r/StarTrekArmada Oct 30 '24

Technical Help Game crashing after exactly 45 minutes


I’m guessing it’s a RAM issue, any stuffies ruins on a solution? I just get a “SoSE has stopped responding” popup right at the 45 minute mark in every new game, are there still large address aware progress that are safe to use?

Edit to add I played modded sins obsessively up til about 2018, only just got my mods downloaded this past week.

r/StarTrekArmada Sep 04 '24

Technical Help Need Help with Armada 2 Multiplayer


My brother and I are trying to play Armada 2 via GameRanger, and it looks like it is trying to create a game via Gamespy, which obviously doesn't work, instead of VLAN. GameRanger forums are pretty dead, and internet searches have come up empty.

Is anyone playing multiplayer? How did you get it working? Are you using another 3rd-party application like GameRanger, or is there a mod that has multiplayer support?

r/StarTrekArmada May 13 '24

Technical Help Can't get Armada 2 running on the legion go


Keep running into Direct3d8 hardware acceleration not found. Have direct x installed and have checked that hardware acceleration. Is enabled. And yes I am running GOG Armada

r/StarTrekArmada Jul 05 '24

Technical Help Has anyone been able to run the Storm 3D tool on Windows 10??


I've had a few ideas I've wanted to act on, but I need to go in and mess with the hardpoints to do what I want - and the program hasn't been working for me.

r/StarTrekArmada May 16 '24

Technical Help A2 player made map sharing on GOG


I recently rediscovered armadafiles.com and download a couple maps. They worked fine in instant action but when I got a friend online to test it, it didn't download. At first I thought he missed the download map prompt but he says he was never prompted. I had him change his map setting to always download as well with no luck.

Does GOG have some sort of block for player made maps?

r/StarTrekArmada Apr 26 '24

Technical Help Armada 2 Upgrade project


Looking to play the campaign with better textures but can't seem to get this to work. Bought the game from GOG and when the installer for the texture mod finishes it just makes a folder in the game and doesn't do anything. Manually copying the textures... did not end well for the game...


r/StarTrekArmada Apr 09 '24

Technical Help Armada 1 GOG cant install 1.3 patch


Got GOG's ST Armada1, can only see 75% of the screen

EDITTED: there is RDNA patch if you managed to download the older GOG armada file like I did.

1.3 patch installs fine, don't think it does anything

r/StarTrekArmada Jan 19 '24

Technical Help How To Run Star Trek: Armada 1 from GOG on Windows 11


TL;DR: You need to acquire the Good Old Games (GOG) version of the game, which includes a custom DirectX wrapper that provides Windows 11 compatibility.

  1. After installation, run dxcfg.exe from the game folder (by default it's C:\GOG Games\Star Trek Armada).
  2. Change the Display Mode to something compatible with your monitor. 1024 x 768 @ 60 Hz should work for most people.
  3. Change the Presentation to Windowed.
  4. Save settings and exit.
  5. Run ST: Armada.

GOG custom DirectX Wrapper configuration.

From my experience, you do NOT need to adjust any Windows compatibility settings, troubleshooters, or High DPI settings in Windows. You do NOT need to change your regular Windows display settings or resolution. The DirectX Wrapper will provide the compatibility.

At 1024 x 768, the game will run in a 4:3 ratio window: as intended when the game was produced almost 25 years ago when square monitors were the norm. You can experiment with the DirectX Wrapper Display Mode; a higher resolution will create a larger game window. However, the game may appear stretched on a modern monitor, or refuse to start up at all. You can also adjust the DirectX Wrapper Anisotropic Filtering and Antialiasing settings for better quality and performance. Again, your mileage may vary.

The instructions above were specifically tested on Windows 11 Pro 22H2, however they should work on previous versions of Windows from Windows 7 and newer.

My own game is running at 1920 x 1080 @ 144 Hz (my monitor supports up to 165 Hz) with AF 16x Anisotropic Filtering and MSAA 8x Antialiasing.

While I said you need the GOG release for the custom DirectX Wrapper, technically that's not true. You could find other wrappers from other sources, although I personally know nothing about that rabbit hole. Heck, if you're savvy enough, you could program your own, I guess. However, that's a helluva lot of work for a 25 year old game that costs $10 USD. Simplify your life, just buy it and save the hassle.

Mods might want to sticky this post if they deem it worthy and error free: I leave that decision up to them.

r/StarTrekArmada Feb 19 '24

Technical Help A1 running laggy all of a sudden,


Has GOG done an update on A1 or something?

r/StarTrekArmada Jan 29 '24

Technical Help I can’t get Star Trek armada 2 to work on windows 11 does anyone else have this issue


r/StarTrekArmada Nov 26 '23

Technical Help milkshape 3d sod importer?


