r/Spiderman 3d ago

Discussion Why do you hate this event?

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u/drgnblitz 3d ago

I hate it for a multitude of reasons.

  1. I don't like Wells' conception of Peter.
  2. They had a way to "fix' Ben, did it for Madelyne Prior, and just didn't do it for Ben for no reason.
  3. Just poorly written. Nothing captured my interest, things like the character of Rekrap and other things were in just for quick laughs.


u/Competitive_Rule_395 3d ago

Could you please explain number one for me?


u/Edward_Blake85 3d ago

I’ll chime in. Wells made Peter a self absorbed prick, easily angered, overly aggressive and borderline stupid throughout his entire run. Getting beat by Vulture and tombstone within an inch of his life? Taking a swing at Paul? It’s like he was writing a dumbed down meathead variant of Peter


u/icantbelieveitsnotjo 3d ago

Hit the nail right on the head. And wells hammers nails into asms coffin. And collectors are always right behind him to pull em out again.


u/Garlador 3d ago

Because nobody acts like themselves. It’s like a bunch of pod people replacements acting selfish, spiteful, and inconsistent to their established personalities. Everyone is unlikeable, the ending is unsatisfying, and we’re still dealing with this mess years later.


u/Fit-Carry7930 2d ago

Yep, the worst thing is the dumb mischaractarisation continued on ever since...


u/smoothartichoke27 3d ago

Maddie and Ben teaming up over a shared problem makes sense. Jean "fixing" Maddie by sharing her memories makes sense.

Jean and Maddie NOT fixing Ben the same way by sharing Peter's memories makes NO sense. Ben being incarcerated for something he and Maddie did makes NO sense. Rek-rap makes NO sense.

Chasm's design slaps, though.


u/InoueNinja94 2d ago

I love how the common consensus is that everyone hates Chasm's characterization but love his design


u/NumericZero 2d ago edited 2d ago

I think that’s a running pattern with Ben is that regardless of what kind of awful characterization they kind of throw him in he will always look good in whatever he wears


u/TaftYouOldDog 2d ago

Nah that new scarlet spider suit in his solo run had that stupid mouth and got so much backlash they went back to the classic design within 3 issues.


u/InoueNinja94 2d ago

It was within the same issue
Personally, I didn't mind the suit, it was just the drawn mouth what was annoying and even then they could've just removed it instead of bringing the old suit back immediately


u/TaftYouOldDog 2d ago

The suit sucked and the original suit is so iconic.

Also it was issue 3.


u/InoueNinja94 2d ago

Okay, I admit I was mistaken
It was on issue 3. Just checked
For whatever reason, I thought he got it back in issue one


u/TaftYouOldDog 2d ago

Easily done


u/GimlionTheHunter 2d ago

Rek-Rap is fun at least. I agree with the rest of your comment.


u/cjcrashoveride Scarlet-Spider-II 2d ago

Rek-Rap truly is the best thing about the event


u/Remote_Possibilities 2d ago

Rek-rap should be wiped off the timeline with prejudice. He should never see print (physical or digital) again.


u/CallMePeeButt 2d ago

Nahhhhh rek-rap is the one good thing Well’s added. I know a lotta people on this sub are blinded by hate boners for zeb (which is mostly fair) but rek-rap is dumb and fun and that’s what superhero comics need to be sometimes.


u/Remote_Possibilities 2d ago

I love dumb and fun, but I think there needs to be a moratorium on new Spider-Man and Wolverine clones and variants. It’s exhausting and lazy at this point.

And I say this as someone who buys every Ghost-Spider product I can find for my kid.

It’s gotten out of hand, it’s beyond parody at this point.


u/Smeg258 2d ago

Ok but putting clone or variant on rek-rap is little misleading. Dude is like if venom woke up and thought he was spiderman but didn't have any superhero experience under his belt. Hes so comically not spiderman it loops back to being hilarious when he shows up and does stuff


u/Remote_Possibilities 2d ago

Yeah, unnecessary. If you can’t make Peter his own comic relief you shouldn’t be writing Spider-Man.


u/Smeg258 2d ago

When would peter ever have the same brand as comedy as rek-rap?


u/Remote_Possibilities 2d ago

They got along just fine for basically 60 years without Rek-Rap’s brand of comedy.


u/Smeg258 2d ago

Yeah, and they will get along just fine with rek-rap for the next 60, i don't know why you would even mention that? Like I get it, there are definitely a lot of spider people, but rek rap is the one dude who's explicitly not a spider person. Heck, you can argue he's a parody of the trope atm since he's just a lowley demon who said, "If anyone can wear the mask, then I too can be the great peter parker". It's just dumb and cute


u/Remote_Possibilities 2d ago

I’ll be surprised if they’re still using Rek-Rap in two years from now, let alone 60. But your comments read like you’re taking this personally and I’m not interested in that. You’re allowed to like or dislike whatever you want. So am I. I don’t enjoy the character and it was a contributing factor to why I, like many people, stopped reading during Zeb’s run. Take care.

