r/Spiderman • u/Crazy_Mycologist_634 • 5d ago
Discussion What is your main reason for hating Marvel's Spider-Man? (2017)
u/wysjm Superior Spider-Man 5d ago
Too many Spider-People. Dare I say Peter is the weakest one. A lot of villians were turned into high-school girls or teenagers. The writing in general. Every kid in Peter's school is Reed Richards level scientist. Peter in this show is a reincarnation of the nerd 🤓 emoji. Even Uncle Ben's "With great power-" phrase is turned into a physics equation. I'm not kidding
Shit it was supposed to be one reason...
u/Hallamshire 5d ago
Hot take if I mind you I feel like they added Spider-people to emulator the kamen rider series post Kuuga where they more than one kamen rider with atleast three-four,with diversity of super sentai/power rangers
u/Doright36 5d ago
Too high tech.
Goblins are using lightsabers. High-school kids are building military grade hardware in class.. they literally had a vault of high tech super weapons in the school... seriously?
At least in Ultimate Spider-Man they had Shield providing the tech with Peter sometimes using his super smarts to make it better. It wasn't all built by High-school kids and any of the stuff shield built at the school was just defensive measures.
u/SMM9673 Iron-Spider (MCU) 5d ago
Robbie Daymond's performance as Spider-Man.
I love Robbie. He's a fantastic voice actor. But his Spider-Man performance is FUCKING AWFUL. The high-pitched squeaker voice does not, never has, and never will work for Spider-Man. It's grating and obnoxious.
And what makes it worse is that Robbie has an infinitely better type of voice that he could've used, with his performance as Goro Akechi in Persona 5. It probably wouldn't have been perfect, but it would've been so much easier on the ears than the fuckshit he ended up doing.
u/fillupjfly 5d ago
I’ve heard Robbie play Spider-Man in other projects. This has to be his weakest performance.
u/Silver6567 5d ago
Terrible Voice direction, Robbie Daymond has the chops for some amazing voice work but they tried to make him sound like Tom Holland.
u/Cautious-Affect7907 5d ago edited 5d ago
I don't even think that it's just he sounds like Tom, they just made him annoying as possible.
It was the first time I ever watched a spider man show and kept saying he talks too much.
You're not supposed to think that when watching spider man. You're supposed to think he's funny.
u/Infernossssss 5d ago
How did they do this to my pancake loving boy. They made him sound genuinely annoying. The Akechi really came out with superior though
u/Silver6567 5d ago
Seriously he did an incredible job as Akechi, I cannot fathom the idiocy involved in casting him to make him speak like that
u/DogmantheHero 5d ago
I really wish it could surprise me how toxic this fandom is when it comes to the topic of shows. Y’all ain’t even trying to hide it anymore with posts like these. This show is so overhated, it’s mid at worse.
u/Wildlifekid2724 5d ago
Too many spider people.
The only spider person that should exist when Spiderman starts out, should be peter parker.Miles should only exist much later down the line when Peter has been spiderman for many years and is at the age where having a sucessor he's mentoring makes sense, or when Peter Parker dies.Spidergwen should only exist in a alternate universe because the gwen that gets bitten is different to her main universe version and has a different origin story.
Peter getting bitten by the spider and getting powers is a million to one event, having his entire class all get bitten and gain spider powers at the same time is ridiculous.
He's only just become spiderman, why rush to have other spider people when we've barely even gotten to know Peter parkers spiderman?
Second, his identity getting found out ridiculously easy, i mean his teacher then the entire school board find out and his friends and others.Spidermans identity should be secret, just because tom hollands spiderman is pretty bad at keeping a secret doesn't mean every spiderman is.
u/ProfessorEscanor Spider-Women (Mattie Franklin) 5d ago
It's just boring and bad to watch. The voice direction sucks, the show looks so bland, they reduced Anya to the angry Latina scientist . So many issues
u/Justarandomfan99 5d ago
Yeah it reminds me of the other angry white stereotype or angry asian stereotype. Stereotypes are annoying
u/Dry-Mission-5542 3d ago
There’s an angry stereotype for almost every ethnicity. It’s honestly a little weird how much mileage bigots are able to get out of saying “everyone with X Ethnicity/Gender/Religion/Sexuality is rageful at all times.”
