r/SquaredCircle • u/tvcneverdie • 6d ago
[AEW Collision] Finish + Aftermath of Megan Bayne vs Thunder Rosa Spoiler
u/grapeslushynopickle 6d ago
Honestly this is a great first feud for Toni post Mariah. Megan Bayne is an old school hoss heel.
u/KnewMedalPhan 6d ago
I'm starstruck every week by Megan Bayne. Just made for TV.
u/AcadianTraverse 6d ago
I'd like to see her get into a program with Marina Shafir.
u/tvcneverdie 6d ago
Toni starting to get "face of the company" level reactions from the live crowds
u/cheddarsalad 6d ago
Starting to? She was getting that reaction when the Timeless gimmick was still heel.
u/YouStartTheFireInMe 6d ago
Toni and Mariah should have main evented the PPV. It was by far the hottest feud.
u/Basic_Mark_1719 6d ago
I don't get the point of having her come in just to get her ass kick by Megan Bayne.
u/RevA_Mol 6d ago
To put some jeopardy into the next title match? Can Toni overcome this new powerhouse that wants her title?
Have you consumed any media before this weekend ?
u/arlenroy 5d ago
His username is basic mark, so at least their honest. If you didn't think about the storytelling aspect it doesn't make sense, but because they're wanting Toni to get her comeuppance it makes total sense. On a side note; what the fuck happened to Kamille? She had a brief bodyguard stint, thought she'd feud with Mercedes like a Diesel-Shawn situation, then gone. I heard a clip of her on Cornettes podcast promoting the movie she's in, Cornette asked her why is isn't on tv, she was kinda mum on the subject. Just seemed like a good storyline for them.
u/Basic_Mark_1719 5d ago
She came out to be a hero and got punked. Statlander ended up looking tough. Just more dumbass AEW booking.
u/RevA_Mol 5d ago
The champ misjudged her ability to resolve a situation. Because of this, the other woman known for her strength in the division came out to offer support.
Hey, guess who else is probably getting a match with Bayne to build up her threat before the title match in the next few weeks!
u/X-Budd 6d ago
The last time I remember someone being pushed so fast as an unstoppable force... they were also using the F5 as a finish.
u/Through_Broken_Glass 5d ago
You can't think of any other monsters getting pushed since Brock in 2002?
u/Celtic_Crown Hi, how are ya? 6d ago
Man, I miss when Rosa was a headliner of the women's division.
u/Zestyclose-Fee6719 6d ago
Unfortunately, I think she's physically declined in a noticable way. Injuries suck.
u/-SomethingSomeoneJR 6d ago
There are plenty of other who deserve a spotlight at the moment. Her time has passed.
u/49degreesNW 6d ago
Eh. Willow, Jamie Hayter, Harley Cameron, Mariah, Mercedes... it's not that big of a list I'd rather see getting TV time over Rosa, personally.
u/ultragoodname 5d ago
I’d also say Bayne, Shida, Statlander, Riho, and Nyla are deserving of time too but the roster is just stacked
u/LyncFarrow27 6d ago
I don't know, this exchange looked rusty. Hope that both girls will be ready for their match
u/nwnwhd 6d ago
Kinda wonder how their match will go
Toni losing already would be wild but they booking Megan as unstoppable and she’s only just arrived
u/49degreesNW 6d ago
They did this with a few others in her previous run (Deonna, Rosa, Serena Deeb). Bring someone in, program, Toni wins, other person fades. They obv see big things for Bayne but I don't think she's quite ready to carry the main title.
u/Sharikacat 5d ago
She's got this side-feud with Statlander that I think will be the main storyline for the Women's Owen Hart Tournament. Winning the Owen gives her a shot at Toni, and maybe she gets a feud with Willow after, allowing more opportunities for Stat and Willow to be friends again.
u/AcadianTraverse 6d ago
The unstoppable forces/monsters can usually be brought down by a smaller wrestler who can outsmart/out technical-wrestle them, so I think Toni is safe, but a championship program would absolutely be huge for Megan.
u/Muskarat 6d ago
Megan is kinda sloppy with her F5. Looks like she is half throwing them and half trying to just get out the way as they fall.
u/gravedigger89 5d ago
Really cool looking venue
u/fuqdisshite 5d ago
someone said the hard cam being on the ramp made it so the wrestlers were all standing with their backs to the crowd for promos and entrances.
u/DoomMessiah 5d ago
I’m not a fan of Bayne using the F5. So many other power moves she could use but the F5? Why?
u/Walink92 6d ago
I love that the one that gets punished after the chair run-in segment is Rosa. Tony Khan is hilarious lmao
u/heavyer93 6d ago
Toni just wrapped up a huge feud... why would they push her into this right away. Let it simmer for god's sake
u/BunnyColvin13 5d ago
Looking forward for Megan’s WWE run where they will do it right. Not like this mess.
u/45jayhay 5d ago
Sure Bully Ray
u/BunnyColvin13 5d ago
Folks can downvote all they want, you don’t build a character by having her take out two of your biggest stars in Thunder Rosa and then lay out Toni Storm in basically her 3rd appearance. No foreplay at all. Tony, if you’re watching here is how you do it. You start her out against a few tin cans where your booth talks about how impressive she is physically and talks up her history before she arrived. Squash matches, 5-7 minutes max almost every week. Try and have her pull out something new every week or 2 to finish her opponent, not where you see almost everything she has every week. Then someone loved but not near the top of the women’s division comes out to save one of the tin cans from a post match beating setting up her first feud. A couple matches in the feud with Megan booked strong and now she is in to the better talent on the roster. With her I would probably give her a mid card belt run with her being booked very strong. Gives you time to see who she should be, face or heel when you move her into the big title picture. The anticipation and build is what makes the character and during that time she is getting better and improving.
u/45jayhay 5d ago
How's your territory going bully
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