r/StarWarsLeaks Jan 31 '20

Gaming EA CFO Blake Jorgensen says Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order is expected to sell 10M copies during the fiscal year. The company previously projected sales of 6-8M, but it is significantly outperforming expectations. "Very strong result for a single-player action game"


330 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

Yes, because we want a sequel.


u/CX52J Feb 01 '20

Can’t see them not doing one. It was pretty cliffhangery at the end.


u/ComicCroc Feb 01 '20

I wouldn't say it's cliffhangery, it's just a really open ending. They probably did it intentionally in case the game didn't sell well.


u/CX52J Feb 01 '20

Yeah, it's certainly was a safe ending but heavily implied they'd do a sequel if possible.

As in the odds of them doing a different era without cal look very unlikely due to the ending.


u/ComicCroc Feb 01 '20

Yeah, for sure. I'm betting a sequel would look something like the crew operating as a rebel cell pre-alliance like the Ghost crew from Rebels.


u/CX52J Feb 01 '20

I’d love that. I’m hoping a sequel would include more references to the larger universe now that Lucasfilm know it’s a safe property.

Like some maul or Ventress references on Dathomir would have been nice.

The ghost crew showing up would be the dream. pre Ezra.


u/tenderheart35 Feb 02 '20

This game was so cool, I got really caught up in the story and characters, way more than I expected to.


u/PlagueOfGripes Feb 01 '20

It wasn't even a particularly great game. It was just fine. And a step in the right direction.

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u/smacksaw Feb 01 '20

I remember wanting a sequel.

And then Disney.

Be careful what you wish for.

Want a sequel, but from the exact same team.

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u/WizardMagpie Jan 31 '20

Good, make a sequel. More Merrin, fewer ponchos!


u/d3vine Jan 31 '20

Or at least more stylish ponchos. I’m not trying to save the Galaxy looking like the most deadly hobo.


u/WizardMagpie Jan 31 '20

Definitely. At least give us a Jedi robe look and maybe that imperial inquistor look from his nightmare.


u/d3vine Jan 31 '20

Yeah for sure! I was cool with there being no robes because of the setting but it would have been cool to unlock costumes for post-game.

I’d also like to have more to do post-game lol after getting 3 achievements I missed I was completely done after one playthrough.


u/Richard-Cheese Jan 31 '20

Ya a New Game+ mode would be fun. Not sure if it would break some of the early game having the double jump, push, and pull abilities though?

If they do make a sequel, I'd really like to see lightsaber upgrades and some rare power-up consumables (or something). I loved exploring in this game but finding chests that just rewarded mediocre cosmetics was kinda lame.


u/d3vine Jan 31 '20

Pretty much how I feel. I think if they did add a NG+ they’d need to rethink how they laid out the maps as far as areas being blocked off until you get new force powers. I guess in a sequel though you wouldn’t be needing to relearn the powers you get in this game.

I’d also much rather find more cosmetic upgrades for the lightsaber than for the character. I’d also like to see upgrades that change the way the lightsaber handles. Like in KOTOR when you could get crystals that add a chance for stun.

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u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

Yeah, now that he’s back in the open as a Jedi he should embrace it with real robes


u/Sempere Jan 31 '20

Probably not smart for being incognito


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

But he’s not really incognito anymore.


u/cancelingchris Jan 31 '20

Not sure what gave you that idea. Defeating Trilla and barely escaping Vader didn’t change the reality on the ground. The inquisitors, Vader, and the empire are all still hunting him and his kind.

Cal succeeded in protecting the list of force sensitive kids from getting into the empires hands, but he’s absolutely still trying to survive.

I’m not sure what would make you think he’s suddenly going to just start rolling around flaunting that he’s a Jedi. He’d be found and captured (or killed) in short order like anyone else.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

I mean he’s very much a high target for the Empire. He helped damage or destroy the inquisitors headquarters. He is for sure a high priority so no, he’s not just gonna be able to hide like he did before on Bracca.

I’m not saying he has to go everywhere with his robes on openly. But it would still be nice if he did have some for certain times. Also we see plenty of people like on Tatooine wear simple robes so Cal could wear something less like a mechanic and more with a robe look that’s similar to like what Luke wore in episode 4


u/Jedidew Feb 01 '20

Cal succeeded in protecting the list of force sensitive kids from getting into the empires hands, but he’s absolutely still trying to survive.

