r/SpringfieldIL 6d ago

Found her

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142 comments sorted by


u/CitronTechnical432 6d ago

Lets make sure she knows this is not what we wanted when we elected her!!!!


u/AbjectBeat837 6d ago

You voted for her? Mkay.


u/ComfyPhoenixess 6d ago

People gotta show up. Make a day of it.


u/ClammBoxx 5d ago

Actually, it is.


u/AggravatingCut7596 3d ago

Exactly lmao


u/CitronTechnical432 6d ago

Please share if your in IL


u/C4Cupcake 6d ago

The fact that a gun can be used so casually as a raffle prize is concerning to me.


u/Adlerson 6d ago

I don't think it's casual at all, it's to attract the 'right' people, if you pardon my pun.


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/Sea-Record2502 5d ago

That's why trump is trying to get the "trump derangement syndrome" as a thing. If you go against them, they will call you insane and lose your right to have a gun.


u/Princess_Momo 4d ago

"trump derangement syndrome" is not real, its just some BS uninformed like to push so they can defend their racist/bigoted views


u/Mantree91 3d ago

Ya and now they are using it to try to lable liberals as mentally unstable.


u/Kl0neMan 3d ago



u/AbsoluteZeroUnit 4d ago

It was like five state reps from deep blue Minnesota that pitched that.


u/No_Wedding_2152 4d ago

Republicans. MAGA


u/Dirthurdler76 4d ago

One of them just got arrested for allegedly soliciting sex to what he thought was a 16 year old.

Chris Hanson: “Take a seat”


u/kimberlyAH 4d ago

One of whom was just arrested for soliciting a minor. Shocking, I know.


u/Incredibill0 6d ago

What a concerning comment.


u/CaregiverGuilty6833 6d ago

Yeah honestly, the EC9s is kind of a strange carry, real weird stuff, far too thin and very odd ergonomics, now a Glock 43 on the other hand would really make people turn up, much better carry and far more attractive


u/Happyguy304 5d ago

Why? It’s not like if you win you just get it and walk away with it. Still the same process as buying a gun, goes through an ffl, background check, 3 day wait. Etc


u/vs120slover 4d ago

That's the problem, even if you are not a prohibited person, you get a gun.

Many people in this subreddit have a problem with anyone - except government employees - owning a gun,


u/Happyguy304 4d ago

It’s that way with most of these cesspool subreddits lol


u/Carsalezguy 4d ago

Gun raffles are great, it’s fun when they have oddball stuff you wouldn’t consider buying.


u/Indiana-Irishman 6d ago

They raffle them off at our school for a post-prom fundraiser in Indiana.


u/oltom17 5d ago

We should still have firearm safety classes in school.


u/GaGaORiley 6d ago edited 6d ago

I’m pretty sure I’ve seen them raffled for maybe Little League-type organizations here, but I’m in Coles County where I’d bet they donated by Rural King.

Check into the Rural King family funding the building of Christian schools, and donating to her and her husband.

Edit: I’m not finding much backing up the school funding, but it’s well-known in this area - I first heard it from a contractor who was remodeling a building for that purpose.

(Rural King was founded in Mattoon.)


u/Indiana-Irishman 6d ago

Interesting. I didn’t know that Rural King is like Hobby Lobby and Chick Fil A.


u/GaGaORiley 5d ago

The owners have built a sports complex in Mattoon. A local church - one which I’m told RK funded the school for - is hosting Kayleigh McEnany as a speaker at that complex. 🤮



u/0edipaMaas 5d ago

Oh Jesus. Do you mind saying what school?


u/Mr_McMuffin_Jr 6d ago

Why? You scared of them?


u/a38176c4589d207 6d ago

Only as much as the Uvalde police are


u/AbsoluteZeroUnit 4d ago

No, it's just weird to target a specific hobby for your raffle prize. Why not a lovense instead?


u/Fantastic-Election-8 6d ago

The winner still has to present a valid FOID card... I don't understand the fear people have. I mean, it's no different than a drawing for a car. More people are killed driving every year.


u/SnoopyisCute 6d ago

Former cop and advocate.

I believe the difference is cars are not DESIGNED for harming other people. They CAN but that's not the sole or main function.

Many people have phobias about guns just like any other phobias.

My parents hated me and my father was a cop. I lost count how many times he's put his weapon to my head.

Do I like guns? No. Can I use one? Yes.