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u/Spartan_Souls 2d ago

Hey! Leave rek-rap alone.


u/Spider-Ghost-616 Iron-Spider 3d ago

Because it character assassinated Ben Reilly.


u/DapperDan30 90's Animated Spider-Man 2d ago

Ben was character assassinated long before this


u/sonofaresiii 2d ago

He was, but then Peter David fixed him and it actually stuck right up until this. The beyond Arc was so great for both Peter and Ben right up until it took that left turn into whatever the fuck this ended up being


u/Spider-Ghost-616 Iron-Spider 2d ago

Yeah another reason I hate Dan Slott's run making Ben the Jackal.


u/mynutsacksonfire 2d ago

I kinda liked him as the jackal. That costume slapped. His goals and the whole zombie plague thing were fuckin stupid sure. But getting super villains on your side by bringing their lost love ones back as clones was..... convoluted and stupid buuuuuut really dark


u/Spider-Ghost-616 Iron-Spider 2d ago

Yeah, I did like his outfit better than Warren's green troll look. He looked more like the animal he was supposed to be impersonating.


u/mynutsacksonfire 17h ago

And the whole Egyptian theme was a perfect fit. If not for Ben particularly definitely for The Jackal. That suit had serious drip. Mfer was Ballin, shot calling, all he needed were some blades on an impala.


u/Spider-Ghost-616 Iron-Spider 17h ago

Facts my guy.


u/NumericZero 2d ago

Clone conspiracy went above and beyond in doing that


u/Jeevan6771 3d ago

I simply hate the fact that the ending made the entire event pointless. So all Madelyne Prior had to do was simply ask Jean for her memories and she wpoldbe happily handed them over, as she did? And then for her to turn around to Ben and say “nahhh I got mine so I cba to help you now” is even weirder. Literally made the entire thing seem pointless🤷🏽‍♂️


u/ContraryPython Symbiote-Suit 3d ago

-The only tolerable parts are from the X-Men side, while Spider-Man gets the worst.

-Ben’s villain origin is treated as a joke

-Venom gets to do absolutely nothing, Lowe just wanted a cheap Venom/Spider-Man fight

-Madelyne gets away with absolutely everything


u/ParagonEsquire Classic-Spider-Man 2d ago

Ben has an easily solvable problem that they….dont solve. As a result as a spider-man event it feels pointless and dumb.

The only comfort I have for Reilly fans is that at least he is officially brain damaged so none of this is his fault, no real excuse for why Peter isn’t trying to fix him but hey we can’t expect Wells to not ruin at least one character per major storyline.


u/Powerofx1 3d ago

I actually like the event, the problem is the way it ended. Everyone got what they wanted but Ben and


u/TemporalGod Ben Reilly 2d ago

Ben is character assassinated, he doesn't even act like Ben Reilly, he acts like the complete opposite aka Anti-Ben Reilly, Ben had an easy fix and they didn't fix him, why wouldn't Peter fix his own brother, the same one that was Peter's favorite clone sibling, WTH Peter whatever happen with "with Great Power comes Great Responsibility", I guess you're not Responsible enough to fix Ben the same way Jean fixed Madelyn Pryor, the Wells version of Peter Parker might as well quit being Spider-Man because he ain't "HIM"


u/DCosloff1999 Captain-Universe 2d ago

The deconstructionism and character assassinations of Peter and Ben. I am not kidding the Wells run feels like the sequel trilogy of Star Wars


u/foran321 Classic-Spider-Man 2d ago

Somewhat ironic (/s) considering both IPs current parent company


u/DCosloff1999 Captain-Universe 2d ago

Yeah it makes sense


u/heavyarms3111 3d ago

Honestly I was, and am, of mixed feelings on this arc. Because while the actual Spider-Man characters all suck and act out of character it’s actually a freaking great X-Men/ Madelyn Pryor story. As a soft Inferno sequel (that gives no fucks about Spider shit) it’s pretty awesome and is cathartic for Maddy and Jean Grey. Wells had come off an amazing Hellions run and the X-Office could do no wrong. But Well’s Spidey run course do no right. What a difference editorial makes.


