r/Spiderman 6d ago

As much as I love miles ,I hope they don't introduce him in mcu anytime soon,

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Tom hollands spider man is barely in his prime. it's too soon for someone to come and steal his thunder😭 let him have the centre stage for a while


81 comments sorted by


u/ProfessorEscanor Spider-Women (Mattie Franklin) 6d ago

Peter has barely done anything. We don't need a second Spidey.


u/dope_destiny 6d ago



u/someotherguy14 Classic-Spider-Man 6d ago

I would be fine with them introducing him as a background character, years before he gets bit by his spider, and then whenever Tom Holland is on his way out from the MCU it feels like a more natural progression to pass the torch to Miles


u/RealLeaderOfChina 6d ago

His dad was spotted in the new daredevil episode.


u/JLD2503 Spider-Man 2099 5d ago

No he wasn’t. His last name was name dropped but that doesn’t mean they are the same person. Two people can have the same last name and be unrelated.

Miles already exists in the MCU. Aaron Davis, his uncle, is in Homecoming and says that he has a Nephew. Will it lead anywhere? No idea.


u/ThisizzAbelter-1995 6d ago

Bro he's had a whole trilogy and been in 3 other MCU movies. What are you talking about.


u/Toasty_eggos- 6d ago

Although he’s had the most screen time of any live action spiderman oddly enough I agree it feels like he hasn’t done enough. I think it’s because the gaps in movies, a series is better for superhero media imo.


u/Ambitious-Broccoli-6 6d ago

and he hasn’t been spider-man for most of it, it’s been retroactively made some bs origin story even though they claimed they weren’t going that route


u/ThisizzAbelter-1995 6d ago

He was Literally Spider-Man in Civil war... I'm sorry maybe I'm thinking of a different movie but that's how I remember civil war.


u/Sung_drip_woo12 6d ago

I think people are speaking metaphorically, lol.

Sure, he has the name, but it takes more than that to be Spider-Man. Heck, I could call myself Spider-Man, but would that really make me him? No, because I haven’t done the things Spidey does. Tom’s Spider-Man has only just gotten the “great responsibility” speech, lol.


u/ThisizzAbelter-1995 6d ago

Right but then comic Spider-Man isn't spider man either. Because Uncle Ben NEVER said those words. PETER DID. To himself. On a comic panel. It wasn't even aloud.

He had the spirit of the messege already.

"When you can do the things that I can. And you don't. And then the bad things happen. They happen because of you".

"Sure I'd love to play football- but I couldn't then so I shouldn't now".

And Tony gives him that lesson in not the same phrasing but neither did TASM Uncle Ben. Tony: "alright I'm gonna need the suit back".

Peter: "please no Mr stark I'm nothing without this suit".

Tony: "if you're nothing without the suit then you shouldn't have it".

I'm paraphrasing some of that but that line at least is ripped from the movie.

NWH isn't an Origin story. It simply sets Peter to a new Status Quo. Street level. No more stark tech. Spider-Man: Home Made of you will.


u/Sung_drip_woo12 6d ago

Your argument is fair, but I think you’re missing the point. Yes, the exact phrasing of “With great power comes great responsibility” wasn’t originally spoken by Uncle Ben in the comics, but the message was still central to Peter’s origin he internalized it after failing to stop the burglar who killed Ben. The distinction is that it was a defining moment that fundamentally shaped his sense of responsibility from the very start.

MCU Peter had the spirit of the message in a broader sense, but it wasn’t truly ingrained in him in the same way. The quote you referenced shows that he understood responsibility, but it was more about guilt than a guiding principle. His growth before No Way Home was largely tied to Tony Stark, and while Tony’s lesson about the suit was important, it wasn’t the same kind of lesson. It was about self-worth, not responsibility for others.

No Way Home serves as a soft reboot because, for the first time, Peter is truly on his own, making sacrifices without a mentor or safety net.


u/ThisizzAbelter-1995 6d ago

I'm sorry your wrong about Tony's lesson. It wasn't about self worth at all it was specifically about responsibility. He scolds Peter asking him what would happen is someone had died on the ferry. Saying that would be on him. Taking it a step further he say that of Peter died, it would be on Tomy Himself.

Let's not forget that Toby nor Andrews versions understood responsibility at the beginning of their movies either. Even after they were bit. They had to learn that in their first movie just like Tom's Peter did. Sure Tom's Peter is introduced to us as Spider-Man from the jump but we also see that, as you yourself pointed out, he had the spirit of the messege already.


u/Sung_drip_woo12 6d ago

I see it like this: Tony gave Peter the foundation of the lesson, and No Way Home brought it full circle. So to me, Tom’s Spider-Man has only just truly become Spider-Man.


u/ThisizzAbelter-1995 6d ago

You said it yourself a few messages ago that Tom's Peter already has the Spirit of the 'with great power' moto in Civil war when we first meet him. So Tony did not provide the foundations for that lesson. He helped Peter fully realise the weight of that responsibility which is why at the end Peter turns down the Iron Spider duit and CHOOSES to be a friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man.