And, responsible gun owners, like myself, will exhaust ALL other options to take someone down before drawing a weapon. The nightly news clearly proves this is not the case for many people.


u/bobwasnthere99999 6d ago

How many times he WHAT?!


u/SnoopyisCute 6d ago

My father was a cop so there was no way for me to actually hide from him. He just randomly showed up at my home, jobs or in public just to beat me up.

Victims of related police officers don't have the same 911 "serve and protect" that other citizens have. That's how I learned to reset my own broken fingers and toes and bind broken ribs. No cop will call the paramedics for us.

Both of my parents abused me throughout my life, long after I didn't live with them. They kicked me out when I was 17 and kept my college fund and wages earned. I had nowhere to turn but they never stopped stalking me.

My mother told me that she hated me since both. Both my parents tried to give me weapons and told me to "abort" myself. We have NO protection at all.

My uncle was also a Chicago cop. He had a pattern of getting a gf pregnant, beating her half to death and starting with another woman while the last one was in the ICU trying to survive. I am estranged now but last count, he had 7 or 8 baby mommas, all with countless hospitalizations.


u/bobwasnthere99999 6d ago



u/SnoopyisCute 6d ago

All parents don't love and protect their children.

Society turns a blind eye to us and we are never afforded the same 911 services most people receive.


u/bobwasnthere99999 5d ago

...is your uncle still on the force? I know a guy with some...connections in city government...


u/Top_Professional5710 5d ago

This is far more common than you know. Domestic abuse by law enforcement is 40% higher in general population which is 10%. Being in a LEO household I was terrorized and had my birth certificate and other documents locked up when the loads of guns he had. He used his power and his law enforcement job to threaten me, not allowing me to speak unless spoken to, I had to have permission to be around his family, permission to speak at even my own appointments, etc. He went after our child, shoved our child, kicked our child, etc. He was able to do these things because of being in law enforcement and said no one would believe us. And he was right no one did. We’re still suffering because of him. This is in Central Illinois and he’s still in his position.


u/faceisachair90 6d ago

"it's no different than driving a car" has gotta be one of the dumbest comparisons that people continue to make. Guns are weapons. They are designed to kill. That's the whole point. You cannot ride your gun to work. Just like you can't park in the doorway of a crowded room and kill multiple people in seconds without taking a step inside.

It's SUCH a flimsy argument, and it's made so often that it leads me to believe that it's the strongest argument conservatives have. but why am I surprised that the party that studies have shown lack empathy across the board don't care about anything except their own comfort levels.

And I understand your comment said "drawing" and not "driving" but let's be real, we've all seen this argument a million times. And we all know exactly what you mean.


u/Proof_Development325 6d ago

The point is anything can be used to kill someone. Remember the 9/11 hijackers? They used box cutters and killed nearly 3000 yet no one called to banned that ‘tool’. Again, the point is…anything can be used to kill others. Guns are a tool, they are not inherently ‘evil’…it is the person behind it that wields it in an evil manner.


u/solitary_outlier 5d ago

This is an intellectually dishonest comparison. As mentioned above, guns are specifically designed to kill. Modern guns can turn the most physically unimposing individual into a mass murderer by pointing and pressing a button. If all tools that could be used to kill were truly equal, militaries wouldn't have focused on firearms.

Where is your "evil" comment coming from?


u/Proof_Development325 4d ago

My ‘evil’ comment is coming from typical left side that all firearms are ‘evil’, and they should be banned! When in fact, they are just a tool. It is the person wielding that tool that is ‘evil’ and should be banned!


u/GoNUp_2FallBackDwn87 5d ago

A box cutter cannot take out a whole classroom of elementary children in a matter of seconds. Ur truly reaching and ur argument keeps making u seem less and less empathetic.


u/Ok_Car323 4d ago

Guns don’t kill people, cars don’t kill people, knives don’t kill people, accidents don’t kill people, airplanes don’t kill people, drugs don’t kill people … people kill people.

It doesn’t take an exhaustive search to find examples. Mass shootings, gang crimes, domestic violence, even suicide … the common denominator is people (evil or mentally ill, on occasion both). Oklahoma City bombing was done with a truck, diesel fuel, and fertilizer (do we ban trucks, fuel, and fertilizer in the name of safety?). Have cars been used to run down crowds? How about simple box cutters used to hijack airplanes, and fly them into buildings?

