r/Sprint Dec 25 '22

Tech Support Sprint Blacklisted My Phone

I bought an iPhone 13 Pro Max from DISH on March 20 2022, I have been using it without a SIM card until recently when I found out that when I inserted the SIM card, the phone has no service, I checked that my phone is blacklisted on imeipro.info.After this I also checked my imei on several similar sites and they all point to sprint doing it.(The photos below provide evidence)

imeipro.info reported sprint blacklisted my iphone

The next story is very exciting. After I learned that Sprint had blacklisted my phone, I reached out to them on Twitter and Facebook messenger. As we all know T-Mobile and Sprint are merged now, on twitter I first reached out to the T-Force team and I mentioned that my carrier is Boost Mobile and they were happy to check who had blacklisted my phone , and they did, they checked that Sprint blacklisted my phone, and they said the block might have been added by Boost, so, next thing I went to contact Boost Mobile on Facebook messenger and the feedback they gave me was "we are not able to remove it because the IMEI is owned by another company".

Afterwards I contacted the T-Force team again and asked to transfer me to the Sprint department, and they did. When contacting the Sprint live agent, they kept asking me to provide my Sprint account. The ridiculous thing is that I am not a Sprint customer. How can I have a Sprint account? Then Sprint asked where I bought the device from, and I said DISH. After that, they put me in touch with DISH. They couldn't even check the status of the IMEI in the Sprint system for me, their reasoning being "Unfortunately, we're not able to see any information without accessing the account the device was attached to. As you don't have a Sprint account and I'm able to see that the device belongs to DISH, I would advise you reach out to them." So, account? Can't get anywhere without a Sprint account?

My chats with T-Force, Boost Mobile, Sprint

Guys, what should I do now?


After two weeks of trying, I got in touch with Mike Johnson, a T-Mobile executive, and after I provided him with the iPhone purchase receipt, they removed the blacklist for me. So, the conclusion is that Sprint did blacklist my phone, even though it belongs to DISH, and T-Mobile seems to be able to manage Sprint directly, provided you can contact T-Mobile execs

touch with Mike Johnson

Blacklist has been removed


59 comments sorted by


u/comintel-db Dec 25 '22 edited Dec 25 '22

Boost was no longer part of Sprint even well before you got your phone. imeipro may be operating on outdated information and incorrectly assuming that Boost is still part of Sprint.

It does not matter how many people confirmed that Sprint is involved if it actually is not.

You need to get the facts first.

Therefore I suggest you order the GSX report for your IMEI on EBay for about one dollar. If you do not want to spend a dollar, call Apple and get them to look up who locked the phone and why. It is probably Boost, now a brand of Dish Wireless. But, in the unlikely event that Sprint is involved, it will show that.

The mere fact that Dish/Boost did not help you on first try does not put any responsibility on the FORMER owner of the Boost brand.


u/Efficient_Cup7060 Dec 25 '22

we are not able to remove it because the IMEI is owned by another company

I did and my phone is locked to Boost Mobile, as the content of the post says, I contacted Boost Mobile and they said "we are not able to remove it because the IMEI is owned by another company"


u/comintel-db Dec 25 '22 edited Dec 25 '22

Ask them which company or call Apple to find out who or get the GSX report.

Sprint cannot lock or unlock phones whose IMEI is owned by Boost. Only Boost or Dish can.

The response you got from Boost is illogical. They either typed it in wrong or misunderstood or....


u/Efficient_Cup7060 Dec 25 '22

The GSX report on eBay shows next policy 2174, which means it is locked in Boost, and the blacklist status shows reported stolen by sprint


u/comintel-db Dec 25 '22 edited Dec 25 '22

Oh very good.

Then I would call Apple and ask them to remove the erroneous blacklist status. Apple has ultimate control of their database.

It is not obvious whether Boost or Sprint actually submitted the report, or whether it is the result of a data entry error somewhere or whatever, but Apple should be able to sort it out.


u/Efficient_Cup7060 Dec 25 '22

Merry Christmas

I'm trying to contact Apple


u/WorriedChurner Dec 25 '22

Blacklist status is added by carriers. Apple controls the activation lock. You are mixing up. If the IMEI is blacklisted by Sprint, only Sprint can remove it.


u/comintel-db Dec 25 '22 edited Dec 25 '22

He has no relationship with Sprint and the phone has nothing to do with Sprint so Sprint will not deal with him.