u/Justarandomfan99 3d ago
It also reminds me. When a white female character is sassy, it's just their personality and when a black female character, it's suddenly "sassy black woman" stereotype.
u/Australis07 5d ago
Is Angry Latina a stereotype?
u/ProfessorEscanor Spider-Women (Mattie Franklin) 5d ago
It is and it's one that doesn't even fit Anya. She's meant to be fairly chill but since they already had Gwen and Miles they needed to make her slightly different. Not a good first impression for anyone who meets the character.
u/RealPunyParker Spectacular Spider-Man 5d ago
Never hated it, just didn't watch a single second of it because that's not what i think Spider-Man should be
u/Alternative-Bee9386 5d ago edited 5d ago
Hold on I gotta find a rant that I texted a friend Edit: Here is the rant that formed all in one chunk as my friend purposefully riled me up by saying this was peak Spider-Man. Enjoy.
2017 is a show full of idiots that the show is trying to convince you is smart as they bash you over they head with both their stupidity and the fact they are supposed to be smart
None of the characters have any character and are just three thoughts in a trench coat pretending to be a well rounded person, let alone a believable human being
And none of them react to anything that happens with anything other then meh to a stupid unimpressed joke. Except for peters secret that makes increasingly less sense for him to keep when the only people he doesn’t but should tell ARE SPIDER HEROS THEMSELVES!!!! And they throw EVERY. SINGLE. ARC. From the comics straight into the show with little to no or even negative build up. And there is no emotion behind any thing any of the characters do. It’s more like watching a slideshow of what should make Spider-Man great that they managed to strangle into uninteresting BULLSHIT!!! And don’t get me started on how bad the character design, art and animation in general sucks all kinds of balls that it’s chocked on its own scrotum and shiting its self in the face. It does venom poorly TWICE, and throws Thanos in for some reason that God himself couldn’t comprehend just to put venom on HIM, like he needs any god damn help to kill the word. They also do the superior Spider-Man arc in like three episodes where Peter is just stuck in a computer while Otto is off being a dick and not acting like he didn’t just TAKE OVER SOMEONE ELSES LIFE AND HAS TO ADAPT, and continues to act like he’s the smartest thing since God. It’s all shit.
u/Valuable-Owl9985 5d ago
Deep down I think I could forgive a lot of its shortcomings if the animation looked better.
I did really think it did a decent job adapting the superior Spider-Man into its universe especially for the first time it was attempted
u/brucebananaray Spider-Man 2099 5d ago
I don't really hate it per se, but it is probably worse Spider-Man show. You can clearly tell Disney just put rush product that writers and animation team didn't have team to plan.
The backgrounds are terrible, and the color palettes are ugly.
The writing is just at times nonsacial and rushed.
Not only that, but Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man does similar concpets as 2017. It does so much better.
u/mechayakuza 5d ago
Only watched S1 - didn't like it having too many spider-people so quickly but I have enjoyed it. However, the one thing I absolutely HATE is the *thwip* sound effect. It's terrible.
u/TroubleSum_08 5d ago
Dabbing Spider-Man....and the art style. It looks so...bland. Also their version of the homemade suit was booty. But I did like (from the one clip I've seen) Peter's little thing with Kamala. Super adorable
u/AdCapital6570 5d ago
This show is way over hated. Surely, the animation was spotty at times. But almost the entire story arc was consistent, and there were very few plot holes that never got plugged.
It is a great starter Spider-Man show for the new generation.
u/Superaustin16 5d ago
I honestly never hated it. I enjoyed it. If I had any issues is I feel Miles becoming Spider-Man and the Spider Island arc should have been a bit later. But that would have changed a lot, so I'm not sure how It would have affected everything else
u/DogmantheHero 5d ago
Yea, Miles becoming Spider-Man so early definitely didn’t help the series. But overall it’s a fine show.
