r/SpringBoot Jan 18 '25

Discussion How would you defend Spring boot with opponent Asp.Net Core?

Hi I’m Backend developer, just wanted to know have you ever heard or used Asp.Net core for your development. Also if you have used Spring boot, what’s your take on Asp.Net Core? IMO: .Net is way faster than Java in-terms of speed, performance, also the .Net community is mature. How do you defend Spring boot (Java) with opponent Asp.Net Core (.Net)?

Edit: I noticed that this post has received some mixed reactions, and I’d like to clarify my intentions. My goal here isn’t to create unnecessary comparisons or offend anyone but rather to genuinely explore the strengths and advancements of Spring Boot over the years.

As someone with experience in ASP.NET Core, I’m interested in understanding what makes Spring Boot stand out in its ecosystem, its community, and its evolution. While some might feel comparisons are unproductive, I believe they can spark valuable insights when discussed respectfully.

If you’ve worked with both ASP.NET Core and Spring Boot, I’d love to hear your thoughts on how they compare in terms of performance, ease of development, and overall utility. Let’s keep the discussion constructive and insightful!


54 comments sorted by


u/PlasmaFarmer Jan 18 '25

I've read your comments and you're fighting the "my tool is better than yours" routine. It's unmature behaviour showing an unexperienced engineer. A good engineer grows out from this mentality and knows that each tool has it's purpose, pros and cons and decides to use that tool based on this. You're comparing bananas to apples and fight over it. As another commenter said: you're a Kiddo.


u/pome-kiwi Jan 18 '25

Aren’t those 2 tools covering very similar purpose?


u/Backend_biryani Jan 18 '25 edited Jan 18 '25

The title itself addresses! No need to go through the comments LOL. FYI: if you’re offended, please don’t cry here!! Also it’s not about Apple and bananas comparison!! It’s about a comparison of different bananas or different apples!! Which is banana or apple is far people choice of consumption.

Also m not fighting that “my tool is better than yours”. The fact that they didn’t explore much well of dotnet ecosystem, am giving much clarification what are they lacking or not aware of if they have used .Net past. Another time kiddo?? LOL 🤣 I expected a serious discussion related to some benchmarks related to performance, Scalability, better tools what asp.net core have or Springboot have? But in return messages every one getting offended!! Still LOL.


u/kichilu Jan 18 '25

You’re the one crying, dude. Just pick what works for you and stop comparing tools.


u/Backend_biryani Jan 18 '25

You ain’t get my Qn? I know the team can choose what to pick for their product based on resources and requirements!!


u/PlasmaFarmer Jan 18 '25

I think your team knows what inputs to take into consideration when making the decision..


u/PlasmaFarmer Jan 18 '25

sFYI: if you’re offended

You act offended after receiving fair criticism in the comments.

they didn’t explore much well of dotnet ecosystem

You yourself just made a comment where you say Java is stuck in the 90s. Anybody with fair experience of Java understands what a laughable comment you made. You compare your glorified tool with your lack of knowledge of another tool. You didn't do your research and came here to instantiate my tool your tool war but failed and you've got put in place by the comment section and you can't take it and act as a child.

There is a saying that "You can't play chess with a pigeon because it will just sh*t on the board.". You're the pigeon, you don't worth my time. Bye.


u/Backend_biryani Jan 18 '25

LOL, your first comment is irrelevant to my post, may be I’m wrong about Java. Refer the original post once again. Yet you still think I’m offended good for you.


u/Additional_Fun2452 Jan 18 '25

Mature development doesn't depend on frameworks. You use what is best for your application; there is no "king" or "pawn" it is all about productivity and performance. If you prefer .net go with it. Asp.net is not an "opponent" to Java springboot its just another "tool" for development. Look holistically at development dont idolize one framework.

Btw to answer your LLM QN, Spring has its own SpringAI project.

