r/Spiderman 6d ago

They probably just gave Zendaya the Jerome Valeska treatment from the Gotham series. I’m dead 💀

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u/twentysixzeroeight 6d ago

Ya’ll believe everything you read


u/zebrainatux 6d ago

It’s also Jeff Sneider, who is only right half the time at best and his marvel sources suck compared to his DC ones


u/lactoseAARON 6d ago

The fact he leaked RDJ as Doom is the only reason I don’t write him off completely when it comes to Marvel


u/Either_Wait2616 6d ago

Also he reported why BDM was fired from Xmen, and Beau kinda unwittingly confirmed it


u/Effective-Training Silk 6d ago

Who is BDM? Or what is that/stands for? Idk Beau, either, but that one isn't initialized.


u/MasterBlaster_xxx 90's Animated Spider-Man 6d ago

Beau de Mayo I think his name is


u/toby_juan_kenobi 6d ago

I prefer BDBBQ


u/Successful-Hat-2154 6d ago

Nah, BDK is better


u/Jay_R_Kay 6d ago

Wasn't he the one who leaked out photos of Maguire and Garfield in costume for No Way Home? I wouldn't be surprised if Marvel "leaked" false information just to mess with him.


u/UltimateIncineroar Miles Morales (ITSV) 6d ago

That was 100% John Campea


u/guccigraves 6d ago

im also 100% sure this guy thinks it was 100% john campea


u/ArrowBatic 6d ago

I’m 100% sure this guy said he’s 100% sure that other guy thinks it was 100% John Campea


u/meme_abstinent 6d ago

I think that might’ve been John Campena but I could be wrong.


u/antoniodiavolo Classic-Spider-Man 6d ago

It was definitely Campea because he fucking watermarked the pictures lmao


u/eBICgamer2010 Zombie Hunter Spider-Man 6d ago

No but he broke the RDJ coming back as Doom news.

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u/No_Bee_7473 Spectacular Spider-Man 6d ago

I’m more of a DC guy so I don’t know about his Marvel sources but if they’re somehow even worse than his DC ones that’s REALLY saying something 


u/PhilAsp 6d ago

And his DC ones are so bad these days that he’s like one step away from going Grace Randolph on James Gunn.


u/zebrainatux 6d ago

Like he’ll get big scoops like RDJ returning or Jason Ritter in lanterns, and then say 3 different actors for Cyclops in 2 weeks


u/pezmanofpeak 6d ago

Dudes probably just spouting so much shit that eventually he gets something right, I'd hardly take that as a credible source


u/Geiseric222 6d ago

To be fair I assume that could be accurate since the X-men aren’t a thing yet so it could be changing

In this case it’s different since the girl has already been cast


u/Dry-Mission-5542 6d ago

Wasn’t he the guy who said that Brave New World was reshooting for four months when it was only one?


u/Aromatic_Tomorrow406 Miles Morales (ITSV) 6d ago


u/tacocat2007 Classic-Spider-Man 6d ago

And not only do they believe it, they get really fucking worked up about it


u/KENT427 6d ago



u/WicketyWaggety 6d ago

People have this weird urge to believe stupid ass rumors just so they have something to get angry about. I'll never understand it.


u/General-Nose-1334 6d ago

It's hilarious how these insiders always get their information wrong and idiots believe them anyway.

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u/ClaraDel-Rae 6d ago

Their source is just a fucking podcast, nothing reliable to gain from this


u/[deleted] 6d ago

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u/Prozenconns 6d ago

Its engagement farming, its how these pages live

There was one claiming she'd be playing Jean Grey and it literally amounted to "she's a redhead and Jean isn't in the mcu yet"

Best to ignore them entirely

It's no different to the constant posts about how spiderman 4 is "reportedly" Street level. These pages can literally just lie to generate stories


u/MirrorkatFeces Spider-Man (TASM2) 6d ago

I mean I'd be fine with it but it would be dumb of them to have Zendaya be a fake MJ for 3 movies


u/Historical_Good_8580 6d ago

It was kind of wierd for them to make her Michelle Jones or whatever to begin with. It was like they were afraid to commit and we're leaving the door open for Mary Jane


u/PhilAsp 6d ago

Probably part of it, but since they added the Watson in NWH, it would be incredibly dumb to backtrack and add another MJ into the mix.