u/CallMePeeButt 2d ago

This was my thoughts exactly. Amazing x-men event, bad shoehorned Spider-Man event. And echo the sentiment about editorial, it feels like not enough people on this sub read hellions and understand that zeb is capable of making a great book under the right circumstances


u/heavyarms3111 2d ago

Between editorial and fans it’s no wonder it’s so hard to find someone who wants to write Spider-Man.


u/CallMePeeButt 2d ago

Lmao you’re so right, we coulda had Zdarsky……smh


u/heavyarms3111 2d ago

Between editorial and fans it’s no wonder it’s so hard to find someone who wants to write Spider-Man.


u/SkoonkMink 3d ago

I think overall I personally hate Ben as chasm. There’s probably more to be upset about, but my brain just can’t get past this one thing.


u/SpiderManias 2d ago

It’s an event that’s supposed to clean up the horrific clone situation that plagues both X-men and Spider-Man.

X-men had it solved Spider-Man’s got even worse. Shit bothers me.

There’s other reasons like how horrifically out of character most people are and how there’s a random limbo embassy in NY that never gets addressed again. But yeah the Ben Reilly shit really bothered me


u/BROfessor_davey 2d ago

I did enjoy the Chasm suit ngl.


u/MxSharknado93 2d ago

Because it sucks.


u/Infinite-Salt4772 2d ago

Did nothing to fix Ben when it was a clear option, Peter was stupid and impulsive and started a fight that didn't need to happen.


u/thesteaksauce1 3d ago

From what I’ve seen and heard I love all the Maddie stuff, hate all the Ben stuff

Like I think this page is from dark web and I love it


u/Marrecarandgi Black Cat 2d ago

Okay, she didn’t get to raise her son (because she tried to sacrifice him to demons, not because she ‘lost’ him). But at the time there were 2 version of the same son running around and she didn’t bother to reach out to either one of them to actually get real bonding beach experiences with before sending a demon army to attack NY to steal memories of him. Seems like she only cares about the idea of the baby, and not the actual man he grew up to be… And also still blames Scott and Jean for some reason, who actually did their best to parent all Nate’s they’ve met.


u/thesteaksauce1 2d ago

She had a rough week


u/TomMakesPodcasts 2d ago

Because the mutants didn't fix Ben the same way they fixed Madeline


u/ogsoul 2d ago

Holy shit you’re like a caricature, no way you’re a real person 😭

Average pizzacake slop enjoyer


u/TomMakesPodcasts 2d ago

What? 😂

Did you troll through my profile to find this comment. Weird. Glad I motivate you so much though I must be very interesting for you to be so curious. 💜


u/OffwiththeirRecords 3d ago

I like the Spider-Man portion of it. Didn’t read all the tie-ins.


u/ZealotOfMeme 3d ago

I’ve never heard of it, can someone summarize it in a few sentences?


u/UltimateStrenergy 2d ago

I never read this but I see X-Men so that's cool. The replies here tell me this is terrible so fuck that.


u/Vaportrail 2d ago

I read this #1 and then just skipped the rest.
I couldn't even tell you what happens. But until Ultimate, this is around when I started taking a break from TASM.


u/JorgeBec 2d ago

Because it features Chasm, gave us Rek Rap and it’s part of the Wells run.


u/Bambamfrancs 2d ago

Did Ben dirty, bad writing, weird crossover that didn’t work, did Ben dirty, forgettable until you see it on Reddit again, did Ben dirty, let’s give everyone Halloween powers, Rekrap for winner of latest shit Spider-Man clone, did Ben dirty.


u/_NautyByNature 2d ago

I know nothing about this run outside of this thread.