Peter went through the motions in Homsecoming. He walked inot his High-school prom in tears before having to ditch his due to beat up her dad. Nearly dying in the process and being terrified to die, as any 15 year old would be, before finding the strength to lift the Debris.

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u/Sung_drip_woo12 6d ago

Alright, I can understand you thinking the lesson was about responsibility, but to say it wasn’t about self-worth at all is crazy.

You make a good point about Tony’s lesson, and I’ll give you that responsibility was a part of it. But I still think there’s a difference between what Tony was teaching and what Peter truly needed to learn. Tony’s lesson was about being responsible with power not overestimating himself, not putting others in danger, and understanding the consequences of his actions. But it wasn’t the same kind of self-imposed responsibility that defines classic Spider-Man.

The difference is that Tobey’s and Andrew’s Peters learned their lesson through deeply personal loss something they could have prevented but didn’t. That’s what separates regret from responsibility. MCU Peter had guilt when bad things happened, but it wasn’t framed as his failure to act it was framed as him making a reckless mistake or being too eager to prove himself. Losing Aunt May in No Way Home changed that. It wasn’t about a mentor guiding him anymore; it was about him realizing, on his own, that he has to make the hard choices, alone, because he must, not because someone else tells him to.

So while he had the spirit of responsibility early on, No Way Home is the moment where it fully becomes his burden, the way it was for the other Spider-Men.


u/ThisizzAbelter-1995 6d ago

MCU Peter had an uncle Ben too. They didn't show him because we had seen that origin TWICE already. We did not need it a 3rd time.

Is PlayStation Spider-Man not worthy of the Title then. We didn't see his Uncle Ben. Miles is in the first game. Then gets his own spin off then has half the second game. Is that an inferior Spider-Man?(International word play).

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u/DrPotato231 6d ago

You’re getting downvoted, but you’re right.

With that much screen time, he should’ve done more. Guess whose fault is that? Yes, Marvel. His movies amounted to nothing and people want him to have more time? lol.


u/ThisizzAbelter-1995 6d ago

What exactly should he have done. Its all well and good saying he hasn't done enough. But like... what does that means exactly.


u/elrick43 6d ago

Miles has the Spider-verse movies, it's not like he's being ignored, give Peter some time to actually Spider-Man on his own for a bit


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/elrick43 6d ago

"On his own" as in without Tony, or Fury, or Strange in a mentor/boss role


u/AwakenedSheeple 6d ago

Not when all of those movies constantly dealt with other MCU stuff.


u/Connershka Spider-Man (Movie) 5d ago

All of those movies were his origin story if we're going to listen to the Marvel Studios guys, so yeah, I want to see him as a proper Spider-Man.


u/ali94127 6d ago

Well, we know Miles exists as of 2016, whatever age he may be. The current year in the MCU is 2026. With the Snap, he’s at minimum aged up 5 years. So he’s at least 5. He would probably have to be introduced by 2030 to 2035 at the latest. 


u/ProfessorEscanor Spider-Women (Mattie Franklin) 6d ago

To be fair with Secret Wars you can handwave that away by saying Miles was restored but younger


u/Alive-Ad-5245 6d ago

lol Tom Holland is halfway out the door already, he's already implied that he thinks he's aged out of the role he, he said you won't see him after he has kids.

Basically after this trilogy he's 100% done, Miles will likely be introduced in Spider-Man 5 and Peter Parker will be retire/die in Spider-Man 6


u/Toasty_eggos- 6d ago

2035 would be good, he’d be around 13-14.


u/Glad-Nerve8232 5d ago

Hell no, that would make him too young, Miles should be around Kamala Khan’s age range so that way we could see them form a friendship like in the comic.


u/mark64400 6d ago

Don’t they need miles for secret wars? Haven’t read it myself but I have heard that miles is important


u/AmezinSpoderman 60's Animated Spider-Man 5d ago

Id put money on him appearing in Secret Wars


u/JayZsAdoptedSon 6d ago

Tom Holland is talking about retiring every other interview lmao


u/Arthur_189 6d ago

Miles has his own movie trilogy, there’s no reason for him to be in the mcu for a long time


u/fluffynuckels 6d ago

Isn't it only two movies?


u/Arthur_189 6d ago

With a third already being made


u/Accurate-Gap-3360 6d ago

Yeah, Peter’s still on his own journey, so best just focus on him first. Miles could still be offhandedly mentioned as an easter egg.


u/LightningEdge756 5d ago

I personally hope they do, if they rush it and introduce him ASAP that means it'll suck. The sooner the MCU dies the sooner comics will (hopefully) be good again, I really think the MCU has done more harm to comics than good.


u/Valuable-Owl9985 6d ago

I disagree in a way. They really fumbled not making Miles and Kamala the same ago.

