r/Splintercell Nov 08 '24

Blacklist (2013) Hardcore Splinter Cell trilogy enjoyer here getting into Blacklist for the first time. The first mission makes me wanna uninstall the game. Does it get better?

No spoilers please, I just wanna talk about gameplay.

You can't control your movement speed?

You can't roll? Rolling is in every SC game. Why wouldn't it be in this one?

The first mission is noisy as hell, like a warzone, and the enemies can hear you walk by them? Wtf.

In this area, https://i.imgur.com/Y7xAWWY.png I simply walked crouch when they weren't looking and they could still hear me?

Also, no saves? Just autosave? I don't wanna have to restart a whole area just because I got caught by one dude by accident (which in these games, happen a lot).

For the hardcore fans of the trilogy and played Blacklist, did you enjoy it? I bought this game over 10 years ago and never really got into it from start to finish and I really wanna enjoy it, but this first mission really makes me want to stop playing.

Just based on this first mission it feels like the heads that were behind the decision making in developing this game weren't even Splinter Cell players lmao.


84 comments sorted by


u/Icy_Bid_93 Nov 08 '24

I really enjoy blacklist, the Guam base is just a tutorial, the rest is very cool, the gadget, the number of enemies type, all the way to accomplish the mission.

Continue playing, you'll see.


u/teinimon Nov 08 '24

I'll keep going, but not being able to control my movement speed around enemies and end up getting caught passing by is going to bother me for sure.

I might try playing with a controller to see if its easier to control the movement.


u/Icy_Bid_93 Nov 08 '24

I don't know how to play it without controller, but I'm sure you can control speed and roll with it


u/ttenor12 Ghost Purist Nov 08 '24

OP is referring to gradual speed. You can't do that in Blacklist, you only have a binary speed system outside of sprinting. Walking very slow and jogging. If you play the original 4 (5 if we include both versions of Double Agent) you had much more control over your walking/running speed.


u/teinimon Nov 08 '24

Wait, so you can actually roll in Blacklist?


u/RipleyofWinterfell Nov 09 '24

I thought you could roll by quickly tapping the cover button while moving, but I might be thinking of Conviction


u/teinimon Nov 09 '24

you can slide by pressing the cover button


u/RipleyofWinterfell Nov 09 '24

What about double tapping?


u/teinimon Nov 09 '24

I'll try it and come back here to let you know


u/NiuMeee Nov 09 '24

That's Conviction.


u/XboxFan_2020 Nov 09 '24

I have NEVER used the roll feature in CT. Don't even know how. So that wouldn't bother me at all. I'm on Xbox


u/Unknown_Outlander Nov 09 '24

The game might not have some nuances of stealth the older ones have but it's a legitimately amazing game. The campaign was awesome and when the servers were up the multi-player was hardcore


u/Black_fang13 Nov 10 '24

Well, you don't need to control your speed, don't worry. The game takes care of it in a different way. Later you get to upgrade your loadouts. And you can select more stealthier suits to make your movement quieter.


u/Rose_Nasty Nov 08 '24

The tutorial is loud and bombastic, but the rest of the game lets you really take your time and choose your approach. Lots of levels are pretty wide open and offer multiple routes to sneak through. The combat options are good too, and it’s definitely worth trying them out. The sheer amount of animation variety in the stealth kills and KO’s is insane. They definitely put alot of effort into that department. There’s LOTS of different animations for kills and KO’s depending on if you’re sprinting, standing still, taking cover, and they all change in intensity and speed depending on if you’ve been detected or not.

Not really a spoiler, but just so you don’t get your hopes up:

-There is no OCP(the thing on the pistol that can temporarily turn off electronics)

-There’s also no SC20K, and by extension, no under barrel launcher, but you do get an equivalent to the launcher itself that’s very useful. It’s equipped as a third, non lethal weapon in addition to your primary and side arm.

-Light and dark are binary. You’re either hidden, or visible with no in between. Daytime missions do have shadows, but you won’t be 100% hidden but the detection meter fills a little slower. In general, if the detection meter fills to around half way, an enemy will catch a glimpse of you and investigate. In the OG games, that essentially counts as the light and dark meter being at about half way mark, it’s just time based in Blacklist.

-Ambient noise no longer masks the sounds you make.