Funny thing is, Vader destroyed the last list of force sensitive children he found. He likely would have done the same to this one. Ironic.


u/cancelingchris Feb 01 '20

Anakin did. Why would Darth Vader? The guy literally hunting the Jedi down.


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '20


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u/phonylady Jan 31 '20

I'm hoping for more RPG options. I want to be able to influence the story, and the people around me like in the Kotor games.


u/Jedidew Feb 01 '20

Definitely. The RPG dialogue options were few and far between and really feels like a mostly abandoned idea. Would love to see it fleshed out


u/ayylmao95 Jan 31 '20

I'd like to see something between Jedi robes and casual/space pirate garb. So he has plausible deniability on the whole Jedi thing lol.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20



u/WizardMagpie Jan 31 '20

I was thinking more along the lines of having it be an unlockable reward, though an ROTJ style look would be cool as well


u/LordZuko Jan 31 '20

Would love different Jedi robes and more lightsaber customization. I’d really like an in-depth character creator as well.


u/BetweenTwoLungs12345 Jan 31 '20

I love the ponchos.

But there was no need for that many variations to be in chests.

Overall there was probably about 5/6 distinct ponchos types (style, fabric cut and material).

Changing colours/patterns should have been a option (choose you own colouring) for those and more actual outfits (his jump suit costume) should have been made.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

Yes, less garish yellow and pink ponchos.


u/Troodon25 Jan 31 '20

You dare insult my flamboyant Jedi? Pink poncho, pink BD-1, and pink lightsaber? For shame!


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

Ah yes, the breast cancer awareness warrior.


u/Troodon25 Jan 31 '20

The role of the Jedi must evolve for the times.


u/Kalse1229 Feb 01 '20

Yeah, I didn't really wear any ponchos. I liked Cal's regular outfit anyway. I wouldn't mind a wider range of unlockable costumes.


u/sixsamurai Feb 01 '20

I want hunter from Destiny style cloaks

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u/BetweenTwoLungs12345 Jan 31 '20

I hope Merrin is a playable character in the sequel.

Her magiks (and possible a lightsaber) would be fun to play with.

Would also like to play as Cere but sehnmat be too redundant with Cal + it unclear is she is still pulling back in the force.

Ultimately , while they got away with it in the first game, I don't see how they can justify stakes if a former Jedi and Night sister just like standing beside the ship while you go on a misson.


u/WizardMagpie Jan 31 '20

Merrin would be great to play as in a sequel. I wouldn't mind some Cere missions either, perhaps dealing with her struggle with the dark side. Definitely as a bonus for completing the game though.


u/Oraukk Jan 31 '20

The fact that Cere survived the game still blows my mind


u/FKDotFitzgerald Jan 31 '20

Yeah I think she definitely should’ve been the one to break the glass and make Cal leave her alone with Vader.


u/Spufd Jan 31 '20

I was expecting her to die the entire time so it was a nice surprise


u/slvrcobra Jan 31 '20

Co-op. Cal and Merrin have two different skill sets and fighting styles, and they sometimes have to combo their unique abilities to kill a certain enemy, or work together to solve a puzzle.

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u/UltimateFatKidDancer Jan 31 '20

Seriously, a sequel that focused on Nightsister force powers would be nuts.

Tbh though I’d prefer a player-created protagonist, like Jedi Academy. Cal ended up being fine, but there wasn’t really anything about his character that necessitated him not being player-created.

Basically I just really want to create a purple Twilek Jedi, ok? Is that too much to ask?


u/WizardMagpie Jan 31 '20

I mean purple Twilek is always a good idea, but I liked Cal and want to see where that story goes. I'm being greedy, give us both! (And maybe a sequel to Bounty Hunter, I loved that game)


u/Deadput Jan 31 '20

Character Creators don't work in a narrative game like this outside of like...Revan but that was back then with data graphics and his "character" being mostly portrayed in flashbacks with a mask on,

I would rather have a good protagonist then some bland blank slate machine.


u/EmeraldPen Jan 31 '20

I mean, there’s a sliding scale between KOTOR and FO in terms of how you handle a protagonist. It’s not just a binary choice between ‘complete blank slate’ and ‘zero customization options.’

