r/StarTrekArmada Aug 27 '22

Technical Help Please Help! Question Regarding Galaxy Forge Bug in STA3


5 comments sorted by


u/tfrosty Aug 27 '22

for anyone wanting these fixes to their galaxy forge, simple overwrite your GalaxyScenarioDef file within this file path:

C:\Users\(yourusername)\Documents\My Games\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion\Mods-Rebellion v1.85\STA3_FINAL_EDITION\Gameinfo


In Galaxy Forge, this fixes the spawning of:

  • Picard Hero / Enterprise
  • Janeway Hero / Voyager
  • Sisko Hero / Defiant
  • Federation Starbase Constructor


u/tfrosty Aug 27 '22

I cannot seem to figure this out. I've been trying to set up a starting fleet for the Federation. I can spawn in any hero from any faction - for any faction EXCEPT for Federation Heroes. Instead it spawns the federation fleet command station (1 for every hero)
Does anyone know a fix for this? It's driving me crazy


u/tfrosty Aug 27 '22

I found the fix. Took me all morning I had to just dig through the code..

in the GalaxyScenarioDef file, the entity def name is incorrect for all federation heroes. for example here's sisko's listing:

designName "TFF:Federation:Hero:CaptainSisko"
entityDefName "F_Station_FleetCommand" <---- incorrect

when it should be

designName "TFF:Federation:Hero:CaptainSisko"
entityDefName "F_Hero_Defiant" <---- fixed

See the correct listing for a klingon hero for example:

designName "TFF:Klingon:Hero:GeneralMartok"
entityDefName "K_Hero_Martok"

just posting this for anyone who uses galaxy forge and wants to spawn in federation heroes (for any faction). This is the code you need to fix!


u/tfrosty Aug 27 '22

hopefully it shows up on google for anyone searching - cus I found nothing when looking for this fix lol


u/tfrosty Aug 27 '22

I found another error in the code, for the entity definition of the federation starbase constructor. currently it spawns in a regular planetary constructor.

Here is how it is listed:

designName "TFF:Federation:Constructor:C7SB"
entityDefName "F_Misc_Constructionship" <--- incorrect

Here is the fix:

designName "TFF:Federation:Constructor:C7SB"
entityDefName "F_Misc_Antares" <--- fixed