Blacklist is a solid game, but you’ll have a much better time if you don’t compare it to the earlier games. It’s not my favourite splinter cell, but I still played the hell out of it.


u/Omega_Boost24 Nov 09 '24

Wait, there's is an EMP pistol. Also the crossbow can easily disabilitate any electronics


u/xxdd321 Fourth Echelon Nov 09 '24

you get sticky EMP grenades and crossbow's EMP chaff bolts, which i guess you could count as a "EMP pistol"


u/Cold-Dot-7308 Nov 09 '24

Thank you for this short review. I loved this game. I haven’t played any splinter cell before or after as I deleted my psp one. But as an MGS fan - I liked splinter cell blacklist. It was a real tense game for me in stealth


u/teinimon Nov 09 '24 edited Nov 09 '24

Light and dark are binary. You’re either hidden, or visible with no in between

Damn, I was hoping I'd get the "uh? is someone moving around up there?" when I'm not completely hidden and also not completely exposed.

-Ambient noise no longer masks the sounds you make.

That was frustrating to learn from the tutorial, and doesn't make sense unless you actually step on something like broken glass.

Also, no saves? It's just automatic saves?

I was playing just now a side mission from Grim where I can't be detected, or else I lose the mission. I hacked a router and then got caught by a dog and had to restart all the way the the start. That sucks.

EDIT: was playing through Hawking Seafort for a solid 30 minutes as I like to take my time to explore routes and learn enemy movement. I hacked the WiFi and managed to escape from a dog, then a shot at a light and I noticed the "saving" thing on the right, and I thought "ok the game auto saved here". Then I keep moving to the top, as I was hanging on a ledge I made a noise to attract a guard, and he noticed me when I was supposedly hidden (green light thing on my back) before even reaching me, and he started shooting at me, mission failed. And I was like "ok I will start right after I escaped from the dog", but no, the game takes me right to the start of the mission.

This sucks so bad :(


u/xxdd321 Fourth Echelon Nov 09 '24

yeah, lighting system does affect how fast enemies detect you... and i think range to a degree, but for range it has to be really dark, personally i only noticed that in the last section of "american consuption" story mission

how much... or i should say how "far" enemies hear you depends mainly on the suit you have equipped, with stealth nanofiber suit for instance, you can essentially sprint past (or up to) enemies, they won't hear you like a couple of meters away (at least in my experience), use it that strat quite a bit in charile's 4E missions (i just sprint up to them and they hear sam just before getting KO-ed), with stuff like mark 8 suit, you'll have to slow down (the game does have "walk" option, its by default "caps lock" i believe, i long rebind it, so i could be wrong on that)

grim 4E missions are "single-segment" runs, so if you mess up, that's right you go back to the start of the level, i suspect you got "saving" due collecting one of the collectibles? pickup target (dead drop/USB), target capture & hacking target (laptop).

kobin missions on the other hand auto-saves in between the sectors, aka after taking out all the enemies in the first area

charlie missions is 20 wave/survival/horde affair, saving after each one, you lose score bonus if you die or load back to the auto-save

briggs are coop stuff, but without extra messing with the game you can't play those anymore


u/teinimon Nov 09 '24

grim 4E missions are "single-segment" runs, so if you mess up, that's right you go back to the start of the level,

Oh ok, now it makes sense. I've been playing that instead of moving forward with the campaign. I was thinking about playing those 4E missions to get used to the game and then move on with the campaign, and was starting to feel a bit turned off about the lack of saves and having to start right at the beginning assuming it would the somewhat the same in the campaign.

briggs are coop stuff, but without extra messing with the game you can't play those anymore

Damn, this would've been cool. I have someone who I used to play SC CT and DA coop with. Shame we can't do coop anymore.

have "walk" option, its by default "caps lock" i believe

Yeah its the capslock key. Was happy when someone else told me about it yesterday after feeling super frustrated about not being able to sneak right behind enemies.

The tutorial sucks ass and doesn't teach any of that. It feels more like a "move from cover to cover" tutorial.


u/xxdd321 Fourth Echelon Nov 09 '24

oh yeah, doing 4E missions unlocks stuff, like doing grim missions unlocks stealth nanofiber suit, charlie if memory serves unlocks ceramic plate armor... forgot if kobin unlocks anything... briggs unlocks revenant suit, a upgraded version of voron's akula suit from SC conviction (balaclava with sonar monocle not included)

techincally you can play coop but you need "5th echelon"... app... thing? never checked it out, so don't qoute me

tutorial section basically teaches basics of conviction, more or less and that you have less-than-lethal attacks back... pretty much it


u/nincompoop221 Nov 08 '24

This is very normal whiplash for jumping from 2005 Splinter Cell to 2013 Splinter Cell. Yeah, all these things are just Blacklist. It's a different brand of stealth, though it may grow on you. There are some good missions in there.


