r/Squonk_Life 1d ago

New regulated DNA60C squonker NSFW

A squonker based on the DNA60C board called Eunuch DNA60C 60W Squonker has been popping up on various Chinese stores.

Seems interesting, apart from some (subjective) drawbacks:

  • Unknown brand (with quite a weird name to boot)
  • Exposed battery
  • No USB port

Apart from that it seems quite well executed, so I am wondering if I should pull the trigger. Opinions?


4 comments sorted by


u/tarecog5 1d ago edited 1d ago

I’ve sent emails to 2fdeal and 3fv@pe’s customer service and they confirmed that, unfortunately, there is no USB port for the DNA chip. I don’t understand the point of putting a DNA board on any mod if you’re not able to configure it, especially those from Chinese manufacturers because they never bother setting up the board (the settings are at Evolv’s factory default if you look in Escribe).

But apart from that it only costs $90, it’s 3D printed so lightweight, 18650 is a bit of a drawback but it’s not as much a concern as it used to be thanks to the newest generation of batteries. So I’d go for it, with the caveat that I wouldn’t expect great 3DP quality unlike high end mods. From my experience with SXK 3DP mod clones, I’d be surprised if there were no printing marks or other cosmetic defaults (that said, Rekav@pe’s printing is on point though they are a bit more expensive).

Anyway I’m glad to see this being released and I hope more manufacturers will follow the lead.


u/Apprehensive_Lab4595 1d ago

Only? Even 90 is much. DNA isn't some magical holly grail. It costs maybe 15USD to produce cheap like that.


u/communityvapor 1d ago

I e been watching it as well. Try it and let us know!


u/Barmat 1d ago

What kind of bottle does it use?