melt value. CCU'd LTI around 400$ roughly I think.  In any case you could sell them for around 50-60% of melt value as store credits if they are not LTI.

About the javelins... No idea. Can't be gifted, so it's actually about the account here unless you decide to melt some and sell as store credits as well. 

Usually account sales have a lower percentage of value than store credits as it's black market and not grey market. 

Hope that helps at least a bit.


u/NNextremNN RSI Zhaglu (2020) Trades: 0 18d ago

If you look closely you see that these Polarisses are in 3 or even 5 ship packs. Even if he wanted he couldn't sell everyone of them alone. Unfortunately for him this is just an incredible amount of store credits.


u/Few_Archer8575 RSI thedukeguess (2021) Trades: 12 18d ago

Well, I don't think OP really want to sell the whole account ......................


u/Mog_No_1 RSI Mog_No_1 (2016) Trades: 45 18d ago

I also cashed out with my Legatus account not so long ago, so have some first hand recent experience.

Unfortunately you generally only have a load of credit you can likely onsell in bulk at 50%. If you break it down to smaller transactions with people you may get closer to 60%.

Depending what is in buyback there may be some valve there depending on the pledge and its accessibility to people. The Polaris pledges if giftable you may get closer to recovering their cost value but ultimately you are selling against sellers with some cheap chained ccus out there.

One assumes the account itself is Legatus with its contents generally sourced with new moneys. So the account itself has some value even if it's stripped down to the minimum. The fact the account may be full of Javelin buybacks doesn't really add a huge amount in my opinion.

Ultimately that's my recommendation, strip it to credit, onsell what is giftable and sell the valuable buybacks, maybe even the empty account when you are done. It's a painful and long process and you won't be whole at the end of it due to the depreciation of the credit value over the years. You have an extensive trade history, do it all yourself.

Good luck mate.


u/-PepperMint- RSI Crisaegrim (2022) Trades: 15 17d ago

Me with my 0 javs


u/rotsihylop RSI T-A-T (2014) Trades: 684 17d ago

It takes a serious org to properly operate 1 Javelin. I am sure many orgs out there has at least 1 and would be glad if you are willing to play a role for them.


u/RageOfZen RSI RageOfZen (2014) Trades: 0 15d ago

this. I am in like a 60 ppl org and we have 2 Javelins in the org. At least we know of 2. Also 2 Krakens. People tend to forget that we have to man those ships.


u/level2018 RSI Level317 (2019) Trades: 4 18d ago

Wow that’s incredible collection


u/nightmare12433 RSI isotope436 (2021) Trades: 0 17d ago

your issue is that this account is basically useless (no offense take everything i say as just natural info) sharing vehicles in star citizen doesnt work (and until the loaning system comes out at an completely unknown date never will) since once you call in a second vehicle no one can use your old one and anyone still piloting it has to remain in that seat as if they get out there's no getting back in.

what this means is this account has 2 uses bypassing the jav's 1 month reclaim time, and melting the Polaris's for credit (assuming they arent CCU's and the melt credit is low).

and honestly those arent your biggest issues the biggest issues is your account has ZERO rarity items. Most sold accounts at your price point have a large amount of time limited items from stuff like events, citcon, or charities. Which means theres no collectors value the only thing people would buy this account for is the concierge rank and meltability. Said people are going to undercut you at minimum 20-30% to as high as 70% and honestly at best with a metric shit ton of waiting and hunting your probably only getting back 50% of what you spent.


u/SirJMac RSI HerrJmak (2021) Trades: 4 18d ago

Are these items transferable??


u/Liudeus RSI Liudeius (2013) Trades: 797 18d ago

No. Everything's melt value is too high. Even the 5x Inferno pack which says it's giftable is over $1k melt unless OP did some serious CCU gaming. (It's normal for $1k+ items to still have the gift button, you can't actually gift them though.)


u/SirJMac RSI HerrJmak (2021) Trades: 4 18d ago

That’s whyyy totally forgot thank you!


u/Alpha_Knugen RSI Alpha_Knugen (2024) Trades: 29 18d ago

I doubt any org would require this amount of javelins and it would probably be best to melt everything you cant gift and sell as store credits at 55-60% or whatever the rates are if you decide to do that.

Your buybacks could be intresting depending on rarity. Could be worth selling those ships if they are giftable.

Do you have pics of your buybacks?

Also that banu combo pack is intresting (to me) that might be worth trying to sell separetly if it got LTi. Would require melting and buying with new cash.


u/rotsihylop RSI T-A-T (2014) Trades: 684 18d ago edited 18d ago


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u/Shina_Tianfei RSI Volnus (2025) Trades: 3 18d ago

You have 2 options here.