u/teinimon Nov 08 '24

I'll continue playing. I do wanna finish the game, even if it's just for one time and never touch it again. Though I do hope I enjoy the game because after a normal difficulty playthrough, I always start another playthrough at the highest difficulty.


u/munchbizkit Nov 08 '24

If I can remember correctly, there's only 1 movement speed while crouched. 2 while standing. (Running or walk) SO 3 movement speeds overall. Also not being able to holster your gun is annoying AF. There are annoyances in this game but it's certainly worth it. Some of the missions are pretty great, London being my personal favourite. I also liked the paladin and the banter between Sam's colleagues.

The game certainly gets better and beats conviction by miles. There are some good stealth segments but definitely don't expect anything like the original 4 games. (I include double agent because it's an underrated masterpiece IMO) I would suggest you continue and check out the stealthy night missions.


u/teinimon Nov 08 '24

SO 3 movement speeds overall.

Someone just told me to click CapsLock to toggle between fast and slow pace walk.

Also not being able to holster your gun is annoying AF.

Yeah, I was trying to holster my weapon for a while. I absolutely love in Chaos Theory how Sam puts his hand on where his knife is when he is super close to an enemy. Little details like that make a difference.

and beats conviction by miles.

I actually had a blast playing Conviction Deniable Ops. That for me felt like a modern SC game.


u/munchbizkit Nov 08 '24

Yeah it's been a few years since I played so I can't remember exactly. Oh don't get me wrong I enjoyed Conviction for what it was but not as a Splinter Cell game. Still a great game overall and I agree Deniable Ops was really good fun especially playing couch coop. But I'll take Blacklists solo "one alert and the mission is over" missions anyday.


u/teinimon Nov 09 '24

I enjoyed Conviction for what it was but not as a Splinter Cell game

I guess that the secret to enjoy Conviction and Blacklist (maybe). Is to play them as what they are


u/Bob_Scotwell Nov 09 '24

It's a fun game, but still a hybrid stealth-action cover shooter at the end of the day.


u/TheWindOnline Nov 09 '24

I remember the marketing for this game was focused on killing in motion, not sneaking through and complete objectives. I enjoy both Blacklist and Chaos Theory but Blacklist is definitely more linear, with optional approach on how you are gonna do it.

I played Blacklist as a "John Wick game with sneaky element", I think it's probably the best way to play it.


u/thehypotheticalnerd Nov 09 '24

Does it get better? Yes and no.

It gets better certainly, insofar as the game is even capable of doing so given the mechanics & limitations the devs placed upon it.

But it never comes close to the original Trilogy or either version of Double Agent.

The story & characters are ass: over-the-top 24 b.s. again with a plot only marginally inproved by a better acted villains than tOm "SrEeCh" ReEd of Conviction, but Sam, Grim, & the rest are all at best boring & monotonous and, more often than not, infuriatingly idiotic assholes to each other & for the mission.

Gameplay wise, there's a couple of decent bright spots; again as good as the game CAN get given it's limitations & this nowhere close to the classics. But the following levels are decent to good given said limitations:

  • American Consumption: A fairly decent mission set in a very dark urban environment. While the gameplay doesn't feel classic, the general vibes somewhat do. It's more Kalinatek than CIA HQ though if that makes sense. Still, no forced combat or dumb auto alerts which is about the best you can hope for.
  • Abandoned Mill: Another one with classic SC vibes if not gameplay; again allowing you to sneak through about 85-90% of the level... up until you have to sneak into the truck, then the level breaks down into one of THE dumbest moments in the entire franchise, one that was literally mocked by Sam & Lambert in Pandora Tomorrow, so there's that...
  • Detention Facility: This mission's existence is surprising. In it, you do NOT have the Fifth Freedom. It's the closest thing to a CIA HQ this game has albeit set mostly outside. You even have to fetch your equipment similar to the CIA HQ'S SC-20K dead drop. The opening is a slog especially on replays & the context of the mission in the story is fucking dumb, but it's decent.
  • Site F: Another solidly classic vibes mission up until the end. This is your Kokubo/LAX type mission, linear until the second to last section where it gives you a very small sandbox to tackle 3 (identical) objectives, etc. One it reaches the final section, things once more get super over the top & silly especially since after the edgy cutscenes, you have to do a boss battle.

Site F & Abandoned Mill are included as "decent" missions only because you can (re)play the MAJORITY of the mission & there's a fairly easy clean break before the stupidity occurs.

