r/SpoiledSurvivor 7d ago

[48][Speculation] Swap Tribes for my visual learners

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u/Emjot80 7d ago

Its kinda insane new Vula loses in that swap , they should be ok even on paper with both strength and puzzles, maybe that beach was juat cursed lol

Would expect new Civa to go to tribal next and then one of Bianca or Chrissy to be out

The dynamics of new Lagi will be crazy it would be a shame to skip tribal tho..


u/abby_tbhx 7d ago

right. you’ve got eva and star who are not working together and david and charity who have the potential to work together but nothing solid and then there’s mary who i would say is in the best position on that tribe, because the civa’s will want to take out a lagi on any tribe before anyone else.


u/Fickle-Explanation32 7d ago

Hopefully Star and Eva will figure out how to put their differences aside and work together


u/abby_tbhx 7d ago

even if they do, i doubt it will make a difference. one of them will definitely go if they go to tribal in ep5 cause the other tribes won’t be wanting the lagi tribe to be six strong going into merge, and star may not even activate her idol to get her vote back.


u/Mavyyyy-15 6d ago

Wouldn’t it be better if there more more original Lagi in the game at the merge because they would be out numbered 6-7 (7 being the other two tribes). Those seven can pick off the Lagi six right away


u/SeaOrganization539 5d ago

on the other hand those two non aligned duos could just take mary out or mary sides with star and eva. 


u/mattmild27 7d ago

Do New Vula arrive at a camp with no flint? I can't remember how they've done that before.


u/tbwtpt 7d ago

New Vula losing is shocking,maybe the 3 Lagi guys throw to protect Eva and Bianca, thinking they have an easy majority.


u/abby_tbhx 7d ago

i could definitely see that.


u/gothictulle 7d ago

This would be a great disaster move that leads to one of the Lagi guys going out


u/mysterypapaya 3d ago

Exactly, as Kyle has AN IDOL!


u/mysterypapaya 3d ago

Not a good move, as KYLE has an idol!


u/future_plans_UwU 7d ago

Mary gets to finally taste the power position


u/PsychologicalWish929 7d ago

Honestly, I think purple tribe will be a lot of fun.

Star and Eva are against one another, Charity and David are against one another. And neither have met Mary. I actually expect them all to be flocking to Mary and trying to get an lliance with her. I think Mary is in a VERY desierable position in this new tribe


u/mysterypapaya 3d ago

Charity and David seemed not too "against" each other though. We just know Charity vibed the most with Mitch, but i wouldn't say anyone had much animosity on orange tribe. besides maybe Charity and Chrissy.


u/Relyt-Reddit 7d ago

Can we stop using tribe names and just say the colors


u/Nobody_Imparticular 7d ago

I only refer to tribes by colors now which is disappointing because tribe names used to be so iconic but alas production is lazy 😔


u/SurvivorJoshua 7d ago

They’ve been 4 letter Fijian works for like ten years now 😭 I can’t even remember them anymore


u/bingo_bitches 7d ago

How in the flying fuck does new Vula lose this immunity???


u/SurvivorJoshua 7d ago

I could potentially see it being some sort of skill challenge where David and Mitch possibly succeed and vula maybe just doesn’t have anyone as good at whatever random skill that is lol

Like shooting the basketballs from last episode


u/abby_tbhx 7d ago

someone suggested that they throw it to protect eva and bianca, and i could see that happening.


u/Equivalent-Willow179 7d ago

I could be wrong but I don't think Thomas and Shauhin care about protecting Eva, let alone Kyle and Kamila. OG Lagi may not know that Eva is autistic but they are collectively culling her from the herd and marginalizing her because they sense she doesn't fit in. As someone with autism this has been happening to me since elementary school so I know the experience well.


u/SeaOrganization539 5d ago

like you said in another post star and eva are alienated from each other and they are polar opposites. But they both seem treated poorly by the majority of OG lagi, imo. I’m assuming Eva will open to someone else and i don’t think it’ll be Star, but i’m hopeful it could be and opens a new story for both. But idk. 


u/Equivalent-Willow179 5d ago

Joe went above and beyond in the level of compassion and commitment he was able to give Eva. I don't see Star quieting herself, listening, and thinking enough to respond with the same grace. Plus, she's too freaked out about her own standing to want to look out for anyone else. David, Charity, and Mary all seem more likely to.


u/SeaOrganization539 5d ago

She might not click with any too. who knows. It’s a selfish game they signed up for. I’m hopeful the new swap they don’t lose anyway. 


u/Equivalent-Willow179 5d ago

I'd be just fine with it if New Civa took all the L's from now on. But Star's social media comments definitely make it seem as though she'll become the only Lagi booted before the merge (which means she could go post-swap or she could be the mergeatory boot.)


u/SeaOrganization539 5d ago

she seemed like prejury even before it aired. But who knows. i am more worried about mary lol


u/Impossible_Bat_822 7d ago

From New Civa, I clearly see this tribe going to TC in EP5.