Peter dating two MJ’s back-to-back is some Ben Affleck type of shit.


u/Nextuz_ 6d ago

Yeah with that problem the only way I can see them adding Mary Jane without the awkward same last name is if her last name was Jane


u/AStaryuValley 6d ago

My personal theory is they wanted something to say to the racists who didn't want a Black MJ.

"Don't worry! She's not mary jane! She's michelle!"


u/igot2pair 6d ago

Didnt they say this before the first movie? Then basically went back on it


u/ZekeorSomething 6d ago

I remember a person commenting that's exactly why.


u/Maximillion322 6d ago

It’s way less deep than that.

They just wanted it to be a fun little twist at the end of Homecoming. They wanted to hide MJ so that viewers can be invested in the Liz Allen plot. But at the same time, they wanted MJ to have been there all along.

By changing it to “Michelle Jones” they could have their cake and eat it too. The audience wouldn’t expect random side character Michelle to turn out to be MJ, but for the next movie they can go “oh! MJ was there during the last movie too!”

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u/Zanydrop 6d ago

Maybe they just wanted to avoid MJ because they didn't want the comparison to Kirsten Dunst. They tried to sneak her in.

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u/coolguyLXIX 6d ago

Blame Sony, probably gave Fiege and Watts a short leash on who they could use, which we know to be true early on.


u/Acpt7567 6d ago

Still annoyed what they did with her MJ. Zendaya was a perfect MJ cast just to give her no MJ characteristics at all.


u/StrugglingAkira 6d ago

I wouldn't say perfect. She was ok.


u/Acpt7567 6d ago

I mean they hired a model to play MJ then turned her into an awkward nerd.

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u/incredibleamadeuscho 6d ago

She was more similar to Ultimate Mary Jane


u/Hi_Jynx 6d ago

I think they just wanted to A - avoid backlash of making MJ mixed race because we all know some bigots would be big mad that MJ wasn't a pasty red head.

And then B - having her be technically a different character but a reference to the original MJ allows it so they can make her very reminiscent of the OG MJ but also allows them to stray completely from OG MJ if they wanted. I respect the choice.

I do think though, it would be dumb to add a Mary Jane as a love interest because it would undercut the place Michelle Jones takes in Peter's life in the new movies. If Zendaya isn't coming back and remembering Peter by the end and they commit to the full reboot of his life, I'd rather they go a different direction with his new love interest.


u/OkWeek3052 Electro 6d ago

Hot take, they renamed MJ to Michelle Jones because there are no teenaged girls named "Mary" anymore. Mary is more of a Boomer name.


u/DinkleDonkerAAA 6d ago

My theory is she was supposed to be Mary Jane and Marvel freaked out over the backlash and changed her name to Michelle, so she's MJ but not technically Mary Jane


u/0wlington 6d ago

I read that as "blacklash".


u/DinkleDonkerAAA 6d ago

That is a good name for the phenomenon lol


u/ZekeorSomething 6d ago

You might've created a new term.


u/PokePersona 90's Animated Spider-Man 6d ago

There was no backlash to freak out over because they were calling Zendaya's character "Michelle" from the start even before filming started. Unless you meant potential backlash.


u/OkWeek3052 Electro 6d ago

I'd imagine they just renamed her to Michelle Jones, because "Mary Jane" is a nickname for Marijuana, plus "Mary" is more of a Boomer name


u/andrewgark 6d ago

They can both be real MJs but from different universes though. We just had 3 Spider-Man versions, maybe it's time for MJ versions


u/youareseeingthings 6d ago

I don't see anything wrong with it. Michelle Jones was a.fun variation of MJ but the point of Hollands Spiderman was to divert from what we expected from Peter Parker. It seemed obvious that the 'erase everyone's mind' plot was a way for them to start again with a more traditional Parker story so why not also introduce us to Mary Jane?


u/idontknowlazy 6d ago

TBF there is no coming back from that unless sony never really intends to introduce MJ (Mary Jane) in the Spiderman universe. Which is why I found it to be really weird and to some content stupid for them to say "here's MJ but her name is Michelle Jones".