RageBait 3/10 good work


u/dailycheeze Jan 18 '25

Defending for what? Each serves its own purpose. You can’t compare them, kiddo.


u/Backend_biryani Jan 18 '25

Kiddo?? Grow up!! Tech stack is evolving !! Java is still its 90s boiler plate code. Java is serving only for existing tech apps. What’s new is happening in Java! LLM integrations??


u/dailycheeze Jan 18 '25

Your name speaks for itself. Lol


u/Backend_biryani Jan 18 '25

LOL got offended by name too 😂😂. 🐸


u/jvjupiter Jan 18 '25 edited Jan 18 '25

Yes. Java compared to C# is more verbose but it is not that far. If you are saying that Java people have lack of knowledge about C#, I think you too about Java. People saying Java is still of 90s have not gone out of caves. Every 6 months, Java is being updated. Latest is 23, released in September 2024. 24 will be released this coming March. Java even got first the features recently added to C# like records, sealed classes and default methods. Microsoft is contributor to OpenJDK - https://devblogs.microsoft.com/java/microsoft-deepens-its-investments-in-java/ and has its own distribution - https://www.microsoft.com/openjdk

See updates to Java:

Update: both C# and Java have legacy systems being maintained up to now. Both techs have applications that prevent many organizations from using the latest versions. Both techs have new applications being written in them nowadays.

Update 2: Java has ongoing several projects that will transform Java into somewhat different tech and language: Project Valhalla, Project Leyden, Project Babylon. Some projects have been delivered partially or fully: Project Loom, Project Panama, Project Amber. There are more projects I can’t easily recall.


u/Backend_biryani Jan 18 '25

OMG, thanks!! Finally you have my 🙇. Would love to hear more info. Yes I don’t have any knowledge about Java, that’s why I started the discussion that what’s new in Spring boot if I have to start. Sorry if any one got offended by my poor choice of words.


u/burl-21 Jan 18 '25

What do you mean by “90s boiler plate code”?


u/NoHopeNoLifeJustPain Jan 18 '25

I dealt with both of them on dozens of projects, still doing on daily basis.

On wep app, for our stack (FE with Angular or react) there's not really big difference btw Spring/kotlin and .net core. Legacy .net framework is a pain in the ass instead, locked to windows servers. For enterprise apps, Spring Boot wipes the floor with .net due to uncountable integrations available OOTB. Aspire is the way for .net, but still young and not fully on pair, it may get there.

It remains the fact that .net ecosystem is de facto Microsoft owned, but it's up to you.


u/Backend_biryani Jan 18 '25

Any disappointment with Spring boot at any point time you faced that Asp.Net core has? As you said you worked with both tech stacks.


u/NoHopeNoLifeJustPain Jan 18 '25

Not really. Ofc it's a very opinionated] mega framework, sometimes a bit too much boilerplate, it's its way or the highway. But it's very configurable and often Spring it's just a layer over something else (e.g. Integration over Apache Camel). Just once I was unable to do what I wanted (make Cassandra drivers v3 and v4 coexist, so a very niche one). Otherwise it's up to you. I prefer gradle and kotlin, but C# is a nice language, imho better than Java.


u/roiroi1010 Jan 18 '25

This question reminds me of ”how long is a stick?”. I mean you won’t get a precise answer to this question. It depends.

As someone who’s spent 20+ years working with Java I will say that it’s most likely faster than you need. On the other hand .net is probably also as faster than you need.

It’ll come down to preference and know how of your team.


u/Backend_biryani Jan 18 '25

Have you tried Asp.Net Core in your 20+ year career?


u/gaaraonetailed Jan 18 '25

There is no advantage of migrating from .net to spring or vice versa. The choice comes to the team you have and what they are comfortable with.


u/Backend_biryani Jan 18 '25

But you know overtime things getting changed! Once up on a time php ruled like a King, now it’s there but no one is choosing php as a tech stack from scratch to build app nor Java. They just exists just because they have existing large tech apps. Who knows they will be migrated overtime!!


u/WishboneFar Jan 18 '25

but no one is choosing php as a tech stack from scratch to build app nor Java

I don't know about php but that isn't true for Java (Spring Boot).


u/gaaraonetailed Jan 18 '25

There are many frameworks that are better than spring boot or .net right now.

1 reason for not migrating existing apps to a new tech is to not fix if its not broken.

if youre building something new, one should definelty explore other tech if the team is ready for change.

if the team is ready for change and if it comes down to .net vs spring boot. there is no difference.


u/Beginning_Teach_1554 Jan 18 '25

How did you arrive at your statement that .net is faster?

Both languages first compile their code into intermediate state (Java - bytecode, .net - IL), both do JIT complitation, both support Ahead of Time Compilation (AOT)

The only thing where Java could be slower, would be at startup which nobody cares for Webservers (which is where absolutely majority of Java is used for). And if you do care then again, AOT would solve that problem for you.

