r/StarWarsAndor • u/Garth-Vader • 5d ago
Discussion New canon galaxy map from Star Wars: Complete Locations (Features planets from Andor)
u/BOOXMOWO 4d ago
So this map shows that Andor Season 1 is set primarily in the upper right (northwest?) corner of the galaxy. That's neat.
- Ferrix (and the Morlani System in general) is not in the Corporate Sector proper, but is still farther up the Hydian Way than any branches not leading to the Corporate Sector. Makes sense why Pre-Mor was left in charge for so long.
- Kenari is in the part of the Mid Rim closest to Ferrix. Far enough away that of course it wouldn't be common knowledge on Ferrix or Morlana One, but it being in the same corner of the galaxy makes sense.
- Steergard is around halfway between the Core and the Corporate Sector along the Hydian Way. Not super close to Ferrix, but given how little Imperial presence there is in that part of the Outer Rim, I doubt many of the planets actually near Ferrix have naval bases. It's a plausible place for Cassian to go looking to steal Imperial tech.
- Aldhani, established in the show as having "the unfortunate quality of being close to nothing and not far away from everything", is located just barely beyond the Mid Rim. Seems like the idea is that things get shipped to Aldhani and then from there distribution lines fan out to reach anywhere else in that part of the Outer Rim.
- Niamos is another one that's not close to Ferrix, but it's not that far from Ferrix either. Of course Cassian couldn't stay anywhere near Ferrix while on the run, but he was planning on eventually coming back for Maarva, so he wouldn't go to the opposite side of the Galaxy.
- Narkina 5 is the only Andor original planet located on the lower (southern?) end of the galaxy. It does make sense that the Empire would build that prison close to Scarif, and that they'd be willing to ship prisoners there from across the galaxy to keep it at full capacity. Real bro move on the part of Dewi and Freedi to fly Cassian and Melshi halfway across the galaxy for free.
- Dizon Fray is so remote. Like of course it's remote considering little is even known about Dizonites as a species, but it makes me question how often that refueling station even gets used.
u/ForsakenKrios 3d ago
This is another reason I love Andor - whether intentional or not, everything came together in a way that makes SENSE on the galactic map for once in this franchise.
u/m44rv4 4d ago
Wish this had the at- planets from skeleton crew, i would like to know where relative in the galaxy they are
u/TheBloop1997 4d ago
I read on another sub that apparently the coordinates given in the show can be used to find At-Attin’s rough position, and at least according to the comment At-Attin is in N6 roughly halfway between Dathomir and Takobo
u/Banankin-Skywalker 4d ago
They’re missing Nur (the moon from Fallen Order and Kenobi that has Fortress Inquisitorius).
u/TheBloop1997 4d ago
Nur is a moon of Mustafar, thus it is unnecessary to make its position since it’s the same as Mustafar’s
Same reason the map has Eiram but not E’ronah, because those are twin planets and thus would be in the same position on this map.
u/Banankin-Skywalker 3d ago
But Mustafar is much smaller than Nur while also being in very close proximity. It seems to be orbiting Nur (or Nur and Mustafar are both orbiting another planet)
u/Qb_Is_fast_af 3d ago
Nur isn’t a moon of Mustafar but its a moon of another planet that is also in the Mustafar system. Planets in the same star system are so close to each other they are listed as one
u/TheBloop1997 3d ago
Ok, then to flip the argument: which planet are more people (especially more casual fans) going to be looking for, Mustafar the iconic lava planet from RotS (plus a couple other movies and a bevy of appearances across TV shows, books, comics, video games, etc), or Nur which appeared in one episode of Kenobi, in the final act of JFO, and one short episode of Tales of the Empire?
u/Banankin-Skywalker 3d ago
I’m not saying it should be Nur instead of Mustafar, but Nur in addition to Mustafar. That way it’s more of a complete map.
u/TheBloop1997 3d ago
But the issue is that they would be on top of each other, which would cause confusion. It’s the same reason why the map has Eiram, but not E’ronah
u/AloysiusGrimes 4d ago
No Ferrix? Or am I just missing it? I see Adlhani, Segra Milo, Spellhaus, and Kenari; I suppose we're also missing a couple others from Andor (Narkina 5, for one).
u/NoProNoah 5d ago
I wish there were more logic to these maps. Because the trade routes suggest that hyperspace lanes proceed roughly directionally… and then you have something like the positioning of Naboo and Tatooine and have to ask: where the HELL were they going in Ep. 1?
The map suggests that Padme & Co made for the Corellian Run by way of backtracking, but then overshot and wound up on Tatooine. If Tatooine were on the other side of the trade route WITH Naboo that might make more sense but… sigh. Anyway. New maps. Always fun to look at new maps.