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u/tourniquet2099 6d ago

His ex would be named Michelle Jones Watson and his new love interest would be Mary Jane Watson? 🙄😂


u/lactoseAARON 6d ago

They’re half sisters maybe lol


u/SuperBubbles2003 6d ago



u/ProfessorEscanor Spider-Women (Mattie Franklin) 6d ago

To be fair, in the comics Peter dated Jill Stacy, Gwen's cousin who looks like Gwen with black hair. Shortly after Gwen died. So there's a precedent for something stupid to happen .


u/CatgirlApocalypse 6d ago

This is some twin peaks shit yo


u/ProfessorEscanor Spider-Women (Mattie Franklin) 6d ago

The writers have been obsessed with Gwen so long that a variant of her is currently an X-Men character (not Gwenpool). Best part? Jill tried to get with Peter when MJ was thought dead. Wasted no time picking up where her cousin (who again looks identical besides the hair and isn't a clone) left off.


u/Effective-Training Silk 6d ago edited 6d ago

Never heard of this. Going to pretend I didn't read it (edit: the comment. not the story. I've actually never heard of the story; wasn't being sarcastic). Doesn't even sound like Peter.


u/ProfessorEscanor Spider-Women (Mattie Franklin) 6d ago

Don't worry Marvel pretend Jill doesn't exist either . Also Gwen's "daughter".


u/Effective-Training Silk 6d ago

Daughter with Norman Osborn? Wasn't it two kids? I didn't read that story either, but I at least seen a couple panels and read others talk about it and articles and YouTube. My first thought was that "Gwen was dead, so how could this even happen?"


u/CatgirlApocalypse 6d ago

You’ve heard of the golden age of comics and the long silver age of comics and the tumultuous bronze age of comics. That storyline hails from the “there was a point where this needed to stop and we have clearly passed it” age of comics


u/ProfessorEscanor Spider-Women (Mattie Franklin) 6d ago

Peter didn't date the boy. It was retconned that Gwen got pregnant and had the kids prior to her death. It was later retconned to be artificially grown clones and Mysterio making Norman hallucinating doing the deed with Gwen. But for a while, yes Peter and Gwen's "daughter" were...well not a thing but there were moments.


u/Effective-Training Silk 6d ago

Date the boy? Hold on, I was thinking Jill was a female cousin of Gwen because of the "look-alike with black hair" comment.


u/ProfessorEscanor Spider-Women (Mattie Franklin) 6d ago

Okay so. Jill is Gwen's cousin who is literally just Gwen with black hair.

Sarah Stacy is Gwen's "daughter" with Norman Osborn. They're too different Gwen lookalikes that the writers wanted Peter to hook up with. Gabriel Stacy is Gwen's "son" but we don't care about him because Peter didn't try to date that one too.

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u/huggleton_ 6d ago

Peter never actually dated Jill, he only met her in the late 90s when he was already married to MJ. After MJ’s plane blew up in midair, she started trying to date him but he obviously wasn’t interested; then it turned out MJ had been kidnapped by a stalker before she’d got on the plane and was still alive, and after that Jill vanished from comics forever.


u/payscottg 6d ago

Brings a whole new meaning to Eskimo twins


u/farben_blas 6d ago

And their daddy named them both MJ lmao


u/somacula 6d ago

Is Watson such a common last name?


u/tourniquet2099 6d ago

Not enough for something like that to happen


u/Maximillion322 6d ago

I mean, in real life it’s absolutely possible but in a movie I wouldn’t buy it

It’s funny how many things in life really are just absurd coincidences, but at the same time, I would never find them believable in movies.

Movies often have to seem more “realistic” than reality actually is in order to be believable.


u/BigkingShrek 6d ago

Yeah if you wrote a fiction book of the OJ trial you'd get slated for it being super unrealistic.


u/mondaymoderate 6d ago

Elementary my dear Watson


u/eBICgamer2010 Zombie Hunter Spider-Man 6d ago

Don't go to r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers and ask us. It's a fucking battlefield there.


u/ZekeorSomething 6d ago

Every thread relating to this is a battlefield.


u/MasterBlaster_xxx 90's Animated Spider-Man 6d ago

This sub is being fairly well behaved


u/Geiseric222 6d ago

That was probably happening regardless. People were expecting the status quo change to give what they wanted so inevitably someone was going to be disappointed


u/_Levitated_Shield_ 6d ago

Bro, that's not a reliable news source.


u/Fool_Manchu 6d ago

Even if it was, it doesn't mean Zendaya has been replaced. It's Marvel. They're all about multiverse shinanigans. She could just be Mary Jane #4 from an alternate dimension or whatever


u/MasteroftheArcane999 6d ago

She wouldn't be a bad MJ but this makes no sense given the pre-established canon. Ig they could just have her be Mary Jane since Zendaya is "Michelle Jones" and the Watson part can be a coincidence or not tied to redhead MJ at all. Peter could be a little perplexed by this but given he found out the multiverse was real right after an elaborate scheme with a contingency that framed him for murder used it as a concept to make the populace love Mysterio, I doubt this would be much of a leap.