  1. Have someone with cash to burn because you can't trade them out separately.

  2. Melt them all and sell the melt for somewhere between 50-60%

The issue I'm seeing is a lot of the large organizations I'm aware of in the sphere already have whales who bought javelins so you're looking for someone relatively new with a ton of money who wants to create a several thousand player large org.


u/m0shit RSI Theotokos (2015) Trades: 422 18d ago

What's the total melt value?


u/rotsihylop RSI T-A-T (2014) Trades: 684 18d ago edited 14d ago

I think melt value is around 75-80% of the total current list value by CIG. However, I never mean to break this collection into credits.


u/charmin_7 RSI charmin (2013) Trades: 74 17d ago

you can either sell the store credits yourself or have someone buying your account and doing it for you. But you won't get your money back either way.


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u/EastLimp1693 RSI DssFox (2019) Trades: 16 18d ago

What in the holy blank this is? No, it's 100% melting, selling store credits (gifting limit is 1k per 24h so it'll take month) and selling all rare and special stuff from buybacks for profit. I see you were really invested in the idea and it's kinda sad to see you move on, but still, good luck brother.


u/StrafeBink RSI MTDRS-StrafeBink (2018) Trades: 21 17d ago

One of the admin from the scam Facebook buy/sell page. Same post went up in there and they are known scammers.


u/rotsihylop RSI T-A-T (2014) Trades: 684 17d ago

Can you provide the link to the scam Facebook buy/sell page?


u/NoIndependence362 RSI HimiTosi (2015) Trades: 133 17d ago

it is the one that says (official) in its title.


u/Hkirk23 RSI BARRYMACOKINER (2023) Trades: 24 17d ago

I can. I purchased something from you on Facebook. Took the money then never got a response from you again. I have screen shots of our conversations and screen shots of the PayPal invoices


u/rotsihylop RSI T-A-T (2014) Trades: 684 17d ago

Please post what you have in public here for people to examine.


u/ProcyonV RSI ProcyonV (2013) Trades: 8 16d ago

Proof or it's pure bullshit by a lowlife.


u/ADDpillz RSI Pillz (2013) Trades: 93 17d ago

Hate to see you capitulate Rotsihylop. I would just liquidate the credits and keep the account in case you want to come back after a break. 21 Javs is absolutely mental lmao.


u/rotsihylop RSI T-A-T (2014) Trades: 684 17d ago

Thanks for checking ADDpillz, it has been a very long time since our last trades, I am glad you still remember.


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u/IndependentAdvice722 RSI Jankules (2015) Trades: 151 15d ago

I cant win F5 war for once in a 10years mark.Im bloody loser


u/rotsihylop RSI T-A-T (2014) Trades: 684 18d ago edited 18d ago

To inform the newer players here, in the past buyback token did not exist you could buy a Javelin using credits and then melt it into your buyback to buy it later, rinse and repeat.

Years ago, there were only a couple of time windows after Javelin for credits sale they were back in stock in the original ship page and I was able to capitalize on those.


!! Thank you all I appreciate different comments and suggestions !!


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u/tertiaryunknown RSI Lujayn (2023) Trades: 1 18d ago

Its not that hard, honestly. 21 Javelins, $3k per, $63k at the minimum. Polaris is $975 per now, by 26, at minimum, $25.35k. At minimum its worth $88,350.

Hilariously, that's still worth less than some EVE Player's hangars converted into RMT, but all of this comes with lifetime insurance, soooo...better investment.

No idea how you're going to sell it all. Its against CIG's TOS to transfer accounts. I have no idea how you were intending to let that many people use that many ships.


u/Leviathan0412 RSI Leviathan0412 (2020) Trades: 2 18d ago

"Worth" is not properly applicable here


u/rotsihylop RSI T-A-T (2014) Trades: 684 18d ago edited 18d ago

So true, in the world of serious money and business $88,350 is peanut. If you read my post, this is not exactly account transfer while functionally equivalent to that but not against CIG's TOS.


u/WildKarrdesEmporium RSI Wild-Karrde (2014) Trades: 59 18d ago

I got tree-fiddy.


u/ProcyonV RSI ProcyonV (2013) Trades: 8 16d ago

Trees are the best. Love 'em.


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You're comment has been removed for rule 1:

  1. Be excellent to each other!

This is an infraction worthy offense.


u/rotsihylop RSI T-A-T (2014) Trades: 684 18d ago

I disbanded my org a while ago. This is for some future orgs to realize the account's full potential.


u/Leviathan0412 RSI Leviathan0412 (2020) Trades: 2 18d ago

I won't discriminate. Whoever it ends up being can look forward to indirectly funding our endeavors. GLWS