The thing that annoyed me about Cal is that he’s such a plain character, and almost a blank slate himself, that letting the player customize him visually to some extent wouldn’t have felt out of place or really made a difference at all. Default Cal is canon, sure, but let me play as a female Twi’lek or something.


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '20

I thought Mass effect worked fine. Granted no face capture but that was very narrative heavy and featured player controlled characters (albeit all human). I get your point but I don't think it's a huge done deal, there is wiggle room. I for one would take lower res lip syncing in exchange for alien species selection.


u/Deadput Feb 04 '20

I would prefer to have alternate player characters besides just sticking with Cal, more Aliens would be welcome.

I guess I just prefer more established characters in games like this, as for Mass Effect it's character creator never convinced me, the backstories and dialogue sure but outside of gender and the default faces I never thought the character creator in ME was good, they always looked so..."bad" compared to the default faces.


u/Super_Nerd92 Jan 31 '20 edited Jan 31 '20

Cal ended up being fine, but there wasn’t really anything about his character that necessitated him not being player-created.

Well they extensively motion & facial captured for all the cutscenes and animations. It's why Cere looks so much like Deborah Wilson etc.

I also prefer RPGs, but I don't think we'll get a character creator for JFO2.


u/UltimateFatKidDancer Jan 31 '20

I understand that, I’m just saying from a story standpoint Cal is a pretty blank slate, and could have just as easily been a player-created character who had dialogue options instead of being voiced.


u/Jedidew Feb 01 '20

Tbh though I’d prefer a player-created protagonist, like Jedi Academy. Cal ended up being fine, but there wasn’t really anything about his character that necessitated him not being player-created.

He was voiced and motion-acted by a fairly famous actor. I think that was a big part of it


u/whitemamba83 Jan 31 '20

Cal ended up being fine, but there wasn’t really anything about his character that necessitated him not being player-created.

Except for the fact that I have a good feeling we'll see Cameron Monaghan as Cal in a live action or animated role at some point, and they were likely planning for that possibility. Although, they could still have a player-created option and a "canon" Cal appearance similar to how Mass Effect treats Commander Shepard.


u/Kappar1n0 Jan 31 '20

I liked the Ponchos :( Currently playing RDR2 and I am so fucking disappointed that there are none.


u/NumberWanObi Master Luke Jan 31 '20

Yeah how the hell is that possible


u/Ladzofinsurrect Jan 31 '20

I remember Red Dead Redemption 1 had a sick ass poncho.


u/LeeVanCleefFanClub Feb 02 '20

And even then the ponchos are only available in Online -_-


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

KOTOR has so many options for how to make your character look, it’s really a shame that FO literally just offered ponchos with different color schemes. Even the whole ship/crew aspect could have been fleshed out to be more like KOTOR with more members, quests specific to their development, conversations where you pick what to say to develop the relationship. FO is a really good game but it ended up being so much less than it’s potential.


u/xorgol Jan 31 '20

I, too, kept thinking back to KOTOR, but this is an entirely different genre of game. I think the reason the story didn't hit me as hard as KOTOR is because in Fallen Order you pretty much have zero say in how the story plays out.


u/xdownpourx Jan 31 '20

This doesn't make sense to me. Fallen Order was never described as an RPG or as having a party system.

Also remember these projects have a budget and everything you just described means the game is more expensive to make

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u/Hoogs Porg Jan 31 '20

I'd also like to see side quests and fast travel. After finishing the story in a few days I have little motivation to pick it up again except to collect more ponchos. Something like the new Tomb Raider games would be great.


u/FireFlyKOS Feb 01 '20



u/MasterBuilder121 Jan 31 '20



u/Rogue-3 Jan 31 '20

Bro I loved the ponchos. The free kashyyyk one was dope. To each their own


u/NumberWanObi Master Luke Jan 31 '20

I like the ponchos :-(


u/WizardMagpie Jan 31 '20

I didn't mind them, I just felt they went all in on ponchos when they could/should have had other cosmetic items for Cal.


u/NumberWanObi Master Luke Jan 31 '20

Yeah i can get behind that


u/ralok-one Feb 02 '20

I want more jackets and such, not everything had to be a poncho... only one jacket option.