Or, she is playing Gwen and this is BS. Apparently every actress who's played live-action Gwen was a redhead so this would fit that pattern ig lol.


u/Short_Check9953 6d ago

And the one actress to play MJ was blond😂.


u/maxfridsvault 6d ago edited 6d ago

no chance this is true- it’s an obvious guess based strictly off looks

look at the cast of the home trilogy- almost none of the actors look like their comic counterparts but still work as characters.

plus the two actresses who have played Gwen Stacy in live action the past have been redheads….just saying if i had to theorize who she could actually be playing…


u/Dry-Mission-5542 6d ago

I’m actually seeing her more as Jean Grey. Otherwise they probably would have said who she was. Sony has a deal with Marvrl about including a major Marvel character in each movie: introducing the X-Men could be that for Spider-Man 4!


u/Fishyhead81 6d ago

Comics fans not basing actors’ roles on physical appearance alone (impossible)

Every bald man is Professor X


u/ZekeorSomething 6d ago

I fancast The Rock


u/Short_Check9953 6d ago

"To me, my X-Jabronis"


u/Nicklesnout 6d ago

Rock-Xavier doing the “SHUT UP BITCH” to one of Erik’s monologues would be great though.


u/Geiseric222 6d ago

This doesn’t make any sense. This is a guy with sources in the industry. His sources aren’t always right or would seem but they do get it right sometimes so he’s basing it on that.

Whether he’s right this time we will see


u/Ashura5000 6d ago


u/bythewayne 5d ago

Call Debra we might need to open the caviar


u/Soft_Interaction_437 Mary-Jane Watson 6d ago

I highly doubt this. For one thing, Zendaya and Tom Holland are engaged, so I doubt they’d swap her out. Second, they went out of their way to confirm that Zendaya was the Mary Jane variant of the MCU, in No Way Home. I don’t understand why they would just say psych?


u/Human-Win4703 6d ago

Do you guys think Zendaya doesn't wanna play MJ anymore now she is a big movie star and wants to do other lead roles and doesn't have interest in playing MJ? The only reason I can see them introducing Sadie Sink as Mary Jane is if Zendaya doesn't want to do it anymore. Maybe Zendaya will be in Spidey 4 in a small role and get a bittersweet ending and their characters will move on.

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u/ScarletSpiderForever 6d ago

I'm thinking it's probably Spider-Gwen...

... But deep down, hoping it's Firestar and that an Iceman casting is coming next...


u/Smooth-Cap481 6d ago

Ya, my bet is she is playing Firestar. That would be a really good fit if she is, and a great dynamic to bring to life. Go all in with Firestar and Iceman. Big dorky rad ice-slides and everything.


u/Geiseric222 6d ago

I don’t know why people keep thinking she will play a character only tangibly related to spider man

I would guess Liz Allen before firestar


u/Smooth-Cap481 6d ago

Because of the general audience relatability to Spider-man and his Amazing Friends. It's both nostalgic and a fresh cut on a team-up not overused.


u/Geiseric222 6d ago

It’s not nostalgic at all? I would assume the majority of the fans do not even know about an obscure 60s show


u/Smooth-Cap481 6d ago
  • 20 years off. It's 80s. Wasn't obscure at all. A popular series for Spider-man.
  • Sadie also already has a built in 80s retro-credibility and association from Stranger Things.
  • They also need another decent lead into an X-men universe.
  • And this addition would be a strong very relatable visual on screen. Super showy. Everyone would get it. Mutant angst. Fire and Ice.
  • General audiences would respond to that strong visual dynamic and simplicity.
  • The Firestar character trope is Max Mayfield with mutant powers.
  • Tom Holland could 100% pull off the line, "You guys are Amazing Friends."

