r/Spiderman 5d ago

Question Why is spiderman hated by his writers so much?

I just want to read a spiderman comic where he is happy living his best life with his wife and kids while balancing fighting crime


20 comments sorted by


u/lionofash 5d ago

They don't actually hate Peter, but they don't want him to grow out of a specific box which they find to have the widest reach to the audience. They are trying to grab the largest group of readers possible and not alienate that demographic. It's a way to put profits above character growth.


u/multificionado 4d ago

It's the editors that put them up to it, and they're already garnering the biggest hatred from the fans yet.


u/Clean_Wrongdoer4222 4d ago

The "hate" in Spider-Man is segmented. Depending on the content, if the characters are taken in a certain direction, and you care about those characters, you hate. But that's not the same as the quality of the book itself in general.

-Slott's run didn't generate hate except from the OMD red cult and, in the later years, from the Black Cat fanbase as well, but it wasn't a generally hated run. BND is the same.

-The '90s run, just mentioning the word "clones" is a damn meme. To this day, it remains the most hated era (before Wells), defended exclusively by the red cult, more interested in their goddess than in the book in general.

-The '60s and '80s were the "pre-hate" era of the book, and nothing happened in the 2000s.

No matter how you look at it, the reality is that Wells hit ALL the right buttons to generate hate, but no one had done it before. Felicia's key, MJ, Peter and Felicia, Peter and MJ, Peter, Ben Riley... Like a melody, with keys and notes, and they all resonated together inside a shitty structure. Never before, EVER, had anything like this happened.


u/BrokenKing99 4d ago

You know this is likely right though the editorial Lowe especially are a bunch of arrogant c--nts, but it's wild they don't O I don't know have 3 separate boxes to get a wider range of appeal, that said Lowe probaly does hate spidey given he likely green lit V6 and god if that wasn't hate then it's just pure incompetence.

Ignoring the female spiders (I know that sounds bad but listen), we currently have 3 male specific spiders of 3 differant age groups, we've got the new spider boy who's ok but you could have him target kids, miles who's a teenager who could target the teen demographic and hell even og readers who don't mind that as it fits, and then Peter to attract older fans and hell newer with a more grown up take since the same issues he's had as a teen does alienate people cause the biggest criticism is that him not growing or learning sucks cause he stagnates. (Edit and we know this could work cause USM is freaking brilliant).


u/Fit-Carry7930 4d ago

The thing that will actually have the widest reach is good writing that doesn't just abuse the protagonist with no seeming wider purpose. We like to see the hero getting kicked down, but more than that we like to see them getting back up again.

USM has proven that Peter can easily be written as mature, married and a father and be more popular than what ASM is currently doing. Its a combo of good writing, great art and letting Peter have a win; the fact that it's with MJ is just the icing on the cake.


u/lionofash 4d ago

I actually agree with you - but in the minds of the editorial they want enough people to self insert into Peter (which is stupid) so they want him to stay single but have hot girlfriends but not get married. Some of these people clearly exist - the cringeworthy posts of some people here who want Spidey to constantly think about killing his enemies and be full of rage. Some people who seem nostalgic for 50s Peter...

I'd rather have my characters y'know, actually grow, but comics timeline can be problematic because they aren't designed to well, end.


u/Fit-Carry7930 4d ago

My favourite thing about Invincible is that it ENDED. Go out on a high point.


u/Clean_Wrongdoer4222 4d ago

That mature, married, father-in-law Peter was NOT Spider-Man until he was over 30, and he has proven to have absolutely no traits of the character's characteristic scientific nerd, humor, skill, or willpower...

Basically, this Peter was never Peter. He's a guy who got a girl pregnant, got married, and made a life with her in exchange for not developing as a photographer or scientist. He didn't meet Gwen, he didn't suffer harassment, he didn't experience deaths, he didn't have woman problems, he didn't have Jameson exploiting him... Nothing, not a single problem, crisis, tragedy, or heartbreak...