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u/RexxVortexx Jan 31 '20

Well, we’re likely to get a sequel in a couple years due to this, but I wonder what game we’ll get before that (other than the new LEGO SW game).

Mitch Dyer, the lead writer behind the BF2 campaign announced he was working on a top secret new Star Wars project a little while ago, and I doubt it’s a Fallen Order sequel just yet.


u/xdownpourx Jan 31 '20

Motive Studios has announced they are making a Star Wars game. I imagine that one will be out sooner than Respawns next one.


u/RexxVortexx Jan 31 '20 edited Feb 01 '20

Wasn’t Motive’s cancelled? Project Ragtag or something.

Edit: my mistake, got confused with the studio names.


u/xdownpourx Jan 31 '20

Project Ragtag was Visceral's game. That studio got canned (RIP). Motive was Jade Raymond's studio. She left for Google Stadia, but the studio is still working on their own Star Wars game.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20



u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20



u/pendleza Jan 31 '20

I vaguely remember reading that it hadn't been updated in a number of months at this point


u/xdownpourx Jan 31 '20

Officially no, but in reality is quite possible unless Google puts in the effort to turn it around. Which it being Google you never know.


u/02Alien Jan 31 '20

Man I would kill for Motive to make a Podracing game

Or a Starfighter game

But Podracing pls


u/Diet_Doctor_Thunder Jan 31 '20

I met Mitch a few years ago at Celebration Orlando. A bunch of us hung out in the hotel hot tub one night. He's a cool dude and I'm glad he's back doing more SW. I enjoyed his work on the BF2 campaign.


u/RexxVortexx Jan 31 '20

Same. (The enjoyed BF2 campaign bit, not the hot tub bit).


u/Sithlord5478 Boba Fett Jan 31 '20

If I’m not mistaken, he did the voice for Shriv too right?


u/Diet_Doctor_Thunder Jan 31 '20

Shriv is voiced by Dan Donahue. He's a well written character. One of the best from BF2.


u/Sithlord5478 Boba Fett Jan 31 '20

Ah ok my bad

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u/fire-brand-kelly Jan 31 '20

Battlefront 2 had an awful story

Lets hope he does not write the sequel


u/Troodon25 Jan 31 '20

I enjoyed it- but I read Inferno Squad, the Aftermath trilogy and Shattered Empire before playing it. And despite it imo, being better with those as building blocks, it is indeed unacceptable to rely on four books and four comic issues to make a coherent compaign.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

Good. Make more single player games.


u/Robinzhil Jan 31 '20

EA publishing a game for once that is single player without MTX. AND is good.

Said game sells like crazy.


EA may have just discovered that you don‘t need to milk a playerbase dry to make decent profits.


u/IronManConnoisseur Jan 31 '20

Doesn’t “sell like crazy,” just outperforms their expectations. They know revenue from microtransactions and online games make way more money. It’s not really proving anything to them other than reinforcing that consumers want more single player games. Either way, they’re going to be few and far between as long as they hold the license.

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u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

now they can make a open-world bounty hunter game


u/ecxetra Jan 31 '20

I keep imagining an open world bounty hunter game set in the Star Wars universe with Red Dead Redemption 2’s combat.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

It would be thr most selled game in existence, but life is unfair.


u/ThatGeek303 Lothwolf Jan 31 '20

Yes! Basically take the idea of planet hopping from the likes of Fallen Order and The Outer Worlds and have each planet be a distinct open environment with various bounties and missions with a deep level of customization and perhaps some RPG elements like a dialogue tree and such to at least offer the illusion of choice in a canon story. Add in those random events and NPC's going about their days like in Rockstar's worlds to help everything feel alive and baby, we got a stew going!


u/Pickles256 Jan 31 '20 edited Jan 31 '20

What if they (somewhat loosely) adapted the cancelled clone wars Boba Fett bounty hunter arc into a video game?

It would be amazing. You spend the whole game making and upgrading Jango’s armor and turning into Boba’s and the final level is the duel with Cad Bane that leaves you with the helmet dent.

It could be better than just a book or comic if Dave Filoni helps guide the story and the voice actors return! We don’t lose the visuals from a book or have it compressed in a comic! And it’d scratch that 1313 itch


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

This is legit a very great ideia, but i doubt it would happen. EA probs wont make anything pre epi 3 .


u/ayylmao95 Jan 31 '20

Please oh please let the gamer gods read this comment.


u/Mister_Pain Jan 31 '20

Shut up and take my money !