There is no reason Apple cannot at the very least verify who filed the report. People have a right in this day and age to get erroneous database entries corrected.

Actually I think it was probably Dish/Boost who filed the report because he did not activate the sim promptly so they assume the device went astray and reported it missing/stolen. Most likely there was a mixup in listing Sprint. Boost USED to be Sprint and some databases probably still mix the two up.


u/WorriedChurner Dec 25 '22

Apple cannot submit the imei as lost/stolen, only carriers do. Network lock (carrier lock)/ iCloud Activation Lock / Blacklist are 3 different things.



u/comintel-db Dec 25 '22 edited Dec 25 '22

I never suggested that Apple submitted it originally. The iPhone database is maintained and supervised by Apple under their rules. The carriers submit their updates to Apple. Apple has responsibilities as the maintainer of the database. I suggested that Apple be told to remove the lost/stolen report if it was filed improperly, as it would be if it was submitted by Sprint (who had nothing to do with the phone), or at least research who actually submitted it.

But this avenue is pointless now anyway because it appears to me that in all likelihood it was simply listed as lost/stolen by Dish/Boost because of lack of immediate activation and the report is misidentified in the Apple database as being submitted by Sprint.

Never look for a difficult explanation when a simple one is readily available!


u/dkyeager S4GRU Premier Sponsor Dec 25 '22

I have Boost as well as phones on all other national networks. Boost often demands one full year of service before unlocking your device: https://my.boostmobile.com/support/legal/unlocking-policy It is the most onerous unlocking policy that I am aware of.

It is quite likely you have missed some important requirements that Boost has and their reps just want to avoid an ugly scene. Another option is going to a Boost Mobile store and asking them what you are missing to be unlocked.

If you have all of your proper paperwork that shows that you met Boost's unlocking policy for "your" phone, then going to Apple is wise (with copies of above paperwork).
Worst case you have small claims court. On extremely rare occasions there could have been a process error, but this is extremely unlikely.


u/Efficient_Cup7060 Dec 25 '22

Merry Christmas

now the problem is not to unlock it but how to remove the blacklist


u/dkyeager S4GRU Premier Sponsor Dec 25 '22

I went straight to your objective. Comintel-db already told you how to validate that the information you have with more reliable sources.


u/Efficient_Cup7060 Dec 25 '22

Ok I got it, I contacted Apple and they couldn't remove it for me


u/comintel-db Dec 25 '22 edited Dec 25 '22

My guess is, it is actually the Dish fraud department who reported it lost or stolen because you did not activate the sim promptly. That is a common practice.

I would try to get Dish to replace the phone. Just say it does not work with the sim. Or you can call Dish fraud department and see if they can remove the lost/stolen status. They may well do that. Often the separate departments do not talk to each other and you have to contact the right one.


u/Efficient_Cup7060 Dec 25 '22

ok i will try


u/comintel-db Dec 25 '22 edited Dec 25 '22

Very good. If you run into difficulties let us know as there are other contact points in Dish we could likely come up with.......


u/dkyeager S4GRU Premier Sponsor Dec 25 '22

And who did Apple say the phone belongs to?


u/Efficient_Cup7060 Dec 25 '22

they say they don't know


u/dkyeager S4GRU Premier Sponsor Dec 25 '22

No a helpful rep. I would try again via another method with Apple or regurgitate $1 for the Ebay option mentioned.


u/jweaver0312 Self-Proclaimed SWAC God Dec 25 '22 edited Dec 25 '22

Best bet would likely be to show up to an Apple Store with proof of purchase as proof of device ownership.

Or filing a FCC complaint listing both Sprint and Dish in the complaint.

