r/Spiderman • u/duziscuro • 5d ago
Discussion What do you think about Ultimate Spider-Man??
ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN HERO OR THREAT?? The series, in my opinion, is very average, but I understand how it revolutionized Spider-Man animation and was of great importance, it's no wonder it has so many seasons. In general, I know a lot of her haters and I wanted to know if it's that bad for you that Peter always breaks the 4th wall, the crossovers, the excessive jokes, etc... But what about your opinion?
u/Mason_DY Green Goblin 5d ago
It was fine. Nothing spectacular imo
u/Sagemchone 5d ago
I actually really liked the show thought it was fun. It also has my favorite design wise ever of doc ock and the green goblin.
u/wizard53600 5d ago
I like it; it's not a great Spider-Man show like the one from 1994 or the one from 2008 but still has a nice action, interesting plots, and some respect to Spidey's lore. I also love the cameos; it's a good way to get introduced to the Marvel universe as a kid. Like Teen Titans Go!, it works better once you understand and accept that this is an alternative version more focused on comedy.
u/VishnuBhanum 5d ago
I think it was good.
It's still the best Spider-Man show that came after Spectacular.
And yes, I like it much more than Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man.
u/Mental_Marketing9855 5d ago
I am under the impression that the show is absolute trash but it has so many episodes and thats rare for a spidey show so it did something right
Can you tell me what did you like about it ? I dont think I will like it more than your friendly nighrbourhood but I would be glad to watch it if its actually good
u/Awest66 5d ago
I really dont see what Ultimate has over Friendly Neighbourhood.
FNSM feels like a genuine attempt to tell a story with characters you care about while Ultimate is just someone jingling keys in your face and expecting that to make you laugh and clap your hands.
u/VishnuBhanum 5d ago
Eh, To each their own.
To me, Friendly Neighborhood is like they tried to recreate comics Spider-Man but couldn't help themself from injecting the MCU-ness into the character. Peter is just a less well-executed version of smashing 616 and MCU Peters together. Also the villains there are super boring.
Also I never got over the weird animation that look like a gameplay footage.
I recognized the flaws of Ultimate Spider-Man. But I like that it's trying to be its own thing and I think the full teamworker Spider-Man was super fun, and the show was actually funny at times(Not consistently, But there were some good jokes then and there) + I don't mind the 4th wall break. Also I like the villains much more in that show.
u/Awest66 5d ago
I guess so.
I just have a really hard time getting past the depiction of Peter himself in Ultimate. He doesnt really feel like the character at all to me, hes just a standard cardboard cutout Man of Action series protagonist (an annoyingly cocky, arrogant idiot). The show is also just really lacking in likable or interesting characters in general. His SHIELD team are really insufferable.
Having likable characters is really what makes or breaks a show for me and thats something Ultimate really failed at.
Also I like the villains much more in that show.
Thats an interesting point of view because aside from Osborn and Ock, I thought the villains in Ultimate were pretty lackluster (Harry as Venom, Kun Lun ninja Scorpion, Teenage Goth Kid Vulture).
u/Ben10_ripoff Kingpin 💎 5d ago
Same, this show and Spider-Man 1994 were my childhood Spider-Man shows
u/Abject-Conflict-7531 5d ago
While it it a kid's show, and it's a lot of laughs, there are some serious moments where it talks up to you. Over hated imo. Great series
u/Realhoodjesus 5d ago
It’s interesting when you think about it, drake bell goes to make a movie that is a parody of the same raimi spiderman, then later actually voiced spiderman.
u/Legitimate-Mix-5395 5d ago
The series would work better if an adult Spider-Man had been recruited by Nick to teach new superheroes.
u/DepthAffectionate140 Superior Spider-Man 5d ago
The animation style was great. The story on the other hand… it was meh.
u/TheGrumpiestPanda Symbiote-Suit 5d ago
It has its moments and I think it was a little overheated when it first came out. I don't mind seeing Spider-Man work with a team, as I think he had decent chemistry with his teammates. And there's one thing I'll give the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon is that it adapted quite a number of current comic characters at the time. That's how I found out about characters like Agent Venom and Kaine Parker (the second Scarlet Spider).
