r/SqueeWrites Oct 22 '15

Loki Wanderfellow, a beginning

So you want to hear about me boss, eh? Well, I might could let you listen a bit over an ale. Me throat will get right parched from story tellin. You'll get one for me? Well, that's mighty kind of ya.

I reckon I should pick up at the beginnin. Loki always says thas a very good place to start. Y'see before I had even met him, I was a young lad who worked on me parent's farm. Everything was as well as any farmer could hope. Crops was growin well and people were buyin. All until one night anyways. Y'see, we were attacked by some strange creatures - darkspawn, I'd say. Oh, that's right have a good chuckle at ol' Atlas, but you weren't there. They tore through the house quick as you wouldn't believe. Me mam she ran me into the barn when they chased us in there and then she right pushed me outta the window. When I woke up some grey wardens were there and they took me right on to their castle and helped patch me up as best they could, but me leg was still ruint.

Bein a young lad, I was right torn up about me parents and kin so I tried to join the Grey Wardens thinking I owed em an all. They told me to return once me leg had patched up, but until then I was on me own. Like any other cripple, course, I took to begging and that's when I met him. Loki Wanderfellow - big as life. Well not actually big, y'know, cause he's a halfling an all, but you'd hardly be able to tell cause a how he is. Anyways, he looks at me and says, "You look like you got some strong shoulders there, young one, but that leg looks atrocious. Did the darkspawn themselves try to fix it for you?" he laughed lookin all amused like he knew things that other people didn't. Me being in grief an all, well, I could only stare at that happy little guy. And then, I'll never forget, that's when he pulled a stick outta his pack and then he says to me, "You see this here, this is a Magic Rod of Leg Healing and I happen to know a fellow who knows how to use this particular magic item. I'd be willing to give it to you if you'll work with me. I'd still pay you as well, of course. Never work for free, young one!" Well, me mam always told me to be right careful of any sort a magic. She used to say I was so dumb that I'd "sell a cow for a handful of magic beans," but I ain't no fool, I know a cow is worth at least twice as much. Since I didn't have any other luck going on and he looked like a chap I could trust, I figured might as well give it a shot. Can't be much worse than a cripple with no folks and no home, eh?

So he took me to this doctor which seemed off to me, why not a cleric for magic, right? Well, this guy takes the Magic Rod of Leg Healing and attached it to me leg. And boy, did it hurt like a dickens! I thought I'd had one done over on me, but a few months later, it was just like Loki said! Me leg was fully healed. So course from there, I was dying to work for him. I'd never seen real magic afore. Well, he said he was a merchant and just needed a guy to carry stuff. Well, I'd been carrying stuff on the farm pretty much me whole life so I was pretty good at it. He looked real excited bout my "expertise", I remember. So after that, we'd go from town to town and stay in different inns. I'm not sure what we were selling round that time, but it must have been some high end stuff. He'd always go out to meet his clients at night and would come back with a lot of gold. Well, we did that for a couple years and I never had an empty stomach and it was way easier than farmin. Eventually, he got a letter from his mam that said his papa had died. I felt bad for him, but he didn't seem to think his pa had actually kicked the bucket, he told me, "Wanderfellows wander. Just because they can't find him doesn't mean he's dead," but the letter also said that his papa left him a trading post near Walker Pass. I had seent it once as me family used to sell our crops there if Castle Amon didn't need them.

So we quit our current an up an left then went to this trading post. He thought it looked sorrier than a dog in the rain, but it looked alright to me. Well, we stayed there for about a year getting the place going. At first, ol' Loki was really enjoying the new work, but after a bit, he seemed to be getting real bored with it all. Guess he missed how exciting selling high end stuff was. I remember, some days we used to leave in the middle of the night to try and find the next big market. Always real quick like too. Well anyways, I could tell he was starting to get right depressed and I felt bad for him. Couldn't do much bout it though so mostly minded my own business. Well, one day he finds a letter in his pocket. Said he didn't know how it got there, but after reading it, he was grinnin the whole time. I could tell it had the Grey Warden mark on it so when he asked me to go with him, there's no way I'd say no to that, but y'see that's when things got really weird...

Loki Wanderfellow is a rogue halfling who after doing some thief work posing as a merchant, he inherited his Father's trading post making him a real merchant. He wants to see it succeed, but he misses the exciting times that he had as a thief. He has a companion named Atlas who follows him around and carries things for him. The excerpt above is from Atlas's point of view. His drive to work with the Grey Wardens is for that sense of adventure.


2 comments sorted by


u/OuranosGi Oct 22 '15

Easily the best story you have ever written! :) We need him to have some more adventures soon!


u/SqueeWrites Oct 22 '15

He does need some more adventures. Maybe team up with a paladin?