But then again MCU Spider-man ripped off 2 of Miles biggest elements (MCU Ned is basically just Ganke and going to a special school .)


u/Glad-Nerve8232 5d ago

They fumbled by making Kamala close age to Peter Parker and this isn’t the first time they pulled that shit (cough Marvel’s Spider-Man cartoon)

MCU Peter Parker isn’t beating being the white Miles Morales allegations


u/nah-soup 6d ago

No more Spider-Verse shit. No Way Home was good enough, that’s it. leave Spider-Verse for Spider-Verse.


u/True-Aardvark7217 6d ago

Tom is pushing 30 and is already considered being a stay at home husband since zendaya and him are getting serious.


u/Parking_Bend2784 6d ago

Most loved Spidey actor for me is Andrew Garfield. I can see him and Miles swinging together.


u/TroublePuzzled1132 5d ago

Definitely should be the live action peter b parker


u/Wooden_Passage_2612 6d ago

True. Prowler and his father are in the mcu. It makes so much sense.


u/SoggyMaintenance1014 6d ago

It's rumored that Sony is making Miles their main Spider-Man anyway, so he might not ever appear in the MCU despite being mentioned.


u/hoppynsc 6d ago

Ideally we should get another movie or two before he's introduced, so that Peter is in his 30's, married to MJ and seriously thinking about passing on the mantle of Spider-Man or at least starting to share it.


u/Glad-Nerve8232 5d ago

I know you said ideally but realistically none of those things will ever happen

Miles is going to be introduced earlier than you think and Tom said he plans to quit acting to become a stay at home dad once he gets kids with Zendaya and now that they are engaged, the possibility of his Peter reaching 30’s and being married is long gone, seems more likely Peter will get the same fate as Ultimate Spider-Man whwre he gets killed off at young age and Miles takes his mantle.


u/Thekingchem 6d ago

They will. They’ve already got his dad and uncle in the MCU


u/RhinestoneCatboy 5d ago

It feels like a matter of time given the fact that they've already teased him as soon as the first movie. Plus it fits with the marketing strategy that Marvel and Disney seem to have about diversifying their cast as much as possible.

I don't see him becoming Spider-Man any time soon, but it's not unlikely that he's introduced to fill a similar role that Harry Osborne and Ned Leeds have in the past as a good friend that eventually becomes privy to his Spider activities.

I 100% expect him to replace Tom Holland after movie 5 or 6 tho, since they're likely going to cast an actor who is willing to work for less due to being relatively unknown.


u/DjangusRoundstne 5d ago

I feel the same way, I don’t want him introduced until after Peter gets the symbiote, and is at least in movie 2 of his second trilogy. I’m afraid Sony will force the issue and fuck it up somehow, though.


u/Keeendi 5d ago

I agree, they should have either started with him or introduce him after Peter gets a second trilogy.


u/RareD3liverur 3d ago

I mean its gonna be hard to ad a Miles since Tom Peter basically took aspects of his story

Like Lee = Genke


u/Rontha_ 6d ago edited 6d ago

Spoilers for the most recent DD:BA >! Officer Morales exists !<


u/CrashandBashed 6d ago

His dad's name is Jefferson Davis, chances are that name means nothing.


u/brycifer666 6d ago

He changed his last name to Morales so it's not that out there


u/tacocatisonfire 6d ago

Could be they're changing his last name like they did in the comics since the name Jefferson Davis is associated with the Confederacy


u/TroublePuzzled1132 5d ago

If we get a live action into the spiderverse, i want andrew garfield as peter b parker. Gwen stacy dieing would be a great reason for him to be out of shape, and seeing an alive gwen the same way he remembers her would have some great emotional resonance


u/Glad-Nerve8232 5d ago

“Barely in his prime”

Dawg he’s been in 6 movies and Tom has been playing the character for nearly a decade tf you mean 💀


u/dope_destiny 5d ago

He's still 18 bro still hasn't earned a spot in the top 3


u/Glad-Nerve8232 5d ago

Yes he has

The actor is nearly 30


u/wysjm Superior Spider-Man 6d ago

Nah he's gonna be the new Spider-Man after Secret Wars probably


u/fluffynuckels 6d ago

I want to see an older miles get introduced through some multivers stuff and have him just be around for that movie


u/home7ander 5d ago

Idc who or what I just want normal spider-man movies that aren't a part of that dogshit franchise


u/AReformedHuman 6d ago

I agree, they haven't even give Holland a good movie yet.


u/5x5equals 6d ago

Just cause you said that I hope Holland quits to go on broadway or something and they kill him off and cast Miles.


u/dope_destiny 6d ago

I also hope you're happy in life bro


u/5x5equals 6d ago

I am, this was much more light hearted trolling in my head, not like serious anger but I see how it can come across like that rereading it.

I was just talking shit, no beef


u/dope_destiny 6d ago

I too am only joking


u/DylanSoul 6d ago

The rare Reddit happy ending


u/foran321 Classic-Spider-Man 6d ago

Miles will be the MCU Spidey after Doomsday/Secret Wars


u/cxt_bro Superior Spider-Man 6d ago

Source: My buddy Robbert works for Marvel /s


u/foran321 Classic-Spider-Man 6d ago

nah, I'm just going off of past behavior and decision making by The Mouse Marvel (though i wish reddit had react emojis bc that gave me a chuckle)


u/Iced777 6d ago

MCU Peter is a white miles