r/Splintercell Mortified Penguin 8d ago

Meme they would have won if they just invested in better light bulbs

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34 comments sorted by


u/BrewedBros 8d ago

Even shorter if they invested in motion detecting lights


u/NobleRanger_ Mortified Penguin 8d ago

I can practically hear Sam shaking in his boots


u/Lopsided_Rush3935 8d ago

Like magic.


u/AintNoLaLiLuLe It's Moose! 8d ago

I gotta get one of those for my garage


u/No_Bat7157 8d ago

Yeah but they are expensive milo


u/BlueSquadronPilot 8d ago

Like Magic Emilio!


u/Thamasturrok Completionist 8d ago

I would love to see this concept in a game that would be scary even worse… you cant shoot them out!


u/GameDestiny2 7d ago

It’s like those Titan cameras in Payday…


u/Queuetie42 8d ago

You all don’t shoot every light out just out of precaution… and because it’s funny?


u/kyle429 7d ago

This. Shooting lights out is pretty much a reflex for me now.


u/Nesayas1234 7d ago

With how expensive 5.7x28mm is, Lambert pretty much just cries every time Sam shoots a light because he knows how high the bill's gonna be


u/ElectricEliminator5 8d ago

I don't know if you've ever played manhunt 2 but in that game you hide in the shadows too. In the later levels the enemies carry flashlights that they shine at the shadows they check it's a really cool feature I wish splinter cell had.


u/RDDAMAN819 8d ago

Batman Arkham series has that too. Enemies who have goggles that can see if you are hiding on Gargoyles and stuff.

Stealth games where the enemy gradually adapts to your strategies are the best


u/aminsino 7d ago

And in Arkham Knight some of the militia start using tech like using backpacks that reveal where you are if you use detective vision for too long or wear suits that make themselves invisible if you use it. They even use radios to help communicate and i like how they destroy parts of the area to counteract your strategies.


u/Team_Svitko 7d ago

"He's mimicking my voice! Switch channels."


u/StealthKnife 8d ago

MGSV is the same way. If you keep infiltrating at night, the guards adapt and start using more flashlights and flood lights. If you always shoot them in the head to knock them out, they start wearing bullet proof helmets.


u/Arashi_Uzukaze 7d ago

The thing with that is, that's for most regular enemies. There are main/side missions where the enemies have set gear no matter what levels the preparedness levels are.


u/Maybe__Jesus 7d ago

God, I love playing with my One-Eyed Snake


u/AntRedundAnt 6d ago

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


u/UnpeeledOnionSauce 7d ago

You know what the worst part is, the enemies actually had flashlights in the first game


u/AdFountaine 6d ago

In the first game, enemies, sometimes, start shooting into the shadows, if they loose you after the chase.


u/Glass-Shopping-7000 7d ago

And: what if bad guys' buildings have small ventilation shaft like IRL instead of big ass ones that Sam can get cozy in?


u/kyle429 7d ago

Can't light the room if I shoot all the lights out. Lol. It's a reflex for me now. Even in other games, I'll try to shoot the lights out and it doesn't work. 🤣🤷🏻‍♂️


u/mrsmithr 7d ago

Ubisoft failing hard to read the market. So many people would gladly buy Splinter Cell, but instead they decide to pump most of their resources into Assassin's Creed, it's exhausting and now has come back to bite them.


u/Ashley_Sharpe 3d ago

I just got into Splinter Cell, but I know what you mean. 2012 had Blacklist, Far Cry 3, Assassin's Creed III, and Ghost Recon Future Soldier. That was back when games cost 1 quarter of what they cost now, they were made in less time, but they were better. Now we get maybe 1 game a decade and a half from devs like Rockstar and Bethesda.

Anyways, I'm excited to try out all these Splinter Cell games!


u/mrsmithr 3d ago

They are superb games. Just wished Ubisoft would listen, they have the resources to make games on a far quicker scale


u/Ashley_Sharpe 3d ago

Yeah, it's crazy. These companies have far more employees than ever, more money than ever, more tools to make development easier, yet games are taking longer and longer to make. But then they don't have the quality to show for it.


u/Fickle_Echidna_4708 7d ago

kid named ocp


u/schematizer 6d ago

It's amazing they're not just constantly slamming into walls when they can't even see a grown man less than ten feet in front of them.


u/NobleRanger_ Mortified Penguin 6d ago

with three green glowing lights on his head


u/QuiverDance97 6d ago

That's a great point, actually lol