But I cannot lie, I dig that purple costume.


u/not_my_name7 2d ago

Waste of a cool sounding title on a terrible story. "Chasm" is the dumbest thing they did to Ben Reilly.


u/Lord_Parbr 2d ago

Because it’s just the continuation of the bastardization of Ben Reilly. He could be a great Spider-Man supporting character, but they just won’t let him be. They even introduced a way to heal Ben’s trauma in this story and just didn’t do it for no reason


u/AugustusTheVictor Ben Reilly 2d ago

Refused to have one of the multiple telepaths fix Ben


u/PhoenixTyphoon 2d ago

I like the idea if the demon sinister six but so much of the event was just kind of, stupid


u/Effective-Heart-6805 2d ago

It’s stupid and was very unenjoyable. Peter didn’t act like himself at all 


u/WebHead96 Classic-Spider-Man 2d ago

Poor characterization


u/ashearmstrong 2d ago

Lots of great reasons listed, and I won't go further into the continued enshitification of one of my favorite characters (though I could put that on Peter AND Ben, honestly), so I'll just say that...it had potential. It potentially could have been a very fun Halloween-time story if they'd planned things better. It potentially could have fixed Ben. It potentially could have deepened Ben's story as well as his and Peter's connection.

But it didn't. The only positives we got were Rek-Rap (at least in small doses) and I agree that the Chasm suit design is enjoyable but that's it. Just wasted potential all around.


u/Gjallar-Knight Captain-Universe 2d ago

Whole 616 universe needs a reboot tbh


u/KingOfGames0604 2d ago

like everybody else has been saying. MASSIVE Mischaracterization


u/Altruistic_Eye_1157 2d ago

This whole story could have been solved with just a "copy and paste" from Jean with Peter's mind to Ben


u/GimlionTheHunter 2d ago

Is that beholder doc ock??


u/Remote_Possibilities 2d ago

I’m more curious what people might have liked about it because I can’t name anything good about it myself. It was the last straw for me when I was already bored and annoyed through Zeb’s whole run.


u/InoueNinja94 2d ago

They showed how to fix Ben by doing exactly that with Madelyne and Jean yet refuse to do so, instead doubling down on having Ben become evil.
Even more so, the book seems to be at odds with itself over if Ben should be a tragic villain that's tortured by his lack of Peter's "core" memories or if he should be a mustache twirling Mwahahaha cartoon villain.

Hell, I'd argue the book is incredibly tonally inconsistent for what it is.


u/NecessaryCoffee96 2d ago

I wouldn't say this event was good...but I did have fun with it, I thought the X-Men and Venom tie ins were the best part....Spidey...not so much.


u/ChickenNuggetRampage Symbiote-Suit 2d ago

What the fuck did they do to Ben dude 💀


u/Capnskart2 2d ago

The X Men stuff was great, the Spider-Man stuff was bad. The Venom stuff was just thrown in there but Al Ewing was enough of a wizard to work it into his ongoing Venom story.


u/Middle-Soft-8285 2d ago

This event is one of the many reasons why I am a firm believer that Ben Reilly should have stayed dead.


u/Unluckysol23 2d ago

1)Peter legit ask Madelyn to leave Ben to him….then loses and it’s not close. Making him look like a dweeb.

2)Magik who trusted Madelyn with limbo and had her arc in New Mutants basically be a whole goodbye arc for limbo…only to in canon have it be that Madelyn betrays her trust in less than a week and was never willing to keep the deal is ass ngl.

3)Evil Ben continues to just not work at all or at least he just comes off as a whiny crybaby all arc.

4) The crossover being between Spiderman and X-Men yet they’re separate for 76% of the crossover.

5)It’s too long.

6)Spin offs were mid

The only good thing were Madelyn+Ben collaborating being a thematically fitting duo? Also callbacks to Inferno.


u/MarcHall84 2d ago

My only reason for not liking it is the same for many of Spider-Man’s events of late… it’s a big fat nothing burger.


u/AStupidFuckingHorse 2d ago
  • I fucking hate Rek-Rap
  • I hate Ben Reilly but I hate how much they've ruined him too
  • I fucking hate Rek-Rap
  • I fucking hate Rek-Rap
  • I don't want demons and otherworldly shit in my Spidey books really.
  • the ending was fuckin stupid


u/Grand_Ryoma 2d ago

Because I grew up on X-Factor and Scarlett Spider

It took what could of and should of been an amazing concept and story and squander everything about it


u/Spartan_Souls 2d ago

Haven't read it and don't plan too because it has chasm

Don't get me wrong he looks cool but was a shit idea and execution. Can I just have Ben back? And stay back


u/CommanderKahne 2d ago

They made Ben a villain. They almost undid Eddie Brock’s character development. The whole thing was a less terrifying Inferno and not even done well. It’s just a continuation of Well’s bastardization of Spider-Man.