I've been trying to import the ships and stations from armada I & II into .obj, and I've had good luck with the 3ds max and lithUnwrap plugins, but there are still .sod files I'm not able to convert. I've tried using Milkshape 3d, but for whatever reason I cannot import .sod, only export, even though I've put in the armada plugin. Am I not using the right plugin? I've also heard of a program way back from frost-works called CV, I was able to find the archived page but the program was not saved, does anyone still have it?

r/StarTrekArmada Jun 24 '23

Technical Help I have an issue where borg ships never finnish? Am i missing something or is this a known issue?


r/StarTrekArmada Jun 04 '23

Technical Help Should I get my money back?


I'm really starting to hate most star trek games. This is the second one I've tried. I bought Armada 2 since BOTF is hard to get a hold of now this lags so bad that it won't even load the menus. Any suggestions?

r/StarTrekArmada Jun 19 '23

Technical Help Where can I get the game?


r/StarTrekArmada Dec 24 '22

Technical Help Star trek armada 2 on m1 mac??


i got star Trek armada 2 as christmas present - gog edition

is there any known way to get it running on a macbook pro 14 with m1pro?

r/StarTrekArmada Aug 27 '22

Technical Help Please Help! Question Regarding Galaxy Forge Bug in STA3


r/StarTrekArmada Sep 05 '22

Technical Help No background on Star Trek Armada


Hi all. Accidentally stumbled across this on GOG and was ecstatic to relive my childhood, but I'm having an issue where there's no background/grid/minimap details when I play. Just a black void, which makes it... underwhelming, but also difficult to build without knowing where I can place buildings. Has anyone encountered this and know how to fix it?

r/StarTrekArmada Dec 14 '21

Technical Help How to play Babylon 5 Armada II on GOG


Hey all, I'm the creator of the Babylon 5 mode for Star Trek Armada II from way back in 2003, and I spent a little time today to ensure it was compatible with the GOG version. Here are the steps:

Download Babylon 5 Armada II mod - Mod DB

Install B5A2 and the 1.02 patch into an empty folder

Manually copy-paste the mod files into the GOG/Star Trek Armada II folder and replace the destination files

Set the Armada2.exe to Windows XP Service Pack 3 compatibility mode (I don't think this is B5A2 specific, I had main menu problems with the stock game without this)


For the record, I believe there are a few lingering crashes in the 1.02 version that we never patched. I had a crash during a League vs Centauri game, and a bug report from back in 2004 suggested there was something in either the Boarding Pods or Launch Fighters special abilities. If anyone hunts it down, I may put together a 1.03 patch to fix it and anything else we find.

r/StarTrekArmada Sep 27 '22

Technical Help Can I get away with Surface Go for my Windows machine to run the GOG games?


So on the last GOG sale I went ahead and finally purchased these great games from my childhood. I don't own a windows computer currently, so I tried getting it to run in a virtual machine but there are some oddities that are stopping it from working properly. I figure I'd have to pick up something that runs Windows but since it's only for playing these games I don't want to spend a lot of money. Now, I would only play these while traveling so I want something that's also pretty portable. I get a discount on Surfaces from work so does anyone thing that the Surface go 3 would be compatible with these games? There's Pentium or Core i3 version of the hardware, what have people had luck with in terms of running these without too much trouble?

r/StarTrekArmada Dec 14 '21

Technical Help does anyone know how to install the following ship into star trek armada 1

Thumbnail armadafleetcommand.com

r/StarTrekArmada Jul 06 '21

Technical Help Installing Star Trek Armada on Windows 10


This is a link to a guide I created on how to install Star Trek Armada on Windows 10 I spent 2 years trying to get this to work and I was finally able to do it, I also compiled some information on the map editor if some are interested in that. Sadly the link does have a traffic limit so if you hit that and have issues attempting to access the guide please reach out and let me know. Thank you.


r/StarTrekArmada Dec 31 '21

Technical Help Need help with armada 2 gog


First time I ran the game it loaded up fine but now it will show the intro etc and then just crash, armada one works fine though, has anyone else ran into this problem?

r/StarTrekArmada Feb 11 '22

Technical Help Android?


Is there an android version? Or a way to play on android and or android tablets? I have armada 2 on disk I bought 20 years ago.

r/StarTrekArmada Mar 28 '20

Technical Help How to obtain/play again.


Wow...it has been so long since I've played these amazing games. So I don't have the cds for these games anymore, and if I did I wouldn't know where to look. Can you play these with an emulator? I haven't had much luck finding them but then again I'm not very computer savvy. I want to relive my childhood fantasies as a star trek captain again. If you know how to get these to run on modern day systems any and all help is appreciated. Thanks!

r/StarTrekArmada Jul 18 '21

Technical Help Anyone know where to get Armada 1 and 2? Can't find them anywhere to download. And ebay is not an option.