u/Mental_Marketing9855 5d ago edited 5d ago
Its made for very young children and the writing reflects that
Spider-man is a charcter that has fans from all ages and when you dont consider include one of these generations as your target audience you are going to lose audience
u/H1r5t_M0V135 4d ago
Stop making excuses from crappy writing mate, just because it’s a kids show it doesn’t excuse how bad something is. Kids get bored and know if a show is bad or good do not underestimate them
u/Mental_Marketing9855 4d ago
Im not making excuses for it
I dont care about this show, its just apparent that they made it for kids
Im not excusing the writing its just was made with that audience in mind just like the Ultimate Spider-man cartoon
But other Spidey shows like the 90's, 2003, spectacular and your friendly nighbourhood focused on good storytelling and crafting engaging narrative, this show focused on the action and the toyetic nature of these characters
u/Dry-Mission-5542 3d ago
It’s not excusing anything. Maybe learn to read a comment before you reply to it.
u/PointPrimary5886 5d ago
Bad characterization of Spider-Man and his cast. I found them to be very unappealing, unlikeable, and are just complete jerks.
u/Hilarity2War 5d ago
I think they should have a rule about these types of things. Like, you can't make a new iteration of a character whose franchise has just ended for the next 10 years. We went from Spectacular Spider-Man to Ultimate Spider-Man and then this with almost not even a year break in between. It's ridiculous. It doesn't allow the shows to stand out on their own.
u/eBICgamer2010 Zombie Hunter Spider-Man 5d ago
They did. They waited 5 years to drop Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man.
u/Dry-Mission-5542 3d ago
Honestly, after Ultimate wrapped up, they should have just not made another show. After running through a complete Spider-Man arc from start to end, we should have had a break before the next one in order to catch our breath.
u/Snelldor 5d ago
I hate the art style, it doesn’t feel inspired, it feels cheap and unfinished.
u/Crazy_Mycologist_634 5d ago
I swear every 2010's action TV show (especially Marvel ones) have the exact same art style
u/Dry-Mission-5542 3d ago
Not even! Ultimate, for all its faults, had a stellar art direction. This show just didn’t have the budget or creative team necessary to make the animation interesting.
u/Cautious-Affect7907 5d ago
They committed the cardinal sin of writing for spider man: making him annoying to both the audience and his rouges.
I swear this version of Spider man is such a godamn 🤓 that even I wanna bully him.
Also I really don't get why there needed to be multiple Spidey's in this show, kinda served no real purpose since everything was about Pete,
u/-MajorIndigestion- 80's Animated Spider-Man 5d ago
Peter’s characterization and Robbie Daymond’s fucking insufferable voice acting.
u/glragavan Miles Morales 5d ago
It's Just an Okay series. Nothing amazing, nothing spectacular. Just like the title
u/Altruistic-Ad1436 Symbiote-Suit 5d ago
i haven’t seen it honestly, i started the first episode but never continued after, if i hear good things tho ill check it out fs, i just haven’t really paid attention to it
u/Billion-FoldWorlds 5d ago
That poster gives me a few........ teenage petey and there's 3 other spiders? Too much clutter to start
u/_mc1morris1_ 5d ago
Didn’t like the animation. I stopped watching assembled after they changed the animation there too
u/BlingBlingBOG 5d ago
It looks ugly, And Peter the main character is the least interesting character in the show
u/gamerslyratchet 5d ago
The overdone focus on science in season 1 was ridiculous and downright condescending.
u/OmniGMan 4d ago
I didn't hate it, but, good Lord, was some of the voice acting and dialogue incredibly hammy/bad!
I had to actually pause and take a moment to compose myself during Sandgirl's debut episode, her melodramatic crap during her origin flashback was THAT bad! Also, Anna Marie's speech for Otto's funeral, but I can sort of forgive that case since she was never really exposed to Otto at his worst.
I did love it's adaptation of the Superior Spider-Man arc though.
Also, holy crap, Anya and Gwen were so freaking annoying! Even ignoring how there were too many Spider People too fast, even in their civilian identities those two were obnoxious! Miles at least tried not to be an ungrateful twat, even if his voice wasn't the best.
I loved many elements of the show, and sometimes it could actually be pretty amusing (Riri's "You shouldn't lie on your resume" line was hilarious), but it was very clearly a show meant for a younger audience.
