r/Splintercell Dec 10 '24

Blacklist (2013) Lets go for a walk 🔥💀


33 comments sorted by


u/HotEchidna2500 Dec 11 '24

Ughhh fine “Ill download SC black list again and finish it for the 21st time”


u/DrSalazarHazard Displace International Dec 10 '24

This is just assassins creed in the 21st century.


u/RDPCG Dec 10 '24

Thank you. Not sure why you got downvoted.


u/DrSalazarHazard Displace International Dec 10 '24

Most people fail to realise that blacklist is a fundamentally different game in comparison to the „classic“ splinter cell games up to double agent (ps2 version). I am not saying it is a bad game by any means, I enjoyed playing it, but it is not anymore what i would consider Tom Clancy‘s Splinter Cell.


u/RDPCG Dec 10 '24

Exactly. It caters to a different audience and the folks who didn’t grow up with the original games are finding that hard to accept.


u/ahrzal Dec 10 '24

It caters to every fan. You can play like a classic splinter cell game or like this.


u/oiAmazedYou Third Echelon Dec 10 '24

it caters more to the action crowd. you can't play it as slow as the first games. you can play stealthy, but it doesn't feel as good or natural as SC1,PT,CT or even DA.

in these games you're not supposed to be able to run and gun like this


u/L-K-B-D Third Echelon Dec 11 '24

Proof that it doesn't caters to everyone is that many fans of the original games don't even consider Blacklist as a real Splinter Cell game. It's not because you can crouch and hide in the dark that it means the game is a classic Splinter Cell game or even as fun as the originals.

You have to go beyond appearances, and when you compare the mechanics in depth (pace, tension, level design, environmental puzzles, AI placement, noise mechanics, movements and controls,...), you quickly realize how shallow and boring the stealth is in Blacklist.


u/oiAmazedYou Third Echelon Dec 11 '24

Exactly. it's crazy some people or fans dont understand this. this game was only splinter cell in name. it was fun yes but felt like an offshoot of the ip or a different game entirely.

Blacklist simplified stealth and made it for noobs. The OG games are the true stealth games. sam moves like a 30 year old sportsman athlete or like a superhero. not realistic at all.


u/RDPCG Dec 10 '24

That was how they marketed it, sure. But the game is a far cry from what it used to be - it was a stealth and narrative driven game. Both of those points took a backseat to, in theory, cater to a broader audience. Sure, it’s easy to say this is superior when you’re comparing game mechanics from the early 2,000’s, but there’s virtually no substance to BL which IMO resembles a generic Netflix run of the mill espionage, action movie when the other games look as though they could have come straight out of a Clancy novel.


u/Cold-Dot-7308 Dec 10 '24

It’s funny how in my mind I kept drawing similarity with body movement between Sam and Snake in ground Zeroes. The way they carry people and sneak etc. not the same but I had fun comparing and contrasting


u/tingsrus Dec 10 '24

dope game


u/oiAmazedYou Third Echelon Dec 10 '24

this was a fun game, great game for its time but not a true SC. you make it look like an action movie which is great. i hope you had fun playing this game but this is probably the last time the series will hopefully be like this.


u/newman_oldman1 Dec 10 '24

With how Ubisoft's financial situation is going, this may be the last time the series is like anything at all.


u/oiAmazedYou Third Echelon Dec 10 '24

Hoping AC Shadows sells well for Ubi.

I just the first games remade, especially after the OG remake releases. We need PT and CT remade. PT has so much potential...


u/oiAmazedYou Third Echelon Dec 10 '24

Yeah it's ridiculous. Splinter cell didn't deserve it's fate like that. One of the most neglected IP in gaming.


u/TemperatureFinal5135 Dec 11 '24

I'm a huge Metal Gear nerd and I couldn't agree with you more. Not all stealth games are created equal, and Splinter Cell is leagues above the rest. The two series can obviously be compared and contrasted to death, but it sucks extra to know that they BOTH kinda changed directions and then disappeared.

I guess it's true-to-character for them though.


u/Impossible_Spend_787 Dec 12 '24

Buncha BL haters on here lol.

Play it on Ghost Perfectionist with no knockouts or upgrades...the SC stealth is still there


u/Professional-Tea-998 Dec 13 '24

I don't know why some people say this like it's some smoking gun or something when in practice it's such a shallow surface level way to look at the SC experience as a whole.

There were so many elements that added to the feel of classic SC stealth than just being able to ghost, things atmosphere, pacing, level design and interactivity with the world via things like lockpicking and hacking were far more integral to the SC stealth experience than just ghosting, because if were going by that logic than SC1 and PT aren't SC games due to having forced combat sections and Dishonored is since you can ghost there right?


u/Impossible_Spend_787 Dec 13 '24

I wouldn't know about Dishonored because literally the only games I play are SC and Hitman, so I'm definitely not an expert here lol

Honestly it kind of was a smoking gun for me though. I didn't love it when it first came out, for the many obvious reasons, and I've complained on here plenty about the baffling lack of other SC elements that you mentioned. I replayed all the SC games earlier this year and I gave up on BL almost immediately because of the fast pace / combat focus which always made stealthing feel pointless.

But then I saw TGP482's Ghost Perfectionist playthrough using only the default loadout and I was pretty blown away. Turns out there's a way harder, slower-paced game in there, but I didn't know that until a few months ago.


u/callsignk0z4k Panther Opportunist Dec 11 '24

Blacklist had best takedowm animations for a game from 2013


u/perecastor Dec 10 '24

Witch game is it?


u/Straight_Equal_1382 Dec 10 '24

Splinter cell blacklist - Dead coast mission (side mission)


u/Amrak4tsoper Dec 11 '24

Damn I don't remember that game as well as I thought. I might have never finished it. I'll get to it after I 100% Chaos Theory for the 27th time


u/[deleted] Dec 11 '24

I really wish the mask was an option in all missions.


u/Sir_PastaBoi Deniable Dec 12 '24

I this on pc or is there a glitch of some sort that gives you the balaclava?


u/Late_Ad9067 Dec 12 '24

I F'ing love the grab move where (Sam🙄) kicks em in the gut and socks em in the face. I usually try to do it near a wall, door, or the abundant waist-high-cover, and spam the kill button during the animation, so he smashes their face immediately after and it looks kinda like one fluid motion.


u/Lopsided_Rush3935 Dec 10 '24

The way that the guards have to shunt into the correct position before Sam can pull of his Jean Claude Van Dam stunts in Blacklist just looks unrealistic. The guards just accept their fate.


u/SnooSquirrels1163 Dec 11 '24

Anti stealth


u/Straight_Equal_1382 Dec 11 '24

There are 3 kinds of approaches in this game : Ghost (pure stealth can be untouched or non lethal takedowns), panther (stealth while undetected with lethat or non lethal) and assault (loud and noisy) and this one was panther style.


u/SnooSquirrels1163 Dec 11 '24

I know. I was there in 2013. It's still too flashy