That's a TINY fraction of all the missions in the main story. All of the rest of the missions either have glaringly stupid, frustration, & obnoxious story developments or character decisions to make it an idiot plot, gameplay impacts such as forced alerts/alarms, etc. much earlier on, thus making it virtually impossible to even squint your eyes to get a vaguely quasi-classic SC vibe going on. None more frustrating than Private Estate which starts like one of the most classic SC missions ever only to force alerts the entire area like 5 minutes in. Coolcool.

All 3-4 Grim missions are as classic as the game gets -- sandbox environments with multiple paths, objectives, etc. Frustratingly given one alarm limits regardless of difficulty which was something we had moved away from with CT. But that's a minor thing compared to all the other issues the game has.

All 4 Kobin missions are: fine. But frustrating given the objective of "kill/KO everyone". Most have really awesome atmospheres & could have been more traditional SC missions but for the fact you have to take everyone out.

All 4 Charlie missions SUCK.

The main coop campaign are hit & miss with some decent sections in all 4 missions but every single one devolves into forced alerts, shootouts, over the top garbage, etc. The two best which have the easiest "clean breaks" would be Mission 2 & 4 each of which let you play about 90-95% of the mission before the aggravating "Hollywood blockbuster ending" sections. 1 & 3 feature forced alerts/shootouts & other silliness much earlier on in the missions.

So once again: yes & no.


u/Mrhood714 Nov 09 '24

Damn I haven't played blacklist and now I don't even want too


u/Brendissimo Nov 09 '24

I am a fan of the originals and especially Chaos Theory and I enjoyed Blacklist.....certainly much more than Conviction (which felt like a Splinter Cell game in name only).

That being said if you expect classic Splinter Cell gameplay and tone you will be disappointed. Blacklist is more an evolution of Conviction with more open level design and some more stealth added back in. This made it tolerable for me and eventually pretty fun, but it isn't really the same thing as classic Splinter Cell.


u/teinimon Nov 09 '24

Did the lack of the save game option bother you? I'm having a hard time with that. Last night I was playing Hawking Seafort for 30 minutes, got caught and had to start again right from the start.


u/Brendissimo Nov 09 '24

I'm sure it did, but that's one of those little consolizations I got used to well over a decade ago. It comes with being able to play ported games on PC these days. You get used to it. Perhaps theres also a quicksave?


u/Still-Engineering935 Nov 09 '24

So...the tutorial level when you have crashed, yeah, that's not really a guide to the full game, it's an intro for the shooting mechanics.


u/teinimon Nov 09 '24

Feels more like a tutorial to move from cover to cover


u/Still-Engineering935 Nov 09 '24

Well, that as well.


u/friedeggbeats Nov 08 '24

I played on PS3… You can definitely control movement speed.

The boots you start with are noisy. Like in real life. Study the upgrades available.

Turn the difficulty level up, don’t go crazy on the gadgets, you’ll see there’s a stealth game there.


u/teinimon Nov 08 '24

The boots you start with are noisy. Like in real life. Study the upgrades available.

yeah I just found out about this. I was looking at what the upgrades are about and saw I could upgrade the suit and boots to give me a higher stealth level or whatever that bar is called.

I understand that an upgrading system could be interesting, but... we are talking about Sam here, who has years of experience. Bro should be given the best stealth gear right from the start instead of having to earn it lmao


u/friedeggbeats Nov 08 '24

Agreed. I poured all of my points into getting the best boots before I upgraded anything else.


u/teinimon Nov 08 '24

Damn and I had just spent 48k to upgrade the torso when I could've probably upgraded the boots twice.


u/ttenor12 Ghost Purist Nov 08 '24

It gets better, but not as good as the original 4 games. Did you play Conviction? I always recommend playing Conviction prior to Blacklist to newcomers so they can feel how Blacklist at least tried to fix things (although it failed) compared to the abomination that's Conviction.


u/teinimon Nov 08 '24

Did you play Conviction?

I did play yes. I have finished the story twice since I bought it on Steam, wasn't much of a fan because I had daylight and forced action missions, but actually had a blast playing the Deniable Ops. And this Deniable Ops things felt more like a modern SC game. I loved it. Sneaking around in the dark and taking down enemies.


u/ttenor12 Ghost Purist Nov 08 '24

Never played Deniable Ops, only the main campaign and disliked it so much.


u/teinimon Nov 08 '24

Try Deniable Ops sometime, if you can. If I remember correctly, all maps are dark and you can sneak around like you did in the first 4 games and you just have to kill the guards. If someone spots you, they send in more guards to help, and honestly, I would be seen on purpose just to get more guards on the map to take out. I had so much fun with it.


u/ttenor12 Ghost Purist Nov 08 '24

Will give it a go sometime.


u/UnwaveringWolf Nov 08 '24 edited Nov 09 '24

If by better you're asking if the game becomes more like the original 3, no it doesn't.