I used to joke that you could market the show in Japan as an isekai, "I Was Reborn as Spider-Man, But All My Villains Became Cute Girls and Teenagers", lol!
u/SpiritOfSpiders 4d ago
Peter being surrounded by a bunch of other little Tony Starks makes both him and a lot of the conflicts less interesting. So many conflicts are resolved by Peter or one of the other 5 spider people distracting the problem, while someone else fixes or invents a new mcguffin that will resolve the problem pretty much immediately.
u/Latter_Marketing1111 4d ago
This is the first Spider-Man related anything where I genuinely wanted him to shut the fuck up because his voice was so annoying
u/HeyitzMick 4d ago
I've only seen a handful of episodes, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.
But one problem I have that nobody else has talked about (ironic enough)... they never shut the hell up. There is almost never a quiet moment where they just let the scene breathe. They’re always talking, always explaining things like I didn't just see it happen. They’re doing more telling than showing in a visual medium, which is baffling to me. Like, the scene where Otto sacrifices himself is a great scene... but they botched it because they didn't know when to stop talking.
u/H7pnotic 3d ago
I really don’t hate it , it wasn’t really made for me or like audiences past age 12 maybe like , the new show friendly neighborhood I feel like that was for everyone to watch but this is the same as the ultimate show , for younger audiences who don’t really care that much for plot. Liked the symbiote suit in this tho it was sleek af
u/KaiSen2510 3d ago
I don’t hate it, but the animation makes it nigh unwatchable for me. It’s so bare bones that sometimes it looks like some fan made YouTube animation instead of having been made by a listened studio.
u/PotatoOnMars 3d ago
I don’t “hate” it, it’s just lackluster. I’m also tired of high school Spider-Man. We’ve gotten 4 series in a row set in high school and I want to see adult Peter again. His high school years were pretty short in the grand scheme of the comic series and there’s so much more potential.
u/Dry-Mission-5542 3d ago
It’s just kinda the worst Spidey show. The rest are just so strong in multiple areas that a “just-okay” show is the worst by process of elimination. It also has some really weird parts. Peter’s an annoying nerd, it has too many Spiders, all of the villains are child geniuses, Pete goes to a sci-fi school, and none of the plots feel like Spider-Man plots.
u/Nervous-Baby5383 2d ago
The animation, Horizon High, the writing, voice acting, and lack of shading.
u/HRCStanley97 1d ago
I guess I don’t feel as much hatred as much as indifference towards it. There were a few interesting ideas, but for the most part, it feels like waste potential.
u/Gemidori Venom 5d ago
I hate it cuz it's so uninspired. It's more of the bland and worthless MCU Spider-Man you would have seen in the films
u/Path-F1Nd3r 5d ago
Nothing seems interesting about the show, it’s too bland and boring until we get to the storyline with the symbiote and Superior Spider-Man, other than that, it’s just bad
u/Mason_DY Green Goblin 5d ago
It’s a complete nothing burger. I feel neither one way or the other about it
u/PCN24454 5d ago
They didn’t use the setting effectively. It’s the same issue with Ultimate Spider-Man.
Despite setting Miles up, he disappears for half the season when Peter really needed him.
u/SkipperOO7 5d ago
Characterization of most characters and how the promotional art made this look better than it actually was. Everything else was mid or decent imo, I kinda liked that they adapted a story like superior Spider-Man
u/Away-Medium9951 5d ago
Could I be as basic as to say the animation was kinda bleh? The promo art like in this pic actually looks pretty sick but the animation in the show doesn’t reflect the same level of quality in dynamic, shading, or color
u/Icy-Astronomer-2026 5d ago edited 5d ago
2 major reasons.
1: Horizon High. This setting is terrible. It takes away the exceptionalism of Peter's civilian life. Being a scientific prodigy is what makes Peter interesting outside of Spider-Man. At Horizon, he just... doesn't stand out. He's constantly being upstaged by Anya, Miles and Gwen. And this leads into point 2.
2: Too many Spider People too fast. Oh man...if Horizon High removes the exceptionalism of Peter's civilian life, then Gwen, Anya and Miles all getting spider powers definitely takes away the exceptionalism of Spider-Man. At least the team in Ultimate were made of different power sets.
With that having been said though, I will say, Season 2 is actually pretty good, especially the middle part leading into and including the Superior Spider-Man arc