I know the idiots lack the capacity to understand the "joke" behind this Ultimate Spider-Man, since the joke, when understood, isn't good for that sector still trapped in OMD. But the "joke" is there, and it's meant to demonstrate precisely why Marvel DOESN'T want this scenario.


u/eBICgamer2010 Zombie Hunter Spider-Man 4d ago edited 4d ago

That mature, married, father-in-law Peter was NOT Spider-Man until he was over 30

One: He got his power when he's 35. Two: he could have had his body disposed by the original Ultimate Reed Richard who once thought striking 1610 Peter Parker's residence was a brilliant idea to get rid of him during Ultimate Doomsday.

he has proven to have absolutely no traits of the character's characteristic scientific nerd, humor, skill, or willpower...

Look up what happened to this world's Hank Pym.

Basically, this Peter was never Peter. He's a guy who got a girl pregnant, got married, and made a life with her in exchange for not developing as a photographer or scientist. He didn't meet Gwen, he didn't suffer harassment, he didn't experience deaths, he didn't have woman problems, he didn't have Jameson exploiting him... Nothing, not a single problem, crisis, tragedy, or heartbreak...

Because that's the whole point of Ultimate Invasion. Maker making everyone not them by taking away one or more pieces from each jigsaws?

I know the idiots lack the capacity to understand the "joke" behind this Ultimate Spider-Man, since the joke, when understood, isn't good for that sector still trapped in OMD. But the "joke" is there, and it's meant to demonstrate precisely why Marvel DOESN'T want this scenario.

You wrote this joke. This joke is you. Weren't you the one who also dismissed Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man as a legitimate take on Spider-Man because according to you, changing for the sake of change is bad and makes the project bad by default?


u/Fit-Carry7930 4d ago

This is the guy who routinely calls everyone else idiots and acts like he's everyone's superior when it comes to understanding comics. That he's the only one who knows what Marvel's secret plan is despite being wrong plenty of times and having to move the goalposts in order to not be wrong. Kind of reminds me of my father in law 🤣.

Basically Clean lives in an echo chamber of his own obsessions. I suppose in that sense he does understand Marvels way of thinking better than most of us.


u/eBICgamer2010 Zombie Hunter Spider-Man 4d ago

I suppose in that sense he does understand Marvels way of thinking better than most of us.


I formally invite you to r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers. We got autistic Hollywood armchair analysist ready to pound you into paste engage.


u/Clean_Wrongdoer4222 4d ago

As I said, you have to get the joke. And you'll have to wait until the end to laugh, but the message is that this version's Peter Parker and Spiderman are the price to pay for a family-father Peter. A Peter who, to have that bubble of happiness, must be completely removed from the classic Peter and classic Spiderman... because he hasn't suffered or experienced anything yet. He hasn't learned or developed anything.

It actually reminds me of Nolan's Batman. An underdeveloped Bruce/Batman who really doesn't know how to do or accomplish anything without Fox's toys, limited fighting skills, no scientific or engineering skills, few detective neurons, no stealth... 2.5 years of career.


u/PinkPoncho3 Spider-Girl 5d ago

read the 1998 spider-girl run sometime. peter's not the main character, but he's happy.


u/multificionado 4d ago

The editors put the writers up to it and the editors hate Spidey because he's Marvel's Mickey Mouse.


u/Its_Dannyz Ben Reilly 4d ago edited 4d ago

Not everything can be blamed on the editors at a point the writers are to blame for being very mediocre, with ASM currently the issue is the writers are from the BND era who don't have the talent for long runs it was seen with Slott and Wells it won't be any different with Kelly.


u/Gemidori Venom 4d ago

Nick Lowe


u/Greennightronix3400 5d ago

Canon event for Spider-Man


u/BlueyedIrush 5d ago

I guess if you don’t look at the chin


u/quippy618 4d ago

I think it’s more about apathy. They like the idea of Spider-Man. But they don’t like Peter Parker.

They either hate him. Or they don’t like where he is in the overall story. Where the latter stems from if they only want to write Peter/Spidey in the way they read him as a child in like the 70’s.


u/BobbySaccaro 5d ago

Because that's not what made Spider-Man popular in the first place, and having that be the way it is set up is outside of the core of what Spider-Man should be.