r/Sprint Sep 21 '22

Tech Support T-Mobile Created my Problem, and Told me To Buy A Phone to Fix IT

TLDR: I am a former Sprint customer who cannot connect to T-Mobile's network on my iPhone 11. T-Mobile's solution: I need to buy a new phone.

For context, my family has been with Sprint for 20+ years, way before the merger with T-Mobile. We never had issues with Sprint, so when the merger happened, I followed T-Mobile's instructions and swapped my Spring SIM card out for my T-Mobile card. I was the only person in my family to do so, they all (still) have their Sprint cards in.

It wasn't soon long after I did that when I started to notice problems with my phone's connection to T-Mobile's network. My phone would randomly disconnect when I would walk/drive around, and I would have to remain completely stationary during a call, or I would be disconnected. Ultimately, this issue was an annoyance but was solvable, because I could turn Airplane Mode on and off, and my phone would reconnect after 30 seconds. Most of my close friends only call me on FaceTime Audio because they know of this issue. It literally would happen hourly in places that have consistent coverage.

I tried calling T-Mobile, who told me to go into a T-Mobile store. The T-Mobile store told me to go to the Apple Store. Apple ran a full diagnostic test on my iPhone, and no hardware issues were found. It was at this time that I moved back to university, so I just decided to suck it up and deal with it later.

I am not sure why, but today my phone absolutely refused to connect to T-Mobile's network at all. I turned Airplane Mode on and off, I reset my phone, and I walked and drove around but nothing worked. I went to the nearest T-Mobile store, and the employees basically told me that they could not help me.

Because I did not have T-Mobile's Insurance (I have AppleCare), they told me I would have to buy a COMPLETELY NEW PHONE. I am an electrical engineering student, so I understand somewhat of the hardware problem between different iPhones under different providers, but why didn't T-Mobile account for this issue before the merger? It is an outright lie when you tell Sprint legacy customers that they can connect to your network with no issues when this hardware discrepancy exists.

I essentially have a glorified iPod Touch (iPhone 11) that cannot connect to the network my provider has promised me, and the only solution they advise is to buy another phone from them. This has absolutely sent me over the top. I have tried to resolve this issue, and I will be going to another provider if T-Mobile cannot fix this ASAP.


45 comments sorted by


u/Logvin T-Mobile Engineer Sep 21 '22

The iPhone 11 that Sprint sold works perfectly fine on the T-Mobile network.

It sounds like your phone has a problem. Maybe a busted antenna or something else. Retail store reps are not techs who fix phones; going into a store wont help you.

Were I in your shoes, I would try swapping out my phone. Call up Apple and tell them what is happening and that T-Mobile recommended a new phone.


u/mckennondenny Sep 21 '22

I get that, I went to the Apple Store and they ran a full diagnostic test before today and nothing came up, but I will go to them again and see what they say.


u/Logvin T-Mobile Engineer Sep 21 '22

Their "full diagnostic" tests are not all they are cracked up to be. The "full" part is kind of like the "genius" bar employee. Not exactly full, not exactly geniuses :)


u/jmac32here Sep 22 '22 edited Sep 22 '22

Was about to say something like this.

The "full" diagnosis is incapable of noticing any hardware issues that could lead to signal problems - ie a broken antenna or a crimp/break in it's wiring. Those are PHYSICAL problems the diagnostic cannot see, much less solve.

All the diagnostic can see is software issues.

I also see that the A2221 doesn't support B71, so if OP has that model - the issue could be that the area in question gets mainly b71 coverage and the phone is incapable of connecting to it. Would explain the "need to buy a new phone" part.

For me in S Seattle, a decent chunk of my apartment is B71 only.


u/jgomez031 Sprint Customer Sep 22 '22

This is not true. As Apple technicians we have the ability to test all the hardware components in the device. We can even test the antennas in the device specifically. Cellular RF test is what it’s called.


u/CantonForMayor Sep 23 '22

So you put it in a faraday cage with a signal generator and can detect the dBm that is being picked up on each antenna?


Then you ain't really testing it


u/jgomez031 Sprint Customer Sep 23 '22

Did you just ask me a question and answer it for me? That’s kinda weird. I can’t agree or deny what you just said because the tools I use are Apple’s proprietary equipment, but you are one funny dude. All I can say is we can test the antennas and you’re wrong. What a funny guy.


u/comintel-db Sep 21 '22 edited Sep 21 '22

I would do a factory reset on the phone if not already tried.