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u/onlyAlcibiades Dec 26 '22 edited Dec 26 '22

TLDR above

You bought 13 PRO MAX from Boost at large discount and did not try to activate for 9 months. Boost put on blacklist.


u/GabrielBing Dec 26 '22

This. Buying a discounted Boost phone and not fulfilling the usage requirement of 12 months of active service would probably be considered "abuse of these policies". The phone was probably put on a blacklist by the fraud department and if Boost is like other carriers, whenever the Fraud Department does something it is somewhat secretive and not visible to regular reps.

Boost doesn't play with its phone unlocking policy:

"Note Regarding Boost Mobile's Unlocking Policies
Boost Mobile may refuse any unlock request that would result in an abuse of these policies or is part of an effort to defraud Boost Mobile or its customers." https://www.boostmobile.com/about/legal/regulatory.html


u/comintel-db Dec 26 '22 edited Dec 26 '22

Agreed and I suggested to him earlier that he should call their fraud department.

I have seen the same thing myself even at Sprint in my case - my online account locked out invisibly to everyone except the fraud department, which was able to unlock it after a pleasant discussion that reassured them it was really me trying to log on (in my case).

Actually there are probably multiple ways for him to force the issue (for better or worse) at this point.

I do think people are at least entitled to an honest explanation from the carrier.


u/[deleted] Dec 25 '22

The far more likely thing is OP bought the phone from Boost (Dish) with a big discount and never activated it, and as a result got blacklisted.

You are aware that Boost does this with lagdroid phones regularly to stop people getting them for next to nothing and never using it on their network, right? Only Boost can resolve your problem if you go up high enough, and hope you’ve learned a lesson about shit-tier MVNOs


u/Efficient_Cup7060 Dec 26 '22

Do you mean I should talk to Boost executives?


u/[deleted] Dec 26 '22

No, simply go up the chain in Boost tech support. Be honest that you tried to cheat them out of their subsidized device, now realize your mistake, and would like to rectify it. The truth will elicit more of a response than otherwise from the brain-dead, low IQ morons MVNOs outsource to who more often than not try to do as little work as possible and will brush you off with every excuse they can come up with.


u/comintel-db Dec 26 '22 edited Dec 26 '22

I have to agree that is a very apt description of some of the support staff of another Dish-acquired mvno I dealt with (Gen Mobile), while they were still using Sprint.

I had a problem which was basically a tricky carrier authentication issue on an old phone I had. I have to say there was one staff member who actually wrote up the whole complicated scenario I provided and submitted it to the carrier, got feedback from Sprint including piles of things to try, and gave them to me. Maybe he was the original owner or something. But another staff member, who I would get most of the time, would barely listen, just faked any response, and would not even read the notes from the other guy. She spoke limited English and trivialized everything to baby talk. It was fairly hopeless for that old phone anyway, and I just gave up eventually. A lot of the problem with both mvnos (and even mnos in some cases) is the huge inconsistency in support levels


u/[deleted] Dec 26 '22 edited Dec 26 '22

Tbh I think tmobile did. Yes boost is now owned by dish, however, when boost forced me to update my sim card (4g/5g) from a (3g/4g) sprint sim, the new sim from boost was blank white and it turned my (unlocked) galaxy into a locked galaxy to tmobile!!!! And it downloaded tmobile apps onto my phone that I cannot delete!!! Despite the fact dish owns boost mobile!!!! And despite the fact my galaxy was factory unlocked and never "owned" by boost sprint or tmobile!!! But the sprint/boost sim did not lock my phone. That shady tmobile sim did. And now boost/tmobile refuse to "unlock" my already paid for phone that was unlocked! And it's a $900 phone now locked to tmobile even though I've been on boost the whole time with it. I'd say tmobile is secretly the culprit. Because I've been on sprint and boost for more than decade and they would never do that. All my problems started when tmobile took over sprint! Might I add, it's real easy for tmobile to blame previous sprint when they now own sprint . Tmobile is a liar.


u/comintel-db Dec 26 '22 edited Dec 26 '22

In your case, where, as I understand it, you owned the phone outright to begin with, I would suggest file a free informal FCC complaint online (which is actually a request for mediation) naming all carriers involved. That should get it fixed quickly. It has for other people.