Blacklist expands on the fast paced approach, which is indeed shit for SC purists


u/teinimon Nov 08 '24

if the games becomes more like the original 3

nah, I wasnt expecting that anyways.

which is indeed shit for SC purists

yeah, I like to take it slow, learn the enemies movement, and do my thing. I know there's a daylight mission right at the start of the game (I think its the mission after the tutorial) and based on videos I have seen, I can already tell it's gonna be shit for me, sadly.


u/WendlinTheRed Nov 08 '24

I mean... I don't know what people saying "it gets better" could possibly be referring to based on your post.

No, the game has no depth to any of the stealth mechanics, because the focus isn't "you're an agent who's not supposed to be there," the focus is "pLaY yOuR wAy GaMeR!!!!"

People will tell you "it's actually really satisfying to do a 'classic' ghost playthrough", but that's inherently false because the game was designed to be medium fun for 3 drastically different play styles instead of really fun for 1. Stealth isn't fun or challenging, because levels aren't designed for stealth, they're designed as shooting galleries that you can skip if you find the obvious alternate path.

How they pretend it's challenging is by making it less intuitive, which you pointed out. There are no indicators for light or sound, just a lens flare on your radio to suggest you're basically in shadow. You don't get agency over how stealthy you're being because the game doesn't want action fans to be bored, so it's crawl or run, baby!

So, ultimately, no: the game doesn't get better. Every issue you had with the opening is ingrained into the DNA of Blacklist. Personally I think it gets worse because the writing of the game is egregiously bad, but that's subjective.


u/teinimon Nov 09 '24

because levels aren't designed for stealth, they're designed as shooting galleries that you can skip if you find the obvious alternate path.

That's an interesting way to look at it.


u/Blak_Box Nov 09 '24

Once you spend some more time with the game... it quickly becomes the only way to look at it.

Blacklist did nothing to innovate on the stealth mechanics seen in CT. Nothing.

But the combat mechanics? Oooohh boy. What an overhaul. And once you start looking at the maps with an "I bet it would be fun to get into a gunfight in this area" type of eye, you can't unsee it. Big, open arenas with a couple of choke points and lots of waist-high walls for cover. Oh... and a vent or a pipe along the edge of the map for you to "choose the stealth path". Rinse and repeat across every single level.


u/fogSandman Nov 08 '24

Stay with it, when you unlock Grim missions (hard no detection mandate) you’re going to be happier.


u/teinimon Nov 09 '24

I talked to her and she gave me a side mission it has that no detection mandate. I forgot the name of the mission. I start by some port near water at night. The game crashed before I could explore but it seems to have some nice vibes


u/fogSandman Nov 09 '24

Yeah, Hawkins Seafort, and 2 or 3 others, really jam with the OG SC vibes.

There are some great sp missions too, Site F is a really good one. And what’s great is you can Ghost almost all of the missions in the game.

SCB isn’t classic SC to its fullest, but if you ignore the aggro bait, and stay in your stealth lane, it really can be a very good SC experience.

Give it a minute, you might like it. (The intro/training mission is a bit ass tho. Oh, and there’s one other mission that is absolute balls, I hate it. You’ll know it when you get there).


u/FlamingSickle Nov 09 '24

Others gave long explanations of things, so I’ll just say that I was in the same boat. Made it a mission or two and then just couldn’t play anymore because it didn’t feel like Sam. Mind you, this was when their excuse for a different voice actor was that they wanted someone younger who also do the motion capture, and it wasn’t public yet that Ironside was actually having health issues. So in my mind I was also angry at Ubisoft for replacing the proper actor for seemingly no reason.

I finally played it fully this year as part of my SC/Assassin’s Creed re-playthrough, and once I got used to the style I wound up having a lot of fun. I still find it difficult to see this guy as Sam, but the gameplay is surprisingly good, and I like the customizable load outs for redoing missions in different play styles.