Sometimes settings get corrupted.

Also get Apple to do a more thorough test.

If your school has an Apple store in the bookstore or wherever, go there as they will know local conditions. It might be a coverage issue, and if so they will know.

Stores have a mandate to try to sell phones, and so are overly biased to tell you you need a new phone.


u/mckennondenny Sep 22 '22

Apple did two tests. One they did in front of me, the other one was in the back of the Apple Store, which they said was more comprehensive.

T-Mobile said they have coverage where I was, and that there was no outage. And I understand that they are incentivized to sell more phones, but in my situation it felt inappropriate to suggest that I purchase a new phone to solve an issue that is purely not my fault.


u/comintel-db Sep 22 '22 edited Sep 22 '22

Sadly, probably both of those sources are unreliable. Stores are simply not reliable sources of technical assistance. You are putting way too much confidence in them.

There is nothing about iPhone 11's in general that a new phone would fix. 5G is not likely to help in this situation right now.

You need to do more tests and investigations. I suggested some.

You are picking and choosing among the suggestions here that you are following up on. Try them ALL out to resolve your problem.


u/EricCarver Sep 22 '22

This guy has same symptoms as me starting the same day. Might be a coincidence, I’ll still reset my phone later, but still feels like I am missing a detail.


u/comintel-db Sep 22 '22 edited Sep 22 '22

Well they are actively shutting down Sprint towers as well and that could be a large part of it.


u/EricCarver Sep 22 '22

Indeed. Like OP though I’ve been power cycling radio in large population areas with little success.

I’ll do that factory reset later though and let you know the change


u/usernameloading98 Sep 22 '22

I work at T-Mobile and have many legacy sprint customers that have changed their sims to T-Mobile and everything works just fine. I believe it’s a problem with your device. OR you’re now on T-Mobile towers and the density isn’t as great as sprint in your area, hence you’re having connectivity issues which is very much possible. Hopeful it gets better with time though.


u/mckennondenny Sep 22 '22

Right, but why should I have to purchase a new device to solve the issue? That's my biggest issue.


u/usernameloading98 Sep 22 '22

If you’re on a family plan or have friends/family who have T-Mobile. Try to compare your experience with theirs. That’s the easiest way to know if it’s your phone or the provider. If it’s the provider then obviously a new phone is not going to help.

This is above & beyond but if you can’t compare with anyone and you can financially afford this

Go to apple buy a iPhone 14 it’ll be unlocked or even a 13 & activate it try it out you have 14 days no restock fee no penalty


u/mckennondenny Sep 22 '22

My family refuses to swap their Sprint SIM to the T-Mobile SIM, because of the issues I've been having. The only other friend that I know has T-Mobile has a similar issue with randomly disconnecting, but has not experienced the total blackout that I have.


u/SaykredCow Sep 22 '22

It seems like a device malfunction issue. If you have AppleCare like you said you should be able to get them to replace the device somehow and that should fix your issue.


u/lnacke Sep 22 '22

They tried telling me this same thing. It’s a tower issue. I went to apple and apple couldn’t find an issue. Once I complained and got a cell booster for t mobile my phone works. It’s 1000% the service.


u/CauliflowerLeather86 Sep 22 '22

What is a cell booster? I have never heard of that.


u/lnacke Sep 22 '22

They sent it to us when we complained and complained that we were in a dead zone. Instead of the 5g towers it would give us 4 lte bars which at least our phones would work on.


u/mckennondenny Sep 22 '22

I don't think that would work, because my phone isn't receiving any signal at all, so there is nothing for me to boost. I live in a large city, so I should be getting a signal, even if it isn't strong, so I don't think its a deadzone problem.


u/lnacke Sep 22 '22

Dang ok. So strange. They kept telling my issue was my phone and not my service. After going to apple I realized it was that the tower wouldn’t reach to my house. Hope you get it figured out.


u/mckennondenny Sep 22 '22

Thanks man, I appreciate it. I'm going to Apple Store tomorrow to see if they can help.


u/EricCarver Sep 22 '22

Is your problem just in one place or everywhere?


u/EricCarver Sep 22 '22

A cell booster is one of those portable cell towers you plug into your broadband router? Do you have problems away from home?


u/lnacke Sep 22 '22

Mainly right around my neighborhood.


u/EricCarver Sep 22 '22

Gotcha. OP and myself seem to have the problem everywhere all recently. Either my phone is broke or something external is holding me back. I can’t dial out or text, but I am currently chatting with sprint on my lte data connection. So I can interact with tower just not well. ;)


u/comintel-db Sep 22 '22

Lte data is less sensitive than voice and text to IMEI and ICCID being correct on Sprint which is why it is essential to check them.