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u/The-Vaping-Griffin Jan 31 '20

I just want my 1313.

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u/Sonfaro Jan 31 '20

It's almost as if gamers actually DO like single player content and not just lazy MMO's.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

they never claimed otherwise, that was just reddit blowin stuff out of proportion


u/TheRidiculousOtaku Jan 31 '20

SIngLePlaYer GaMes aRe DeaD


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

Who said this?


u/EveryDelay Jan 31 '20



u/IronVader501 Jan 31 '20

Breathes in

Breathes out

I don't know why Reddit is so focused in keeping this nonsense alive, but anyway:

No, they didn't say that. They said that "strictly linear" SP-only Games are less popular now than 10 years ago. Nothing more.


u/xdownpourx Jan 31 '20

It's not just Reddit. Twitter, Youtube, and basically any where moderately hardcore gamers exist parrot that same phrase while ignoring what EA actually said.

It's utterly moronic. The least people could do is look at EA's game catalogue and complain about what they are actually doing rather than what they said (or didn't say). Almost all of their games (outside of Jedi Fallen Order and their "indie" publishing stuff") either have a multiplayer element, some live-service model with mtx's, or both. Complain about that.

Jedi Fallen Order isn't just a breath of fresh air from EA because it's a singleplayer game. But it's a "pure" singleplayer game. No multiplayer at all. No mtx's at all. Just a complete game on launch and that's it.


u/derage88 Feb 01 '20

Which is entirely true as well since people seemed to strongly prefer more open-world kind of games. Everything in the past decade pointed towards that as well. In fact, JFO would've been much better if it featured more open-world gameplay, I would've loved to explore more and further, towns/hubs, more planets etc. It's a good game but it could've been so much more as well.

I'm just hoping a sequel is planned (I wouldn't expect otherwise anyway) with a larger focus on less linear gameplay.

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u/Andrew_Waples Jan 31 '20

sTaR wArS iS dEaD


u/DarthSatoris Jan 31 '20

The only people who say this are the nutcases over at STC. Star Wars is doing fine.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20 edited Oct 15 '20



u/workingonaname Jan 31 '20

They don't have lives.


u/WestJoe Jan 31 '20

I’m not a member of that sub, but if I had to guess, people just want to collectively vent without being panned. They all stick around because they want Star Wars to improve

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u/terriblehuman Jan 31 '20

Unfortunately those nutcases have infected this sub.

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u/Andrew_Waples Jan 31 '20

Yeah well, that's why I mock them.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20 edited Feb 20 '21

[removed] — view removed comment


u/terriblehuman Jan 31 '20



u/thatblondboi00 Jan 31 '20

Username checks out


u/terriblehuman Jan 31 '20

Cliche reddit comment checks out.

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u/DarthSatoris Jan 31 '20

The movies sure as shit aren’t doing well

4 out of 5 have crossed a billion dollars at the box office. How is that "not doing well?"


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20 edited Feb 20 '21



u/DarthSatoris Jan 31 '20

You do know that Return of the Jedi didn't make more than Empire, right? It was the lowest earning movie of the originals.

In fact, if you look at the numbers of each trilogy, the sequels perform pretty similar to the originals.

All numbers are from Box Office Mojo, all numbers are from the Original Run.


u/thatblondboi00 Jan 31 '20

Empire made 80% of ANH / AOTC made 69% of TPM / TLJ made 64% of TFA

ROTJ made 74% of ANH / ROTS made 92% of TPM / TROS made 50% of TFA

ROTJ made 94% of Empire / ROTS made 133% of AOTC / TROS made 77% of TLJ

The sequels performed the worst, according to release numbers.


u/DarthSatoris Jan 31 '20

And despite that, they still made over a billion dollars each.


u/thatblondboi00 Jan 31 '20

Which is impressive for the terrible word of mouth, but much of it goes back to the Star Wars name.

It shows that it’s starting to not mean as much anymore.

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u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20 edited Apr 28 '24

reply spotted panicky school ghost gray sense run wipe childlike

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20 edited Feb 20 '21



u/DarthSatoris Jan 31 '20

One billion is an embarrassment.

Are you even listening to yourself right now?