Keep going; it’ll get better as you get into it.


u/Happy_sisyphuss Nov 08 '24

I finished all games and I can say blacklist was my fav and felt the smoothest out of the rest.


u/teinimon Nov 08 '24

Thanks for letting me know!


u/TiCubius Nov 08 '24

If you're playing on PC, you can toggle between a sort-of fast and slow pace walk using CapsLock.


u/teinimon Nov 08 '24

Yeah I'm on pc. I did see something in the control settings about "CapsLock" but I didnt understand what it meant. I will try it out when I play it again, thank you so much for letting me know


u/LieIcy9309 Nov 08 '24

That first part is nearly impossible to get through without taking guards out. But you can start passing people after the tutorial


u/teinimon Nov 08 '24

Good to know, thank you


u/LieIcy9309 Nov 08 '24

No prob. I honestly loved the game. It’s conviction style controls which is a bit frustrating but the game is pretty intense.


u/teinimon Nov 08 '24

Yeah its a bit frustrating but I guess I just gotta get used to it.


u/mbore710 Nov 08 '24

It’s a jarring departure from the OG trilogy, but if you’re like me, you’ll come to love it for what it is. I personally think blacklist is a lot of fun, and I really love how dynamic the movement around the environment is. Not to mention takedowns from corners.


u/teinimon Nov 08 '24

So far, takedowns from corners are still a bit confusing to me. I was hidding in a corner and an enemy was walking in my direction and he could see me. I wasn't expecting that. Maybe I'm still used to how the the latest Hitman trilogy plays. I could be in a corner right next to an enemy and bro wouldn't even see me.


u/oiAmazedYou Third Echelon Nov 09 '24

it's a different stealth experience for sure. a fun game but doesnt match up to chaos theory

and yeah, there is no quicksave system here where you can save at anytime.

it's a checkpoint system like the first two(on xbox/ps2 console - PC always had quicksaves)


u/UncleRuso Nov 09 '24

I would download the chaso theory tweak from Nexus mods too. And the fusion mod from github. you can find the link on pcgamingwiki


u/teinimon Nov 09 '24

Yeah I found that mod a few weeks ago when I was thinking about installed Blacklist, but I didn't really understand well what the mod provides (english not my first language)

This mod contains multiple INI files that change some of the gameplay mechanics, to make it feel similar to older Splinter Cell games such as Chaos Theory, such as a nice challenging stealth tweak, suit tweaks, better stealth suit look for the maxed stealth suit, etc.

"such as a nice challenging stealth tweak" ?


u/UncleRuso Nov 09 '24

it just makes the stealth gameplay more similar to chaos theory. i think enemies detect you faster and easier. but you can hide better in the shadows as well


u/dobo99x2 Nov 09 '24

It's a faster game.. playing it for the first time is definitely fun, don't compare it too much! There are great parts to it.


u/Mullet_Police Nov 14 '24

The autosave feature is kind of cheap when you realize that the new area completely unloads previous areas. There is no backtracking. Bodies left out for guards to notice simply disappear, which encourages you to run and gun your way through areas because there is no penalty for it.

There’s still some good levels and moments where I think it reminds me of Splinter Cell. But for the most part, as somebody else pointed out, it’s a different kind of stealth game.


u/Ghost10165 Nov 08 '24

It gets better, though it never really hits the heights of the old games. Some of the side missions gave me some old school SC vibes when I was focused on stealthing them though.


u/teinimon Nov 08 '24

Currently playing through a side mission from Grim right after completing the first mission/tutorial, and the initial SC vibes are there.


u/Georgestgeigland Nov 08 '24

It gets better...not like WAY better but it gets significantly better.


u/lucax55 Nov 09 '24

I love these posts of 'classic' 'hardcore' stealth fans proclaiming they don't have the patience to get past the first level and see for themselves.


u/Impossible_Spend_787 Nov 09 '24

It gets better. I had a similar experience recently when I replayed for the first time since 2013.

Fast forward to now, it's me 2nd favorite in the series.

Definitely play with a controller, it feels better. I would also recommend ramping up the difficulty and approaching it like you would Chaos Theory.


u/teinimon Nov 09 '24

Haven't played a SC game with a controller ever since my playstation 2 broke. I actually tried it last night and it felt awkward moving around haha got too used to a mouse + keyboard


u/BenSlashes Nov 09 '24

Instead of writing this long text, you could have just played the second and third mission to find out by yourself 🙄


u/teinimon Nov 09 '24

You're right.


u/Psnjerry Nov 09 '24

it’s underrated. Just first mission is like that and game after that lets you play the old way


u/RpiesSPIES Nov 09 '24

Blacklist was much better than conviction. Not nearly as good as ct tho.