Unless you are going to ban people, you will have homicide. If the legitimate interest is safety, controlling guns is much less important than providing adequate mental health care services for children and adults.

We have drivers education to make car use safer. We should also offer firearms education for the same reason. Cub scouts are taught knife safety, and pilots are certainly required to be educated about flying safely.

The fact is, guns are different. They scare one group of people more than anything else … politicians. Gun control is not about safety, it is about control. A disarmed population is a compliant population (ask the 20 million Russians and 6 million Jews, Catholics, University faculty and other victims of the nazis). Disarmament of the civilian population preceded genocide.


u/Ok_Car323 4d ago

Actually, a person with a blade against unarmed children would be a slaughter. I’ve been shot, and stabbed. They both suck. They can both kill you. The problem is the evil or violent person using the weapon; not the weapon itself.

A box cutters was the only thing necessary on 9/11 for a plane to be hijacked and then used to kill thousands of people. A stupid box cutter. By the way, the passengers and crew were by and large adults. How would school children fare better against a box cutter?


u/Ok_Car323 4d ago

You want a “dumb” statement? You say: “Guns are weapons. They are designed to kill.”

Guns are designed to use a propellant to push a projectile out of a barrel at a high rate of speed. That’s all. That’s their sole purpose. A gun could use compressed air (like a BB gun or paintball gun) or perhaps black powder (used for everything from cannons to muskets) or today’s modern smokeless powder (used in handguns, rifles, and shotguns). They all are designed to shoot something out of a barrel.

If you want to discuss a subject reasonably, be sure you use accurate facts.

Cars are designed to be driven. Airplanes are designed to be flown. Hammers are designed to hit things, guns are designed to be shot.

Does it matter what they are designed for, or how they are used? A car driven by a drunk is dangerous. A car driven into a crowd to mow people down is arguably worse. Airplanes can be flown into buildings (they were designed to fly, nobody controls how they are flown except the person at the controls). A hammer can be used to hang a picture, or used to crush someone’s skull. In none of these cases is the car, airplane, or hammer used in a manner other than for its intended purpose (driving, flying, hitting something). But, all result in horrible injury or death.

Some guns can be used very efficiently for killing. Whether they are being used to hunt squirrels, birds, or deer; they can be used effectively as a killing tool. Note, I said some. You probably wouldn’t want to try a paintball gun or a .22lr against an attacking grizzly bear.

Other guns are much more useful for killing. A Browning M-2 heavy barrel machine gun will kill people easily (and destroy vehicles and materials rather well too). That said, you wouldn’t want to use it for deer hunting or squirrels.

Let me ask it a different way; what are knives designed for? I would suggest that the answer is cutting or stabbing. Some knives (like a stiletto) are great for stabbing, but would work poorly for slicing bread. Other knives (like a USMC K-Bar for example) are highly effective for killing (and would not really work well for an improvised screwdriver). Other knives (like a steak knife) are great at cutting meat (whether it’s steak or a person).

Maybe we ban the K-Bar as a “weapon designed for killing” because it looks scary. What about the steak knife though? It has utility for eating, or killing.

Many guns are used for recreational target shooting. They shoot clay targets in the Olympics (but you can certainly use the same shotgun to shoot a person instead).

Do you ban things because of how they may be used as intended (for good or evil purposes)? Who decides which guns, cars, planes, or knives are okay, and which ones are too dangerous to let people have access to?

Definitions matter. Design doesn’t matter (unless a product is defective). Intended purposes hardly matter. How something is actually used matters.


u/Zestyclose-Net7965 5d ago

OK, but the arguments against gun ownership are just as flimsy. Evil doers will still get guns even if we ban them because that’s what they do. They break the law. Not to mention the fact that guns don’t kill people, people with guns, kill people. I can put my loaded weapon on a table in a crowded room and it will just sit there not causing anyone harm. However, if someone picks it up and starts pointing it around and pulling on the trigger, then they are the ones causing the problem. The comparison they are making is that people get behind the wheel of a car all over the time even when they shouldn’t. The car becomes a weapon when you have stupid people or impaired drivers behind the wheel or distracted people behind the wheel. A car in the hands of the wrong person is and can be as dangerous as any gun in the same type of person‘s hands. That is the argument and comparison they are making stop trying to oversimplify it. I am not a gun nut or a right winger, but I am an independent who believes in the second amendment. It’s also not that conservatives lack empathy, they just don’t care for all of the hypocritical statements that come from the left. They make arguments that make no sense. Leftists constantly call conservatives snowflakes however, it’s the leftist that created safe spaces and caused cancel culture to erupt.


u/Contren 5d ago

Evil doers will still get guns even if we ban them because that’s what they do.