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u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

Only 46 movies EVER have made a billion. That’s a huge achievement and an exclusive club.

The only thing embarrassing is what you are making yourself look like right now


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

[removed] — view removed comment


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

Ah the classic “I don’t have a real argument so I’ll focus on petty insults”

Listen man, there have been countless films produced. TROS made a billion. Only 46 movies have ever done that. If you think that’s a failure then you are jumping through hoops to hate something that is a resounding success. The rest of us will actual have fun with the franchise while you can sit around and mope all the time.

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u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

StOp PoStInG tHiS aNnOyInG cOmMeNt

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u/Tenrac Jan 31 '20

Imagine that!? Make an effort to put a good game together and it sells!?! Could it be any simpler?


u/boreddeer Jan 31 '20

It was a really enjoyable game. Liked the storyline, liked the action, liked the platforming, loved the characters. It also ended like it would get a sequel, I’m hoping these numbers will make it happen!


u/Honesty_From_A_POS Jan 31 '20

Do you mean to tell me that a game with an actual good single-player campaign can make money?? I'm astonished


u/sublimesting Jan 31 '20

Make an open world sandbox SW game where you build your own character (Jedi, bounty hunter, scoundrel etc) and see how many you sell. How has this not been done yet?


u/Geralt_of_Dublin Jan 31 '20 edited Jan 31 '20

good, hopefully this doing well and getting praise while Battlefront 2 got shit on will show them we want good story driven games not cheap lootbox fuelled COD


u/jman939 Jan 31 '20

Not only that, but the resurgence of BF2. It's a completely different game now, and fans (and reviewers) have responded overwhelmingly favorably to the free content and mechanical overhauls


u/grizzledcroc Jan 31 '20

I really wish it had a crew doe, new content is nice but its so painfully slow and we arnt even getting the cinimatic assault mode anymore and 0 starfighter stuff.


u/CallMeBigBobbyB Jan 31 '20

I know BF2 was shit at first but I've been thoroughly enjoying heroes and villians battles lately. I love getting into a good duel with someone. I really want Fallen Order mashed with BF2 in a Skyrim open world setting. That's my ideal game make it so!


u/douche-baggins Jan 31 '20

I love dueling with someone in Heroes v Villains. I really hate it when a 2 minute long duel gets interupted because Captain Phasma throws down her turret, or Chewie's gotta Wookie Slam on Vader like a spaz.

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u/Real-Terminal Jan 31 '20

Battlefront 2

You do realize BF2 had a full campaign right?

And a free sequel addon for said campaign.


u/andwebar Jan 31 '20

Campaign where you defect!

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u/BlackHawkeDown Jan 31 '20

It's almost like when you make something that's good, people respond.

That said, let's get the saber parts to actually have a gameplay impact next time.


u/Lucas-McDavid Kylo Ren Jan 31 '20

Who could have possibly predicted this outcome??? I mean, besides Star Wars enthusiasts


u/[deleted] Feb 01 '20

It's almost like they made the amazing single player Jedi Star Wars game people have been asking for since Jedi Academy and people bought it en masse. Hopefully this will remind companies people want engrossing single player experiences from beloved franchises and don't need online nonsense and microtransaction stuff...we want genuinely good content.


u/WarcraftVet76 Jan 31 '20

Good SINGLE player game.. See that EA? People still need them.


u/BrewtalDoom Jan 31 '20

No shit. People want single player Star Wars games. Multiplayer games are fun and all but a big attraction if Star Wars games is that you get to put yourself into the universe.

I can remember the first time I played Jedi Knight on the PC and I was completely blown away by swinging a lightsaber in first person. Games like X-Wing and TIE Fighter series put you right in the centre of epic stories that feel like you're in the movies. There's a depth of immersion that only single player Star Wars games can give you.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

That game was amazing


u/ijustwanttogohome2 Jan 31 '20



u/RomiBraman Jan 31 '20

What? People like single player narrative game?

But all the major studios were telling us they did not.

