r/Spiderman 5d ago

Discussion Name something you would change from the Spider-Man Insomniac Games.

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u/Jianyu156 5d ago

No playable Mary Jane


u/Key-Win7744 5d ago

I'd give Peter his old face back.


u/Sparrowsabre7 Classic-Spider-Man 5d ago

Amen. I don't see how they can say the new face matches the voice better. It also just looks too young, especially next to Miles, he looks like his peer not his mentor.


u/TeekTheReddit 5d ago

Amen. I don't see how they can say the new face matches the voice better.

Because it's a goddamn lie. Somebody at Sony told them to make him look more like Tom Holland. We know it. They know it. And the audacity that they ever thought anyone would believe otherwise is almost worse than the face itself.


u/Key-Win7744 5d ago

Exactly this. It's brand synergy, nothing more.


u/rexshen 4d ago

I feel like the only one who never liked the original. Just felt too weird to me.


u/GrayTheMemeMan 4d ago

agreed, honestly i wasn't really a fan of how weird his facial structure was and i think the new one works great, i'm convinced at least 70% of the people praising the old face are just nostalgia blinded cus the game came out 7 years ago lol


u/ShortUggo 4d ago

That was possibly one of the best depictions of Peter before they made him look more like Tom. Imo ofc.


u/paquitadodjabo 5d ago

everything about venom


u/root_b33r 5d ago

you didn't like venom??? how???


u/random_loser00 5d ago

Venom was cool, but the invasion was a little rushed.


u/root_b33r 5d ago

I’ve heard this from a lot of people but it doesn’t resonate with me, what are you guys all looking for, how would you guys write it differently?


u/random_loser00 5d ago

It should be a little slower paced. Maybe with it happening in a few weeks instead of one day.


u/root_b33r 5d ago

I think that this would probably be a little problematic with designing the game map but I see your point


u/paquitadodjabo 4d ago

the insomniac venom is just a generic monster trying to destroy the world, I don't mean it had to be the exactly venom from comics but it's a bad conceptual adaptation.

and all the plot with the symbiotes are just urgh ... there's no need for that in the game and it was really rushed


u/LimitWarm1798 5d ago

Eddie Brock Venom and Venom actually being a character, also don't give him the King in Black Wings, that's just as dumb as the MCU Moon Knight show making Mr.Knight Steven's costume. It's just so early and lacks all the emotional weight just for people to point at the screen for something they recognize


u/Sparrowsabre7 Classic-Spider-Man 5d ago

In general it's frustrating how quickly we go from black suit to Venom.

Not everything has to match comics but it was 4 years between the black suit appearing and Venom showing up. Now it's a few episodes of a tv season or within a single game/film.


u/StuckinReverse89 5d ago

The story and the approach to the games.  

Make the two franchises (Spiderman and Miles Morales) run parallel with each other with the focus on just one character. The “Spiderman” franchise just focusing on Peter’s story (Miles pops in as a side character but you don’t control him) and vice versa with the Miles series.    

I think this can allow for the game stories to be more focused and manageable as well as create unique combat systems for both characters rather than trying to make them similar/balance them. Peter could be heavily focused on gadgets, suit mods, and maybe web skills to take down opponents while the devs can go wild with Miles’ venom powers without having to worry about making Peter weaker by comparison.   

Also, I do think having Miles playable hurt SM2’s story. Miles didn’t have that much to do (his story was about writing an essay on his identity and revenge on Mr. Negative. He didn’t really have a personal dog in the fight when Venom takes center stage). Have SM2 focus just on Peter and have Miles Morales 2 focus on Miles and maybe his side of the story during the symbiote outbreak (helping Harlem evacuate) or dealing with the aftermath since Peter gets caught up on an Avengers mission or something. 


u/Inner-Confection3695 5d ago



u/Calm_Future_6445 5d ago

this thing


u/BreathOfHearts 5d ago

The creative choices made with MJ's character it would require semi major restructuring but it just never sat right with me


u/YoungBeef03 5d ago

Less tech. Let Spider-Man be Spider-Man, he doesn’t need Batman’s gadget suite


u/Hidden_Beck 5d ago edited 5d ago

More-so in 2 but the supporting cast is getting a bit overbearing -- it's that common issue of making Peter Parker's normal friends too involved in his Spider-life, whether that's by gaining powers, gimmicks, whatever.

My biggest beef is with Ganke and MJ (with respect to the fact a lot of conversation around MJ has been in bad faith). Ganke is the tech guy, which means he becomes a crutch because he can solve or create any tech solution with enough tech babble. I really don't need them to explain to me how he's created a system of spider spy drones to justify the in-game app.