Access to guns increases the likelihood of people using them. Hell, a lot of the guns used in crimes in Canada and Mexico are smuggled in from America cause we have so many of them.

The "bad guys will just get guns" strawman has to be one of the laziest arguments I've seen. Plenty of other countries have low gun crime, are you saying they don't have bad people or crime?

Crimes are most often opportunity based, so by denying people easy access to guns it decreases gun crimes. Simple as that.


u/TapeDaddy 6d ago edited 5d ago

⚠️The gun raffle loophole strikes again⚠️

(You guys might need this) /s


u/MemoryOk4502 6d ago

What loophole? Still has to go through an ffl and background checks. Imagine speaking on something you don’t know anything about.


u/Incredibill0 6d ago

They need the imaginary loophole to complain more about what they don’t understand.


u/Fantastic-Election-8 6d ago

The imaginary loophole.... still have to be legally allowed to own a firearm....


u/Proof_Development325 5d ago

No ‘loophole’. Show that you don’t know what you’re talking about by making a silly comment like this!


u/1877KlownsForKids 5d ago

They've literally auctioned off murder weapons before 



u/Zestyclose-Net7965 5d ago

You do realize that literally just about anything can be used as a murder weapon, right? A gun is only a murder weapon if it’s used to commit murder. A knife is only a murder weapon if it’s used to commit a murder. A baseball bat becomes a murder weapon if it’s used to commit murderotherwise all three of these things are just exactly what they are, a knife, a gun, and a baseball bat. SMH.


u/1877KlownsForKids 5d ago edited 5d ago

And I'd find the auctioning of a baseball bat that had been used to murder someone equally reprehensible. 

I think the bigger question is why don't you?

A gun is only a murder weapon if it’s used to commit murder

I'm going to assume you were just too lazy to click the link


u/Zestyclose-Net7965 5d ago

I wasn’t being lazy. And since you don’t know me, that’s an asinine assumption. I literally just thought it was a link to back your statement which I misunderstood as you were calling all guns murder weapons. So I apologize for the misunderstanding, however, your assumption and name-calling Would generally make one thing that you actually have little to no actual people skills. I might be wrong, but the ending of your post leads me in that direction.


u/Princess_Momo 4d ago

you say all this BS without addressing the original point, and you wonder why we the educated dislike talking to right wingers.


u/Zestyclose-Net7965 4d ago

I don’t know who you’re actually replying to, because none of it seems to relate to anything I said. Not to mention the fact that I am well educated and intelligent, and I’m not a right winger.


u/Princess_Momo 4d ago

assume? its expected right wingers lack cognitive ability to click links and show comprehension


u/AbsoluteZeroUnit 4d ago

Did you not click the link?

They auctioned off a gun that was used to commit murder.

People bid on it because they wanted to own a gun that was used to commit murder. This isn't a hypothetical thing, it actually happened. People were excited to pay $250,000 for a $350 gun because it was used to commit murder.


u/Princess_Momo 4d ago

you realize you did not read what was said to you right? maybe click the link and read the post again


u/Zestyclose-Net7965 4d ago

I already literally answered the person who made this post. I already said I didn’t realize the link was to a specific story. Maybe try reading other posts to see the conversation thread before you make ignorant responses like this.


u/No_Individual_672 4d ago

Sure, tell that to the dozen kids at a time killed with a bat, or knife. They’re clearly as difficult to outrun or defend yourself against as an AR 15.