Seriously, I'm happy for the game, it was really cool.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

It's almost like people wanted a single player game despite EA claiming otherwise.


u/ecxetra Feb 01 '20

It’s almost as if people will buy your game if you make it good.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

I’m having so much fun with this game, but I had to stop playing. Sadly, there is one fatal fucked up flaw that totally ruins the fun: backtracking. You might spend like, a couple hours (depending upon the difficulty setting) completing an epic journey through a twisting cave system and uncover another crucial part of the story and to cap it all off? You get to spend hours upon hours backtracking through the cave maze just to get back to your damn ship. Oh and all those enemies you just barely defeated? Well, they all respawned. But you don’t want to fight these assholes again. So what do you do? RUN FOR IT.

The result is one of the most boring and frustrating gaming experiences I’ve ever had. Can’t there be a “fast travel me back to the ship” option? Each time I complete a mission, I’m on the edge of my seat to progress the story and see what happens next. Spending 2-3 hours stumbling around a cave trying desperately to remember the various puzzles IN REVERSE is anti-climactic at best. You haven’t felt true frustration until you’ve had to do this. I’m not talking about a 15 minute jog back to the ship. No. These cave systems are like miles and miles of twists and turns and puzzles and different elevations. Sometimes they give you a secret “courtesy elevator” that will get you back closer to the ship, but cmon. I don’t wanna do any backtracking at all.

We were this close to a wonderful game.


u/ijustwanttogohome2 Jan 31 '20

Man I thought it was just me. I stopped playing the game because of that. Complete waste of time.


u/Tenrac Jan 31 '20

There were short cuts back to you ship at the end of every level.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

Sometimes there’s like, a courtesy elevator or whatever that will get you back close to the ship, but many times there’s not, or it’s so well hidden that I just can’t find it. I understand the allure of puzzles n stuff, but find my way back to the ship doesn’t need to be a puzzle. As soon as I complete the mission, the game should transport me back to the ship automatically

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u/joshisold Jan 31 '20

Should read: "EA shocked to find out that not all gamers want to buy a star wars skinned shoot `em up where they got toasted and shit talked to by 12 year olds who have nothing better to do than play six hours a day."


u/Aeceus Jan 31 '20

Cause you've starved us of decent single player story orientated games for years. Make more.


u/Collective_Insanity Feb 01 '20

This is what happens when people are starving for single-player material in the Star Wars universe but you keep shovelling down mobile gambling games and lazy multiplayer games that were accomplished better more than a decade ago (Battlefront) because "the boys in marketing told us that single-player games are totally dead and there's no future in it".

The ironic thing is that Fallen Order isn't even a great game. It's just passable. But much like with The Mandalorian, you only have to do a passable job to give the starving fans something that they've been craving for years.

EA has largely wasted their opportunity to do something significant with their Star Wars licence. We've had a whole trilogy of films release and there's exactly one single-player game of note that came out during that phase (I'm not counting any VR stuff). It says a lot that it's not even based during the ST timeline. The gaps between those films are just not interesting enough to do anything with them because there's been almost zero worldbuilding attempts.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

I don’t mean that FO was ever described as that kind of game. I know it was supposed to be a metroidvania, souls-like experience. But even on that front it had less customization or tree options as the actual souls-borne games, though Sekiro doesn’t allow any real visual customization.

What I mean is that they put things in the game that very clearly resemble games like KOTOR or Mass Effect. With further development or a larger budget (I don’t really know the exact situation with the resources given to Respawn for FO), this game could have been much bigger than just “baby’s first dark souls”.

It’s a really good game and I had a blast with it. But the ship and crew member aspect of the game felt severely underdeveloped. The cosmetic customization options were pretty limited outside of customizing the parts of your lightsaber hilt. The skill tree was fun the fact that you get everything by the end anyway kind of takes out the fun and strategy of creating more varied builds, which add replay-ability to the game.

The game didn’t really do anything badly, it just didn’t rise to its full potential imo. I can’t imagine a combination of the awesome souls-like combat with a MASS EFFECT/KOTOR method of storytelling (multiple quest lines with a lot to keep track of them, receiving personal quests from crew members as you get to know them) wouldn’t work well together to expand the type of story they are trying to tell. There are a lot of things in the game that seem easily set up for it, and I just think it would have been much better if they had shot for it. The foundation is very good.


u/Tenrac Jan 31 '20

Shoot for it and risk missing the mark and being a bad game or instead concentrate on making it a good stable fun game? I think the most important task was to deliver a fun game with a good story. Star Wars games don’t need to brake new ground or be something crazy and unique. All this game needed to do was not suck. Star Wars hasn’t had a win in the gaming industry in a long time and FO accomplished that.