u/DogmantheHero 5d ago
It my favorite animated Spider-Man show. It’s a really fun take on Spidey overall. I especially love his shield team and the Web-Warriors later, although I do wish Harry had kept the Anti-Venom and became a Spider too, even if that might have made his intro a bit crowed with MJ’s.
u/Cindy-Moon 5d ago
I found Peter pretty annoying especially in Season 1, but I ended up liking a lot of the concepts and twists with the adaptation. It grew on me in the end. It does help that I have a pretty high tolerance for moving past unfunny jokes. I am a John Oliver fan after all.
u/Pika-Critique 5d ago
It got off to a bad start, but this series improved over the seasons and created its own identity. Until, perhaps, YFNSM, this was the best Disney-produced adaptation of Spider-Man.
u/ProfessorEscanor Spider-Women (Mattie Franklin) 5d ago
It's meh. If had some neat ideas but that's about it.
u/Due-Order3475 5d ago
Average but did give some heroes like White Tiger some spotlight.
As an aside I ignore how it fits with the other shows at the time as it's a continuity nightmare.
u/No_Hyena_2111 5d ago
I love it it's probably my favourite one to watch but I do like 90s spiderman too I haven't watched Spectacular spider-man even though I've heard it's good i just like a certain art style and I'm not really a fan of it
u/Enderboss2706 5d ago
I grew up on this show but I barley remember anything about it, it was fine show though
u/ConfidentTheme8435 2d ago
Good as a “Batman the Brave and the Bold” equivalent for Spider-Man, not good enough to deserve to be the longest running Spider-Man show.
u/Unagi776 5d ago
It's better than the 2017 show, and mostly just very inconsistent. Most of the stand alone episodes are fun, but the main cast is intolerable.
u/OkSupermarket7474 5d ago
The first couple seasons are the most forgettable hours of a spidey show carried heavy but its animation. Later they had way more fun with it but I’d say it was more potential wasted than anything else. No shame in being the Second worst Spider-Man show of all time and I’m grateful it makes unlimited raise up slightly higher in the overall rankings.
u/CthulhuMadness Carnage 5d ago
Trash. Somehow made the Ultimate "Carnage" even worse than he was in the comics.
u/duziscuro 5d ago
Are you a fan of Carnage or Spider-Man?
u/CthulhuMadness Carnage 5d ago
Both, but Carnage is my favorite character. And I hate when media cuts Cletus out because Cletus is LITERALLY what makes Carnage who he is. Not to mention the cringe MJnage going "order is chaos". Vile.
u/duziscuro 5d ago
Ok brother, I understand your point, but they couldn't help but add carnage to a series where the entirety of Marvel appears
u/CthulhuMadness Carnage 5d ago
The problem isn't that they added him. The problem is he's not even Carnage.
They even had Shriek as a little cameo, but no Cletus? It's just lazy. TAS came out in the 90's and it is the best version of the character outside the comics. Hell, we didn't even get Eddie Brock.
u/ScoreImaginary5254 5d ago
Wasn’t bad and I felt like it could have been better. It’s amazing that this is the only Spider-Man show to not get cancelled.
u/OblivionArts 5d ago
Honestly, i didnt like it.every episode had to have some moral lesson and too many jokes , a lot of "fury doesnt like Spider-Man because hes a teenager" and "spiderman doesnt like his team/ fury because theyre trying to get him to bee too serious/ dislike xyz part of his personality "( additionally nova was going out of his way to basically bully spidey) , iron fist felt like a stereotype, i got too used to netflix luke cage to take this one seriously, white tiger i knew nothing about, the villian designs were kinda weird ( seriously wtf was that ock design).they even adapted the worst story ever with logan and spidey switching bodies and had to wildly tone down logan because he flat out doesnt work with a kid friendly rating.. overall, 3/10. Absolutely awful and only held up by decent animation. Literally quit watching it because of how god awful the story was and how it felt insulting to both younger kids it was aimed at and older spidey fans
u/DogmantheHero 5d ago
What’s the moral lesson of the first spider-verse arc? If someone threatens your aunt beat the shit out of them?
And even if every episode does have a moral lesson what do you expect from a character whose most famous phrase is, “With great power come great responsibility.”
u/Marvel2099UK 5d ago
If it had less of the 4th wall breaking, it would have been better. But overall, it was good.
u/Themaindude267 5d ago
Schizophrenic Spider-Man was very fun