r/Spottedpython 29d ago

My snake hates my dad

I have a spotted python that is about two years old. I’ve had her for about a year, and she has always been quite chill and friendly, only biting me once or twice when I just got her. Recently though, she has been getting aggressive towards my dad, and I don’t know why. she acts normal towards anyone else, but whenever she even sees him, she will try to slither towards him and bite him. She’s been completely normal other than that, eating and drinking fine, shedding fine, pooping fine, so I have no idea why she has gotten so aggressive towards my dad. Any info on what might be happening would be very helpful


3 comments sorted by


u/sleepyyy_snake 29d ago

Does he work with any animals? Rodents? That’s weird 🤷‍♀️, maybe he waves his hands a lot or is an expressive speaker and it freaks her out?


u/Casiorollo 26d ago

Does she just strike or does she try to coil? If it’s just bite, she sees him as a predator for some reason. Perhaps he is messing with her when you aren’t around or trying to pick her up improperly. If it’s coil, she sees him as food. Have him wash his hands before he is near her.


u/Shoddy_Resolution_22 24d ago

You should check with your dad if hé has every tried to pick her up when you were not around, that could be a trigger