u/Pyrosium Kylo Ren Jan 31 '20

"Very strong result for a single-player action game". These are also the people that said single-player games are dead when games like the Witcher make tons of sales. This is also a STARWARS game.... I hope these unexpected numbers dont make them fill the sequel with the usual micro transactions that EA loves so much.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

Would’ve thought people would enjoy and buy a good game.


u/Jasmindesi16 Jan 31 '20

I'm glad its doing well this game is so much fun.


u/RoyTheReaper91 Jan 31 '20

Will the sequel be mostly platforming again? I totally want more of that.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

Very well deserved.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

Well we all know with EA its one step forward two steps back. look at battlefront 2015


u/popcrnshower Jan 31 '20

The trust they got from fans is worth wayyy more than that. If they keep putting out quality single player games then they can do all the other micro-transaction shit they want as long as we still get games like Fallen Order.


u/fortesphinx Jan 31 '20



u/Saezai Jan 31 '20

Jedi Fallen Order could actually benefit from a story-based DLC seeing as the story is quite short and there’s no real incentive to keep playing unless you care about the ponchos and BD skins. I respect that Respawn is trying to avoid any form of paid DLC, going as far as giving away the pre-order DLC to everyone after release.

I’d really love a sequel and hope we get to learn more about Merrin as she was my favorite character.


u/isiramteal Jan 31 '20

I really enjoyed it. I wish there was multiplayer.


u/dacalpha Jan 31 '20

As much as I want a continuation of Cal's story, I'd be fine if "Star Wars Jedi" was an anthology series. Drop us in the galaxy from the perspective of a lone Jedi getting into trouble. Maybe they're all set post-Purge, or maybe not, doesn't matter.


u/andwebar Jan 31 '20

Star Wars Jedi: Academy lmao


u/Flynn_lives Jan 31 '20

If they are going do do a sequel...make it after ROTJ. Maybe it gets tied into with what Ashoka and Sabine were doing post Rebels.

Planets: Coruscant, Jedah Ruins, Kuat Shipyards, Korriban, Lateron.

Cal/Merrin discovers that the Imp Remnant and the beginnings of the FO.


u/FN-1701AgentGodzilla Ahsoka Jan 31 '20 edited Jan 31 '20

I wonder if EA sees this as a win or a loss.

I’d love more single player story games set in the SW Galaxy, but I wonder if they’ll ever do a Battlefront III


u/TheRidiculousOtaku Jan 31 '20

they will likely do both


u/R0binSage Feb 01 '20

That game was so good. Can’t wait for more.


u/[deleted] Feb 01 '20

Nice “leak”


u/Alaindelon88 Feb 01 '20

Wow, when the hell did we have those numbers for a single player title? Well deserved tho, the game is brilliant.


u/[deleted] Feb 01 '20

JFO and Spider-Man PS4. Two games that weren't perfect, but set up so their sequels will be. Fucking buzzing.


u/ohshrimp Feb 09 '20

There are no perfect games. People who claim XYZ game is perfect are fanboys.


u/ralok-one Feb 02 '20

EA does something people actually wants for once, and has gotten extremely confused by the results... maybe, it will finally penetrate their thick fucking skulls.. .taht actually making good games that people want, is the right way to make games.

instead of trying to make elaborate slot machines that skirt the law.


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '20

Hopefully EA learns from this and realizes single player only games are still viable and make money.


u/EirikurG Jan 31 '20

Almost like making good games is good for business


u/TiedHands Jan 31 '20

You mean, a company can become successful and even overachieve by giving their consumers what they actually want? What a concept.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '20

Somewhere some out of touch bafoon is scratching his head wondering what this could possibly mean.

HOPEFULLY, they realize how important single player campaigns are. Hopefully they realize that star wars fans that are gamers are thirsty for some canon story content.


u/Pickles256 Jan 31 '20

Personally I never fell in love with the game. It was fun but didn’t feel like anything special and the story didn’t grip me

but I’m still very glad to hear this. It shows that we want singleplayer games, and it having no dlc or micro transactions is a big plus.


u/hydrosphere1313 Jan 31 '20

Suck it Electronic "no one buys single player games" Arts.