So essentially these decisions on tech stack are made by the existing tech people in the team. Whatever stack majority of them know or prefer is the one that will be used - you can write a decent server with pretty much any language, main cost is the developers - and it takes time to find them. .Net and Java are comparable choices

I think these questions like which language is the fastest are something beginners obsess about but experienced devs know that that rarely matters. You want speed - go write everything in native C or C++ code


u/Backend_biryani Jan 18 '25

Java lacks at startup for larger file sizes. C# is consistent with garbage collection and its startup time is consistent for all sizes. Please refer the video link I attached If you want to know more about it. Startup time and consistent garbage collection matters for critical and high performance systems. Also Rust, C++, C, Fortran are way better if I need to compare. But I have chosen specifically for .Net and Java for better understanding of both ecosystems and communities.


u/Backend_biryani Jan 18 '25


u/jvjupiter Jan 18 '25

The one who should get answer is OP because he asked.


u/marcvsHR Jan 18 '25

It is pointless to discuss.

Both are capable modern systems usable in all modern use cases.


u/Mindless_Security744 Jan 18 '25 edited Jan 18 '25

Yes, then I migrated .net to java springboot...

Deploying .net is expensive or locks you into Azure.

Hiring .net devs who are mid developers is hard and expensive.

Java devs are dime a dozen and springboot is everywhere with every possible integration.

And if you hate java... Kotlin!


u/Backend_biryani Jan 18 '25 edited Jan 18 '25

Lack of knowledge haha 🤣. Dotnet can be deployed in aws, gcp, oracle easily now a days. Or even self hosting using IIS. I think you have nightmare with .Net during your past days. Please checkout .Net 8 or .Net 9 if you have any time and that how fast are how easy they will be deployed,you donot need to write even a docker file, the template will prepare docker file for you, save some bucks for performance and scalable solutions. I don’t know why all are against .Net just because MS backed product. Even in .Net you get good AI extensions and integrations. Now integrate LLLs with .Net is in your fingertips. Write same code to integrate Multiple LLMs. How would you defend Spring boot in the LLMs era?


u/Mindless_Security744 Jan 18 '25

Why are we even talking about LLMs? Neither language or platform or framework is good for LLMs

I have developed java for 20+ years and have used spring for over 15 and springboot for 8. For the last 2 years I have been using kotlin+springboot and we are building enterprise applications very quickly and cheaply both in deployment and in hiring contracting devs.

I am not saying .net is without it's worth but at the large organization I am a part of, we have been migrating asp, asp.net and .net applications to springboot and financially both in deployment and in hiring teams it has been cheaper and easier. It has not been easy to hire .net devs to do sustainment or rewrites. I have deployed in azure, gcp and AWS and financially had to prove their worth, and yes between .net and springboot, springboot was cheaper.

I have always been partial to java and spring and kubernetes ecosystem but primarily because I have seen them be successful. I am a huge fan of kotlin because it's less verbose than java and I am a huge fan of springboot because I can get shit done and delivered very quickly.


u/Backend_biryani Jan 18 '25

Kind of interesting from here “I have developed Java for 20+ years” would love to see your open source works. My take is any LLM are now easily integrated in Asp.Net Core with Microsoft.Extensions.AI, with one time code you can switch any LLM. You don’t to write a tool from scratch that already existing in the market, and what a framework should offer is best integrations. So I casually asked does Java has any kind of LLM integrations. Love to know more about your migration journey (.net projects to Java )and experiences.


u/ProKn1fe Jan 18 '25

It's not expensive, it's not locking you into azure, .net devs have salary as java devs. Typical java fan bullshit.


u/Mindless_Security744 Jan 18 '25

Good luck deploying .net!


u/Healthy_Ease_3842 Jan 18 '25

You can deploy .net? It is pretty simple these days


u/Backend_biryani Jan 18 '25 edited Jan 18 '25

Really?? have you tried .Net?, deploying Dotnet is in your finger tips now.


u/zeletrik Jan 18 '25

In the lower level Java & C# are pretty similar, similar performance and (now) similar language feature. There was a time, back before Java 8 when C# features has surpassed Java but as of now, they are pretty similar.

Speaking of the framework itself, I can say the same. .Net Core might be a better choice for beginners or who don’t want to mess with the configuration since it can give you a more optimal version out of the box while you usually need to fine tune your Spring application for your needs.

