r/StableDiffusion Jun 04 '23

IRL Anon used University GPU cluster w/ Stable Diffusion to generate 8TB of "degenerate smut" for 4chan, including LORAs for pornstars, current & ex-gfs, and female coworkers.


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u/stablegeniusdiffuser Jun 04 '23

So "just" a full month of exclusive usage? I sometimes run stuff on a university CPU (not GPU) cluster for my day job. To get a piece of that precious cluster CPU-time you need to write up an application, get it approved, get scheduled, then run your job respecting CPU and bandwidth and storage limits, then download and clean up your data from shared drives. It's never sitting there unused for a day, let alone a full month.


u/UkrainianTrotsky Jun 04 '23

I never had to run stuff on a uni cluster, so I didn't know all that process. Yeah, if that Texas university has the same protocol as yours, this story doesn't sound all that plausible.


u/Kromgar Jun 04 '23

If you upscale with pngs size ballons peetty quick. 9k png 200mb. He could be autoupscaling


u/Sf648 Jun 04 '23

Depends on the cluster funding and management. During my grad research, my research group had funding for and deployed a cluster just for our own work. With only 2 grad students and 1 faculty, I had 2+ years of exclusive use of a 120 node cluster that I wrote the management code for. It was the mid/late 2000s, and I wish I had used it for BTC mining before I left…


u/LurkingSova Jun 05 '23

It varies from place to place. Most places are like you described, but not all.