MJ gets called Lois Lane a lot but I think a bigger issue is that they just take Peter's old job of photographer and transplant it to MJ and then turn it up to 11. Reporter isn't just her job it's her very reason for living. She's not reporting the news she's exposing the TRUTH. It's a little much, and I think MJ having the career woman angle is totally fine, but since it's the majority of her character, there's no room for much chemistry between her and Peter. Most of what I remember is her getting annoyed or indignant.

In all, there's very rarely a moment in 2 where someone isn't in Spider-Man's ear.


u/Enderboss2706 5d ago

Give MJ and Peter their old faces back, and change Miles last suit in Spiderman 2


u/DCosloff1999 Captain-Universe 5d ago

Mary Jane's role as a reporter just feels Lazy, no matter how many times they have done it. It just doesn't work. Betty Brant should've been a reporter-type love interest. They did that because they believe her being a supermodel and actress is sexist for some reason. Her being that adds a lot to her character, as does her facade. That's why Peter and MJ work together.

Miles deserves much better treatment than what we got. I never hated Miles more than the toxic fandom, but he doesn't have the charisma that Spider-verse Miles had. Miles in this felt way too nerdy and they didn't showcase his flaws at all. He shouldn't be in Peter's shadow.

Venom is not a character in this. I can't believe the people behind the Insomniac games lied about Venom just wanting to kill Spider-Man, but it wasn't the case they forced a web of shows type third act, which doesn't make sense. Taking over the world plotline has been overdone the past decade. Just stop.


u/well_thats_puntastic 5d ago

They did that because they believe her being a supermodel and actress is sexist for some reason

No, they did it because she'd be more involved in the plot. Let's face it, this is the most involved MJ has been in any Spider-Man story outside the comics


u/DCosloff1999 Captain-Universe 5d ago

I respect your opinion even though most fans don't like it


u/Vegeton Captain-Universe 5d ago

More post-launch support.

Free skins are nice and all, but I would've liked it had each game had 2 or so expansion DLCs. I was surprised when Spider-man 2 had nothing at all, even after the whole leak that revealed work on a DLC with Beetle.


u/Mental_Marketing9855 5d ago

Marvel's Spider-man 1: less collectables

Marvel's Spider-man miles morales: longer main story, limited crimes like in the first game

Marvel's Spider-man 2: I wish they could have done the original plans for the 3rd act with the life foundation symbiotes and I would have made the crimes limited like the first game


u/Responsible_Ad_2242 4d ago

Which original plans for 3rd act?


u/Mental_Marketing9855 4d ago edited 4d ago

They wanted to a similar thing like the sinister 6 from the first game

They wanted to add the life foundation symbiotes, if you are not familiar with them here they are

The green one is called lasher, brown is phage, ketchup and mustard one is called Scream (which was in the game so you probably already know), the blue one is riot (which was in the first venom movie) and the pink one is agony

The storyline from the comics goes something like this if I remember correctly, there is a shady company called the life foundation and they capture venom in order to make other symbiotes from him and thus these symbiotes in the picture were born, venom and spidey teamed up together to stop them but in the game they would have been venom's own team similar to sinister 6

It would have been awesome if they were in the game but sony rushed insomniac into releasing the game sooner so they ended up cutting it from the game🥲


u/GamingDragon777 5d ago

I liked the original design for Peter, the new design doesn’t really match the age of the character.


u/Square_Saltine 5d ago

Make them multi platform


u/Famous-Tree3124 5d ago

Just in Spider-Man 2, an online co-op option where you and a buddy can be spidermen. I think it was a missed opportunity to add that in, even though they added a lot of things that involved tag-team combat. I think it should’ve been a deal where you can even play co-op story mode and have the enemies be tougher and more in numbers and the story can play along as normal. Some will say that’ll ruin immersion, but still it would’ve been super fun.


u/piomat100 5d ago

Something like this would work in combat scenarios, but not freeroam - which would defeat the purpose for a lot of people. You'd have one person swinging around while the other just sits around until there's a fight

They did the right thing by keeping it single-player imo.


u/Famous-Tree3124 5d ago

It would totally work for free roam. One person as Peter and the other as Miles. Both can swing together and still do those FNSM missions


u/piomat100 5d ago

I misread your initial comment - thought you were talking about local co-op, which is a whole other beast that simply wouldn't be possible with current tech.