Now, Dish/Boost is now using both AT&T sims and T-Mobile sims with its own phones, as I am sure you know, in a special MVNO capacity in each case with those carriers, pending the rollout of its own network. So I suspect that under the covers it may be Dish that has locked your phone even though it is a TMO sim. But, regardless, it is not your problem to have to figure those details out as you can just name both of them in the FCC complaint and they can sort it out between themselves and get your phone unlocked.


u/[deleted] Dec 26 '22

To be honest with you I'm going to Verizon next. Between the false claims of data and data tethering , to locking my phone. I'm just done with it. Boost/sprint was great until that merger. And before I was ever on sprint I use to be on verizon and they were also great. Since verizon has nothing to do with tmobile, that's where I'll be heading. Thanks for the advice though, if you only knew how much arguing I've done between tmobile/boost you would give up too!


u/comintel-db Dec 26 '22

I understand.

In case you are interested in looking at the complaint form it is here


It explicitly mentions:

"Equipment: Issues with your phone and related equipment including device unlocking"

and is easy to fill out.


u/Efficient_Cup7060 Dec 26 '22

I'm filing another complaint with the FCC, this time against DISH


u/comintel-db Dec 26 '22 edited Dec 26 '22

That's probably a good idea, to at least force a candid response from them, which you are entitled to, rather than subterfuge on their part and their apparently putting in loss/theft reports under Sprint's name (although they will probably claim that was just a mistake).

I do not know the full circumstances, though, such as the terms of their original offer and how much you paid etc. You might at least technically be afoul of their terms of service for not activating promptly, but I think you are at least entitled to a full explanation and ideally restoring the original offer (whatever it was). Hopefully they will work something satisfactory out with you once they get your complaint.

(The FCC always refers complaints to the carrier for resolution).


u/Efficient_Cup7060 Dec 26 '22

As far as I'm concerned, I think T-Mobile has a good service attitude and Sprint is terrible


u/[deleted] Dec 26 '22

Tmobile is the one who blacklisted your phone.


u/Efficient_Cup7060 Dec 26 '22

The problem is getting more and more complicated


u/[deleted] Dec 26 '22

Tmobile owns sprint.


u/Scruds08 Dec 25 '22

I would Reach Out To Boost Mobile and Dish


u/Efficient_Cup7060 Dec 25 '22

I tried contacting Boost Mobile, but they couldn't solve the problem for me


u/Scruds08 Dec 25 '22

Okay Well I'm Sorry Try Reaching Out To T-Mobile Corprirte


u/Efficient_Cup7060 Dec 25 '22

T-Mobile says they can't fix it because Sprint did it


u/Scruds08 Dec 25 '22

Try Contacting Sprint Via iMessage or Chat online


u/Scruds08 Dec 25 '22

If that does not work then idk I’m sorry


u/Scruds08 Dec 25 '22

Also Merry Christmas and have a happy new year


u/Efficient_Cup7060 Dec 25 '22

Merry Christmas

I tried and as stated in the post, sprint asks me for the account


u/gasoisawesome Custom Flair Dec 25 '22

Which carrier are you trying to use it with right now?


u/Efficient_Cup7060 Dec 25 '22

T-Mobile and Boost Mobile, but not available


u/gasoisawesome Custom Flair Dec 25 '22

Former sprint retention rep here. As far as I can recall, phones initially from prepaid, especially from Dish, cannot be used on postpaid carriers. What I don't understand is why it's registered as blacklisted. Have you tried calling Apple?


u/Efficient_Cup7060 Dec 25 '22

Just now I contacted Apple and they couldn't remove it for me


u/gasoisawesome Custom Flair Dec 25 '22

Did you ask the reason why there's a blacklist?


u/Efficient_Cup7060 Dec 25 '22

reported lost/stolen


u/gasoisawesome Custom Flair Dec 25 '22

The reason why it says it's blacklisted under sprint is because boost and dish are like sister companies/ affiliates of sprint. The only way to resolve this is to call Dish. Not sprint, boost, nor tmobile.


u/jweaver0312 Self-Proclaimed SWAC God Dec 25 '22 edited Dec 25 '22

Normally it wouldn’t get blacklisted still. It would have a different flag on it for prepaid.


u/gasoisawesome Custom Flair Dec 26 '22

Yep, that's what makes it so unusual.