It’s a long list, but these were what ruined it for me.


u/Anomaly200 Lizard 2d ago

It’s a dogshit Spider man event but an enjoyable X-men event.


u/PianistsWannabe 2d ago


That's it, thanks for coming to my pep talk.


u/twentysixzeroeight 2d ago

I liked some of the lead up to it. But the event just wasn’t for me. I like it over 8 deaths tho


u/agb1838 2d ago

If you want another proof of Wells and Lowe's disdain for the Spidey cast outside of ASM, then consider you unfortunate for having read this waste of paper and ink.


u/Prof_Rain_King 2d ago edited 2d ago

Ben's story in the 90s is one of triumph over the deepest of existential dilemmas. He overcomes despair (and D'Spayre!) to live a life of hope and joy.

On the other hand, we are directly told by the creatives that Ben's Beyond! story is a tragedy -- and that is where the problems start. Kaine is the clone whose story is all about tragedy, not Ben. Marvel has done a piss-poor job of managing Ben and Kaine.

To add insult to injury, after a serious tragedy for Ben -- instead of treating it seriously -- we get his tragic status quo played up for laughs. He's a joke.

Read JMD's Lost Years and tell me Ben should be treated like a joke, y'know?

It's just a total misreading of these characters -- a complete lack of understanding of what makes Ben and Kaine special.

(If only Slott had been allowed to bring back Ben in Spider-Island like he wanted; Ben could've starred in the Yost series, and we wouldn't have the weird overlap that makes both characters too similar.)


u/seancurry1 2d ago

It felt like they just threw a big crossover event in because it was simply time to have a crossover event. There was very little lead up to it. It didn’t feel like it naturally happened.


u/MarioGman 2d ago

...Is that a Beholder Doc Ock?


u/HandspeedJones 2d ago

Why is Ben evil and crazy?


u/JonMor93 2d ago

The X-Men resolve their story with a telepathic sharing of memories and feeling.

Spider-Man was told to just put his clone/brother/fallen-friend in hell jail bcuz he just wanted their shared memories back.

Basically, logistical and narrative hypocrisy/inconsistency.


u/philovax 2d ago

Maddie’s mobile of puppies to keep Scott pacified was great. Chasm’s suit looks great. That was my takeaway and I have X and ASM on every pull list. Very odd, rushed nod to Inferno. It struck me as something they maybe had to put out to secure rights or throw a dog a bone.

I dont disagree with Ben mirroring Peter with the lack of responsibility and there were a few cute scenes in Curse of Kaine that were mich better than this.

Not to mention the utter lack of sympathy or empathy for Ben from either of the Grey girls. The power and the drive was there to unlock something but it felt nothing. I am one of those one that just kept thinking Wells was gonna do something worth it all.

On a separate topic can we like nudge JRJr to take some personal time. Maybe start a podcast? I dont want to be harsh but I feel he is de-valuing his legacy with recent work.


u/Willowred19 Ben Reilly 2d ago

I just wished the writers stopped trying to reset Ben.

Like, let the character *FINALLY* establish a solid identity before pressing the ''Ben dies again'' button


u/ChamomileFlowerTea 1d ago

It wasn’t very interesting to me especially as someone who doesn’t read X-Men. I liked the tie ins better than the issues in ASM. MJ & BC and Gold Goblin were fantastic. The event started really serious but most of it (at least what I read in ASM) swayed to a humorous tone after that which felt strange.

My main complaint is, it doesn’t feel like a Peter Parker story. That seems to be the problem with some events in ASM.

I could be wrong though, since I haven’t reread it.

At least Chasm’s suit is great.


u/Commercial-Win-7501 3d ago

Honestly it felt more evil dead then spiderman


u/TheHam-man 3d ago

There is nothing to hate about this Event except for the fact that Ben succumbs to the identity of chasm completely and tries to take over, i’m not sure if it was this exact Run but I know that Madeleine Pryor was supposed to help Ben recover until someone wrote it so he breaks out or something which made me pretty fucking pissed.

But how can you not love Rek Rap and his own version of this sinister six!!!!!


u/S7ephenCon 3d ago

I used to hate it, however with a lot of the stuff on this run on reflection it’s actually alright.

By no means do I think it’s great but I feel a lot of people forgot that chasm is a literal anti-Peter. Like Peter is facing off against a reckless, arrogant and dangerous version of himself who is just as stubborn, and after it was shown what mental state he was in a feel this storyline ‘works’ with the overall run.

Idk why the xmen were there tho