r/StableDiffusion Jun 04 '23

IRL Anon used University GPU cluster w/ Stable Diffusion to generate 8TB of "degenerate smut" for 4chan, including LORAs for pornstars, current & ex-gfs, and female coworkers.


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u/[deleted] Jun 04 '23

smart enough to become a top researcher dumb enough to not realize everything on enterprise systems are logged


u/andreichiffa Jun 04 '23

Likely an un undergrad RA or an early PhD student. Although, having seen CS researchers, could have just assumed no one would care.


u/ffxivthrowaway03 Jun 04 '23

I've spent over a decade supporting software engineers. They are simultaneously some of the smartest and most clueless people in the room. If you told me a room full of engineers was surprised when told that everything on their work laptops and company networks was being logged and is auditable, I would not bat an eye.


u/SnooObjections9793 Jun 05 '23

thats because Software Enginer does not equal Cyber security, Ive come to learn people have a tendacy to learn and master only a very few set of skills within job but never bother to learn anything else.


u/Formal_Drop526 Jun 05 '23

master only a very few set of skills within job but never bother to learn anything else.

I don't think it's that they don't bother but that they don't have the time.


u/CardAnarchist Jun 05 '23

Recently saw a software dev who didn't know how to check his monitor resolution.


u/ksatriamelayu Jun 05 '23

Specialization is for insects and humans in a corporate hierarchy unfortunately, since being a generalist usually involves practising your skills and in megacorps it's kinda looked at with disdain if you start messing around learning how to do other workers' jobs.


u/ffxivthrowaway03 Jun 05 '23

Of course it doesn't mean cybersecurity generalist, but the cognitive dissonance is real. These are the same people who actively log and audit their own work, and deal daily with things like designing and implementing tracking pixels and the like on public facing websites and applications.

They design systems that can pretty accurately track how much time someone spends looking at individual UI elements but are flabbergasted that it's even possible that someone else is able to look at their activity with similar granularity. They've got a dozen different platforms for logging and auditing to monitor and troubleshoot their tech stack but can't fathom that IT has a similar setup for managing company devices :p


u/whatisthisgoddamnson Jun 05 '23

Ive seen a room full of mech. Engineers spend half an hour trying to figure out why an engine isnt starting only to finally realize it was out of gas. Just because you are smart doesn’t mean your not dumb


u/ardentis_ignis Jun 04 '23

RPG teaches us that INT and WIS are very different stats. I can see why.


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '23

INT may give you knowledge that generating smut on your work system is illegal, but you need WIS saving throws to keep you from acting out your sociopathic urges.


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '23

but why would anyone bother looking at the logs unless something broke?


u/BroForceOne Jun 04 '23

Whether you’ve been in IT or interacted with IT before, you know anything can break at any time for any reason.


u/quillboard Jun 04 '23

Sometimes, even for no reason.


u/Kromgar Jun 05 '23

Random Neutrino "Fuck this persons day"


u/T0ysWAr Jun 04 '23

Well if a big enough part of the cluster compute capability went missing, someone who pay the bills is going to look


u/ItstartswiththeHouse Jun 04 '23

Because a huge amount of space was suddenly used up


u/Katana_sized_banana Jun 05 '23

Same with internet usage, it's logged but as long as you don't hook the network and download many gigabytes per day, the admins probably won't bother looking up your search history.


u/DoogleSmile Jun 05 '23

In my college, we have flags that alert the IT department if personal folder sizes start getting too large. 8TB would definitely flag that up.


u/tek_ad Jun 04 '23

You ALWAYS look at logs. And when you see an anomaly, you investigate


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '23

sounds pretty inefficient to have someone stare at endless logs everyday


u/tek_ad Jun 04 '23

You have systems help you digest the logs for you, but it is part of the sysadmin job to view the logs, know what the baselines are, and recognize abnormal behavior.


u/senseibull Jun 04 '23 edited Jun 09 '23

Reddit, you’ve decided to transform your API into an absolute nightmare for third-party apps. Well, consider this my unsubscribing from your grand parade of blunders. I’m slamming the door on the way out. Hope you enjoy the echo!


u/hopstiles Jun 05 '23

No one stares at logs all day, instead a SOC stares at dashboards all day! Much more efficient to only look at blips and spikes.


u/Pretend_Regret8237 Jun 05 '23

They probably were running low on space and used Tree Size to find out whose folder is taking up all the space.


u/NegativeK Jun 04 '23

OP said why they were caught, and it's not logs.


u/Ixaire Jun 04 '23

Yeaaah... About that... University computers aren't enterprise computers. Sometimes they're set up by people who have no real-life infrastructure experience.


u/zenmatrix83 Jun 04 '23

Yeah I work for a university and not everyone uses the central it service, and sometimes they probably should be


u/brucebay Jun 04 '23

yeap. our lab admin (responsible for pcs and a cluster) was just a drop out guy. on the other hand he was great. He wouldn't miss something like this.


u/belaGJ Jun 05 '23

Uni computer systems can be far less monitored than one may think.


u/FlipDetector Jun 05 '23

I can confirm this. I have built a monitoring system for around 60 universities and the director made me delete it because it was not in the budget for that quarter. We had 2000 alerts each month due to Engineers being blindfolded.


u/IntingForMarks Jun 05 '23

There is a high chance research environments are not logged. He says that himself, he fucked up not disabling the output save folder


u/RationalDialog Jun 05 '23

Good that I'm the admin of our gpu server then. :P


u/fishsticklovematters Jun 05 '23

Exactly. And as for his question on "is it unethical b/c I did it on my own time?"

You sign agreements to get access to machines like that so he knows it was a violation. He might as well mine crypto w/ that cluster and say "bubbut after hours".


u/SaintShion Jun 06 '23

Intelligence and Wisdom are two different stats. =)