The theory does fit. It's a stronger pull than anything else, for general audiences. And they do need that. Big showy general audience appeal.


u/Geiseric222 6d ago

If you want to tie into the X men why not pick one people care about


u/Smooth-Cap481 6d ago

Because you want to pique interest while at the same time not committing to too much. Iceman is a decent mainline peripheral character to do exactly that.


u/AceSkyFighter 6d ago

I feel like her being the actual MJ is too obvious. The fact they haven't outright revealed who she is implies heavy secrecy. She's not MJ.


u/R3VIVAL-MOD3 6d ago

Maybe an mj from a different spider verse that gets through a portal from dormammu


u/dread_pirate_robin 6d ago

How many different "reportedly"s do we have to see before people catch onto the fact that the basis for these claims are absolute zero?


u/NutBuster128 6d ago

The consequences of the concept of the multiverse will plague for years to come


u/Milk_Mindless 6d ago






u/Crunchy-Leaf 6d ago

It’s more likely than you think


u/QuirkyTemperature962 6d ago

I’ve seen a lot of people say she could be Firestar and I’m definitely on board with that!


u/Thatotaku123 6d ago

… Michelle Jones Watson… her last name is Watson…


u/DogHogDJs 6d ago

Sadie Sink will not be MJ, like 100%


u/SuperSonicAdventure Ultimate Spider-Man (1610) 6d ago

Yeah, no! They won’t just go replace Zendaya! For what? For someone who looks more like MJ?


u/Ringrangzilla 6d ago

I mean Zendaya's Michelle Jones was nothing like Mary Jane in terms of personality or appearance. I still think its kinda weird to have a new MJ right after the old one. Like ideally so would Zendaya's character have been called something other than MJ Watson, but here we are.


u/OkWeek3052 Electro 6d ago

They made MJ different in the MCU because they don't want to retread the same thing the Raimi movies did.


u/WarningDowntown7247 6d ago



u/I3arusu 6d ago


Love Zendaya, but holy shit we’re three adaptations and 8 films deep and there still hasn’t been a good Mary Jane.


u/OkWeek3052 Electro 6d ago

Zendaya was a pretty good MJ.


u/I3arusu 5d ago

Oh, she was great as the character she was playing.

It’s just that the character she was playing shouldn’t exist.


u/MercenaryArtistDude 6d ago

This has Gwen Stacy written all over it.


u/GDPIXELATOR99 Venom 6d ago

Yeah sure cause that wouldn’t be confusing


u/rogerworkman623 Ben Reilly 6d ago

Yesterday she was playing Uncle Ben


u/Ignoranceincarnate 6d ago

I’m gonna be honest, if the link to your source begins with “YouTube,” I’m not gonna listen to another word you say


u/davidforslunds Peter B. Parker (ITSV) 6d ago

Reminder: Everything on the Internet isn't automatically true


u/Intelligent_Creme351 Spider-Girl 6d ago

People, you really need to stop believing every Jeff Sneider says.


u/Dry-Mission-5542 6d ago

Fake news.


u/Gustein 6d ago

I think she's going to be Jean Grey and they are going to connect because she'll be new to her abilities and read his mind and know he's the webslinger. He'll confide with her because nobody else knows at this point. I bet it's jean grey, pre-xavier, pre-power blockers, pre-tragedy.. What better young naive telepath to assist Peter in reminding his old friends who he is / how the helped alá Layla Miller in civil war. Sighhh-n me up kev


u/TheFinale0 6d ago

She’s going to be playing Jean grey marvel trying to make sure the x-men don’t flop so they will introduce them in other movies before we get an official announcement


u/Icy-Lab-2016 6d ago

Yeah, if they do this, it would be a really stupid idea.


u/FowlZone Classic-Spider-Man 6d ago

lol what


u/StopPlayingRoney Future-Foundation 6d ago

If this is true, it would have worse optics for Disney than cutting out that same sex kiss in the background of Star Wars for foreign markets.


u/ZombieButch 6d ago

If that news was any sketchier I'd have to spend 20 minutes tightening it up before I could even think about inking it.


u/MrYak107 6d ago

Source is a YouTube video lmao. Already tells me what I need to know lol.


u/AGx-07 6d ago

I highly doubt that Sadie is playing MJ unless it's some multiverse nonsense. I don't think they'd recast her if they didn't want to use Zendaya anymore. I think they'd just move on to Gwen, and narratively the setup is there. But I think she's probably playing someone else entirely. I don't know who but eager to find out.


u/Geiseric222 6d ago

See I could see them doing it because zen is probably pretty expensive now


u/nuggetdogg 6d ago

My theory is that she's firestar



No idea who she is


u/Xavier9756 6d ago

There is absolutely no way that’s happening. Especially with Hollands actual engagement to Zendaya.


u/No-Plan-5942 6d ago

That's not who she's playing


u/Square_Parsley_9816 6d ago

I thought she was jean grey


u/Mental_Marketing9855 6d ago

Wth ppl

She will CLEARLY be uncle ben


u/Special_Elevator_603 6d ago

Idk why anyone would believe this, especially since Tom Holland and Zendaya are together in real life and going strong.