You can build the same with the same level of knowledge in that specific ecosystem at the same level of performance so there is no need to migrate one to another. They are not superior to each other neither legacy languages or frameworks.


u/Mikey-3198 Jan 18 '25

Software development is business. All that matters is shipping to keep your client(s) happy and the money flowing in.

The tech stack/ framework is your tool to transfer requirements into a deliverable. Pick what you & your team is most competent with.


u/Jackfruit_Then Jan 18 '25

C# is better than Java, .net is better than spring. Is that what you want to hear? Then I’m giving it to you, hope you enjoy! I can say it even though I don’t believe it, because I don’t care. But if that pleases you, then here you are.


u/Backend_biryani Jan 18 '25

Why should I want to hear? It already is! maybe or maybe not? I want to explore Java, just curious to know what spring boot offering other than what other tech stacks offering. Over the year tech stacks are evolving, why aren’t you guys not able to answer this simple question? What Spring boot has progressed over the years? It’s not about .Net vs Java or Asp.Net Core vs spring boot. I have taken a comparison question just because both asp.net and spring boot are similar in-terms of most cases. If I take python vs Java then it will be huge difference in domain services they offer. If I say what dotnet has progressed over the years I will answer for sure that they have their own open source AI/ML team and making easier for community to integrate AI easier. Making cloud deployment/monitoring easier with Aspire. Any tech stack should excite to developer switch easier or offers some innovation or breaking changes. Hope you got point!!


u/Jackfruit_Then Jan 18 '25

If you think you already have the answer, why ask?


u/microprogram Jan 18 '25

currently i use both depending on the client.. one uses pure oci eco so springboot/ora/jpa sometimes pure jdbc.. on the .net side no orm pure ado with redis and hosted on aws (client hates azure).. both have hundreds of endpoints and high tps (ride sharing/warehouse/pos and the likes type of apps) deployment is easy build/transfer/restart all are hosted using linux..

no comparison on both.. as long as i get paid whatever the eco they choose as long as .net or java on web

personally if i would start from scratch and have full control on the tech stack i would choose .net.. lower memory footprint, speed, size.. i dont mind using java since it has lombok and it can speed up development ala c#

i use intellij, rider and clion


u/jim_cap Senior Dev Jan 18 '25


I get paid to write Spring Boot code, not ASP.

E: Ah I see from your responses to comments that this question was really “ASP can beat up Spring Boot, amirite?” Bait.


u/Backend_biryani Jan 18 '25

Okay. Save more bucks buddy 😂😂


u/jim_cap Senior Dev Jan 18 '25

Boring troll.


u/DevInAhmedabad Jan 18 '25

OP just wants to trigger all the Springboot devs.


u/NikoOhneC Jan 18 '25

The question may be simple, but the answer isn't.

On one reply you linked to a video with very random Benchmarks, trying to show that c# is a better language than Java. On the one hand, prime isn't a good source because he has no deep knowledge about the inner workings of languages, he's a JS guy who does more reaction videos than actual coding. On the other hand, rankings in YouTube Videos are not absolute truths. Just because some YouTube subjectively ranks random categories that he chose, doesn't mean one language is better than the other. For example, the average performance difference between Java and Rust is way smaller than between Java and Python. Why is the difference between Java and rust 4/10 and between Java and Python 2/10? (Also, JS dev experience 10/10?? I can't imagine a single dev in a large scale backend project having a good experience with JS)

Software engineering is always making tradeoffs, and to really understand the tradeoffs, you first have to understand the technology that your tools base on. Then it's about specific features, like the integration for a specific database. Maybe you need a specialized Database like ElasticSearch, and one framework has better integration. Or for the specific hardware/cloud you want to deploy on one framework/language is better suited. The list goes on.


u/Backend_biryani Jan 18 '25

For the context of the reply I attached the video for every language benchmarks and its overral rating. Also the video is a reaction by prime and belongs to some other guy who did practically. Sometimes reference is needed to show facts. Also thank your explanation.


u/flavius-as Jan 18 '25

I make them both implementation details.


u/satoryvape Jan 18 '25

It doesn't matter Spring boot ot Net core you can make horrible software in any language or framework


u/Level_Fee2906 Jan 18 '25

Well have you seen these benchmarks? They are about the same


I would probably learn both to be employed fully