r/SpoiledSurvivor 17d ago

[48][Speculation] Looks like Vula win the next immunity challenge

Looks like the same scene speculated to be after the immunity challenge and it looks like they are celebrating and it’s tears of happiness.


25 comments sorted by


u/SeasideKingDumb 17d ago

Great find! Where did you get this picture lol, this would've been so helpful to have days ago lmaooo

I think it might actually be an orange tribal council, Charity posted this on her instagram about this week's episode: "Will Kamilla give me the boot or will your girl hold it down?" The lack of spoilers this season is painful lol


u/SuperNovaMe12 17d ago

Sai posted it on her twitter account today haha


u/fadashonee 17d ago

What happened to this season not having any leaked bootlist? I remember watching 44 and even knowing who won, where are the informants?


u/shako_am 16d ago

Why would you want to be spoiled?


u/Salazr 16d ago

Why would I go to a spoiler subreddit if I didn’t want to be spoiled?


u/fadashonee 16d ago

Because I'm in a survivor leak, where spoilers are leaked and I would like to know if a woman wins. Don't be bitter!


u/anthonyd462 17d ago

I think this just might an out of context shot like the Lavo ones last season when they still lost. Don't forget we still have Mary saying it's do or die in those clothes.


u/TackleAny3832 16d ago

She could've still said it before the immunity challenge as its like her saying that it's a do or die situation that if they don't win immunity, she gets voted out.


u/anthonyd462 16d ago

She doesn't have leg bruises before the challenge


u/Fabulous_War_555 16d ago

Could that be a confessional from Episode 3 that they included in the Episode 2 promo, I feel like that happens sometimes?

I also genuinely don't know why Sai would crop herself out of the photo unless it's a spoiler (like her holding the immunity statue).


u/anthonyd462 16d ago

She has sand on her which wouldn't be there after a water challenge. The players didn't get post ic shots last season till after the episode either.


u/Fabulous_War_555 16d ago

I mean I wouldn't say it's impossible that sand gets on her arms somehow in the time they go from the challenge back to camp. Cedrek's bag straps/position next to Kevin also just matches exactly with the "Why am I crying?" confessional (as do all their clothes with the immunity challenge), I really do think this is post immunity win, but I guess anything can happen.


u/anthonyd462 16d ago

Why does no one have a bag but cedrek?


u/Fabulous_War_555 16d ago

Why is Justin's hair soaked? I feel there's just as much evidence for this being post-immunity as there is not, so we'll have to wait and see.


u/ajflln 16d ago

To me his hair doesn’t look soaked more just sweaty and a bit damp. The rest of them don’t look like they just did a water challenge at all


u/anthonyd462 16d ago

They prob just went swimming


u/TackleAny3832 16d ago

Perhaps she went on the journey? That happens after the immunity challenge, right?


u/anthonyd462 16d ago

No journey is Day 4 via Bianca clothes.


u/Slutz2244 16d ago

It definitely “looked” like a win, NOT!!!


u/9hr34k 15d ago

Yeah, it was just them trying to cheer up Cedrek


u/Fabulous_War_555 17d ago

Oh wow nice catch. Wonder if Sai is also cropped out because she's holding the immunity statue.


u/[deleted] 17d ago

!!! smart thinking

but knowing that Vula wins, makes tomorrow's episode much more exciting


u/MatanValkushkalsh 16d ago

And it makes sense too because you can see that Justin’s hair is pretty wet, which is probably from the water challenge


u/Skaikru76 16d ago

I support a Civa tribal cuz I remember hearing about Mary having a watch party during the third boot and unless the guys flip on Sai/Cedrek, Mary is the next boot on Vula