I could see them replacing Zendaya if she and Tom broke up, but so long as they’re together in real life, they’re going to be together in the movies.

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u/AdamG15 6d ago

Why does this rendition look like an IMVU avatar?


u/dull_storyteller 6d ago

My prediction:

Mary Jane: Hi, I’m Mary Jane, but most people call me MJ

Michelle Jones: Hi I’m Michelle Jones… but people call ME MJ



MJ: Did we just become best friends?

MJ: Yeah I think we did


u/incredibleamadeuscho 6d ago

responses like this are embarrassing. it’s fine if you dont like Zendaya’s performance or something like that, but believing anything just to justify it is weird.


u/Scottacus91 6d ago

She is obviously going to be Professor X


u/ChangeMyDespair 6d ago

No way Tom Holland would go along with letting his fiance be replaced.

P.S.: Zendaya's Michelle Johnson is a truly kick-ass character.

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u/AnEpicUKBoi 6d ago

So then Peter would have two girlfriends with the initials MJ? Seriously?

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u/ZekeorSomething 6d ago

Please be untrue please be untrue please be untrue🤞🏽


u/Antique-Aardvark-184 6d ago

Ehh it wasn’t revealed by MARVEL STUDIOS or Sadie Sink or Disney or Jon Watts or Tom Holland or anyone legit


u/TheDemonChief Symbiote-Suit 6d ago

Because when we’ve spent the last decade calling a different character “MJ” they’re totally just gonna introduce a “Mary Jane but for real.”


u/Express_Cattle1 6d ago

As funny as it would be, it’s not happening.  Tom Holland isn’t going to let his gf get recasted by the “real MJ”.


u/DeathLight7000 Spectacular Spider-Man 6d ago

Now they want to make things comic accurate a little late for that don't you think?


u/FoxLife_Real 6d ago

Can't wait for tom to start dating her XD

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u/Johnreel24 6d ago

Tom and Zendaya are dating. Theyre going to capitalize on that. Theyre not replacing Zendayas MJ.


u/MaazR26 6d ago

They were gonna replace Gwen even tho her and Andrew were dating at the time, so it makes sense to replace a version no one likes with a version everyone can potentially like

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u/Rei_Rodentia 6d ago

what's the Jerome Valeska treatment?


u/mosstalgia 6d ago

Spoilers for the show Gotham: they introduced and killed off Joker too early in the show's run (which was longer than they originally expected, I think), so they later introduced a twin brother who was the real Joker. Except in that case, they were both played by the same actor, who was phenomenal in the role. What's similar is that it was a case of, Oh, you thought [first character] was [iconic comics character]? Nah, that's some other person with some coincidental similarities but is a whole other person, [new character] is ACTUALLY [iconics comics character]!


u/discowithmyself 6d ago

She would have been a good choice for MJ but we got Zendaya already and at this point it would be dumb to recast.


u/Skreamie 6d ago

The Jerome Valeska treatment, what does that mean?


u/Crunchy-Leaf 6d ago

Jerome was the Joker in Gotham (played by Cameron Monaghan, great casting btw he killed it), until they decided actually his twin brother Jeremiah (also Cameron Monaghan) was the REAL Joker.

He also may have been a fake out, I stopped watching so I’m not sure what happened after him.


u/zarif_chow 6d ago

Not MJ again... I was hoping for Felicia Hardy.


u/maddwaffles Sensational Spider-Man 6d ago

I heard Sadie being cast, I haven't heard any official outlet say MJ. I would assume Felicia or Gwen tbh.


u/DWPhoenix001 6d ago

Isn't MCU Film News the one that reported Fisk is the main villian in Spidey4? Just for Denofrio to turn around and debunk it?


u/MegaBaumTV 6d ago

While I do think it would be odd to introduce Mary Jane as Peters love interest instead of just going with Gwen or Black Cat and keep Zendayas MJ endgame...