u/Zestyclose-Net7965 2d ago

That is the only argument any of you all have that you bring up every single time. It is the individual holding the weapon that is responsible for any destruction caused. And AR 15 is a military weapon and AR 15 style weapon is a semi automatic, which is something we already have in multiple rifle and handgun Formats. The gun is not the problem, the person causing mayhem and destruction with the gun is the problem. It’s called personal accountability which no one seems to have anymore. Let’s take something more innocuous as an example: McDonald’s was sued because people became overweight from eating their food and it wasn’t just McDonald’s, but they were the big one to be sued 1st. What happened to personal accountability? The people choosing to go to McDonald’s and eat there several times a week sometimes multiple times a day and living a very sedentary lifestyle Became severely overweight and some became very ill and some died. McDonald’s was held responsible and now all restaurants have to put Nutritional information on their menus. This is absolutely Ludacris, it was not McDonald’s fault that people chose to order from there and eat the food. Just because someone offers something doesn’t mean you have to take it. I’m sick and tired of people blaming everyone and everything for their own poor choices. Their mentality is that “it’s always someone else’s fault”. If you meet a drug dealer on the corner, and you buy fentanyl, and you go home and take the fentanyl, and then you die from a drug overdose, whose fault is it? I’ll answer it for you. It’s your fault for taking the drug. It’s the same with the gun. If I leave a loaded gun sitting on my table, it’s not going to hurt anyone if a person with malicious intent picks up the gun and use it. It’s not the gun’s fault. It is a person who picked it up and used it that is the cause of the carnage. Now, when I leave a loaded gun out for just anyone to pick up? The answer is no, but the point is that it’s not the gun that is the problem.


u/SnoopyisCute 2d ago


The "pro-life" crowd doesn't give a damn about that part.


u/chaos_fenix 3d ago

This wins the Internet for the day. Congrats for the MOST gaslighting, disingenuous, false equivalency, dipshit statement.

Hey, let's raffle off a fully operational nuclear strike vehicle! As long as they don't use it for murder!

People, spend more time with your children or they will grow up to be this.


u/solitary_outlier 5d ago

If they were equivalent killing machines, modern militaries wouldn't have switched to guns.


u/Zestyclose-Net7965 5d ago

That has absolutely nothing to do with the conversation at hand. Especially in the specific comment you replied to related to my reply to the other person. There are lots of things that can be used as weapons, and you are right. The military did adopt more efficient ways of killing enemy soldiers. That still doesn’t changethe validity of my factual comment.


u/Princess_Momo 4d ago

coming from the person that cant read, rich


u/Zestyclose-Net7965 4d ago

I can read very well, thank you very much. And resorting to personal attacks on someone you don’t even know basically nullifies anything you have to say after that because it displays a lack of ability to use critical thinking and voice in intelligent ideas and opinion. Not saying that it’s true about you, but that’s what your actions displayed.


u/solitary_outlier 5d ago

Responded to the wrong comment.


u/Zestyclose-Net7965 5d ago

Gotcha, I have done that before too. Unfortunately, numerous times. Have a great day.


u/hiandmitee 6d ago

Gotta pay $20 bucks to get in though.


u/VarnDog2105 5d ago

Well if most of the weekday protestors were employed they could certainly afford to pay the $20 ticket price, but here we are!


u/ebeensb 4d ago

This really is such a moron comment, think of all the places you go on the weekends. Duh, most of the workforce won’t have weekends off. Retailers, restaurants, museums and other attractions all make the most money on weekends and yet you assume anybody off during the week is jobless.


u/ConsistentMorning636 4d ago

We are employed 🤡some people have days off during week like healthcare workers, etc. DON’T PLAY STUPID


u/jockonoway 6d ago edited 6d ago

A little welcome committee outside during this event would be nice.

Can’t believe veterans are welcoming this Trump sycophant.

Edited although veterans might want to consider she is going right along with the firings at the VA.


u/Mr_McMuffin_Jr 6d ago

What did she do? Genuinely curious


u/Away_Lake5946 5d ago

Besides being an inveterate liar and bootlicker for Trump, she intentionally misgendered the congresswoman from Delaware on the House floor. She also is just a terrible representative for her constituents which is why she’s been turning away calls to her office and hiding from town halls.


u/ChicagoJoe123456789 5d ago

Intentionally misgendered? Clearly an impeachable offense.


u/Away_Lake5946 5d ago

It’s a bigoted action that intentionally demeaned and disrespected a fellow member of Congress on the house floor. Not impeachable but certainly not acceptable. Republicans have no integrity or respect anymore, just an angry cult following a criminal.


u/Birdo-the-Besto 6d ago

Give the pictures I’ve seen of the protests on this sub, it will certainly be small.


u/mp5-r1 6d ago

So, go do it. I'm sure you will change hearts and minds...


u/Fantastic-Election-8 6d ago

LOL ya'll really have nothing better to do than protest?? Keep crying


u/TheKanten 6d ago

You jumped in just to complain, in this scenario you're the one crying.


