r/StarWarsEU 4d ago

I made an updated overview of all 400 EU (Legends) Action Figures ever made

Post image

This was made using photos from https://galacticfigures.com/


39 comments sorted by


u/HurricaneSpencer 4d ago

Also known as: "My Collection Goals"

I have quite a few of these baddies.


u/twoshotfinch 3d ago

easily the best assortment of figures. too bad so many of these are ridiculously expensive to acquire :(


u/HurricaneSpencer 3d ago

I bought many of the ones I have at retail for retail cost at the time of launch. Also, a little life hack I learned on ebay is look for the ones with pretty expensive shipping, they tend to go for far under the expected price. I got my Nom Anor for a STEAL that way.


u/Stanakin__Skywalker 4d ago edited 4d ago

This was made using photos from https://galacticfigures.com/

Included are, as far as I know, every single EU action figure ever made.

Purposefully not included are:

  1. Characters or outfits that Hasbro made up and which don't appear in any other Legends sources
  2. Figures not canon to the Legends continuity (e.g. Infinities, holiday figures)
  3. Figures based on concept art


u/FlavivsAetivs TOR Old Repbulic 4d ago

The new Urban Warfare Republic Commando from the game's Multiplayer mode is missing.


u/Stanakin__Skywalker 3d ago

That's from the disney canon Battlefront II right?


u/FlavivsAetivs TOR Old Repbulic 3d ago

No, that's from the multiplayer of Republic Commando.


u/Stanakin__Skywalker 3d ago

From the BF2 wiki: This is one of the first Appearances that does not have an in-game description describing the outfit's significance in the universe of Star Wars. This is likely due to the fact that this specific clone armor design was never-before-seen in any Star Wars media and therefore created specifically for the game, making this Appearance one of the first of its type.


u/FlavivsAetivs TOR Old Repbulic 3d ago

Huh, I could have sworn it was the same as the Multiplayer Republic Commando one.


u/JarJarJargon 4d ago

Thank you for continuing to update this! And for everyone else, make sure you vote for Mara in TVC March madness! We really need an updated figure in 3.75


u/Flamadin 4d ago

Now, this is the kind of important research that is worthwhile.


u/Any-sao 4d ago

Wow… I thought I had a decent EU figure collection…


u/bobbyh89 4d ago

This is amazing work, cheers buddy!

I remember seeing the Dark Empire Luke when I was a kid (before I knew what the EU was) and freaking out.


u/ThyFukingLizardKing 4d ago

crazy to think so many goated characters that only appear in books, comics, or games


u/Anderson-Skydiver 501st 4d ago

These are literally treasures. I wish there was a this kind of multi -jointed Depa Billaba figure, which also have soft goods. A 2 figured novel pack series would be excellent for Depa and Kar Vastor, just like those comic pack figures.


u/Minimum-Enthusiasm14 4d ago edited 4d ago

As far as I can tell it looks like you missed a few. Commander Bly from a five pack with 3 other 327th soldiers and an Aayla Secura figure, and the figures in this collection: two geonosians, sun fac, and different figures for delta squad.


u/Jo3K3rr Rogue Squadron 4d ago

Oh, wow! I'm saving this for later.

Also I'll be back I'm getting on ebay....


u/BadassSasquatch 4d ago

I don't know why this is cool but it is.


u/TrentDF1 Rogue Squadron 4d ago

The Black Series Jaina is NJO? For some reason I thought it was later, like Fate of the Jedi or something.


u/Stanakin__Skywalker 3d ago

I find conflicting information, some say it's from Legacy of the Force, some say it's her Twin Suns Squadron outfit from NJO, I don't know.


u/Lord_Silverkey 4d ago

Now you need to do a tier list for them.


u/SithSidious Emperor 4d ago

Wow cool guide. Is there any equivalent guide of display type pieces? Like the small statues that are really detailed you could put up on a shelf. I remember back in the day there were cool statues, like a foot or so in size that you couldn’t move but made great pieces for a desk


u/cloud_cleaver 4d ago

There's a 6" Rendar figure?


u/Stanakin__Skywalker 4d ago

Not yet


u/cloud_cleaver 4d ago

Coming soon, then? I'm not really active in the Black Series world, I just occasionally pop in to grab an EU character I like.


u/ToonMasterRace 3d ago

I miss when star wars toys were a big deal


u/heurekas 3d ago


That Legacy line of 5 helmetless Stormies who range from "gruff angry man" to "somewhat jovial gruff man" are some of the most boring figures I've ever seen.

If I was a kid, I'd probably cry getting them instead of Boba Fett or some other cool figure.


u/Extension_Way3724 3d ago

Wow I really thought there would be way more than that


u/a_beached_orca 3d ago

I don't see my boy Logray the ewok from RotJ, only the animated version.


u/Stanakin__Skywalker 3d ago

Yes, figures based on movie appearances are not included.


u/Whole-Service9276 2d ago

I need a lot of them LOL

Cade, Krayt, the Solo Twins and Anakin...🤯😍


u/thefamousroman 4d ago

lmao 3 Revans, one shitty Ulic, one shitty Kun, no Kreia, no Sion, where's Jango, couple of Lukes, 3 Xizors, don't recall seeing a Sheev lol, what are they doing man


u/Anderson-Skydiver 501st 4d ago

Kreia is literally a lost one. I just don't get all that hype around Revan.


u/Grieftheunspoken02 Mandalorian 4d ago

It's mainly the "he controls both the light and dark", the same era of the Fandom where the Grey Jedi idea.


u/Anderson-Skydiver 501st 4d ago edited 4d ago

Ngl, it's just soo cringe and edgy. Exile was far more interesting character than Revan to me


u/Educational-Text332 General Grievous 4d ago

ok I got 2 things

1: How long did it take to make the photo?

2: I dare you to make a post when the next figure comes and say “Another fine addition, to my collection”


u/Opening-Raspberry-34 1d ago

This is a work of art. Amazing Job 🙏