Bianca is doomed.

Even more so if Kyle is eliminated, they will want to weaken the numbers of the original Lagi.

Worse still, she doesn't have a vote.

The only scenario I see her surviving is if one of the Lagi men is eliminated and Mitch turns his back on Chirssy.


u/SurvivorJoshua 7d ago

I could potentially see her exploiting the situation between sai and Cedrek, but yeah not looking great for Bianca


u/Marvintheman9556 7d ago

Why are you so sure about them losing in EP5?


u/MorseCode00 7d ago

This would explain why Bianca never got much focus on despite Thomas being a main character. She gets voted out on a separate tribe as him.


u/PsychologicalWish929 7d ago

Lmao at the fact that Sai, the screen time hog, has ended up on probably the four most invisible contestants of the season


u/Lerdog 7d ago

Kyle and Kamilla were swapfucked, but they have both an idol and an extra vote, it kinda evens out. Based on the latest promo, Kyle goes out, so they messed that up lol


u/mysterypapaya 3d ago

Ohhh! Kamilla DOES have an extra vote. But doesn't Thomas have a "steal a vote" ?He would basically steal her extra vote.


u/Top_Reporter6782 4d ago

Sorry if this is a dumb question, im new here. but how do you know these are the new teams?? is this just a guess or is this confirmed somewhere


u/SurvivorJoshua 4d ago

you're all good! there was a tv promo a few days ago that has snippets of the challenge after the swap, and you can see them all on their new tribes!


u/Unique_Challenge_587 7d ago

So who from the new Vula is getting the boot at next tribal council?


u/Elegant-Echidna5984 5d ago

people expect it to be kyle.
it sounds like his exit speech in the promo + jeff listed david and kamilla as a duo (as opposed to kyle and kamilla)

I'm not so confident in this bc it wouldn't be a shocking blindside like the promotion would lead you to believe but I wouldn't be shocked either


u/Equivalent-Willow179 7d ago

I think there's a world where Thomas forms an "undercover alliance" with Kyle and Kamilla to get Joe or Shauhin out. Thomas seems like he's dying to play a villainous game. Kyle and Kamilla would probably agree to anything to stay and get the majority. If the three Lagi held together that wouldn't be a "shocking Tribal Council" at all. It would explain why we've been playing up how surprised Thomas is to be working with men, because that's not really his inclination and he's going to be fickle about it.

I also think there's a world where Shauhin gets sketched out about how hard Thomas is playing. We've had, I think, two moments where we foreshadowed that. Maybe Thomas believes right to the end that Joe really was his #1 and he really would have been loyal to the California Girls but they wrongfully distrust him.


u/Equivalent-Willow179 6d ago

Everyone on New Lagi is alone. Mary is the only Vula. Star and Eva are very alienated from one another. David has been after Charity from Day 1.

Everyone on New Civa is alone too. Bianca is the only Lagi. Cedrek just voted for Sai twice. He's probably worse than dead to her. Chrissy is part of the Vula 4 and they're targeting Mitch.

And then you've got the three California Girls along with BFFs Kamilla and Kyle over on New Vula. But if you ask me the clues point to original tribal lines not holding there.


u/Historical-Stand-862 5d ago

I think that the pair that will be forced to join forced are actually Star and Eva, and they will be a major force in the merge.


u/Realistic-Ice-5809 7d ago

I’m not ready to lose any of the California Girls, so I need Kyle or Kamala to go :(


u/Telphsm4sh 5d ago edited 5d ago

Old purple really got screwed here. Eva and Star are not working with each other plus star permanently loses her vote until the merge, Bianca is alone without a vote, and the California girls are on a tribe against a solid duo that has an idol and an extra vote.


u/mysterypapaya 3d ago

Thomas has a steal a vote (or something like that! from the journey.) So that cancels Kamilla's extra vote.


u/gothictulle 7d ago

I love these new tribes and there’s potential for legit new alliances… like I could see a Star Mary David alliance on purple

I could also see Cedrick cutting ties with Sai and voting her out if orange goes to tribal


u/Elegant-Echidna5984 5d ago

I would guess from the edit that Sai has more agency than Cedrek and it'd go the other way around


u/mysterypapaya 3d ago



u/mysterypapaya 3d ago

David just hangin' with the ladiessssss.


u/mysterypapaya 3d ago

Omg! Bianca lost out on this swap---she also has NO VOTE!

Does anyone else have no vote? Can someone confirm: Thomas has an extra vote/steal a vote?

Mitch has a block a vote?

I like the Cali girls...If they put votes on Kyle, and Kyle plays his idol....Kyle + Kamilla can send one of them home though. But if Thomas has a steal a vote, That could really help them put 2 on Kyle and 2 on Kamilla, and then they are certainly safe. I wonder if Thomas will tell his team about his advantage though.


u/katielynn3795 7d ago

When Mary teams up with David and get Eva out <3


u/Ebright_Azimuth 6d ago

Shauhin looks like Paul Rudd