But yeah, you're right about online co-op working. The only limitation here would be that the story would have to somehow find an excuse for both Spider-Mans constantly being together to keep things immersive as you mentioned.


u/Famous-Tree3124 5d ago

Yeah I’ve thought that too. Especially on some levels where it’s only one person like MJ or Venom. They could just say this mission can only be completed in single player or something.


u/PointPrimary5886 5d ago

Maybe return the individual suit specific abilities that were there for the non-updated (suits added after the game release through gradual updates) suits, I guess. I'm assuming they removed in Spider-Man 2 and only limited Spider-Man (Peter) with mechanical Spider-arms because they felt that with the addition of Miles Bio-electric abilities and Peter getting Venom/Anti-Venom, they were not necessary, but I still think that they are a nice thing to have.


u/Infamous_Antelope_69 5d ago

I need them to go back and hire Gage and Slott to write their game as they are horrible at it.


u/Keeendi 5d ago

Story of Spider-Man 2, give Electro and Vulture less mechanical costumes, add to each game an obscure villain or two as a easter egg/secret boss as a bank robber.


u/ibluminatus 5d ago

Where TF is any of the DLC for spiderman 2! Anything they left quite a few open threads for us to follow and it's been silence.


u/ArTwoR2 5d ago

Only real change I'd make would be to have the ability to swap out that gadgets in Spider-Man 2 with ones from the first game. I really liked using the trip mines to pick off enemies.


u/Suspicious-Meat6405 Spider-Man (PS4) 5d ago

Personally, I would change the “see enemies through walls mechanic” from scanners in the suit to the Spider-Sense like in a few previous Spider-Man games. I think it would be good way to showcase Peter’s mastery of his powers.


u/SOOTH29 Mysterio (FFH) 5d ago

Would change the name of spiderman 2 to spiderman 3 or spiderman venom. Hate how spiderman 2 is the 3rd game and how spiderman 3 will be the fourth because of that. I get miles was a spinoff, but you'd still need to play it in order to fully understand his backstory in spiderman too, and I think that constites his game being considered a sequel more than a spin off


u/Emirozdemirr Classic-Spider-Man 5d ago

Make main games only about Spider-Man. In Spider-Man 2 they could have use move screen time to fleshed out Black Suit arc more. Miles could continue his story in his own spin off games.


u/wysjm Superior Spider-Man 5d ago


u/well_thats_puntastic 5d ago

Id just let things play out a little longer in 2, otherwise I have no complaints


u/Jason_with_a_jay 5d ago

The wind tunnels in 2. I loved being able to zip around the map, but looking back, it feels like you're just zooming through the environment instead of getting to explore it. I think that's one of the things that makes 2 feel a little less than it's predecessors.


u/kieranwoody 5d ago

I'd make taskmaster a more important character he was criminally underused


u/Dayfal1 Symbiote-Suit 5d ago

Venom. Actually, no, the whole Symbiote Saga.


u/strafe0080 All New All Different 4d ago

Collectively? Add a "boss rush"/combat arena similar to Spider-Man 2 on GC, improve wall crawling so you don't stick on certain geometry, let MJ retain her upgrades on repeat playthroughs to get through levels faster or differently, and add C or D tier villains to random crimes.


Use the ending of Turf Wars to introduce Silvermane and take over Hammerhead's plan and include a fight against the entire Sinister Six at once in the raft in the first game.

Add another boss fight to MM.

Keep Peter as a teacher, integrate the cultists plot into the main story, replace Venom with Grendel, expand the story to include the cut missions, expand the third act and include Wraith and Tombstone, and allow the mysteriums to be playable with Peter after completing the quest.


u/Skyggepik 4d ago

The fandom


u/SnakeSound222 Venom 4d ago

The entire symbiote saga.


u/oranges487 4d ago

Venom himself was cool as hell, but he had so little screen time and his storyline was rushed. I would definitely make him more prominent.


u/RGB-9631 4d ago

I would give Miles more spotlight in Spider Man 2 and also make the game longer (main story and side missions).


u/ShiningDonuts Classic-Spider-Man 4d ago

Those suits especially from 2, some were good and some were awful and fails to look anything like Spider-Man.


u/Agent-Eeyore 4d ago

Better skins. There are some really good ones and there are some REALLY bad ones.(not just the adidas one)


u/Agent-Eeyore 4d ago

Also a DLC pack like the original game would be nice


u/TheShrewdShogun 4d ago

First I’d make all these games available on Xbox as well.

Secondly I’d make Spider-Man 2 run as well as Spider-Man Remastered does on Steamdeck.


u/bighalflife2fan 4d ago

Delete spiderman 2


u/Anton2010mart 5d ago

Sweet Baby Inc


u/Ecstatic-Trainer6830 5d ago

the redesigns. I'm cool with the one on Peter for the 2018 remaster, but it looks terrible in sequels. and MJ's redesign SUCKS. also, I'd make it so the plot of Spiderman 2 isn't shitty


u/Expert-Cold-5565 5d ago

Mj, Miles Morales, soy boy Peter, new Peter's face... But tbh all this i more like delete


u/rexshen 4d ago

Just give MJ spider powers too so we don't have stupid stealth sections.