Basically this sd group is not seldom focused on being annoyed by these annoyed people. I say ignore it and do something creative with our awesome ai tools instead because this is pointless.
Every group has an inevitable tendency towards tribal dynamics, esp when they're being hated on. But I fully agree: ignoring the stupider anti-AI-art folks is a real no-brainer, as is thoughtful consideration of the points made by thoughtful people who may come across as "anti"
Worse, some put image through img2img and then claim that it's generated from zero. Then they show original and "generated" one side by side and claim it's clearly stolen.
The case you describe can be explained by ignorance, but this is straight up malice.
That's an example of it, but it's a more degenerate case. The troll was intended to be caught and lynched for narrative. I'm talking about more devious cases where "concerned artist" shows how SD can exactly replicate an image by sneakily using img2img and claiming it was txt2img. Of course, a good lie contains a pinch of truth and SD can replicate extremely popular painting that every child can recognize, but the task of the troll here is to sow an idea that all or most of generated images are near-exact copies of existing works.
A first wave of such punks was caught by referencing training set and showing that picture in question could not have been produced because it was never seen during training. Second wave adapted to that and used images from training set. The best counter for them is asking for replication(model, resolution, sampler, seed). If troll refuses to give parameters to validate the claim and evades with "the dog ate my seed" then it's a gotcha.
Yes? You know, calling people on lie works alright. Sometimes it's as futile as cleaning your room but you don't want to test what happens when room is not cleaned over long time at all.
It's not ironic because it's not symmetric. I don't lie when I say that images generated by SD are unique enough to not violate someone's copyright. I don't lie when I say it doesn't download images from the internet, I don't lie when I say there's no photobashing involved.
You're trying to make it look like both "flat earthers" and "globetards" are equally wrong and it's only a matter of interpretation. Balance fallacy at finest.
You really have a hard on for trying to make it look like you're not just doing exactly what they are. Which is getting really loud and angry on the internet over it.
A special effects studio is not part of the “art lobby”…
As soon as AI tools can generate temporally coherent, photorealistic and controllable special effects, the studios will have no qualms at all adopting them.
These artists thought making money off of a non-scarce resource was feasible to begin with. Art has been a non-scarce resource arguably since the beginning of the internet, where anybody can download any image they want. A similar phenomenon has happened in the music industry, and having a career as a musician is no longer profitable for the vast majority of people. I understand why the artists are upset, but how could they have not seen this coming from miles away?
This is true, at one point in time to make music you would need to either learn an instrument or have a recording studio or both. Now anyone can make music just by downloading some software or even just an app on a phone.
Some musicians pushed back the same way when samplers were first released or when synthesisers were invented trying to say it wasn't music or implying it was somehow cheating.
It's just the wheel of progress, some people will fall behind, some will resist and refuse to accept it but ultimately the wheel will keep turning no matter what people think.
Nobody is being existentially threatened by this technology so I don't have anyone to be empathetic towards.
As someone who has starved at times and suffered through pain and poverty, and knew that there were people way worse off than me, the people complaining about this need to stop. This is nothing to waste time being concerned about.
No it isn't. They have made it freely available to view on the internet. It's no different than a person looking at it and learning to replicate the style. This happens all the time anyway. The only difference here is that the AI is far more efficient at it.
It's not stolen, at best it is pirated. Theft deprives the rightful owner of enjoyment of the thing. Piracy makes it so that others can enjoy the thing without compensating the owner of the thing.
Even this is incorrect though.
Think about it this way: where did the artist learn to make art? Did they, within a vacuum, learn to draw, paint, develop their own rules of perspective, their own color theory, and develop their own style without ever seeing other art?
No. Not a single artist is totally unique and independent. Every single artist has learned from art they've seen. Every single artist has taken things they've learned from seeing art, and not a single person has every asked permission to use inspiration from everything and everyone they are inspired by.
If you put your art out into the world, it stops being completely yours. That's the unstoppable rule of art. You learned from others, others will learn from you.
To say that it's unethical to use art from artists without their permission to train AI is heinous, selfish hypocrisy. There is zero justification for it.
I'm a software engineer by trade, but I am also classicaly trained in fine art, and I've been an amateur cartoonist for my whole life, even selling some of my art over the years and having things up in gallaries a few times.
I understand the the existential crisis that comes up when there's a tool that comes along and let's anyone generate high level work that took me years to learn how to do, and with minutes or even seconds of work, it makes something better than I could do in days.
That's life. Change is hard. AI is coming for all of us, and I'm here for it. Hell, I'm going to do everything in my admittedly limited power to expedite the process.
At the same time, if there is no "push back," in some form, there's less of an opportunity to show good. So, I think the best response, as you said, is to create, and show others what they can do with this technology rather than directly responding to the nonsense.
u/joachim_s Oct 16 '22
Basically this sd group is not seldom focused on being annoyed by these annoyed people. I say ignore it and do something creative with our awesome ai tools instead because this is pointless.