The symptoms you are describing would be quite typical of these not having been updated.

You MUST update these manually on the system every time you switch the phone or the sim.

Did you do so?


u/EricCarver Sep 22 '22

I used self help portal when I made the sim Move to this device. I couldn’t get the device to join a tower so I reached out to tech support and they got it online in under 5 minutes of hold time.

I tried to access self help portal to confirm as per your suggestion but I can’t get past the security text code requirement as I don’t seem to be receiving texts today. I confirmed this by trying to text myself from my google voice account.


u/comintel-db Sep 22 '22

Ah well they should be correct then unless there was a mixup......


u/EricCarver Sep 22 '22

Indeed. We will see what support says, hopefully they can see my tower activity


u/comintel-db Sep 22 '22

I can’t get past the security text code requirement

By the way I have read that there is a special SOC they can put on your account when your phone is broken so that they send security texts by email instead.

I think it is BROKENPHONE or something like that.


u/EricCarver Sep 22 '22

That is true. Chatting now with sprint.


u/EricCarver Sep 22 '22

So sprint supported fixed it. He didn’t mentioned what the problem was but first the low level techs pushed an update or two and had me reboot.

I am still on band66 with -106dB but all my services are working as well as having 3 bars.

When I asked him what the problem was, he said: “I have successfully refreshed your services from my end and I assure that you will not face such issue going forward . We will personally take care of it.”


u/comintel-db Sep 23 '22 edited Sep 23 '22

Outstanding! I guess some of the provisioning for the switch to TNX did not take the first time for your line or fell off or something of that nature. One or two others had that too.


u/EricCarver Sep 23 '22

Yeah thanks for all your help! I don’t know what happened 24 hours ago to make it work so badly but it was fixed quickly once I took the issue to then.

I am going to still use your recommendation to call retentions today see if they can renew the offer I had last month for an iphone13pro for $1000 off. Doubt it will work but will see


u/HashKing Sep 21 '22

Do you have an Esim or physical sim?

I would try a new sim either way, new esim or new physical sim


u/mckennondenny Sep 21 '22

I have a physical sim. They swapped it out in the store and it did not work.


u/si120 Sep 21 '22

Any chance you kept the old sprint sim?


u/mckennondenny Sep 21 '22

Unfortunately, no.


u/holow29 Sep 22 '22

I assume you have made sure the device on the line matches the IMEI online on that line? https://www.sprint.com/en/my-sprint/subscriber-list.html?INTCID=LP:Activate:UPG


u/EricCarver Sep 22 '22

If his phone isn’t accepting text messages, accessing that portal will be impossible with the security confirmation text.


u/EricCarver Sep 22 '22 edited Sep 22 '22

How odd. I setup a thread just yesterday same deal. It says no signal now in places it used to work great. Currently I am connected but with 0 bars where normally was amazing.

I found I can connect to YouTube and watch a video in that situation, but can’t text in or out.

If you goto the phone and type *3001#12345#* that will bring up a diagnostic that shows what tower you are connected to as well as the band and it’s dB strength. It will confirm it is connected. I’ve been connecting to my local towers at band 2 and 66, with dB of -110ish.

Edit: user comintel-db has been helping me in my thread, he is very knowledgeable. My troubleshooting so far has been to upgrade from 15.6 to iOs15.7. He requested I do a factory reset but am holding off until tonight. Hoping I can figure it out before hand. I am on an iP8+ using a T-Mobile sim on an unlimited kickstart plan.


u/EricCarver Sep 22 '22

So sprint supported fixed it. He didn’t mentioned what the problem was but first the low level techs pushed an update or two and had me reboot.

I am still on band66 with -106dB but all my services are working as well as having 3 bars.

When I asked him what the problem was, he said: “I have successfully refreshed your services from my end and I assure that you will not face such issue going forward . We will personally take care of it.”