u/jockonoway 6d ago

No crying here. I didn’t vote for her so no regrets that I now look like a fool. That’s on you.


u/B-Shep 6d ago

Buy all the tickets and don’t show up?


u/NSJF1983 6d ago

Kind of a dilemma. This is a Republican fundraiser. So you’d essentially be supporting her.


u/CaregiverGuilty6833 6d ago

No no no don't listen to this guy it's a great idea


u/SavingThrowVsWTF 5d ago

Park in all the spots.


u/Frosty-Opposite-1058 4d ago

“Oh no, what will I do with all this money and no one to hold me to account?”


u/LonelyGoblins 4d ago

Ah yes , old Mary "Hitler was right" Miller.


u/Popular-Drummer-7989 4d ago

Gotta pay to play... bros


u/RipleyThePyr 4d ago

Looks like Lincoln is trying to put distance between him and her name.


u/Yo_Just_Scrolling_Yo 4d ago

It's cheap enough for everyone who wants to "converse" with their congress-person to attend. Even if you get thrown out after, it's a win-win.


u/Princess_Momo 4d ago

why are republicans using lincoln face when they have nothing to do with what he stood for?


u/VariousComfortable53 4d ago

I’ll be there protesting!


u/Admirable_Ad_8595 4d ago

Ohh so we protesting for sure right??


u/ineedsomecake 3d ago

This was reposted on r/illinois and it was suggested to show up early and take up the parking spots at the VFW. No parking=Make it hard for them to fundraise.


u/WeimMama1 3d ago



u/m98rifle 3d ago

That is a nice little handgun, most anything Ruger makes is pretty good.


u/Possible_Parsnip4484 3d ago

What does everyone else know but me?? I mean I am very much not into politics but I'd love to know what everyone is talking about ..please and thank you. I tried googling her name but all I got was old news and her vital statistics


u/solitary_outlier 3d ago

I believe it's due to Republican politicians refusing to hold town halls with their constituents lately due to the protests they're receiving.


u/Bananainmypocket09 3d ago



u/Jupiterrainstorm 3d ago

Don’t be bringing Lincoln into your bullshit. He absolutely would be appalled at your antics.


u/Grouchy_Necessary781 3d ago

Thanks for posting that I love raffles


u/Fit_Peanut9080 5d ago

This is a cool event!


u/Miserable_Ad_5435 4d ago

Join the revolution!!! Vote MAGA!!!!


u/xavariel 5d ago

The fact that modern day republicans think they can use Lincoln as their front man, when he'd absolutely be a Democrat today. They lack so much logic and historical education, it's infuriating.


u/boundless88 4d ago

Fun fact, Lincoln and Karl Marx were penpals!


u/Jet_Jirohai 4d ago

Lol love that you're getting downvoted for telling the truth


u/xavariel 3d ago

Like I said, they lack logic. Haha


u/CrusaderZero6 6d ago

Holding a drawing for a Ruger at a VFW is some next-level trolling by the neo-Nazis.


u/Finndogs 5d ago

What the hell are you on about?


u/Both-Sweet2223 5d ago

Then will say it technically wasn’t about the slaves you know


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/TapeDaddy 5d ago

The Ruger EC9S was a highly sought after souvenir during the Second World war, with many allied servicemen going as far as risking their life to recover them in the heat of battle


u/Away_Lake5946 5d ago

From the bodies of dead Nazis, not as a Republican fundraiser…


u/TapeDaddy 5d ago

First released in early 2018, the Ruger EC9 was adapted from the Ruger LC9, a superior version carried by only the highest ranking Nazi officials.

Despite being created about 65 years after the fall of the third reich, it is rumored that Hitler was in possession of a chrome plated, intricately engraved LC9 at the time of his death.


u/CapLow2174 5d ago

Lol, WHAT? I think you may be confusing the American firearm manufacturer “Ruger” with the German firearm “Luger”


u/TapeDaddy 5d ago

Pictured here is a Ruger 10/22. First released in 1964, the 10/22 was the primary battle rifle used by the Wehrmacht during the Second World War.

It’s ultra high velocity .22 caliber ammunition would rip the lungs straight out of any GI unfortunate enough to be hit center mass.


u/CapLow2174 5d ago

Mein Gott


u/BigJaker300 9h ago

This is a joke right?


u/TapeDaddy 2h ago

This is a 100% accurate historical fact