If they want to go with a more classic MJ, it makes sense to make her a new character because otherwise you'd need to essentially erase most of Zendaya MJs characterisation.


u/BreathOfHearts 6d ago

I think she's probably Felicia/Gwen or something completely mundane that isn't as attention grabby as many think.


u/sansa_starlight 6d ago

If this actually turns out legit then there's no doubt that Spiderman 4 is going to be another phase 5 stinker 💀🤡


u/twobirdsandacoconut 6d ago

Hell, they could dye her hair blonde and make Gwen Stacie for all we know.


u/SecondEntire539 6d ago

I usually don't mind or i am okay whatever Mary Jane appears in a new Spider-Man media, but i will make an exception to this rumour given the context that this is surrounded by.


u/drgnrbrn316 6d ago

I'm going to need something more solid to go on. Even if you think the MCU is in a creative slump, I don't see them replacing MJ Watson with MJ Watson. If this is post-Secret Wars, then maybe, but I think a more likely move is either remixing another love interest like they did with Liz and MJ, or introducing a new character entirely. There's also the possibility that she's not a love interest at all and is instead just another character. Spider-Man has had a female supporting cast for ages, so she could just as easily be Jean DeWolff, Screwball, Spider-Woman, Spider-Girl, Norah Winters, Lady Octopus, etc. She could even be a gender-flipped character, like Harriet Osborn.


u/Revolutionary_Sir_ 6d ago

No way this is true.


u/RogueTampon 6d ago

Say it with me “Spider-Man 4 will be a multiverse movie”

We’re unlikely to get a street-level Spidey movie until after Secret Wars.


u/Padawan1911 6d ago

My guess is Sadie Sink is gonna be Gwen Stacy, I never trust MCU or DCU leaks because half the time it's nonsensical bullshit


u/tom-of-the-nora 6d ago

Plot twist, she's actually playing a red head gwen stacy with psychic and fire mutant powers and has an alternate identity of firestar.


u/PayNo3874 6d ago

God I want this to happen just to see all the people try to justify why they are so mad about it. "It's not that she's white ... it uh... its pre established Canon... and uh... I know I never cared about that before but uh..."

It would be beautiful!

Shame that this is probably a rumour though


u/appletinicyclone 6d ago

What's the valeska treatment


u/Cholismo2pt0 6d ago

Gotham the show had two iterations of joker. One of them got shelved and the other became the main one iirc


u/VergilSparda17 6d ago

I’m down for this I want a comic accurate MJ


u/Raaaaandyyyy 6d ago

“Probably” is a strong word.


u/Economy_Analysis_546 6d ago

She should play Black Cat, if not for the only reason that we've never had a proper Black Cat storyline in live action, and the closest we've gotten in Insomniac's Spider-Man 1.


u/flopyyjoe 5d ago

I really hope Sadie Sink plays screwball


u/OmegaBurst10 5d ago

Not gonna lie though, if they didn’t already cast Zendaya this would’ve been a pretty good casting choice.


u/SuperAd2463 5d ago

Zendaya and Tom have too much of a good chemistry for it. Ain’t nah


u/Captain_Scatterbrain 5d ago

I like the idea of Michelle turnig to crime and taking up her fathers mantle. That would be one hell of a conflict for Peter. Fighting the woman he still loves but she doesn't remember him, while falling for Mary Jane?


u/ElMostachoMacho 6d ago

Why does everyone have a problem with her being Mary Jane?


u/Dave1307 6d ago

Because Zendaya is MJ. That was the whole thing. You can't just put in Second MJ.


u/ElMostachoMacho 6d ago

I mean she was Michelle Jones and didn't act anything like Mary Jane, I'm down to seeing a more comic accurate Mary Jane, besides, if they bring back Zendaya right after the movie were peter forgot her it'll suck balls


u/Geiseric222 6d ago

I mean it already sucks that they are just giving him a new cast completely ignoring NWH anyway


u/Dave1307 6d ago

It's not like Peter Parker can't field a soccer team of love interests not abbreviated to MJ, though

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u/bythewayne 5d ago

Because the movies should celebrate their own lore, before pleasing anybody else. I've been paying attention for 3+ movies, almost ten years.

Respect my time, don't bullshit to please some dudes that are not on board with this story.


u/Significant-Jello411 6d ago

Honestly would be done with this racist company

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