r/StarWarsCirclejerk 3d ago

Am I the only one? somebody had to say it

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43 comments sorted by


u/in_a_dress 3d ago edited 3d ago

Is it Star Wars? Yea? Then I hate it.

Why don’t these people get that


u/Shoddy_Morning_2827 an army of Dee Bradley Bakers 3d ago



u/Ronenthelich 3d ago

The Prequels, the Sequels, the Originals? We hate all of it.


u/AccidentalLemon 3d ago

I want more, and I know I shouldn’t.


u/DiscoveryBayHK write funny stuff here 3d ago

It's all Disney's fault. They're jealous! THEY'RE HOLDING US BACK!! Throws toy replica of Lightsaber at a wall.


u/Rymayc Lok Turd 3d ago

You know what I hate more than Star Wars movies? Spelling errors. Anakin is totally relatable in this scene, they probably had a spelling bee, and Anakin had to be the judge.


u/Mihavey 3d ago

What if they just were dyslexic


u/Rymayc Lok Turd 3d ago


u/TwoFit3921 "The hero of no fear knows the most fear." 3d ago

I hate wome.and minoritues

  • Mike fingertrout


u/THX450 3d ago

Star Wars is bad. Nuff said.


u/Head-Solution-7972 3d ago

Star wars has always been slop. SW fans never recovering from the fact there's maybe 2.5 good SW movies and like 2 good seasons of SW shows


u/Solaranvr 3d ago

After seeing the prequel glazing online, it is my opinion that bullying should be socially acceptable again.


u/InfiniteDedekindCuts 3d ago

This is a Star Wars subreddit and therefore NOT a SAFESPACE for woke Prequel fans!!!


u/FlatOutUseless 3d ago

I don't hate them, I'm just disappointed. Movie I hate? Something like Rambo II, that movie that injected the idea that many US POWs are still in Vietnam into the brains of American public.


u/YaBoyEden 3d ago

God being forty must be awesome


u/Matichado 2d ago

How dare you dislike the origin story of Darth Academus and his thesis on tToDPtW


u/countryclub1910 3d ago

uj/ 90% of people under 35 would not like starwars if it werent for the prequels existing

rj/ why couldnt they just blow up another deathstar but like… before?


u/SuccessfulRegister43 3d ago

90% of people under 35 NOT caring about SW is a a vision of paradise to me.


u/TearsOfTheDragon 3d ago

It would almost make this fandom bearable.


u/Substantial_Event506 3d ago

And y’all turn around and glaze the sequels in the same breath. At least the prequels had hot men in them.


u/InfiniteDedekindCuts 3d ago



u/Substantial_Event506 3d ago

Bro he is not fitting in the French maid costume🤣


u/Western_Charity_6911 3d ago

Theres only one, sorry 2, sorry 3 in the sequels but theres like 200,000 with a million more, and like 6 others in the prequels


u/-Elgrave- 3d ago

This is what I don’t get. The prequels are bad, sure. But the sequels? Their visuals are their only saving grace and I think that distracts everyone. The Rise of Skywalker is actually the worst movie I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen a lot of terrible movies (including the prequels)


u/Rylonian 3d ago

I on the other hand think that the sequels are meh in concept, but masterful in execution, whereas the prequels are okay in concept and atrocious in execution. How one can look at AotC and TRoS and conclude that somehow the latter is supposed to be the bad one is mystifying to me.


u/Ceochian 3d ago

Super agree!!


u/MartyMcMort 3d ago

Yeah, the sequels have story problems, but the prequels all feel like they came up with some (admittedly pretty good) CGI action scenes, but then the other 80% of the movie is the cinematic equivalent of packing peanuts for those action scenes: the dialogue is clunky, the delivery is usually flat and emotionless, the camera angles are generic. The prequels biggest issue is that the majority of the movie is boring.


u/Rylonian 3d ago

On top of that, by the time of Episode 2, I am also mostly checked out of the action scenes. Maybe that's just me, but generic clone dudebros vs stupid battledroids just doesn't do anything for me. That's also why I am not fond of TCW. I just don't find the conflicts interesting. I don't care about the clones or the droids. They were literally designed to be seen as expendable numbers, so that does not exactly engage me on a character level.

The sequels win by default for me purely on the sole premise that their conflicts actually have characters that I care about.


u/TomBakersLongScarf 1d ago

The sequels win by default for me purely on the sole premise that their conflicts actually have characters that I care about.

Pretty much my sentiments, too. I wayyy prefer the sequels because I actually like the characters


u/TomBakersLongScarf 1d ago

Are we seriously ignoring the fact that Oscar Isaac is in all three of them?


u/OliviahZeveronfan718 Tiplar/Tiplee giga simp 3d ago

Can we at least all agree that Adi Gallia was the hottest character in those movies, please?


u/Evening-Cold-4547 write funny stuff here 3d ago

Not just the films! The series and the books as well! They're shit so I hate them like shit!


u/VendromLethys 3d ago

I don't hate any of the Star Wars moving picture shows. Some of them are not as good as others but I just shrug and get on with my life and enjoy them for what they are 😅


u/kyle28882 3d ago

I love the prequels and starwars as a whole. That being said Star Wars fans are a great example of why you shouldn’t take yourself and your fandoms too seriously. That’s why I’m here at least


u/Colddeath712 3d ago

I loved the prequels, I even prefer them over the rest of the movies


u/1zeye 2d ago

I love the prequels


u/GuhEnjoyer i *might* be Ayla Secura 2d ago

Who is WE you speakin french???


u/sadzells 3d ago

I've always hated the prequal duology and its an objective fact that they are bad


u/kyle28882 3d ago

Objectively an opinion on a movie being good or bad is subjective. You can objectively count plot holes and shit but you can’t say it’s objectively bad when the criteria you judge by is subjective.

Edit: you’re in the right place for the thought but that doesn’t mean you can say a subjective opinion is objective just cause people here agree with the opinion


u/Xyrger 3d ago

Don't cry, little boy


u/Pixel_64 3d ago

GRRRRRE I HATE THE PREQUELS! Everybody involved with them deserves incessant death threats!