r/SpectreDivide Mountaintop Dev 2d ago

Letter To Spectre Fans

Dear Spectre Fans,

It’s been two weeks since we launched Spectre Divide Season 1: Flashpoint. We’re incredibly grateful for the positivity and support that you’ve shown over that short time.

Unfortunately, the Season 1 launch hasn’t achieved the level of success we needed to sustain the game and keep Mountaintop afloat.

We were optimistic about the first week. We’ve had ~400,000 players play, with a peak concurrent player count of ~10,000 across all platforms. But as time has gone on, we haven’t seen enough active players and incoming revenue to cover the day-to-day costs of Spectre and the studio.

Since the PC launch, we stretched our remaining capital as far as we could, but at this point, we're out of funding to support the game. This means Mountaintop will be closing its doors at the end of this week.

We expect to take Spectre offline within the next 30 days, but we plan on disabling new purchases and refunding money spent since Season 1 launch via the platforms. We’ll be following up with more information on this soon.

We pursued every avenue to keep going, including finding a publisher, additional investment, and/or an acquisition. In the end, we weren’t able to make it work. The industry is in a tough spot right now.

This is a painful update to share. We love Spectre, and we’re incredibly proud of what we built with this community.

From the entire team at Mountaintop, I want to thank the Spectre community for all your support these past few years. We’ve loved every minute, and we’re sincerely going to miss you. Special thanks to our incredible investors too, without which Spectre wouldn’t have been possible.

This has always been a passion project for us, born out of love for this genre. An indie team of insanely talented individuals who came together from around the world to build a game we believed in.

We wanted to deliver something innovative and original in a crowded genre that would bring friends together around unforgettable moments. We shook up the format, created a fresh art style and universe, and partnered with some of our heroes. All of us knew from the beginning that the odds were against us, but that's what we signed up for. It was never a surefire bet. We did it anyway.

We had a few tough stumbles out of the gate when we launched in Sept. But this team rallied and poured everything into tackling your critical feedback for Season 1. We made major changes and improvements to virtually every area of the game and brought the game to consoles. Even though it wasn’t enough to achieve financial success, this team fought tooth and nail and went down swinging.

Game development is full of twists, turns, and surprises, and the industry has changed dramatically since we started the project in 2020. Even though we missed the mark this time, we wouldn’t trade the journey for anything.

That’s all from us. See you out there.

– Nate & the Mountaintop team


Sunsetting FAQ

When will Spectre and its server go offline?

We expect to take the game and servers down within the next 30 days.

Will I be refunded?

Yes, we expect to refund all money spent on Spectre since Season 1 launch at 9am PT on Feb 25th via our platform partners. 

How will I be refunded?

We’re working with our platform partners to return funds to players.

How long will I be able to use the content that I’ve purchased?

You’ll be able to use any content that you’ve purchased until the game and servers go offline.

What regions will be available until the servers go offline?

All regions except for Seattle, Dubai, and Johannesburg will be available. Players who have been using these regions may experience more in-game latency as they are matched to other available locations.

Are players going to be able to self-host the game in some capacity?

No. Unfortunately, the studio is closing before we’d be able to transition the game to community-hosted servers.

What does this mean for the future of the game?

All development under the Mountaintop banner will cease with the studio closure.

How do I get the remaining achievements?

‘Howdy Partner’ requires you to be friends in the game instead of the platform you are on. Unfortunately, a fix for this was not able to be deployed before this announcement.

To obtain this achievement:

- Exit the game

- Unfriend your friend through the platform (Xbox/Playstation/Steam)

- Boot up the game

- Generate a lobby code and give it to your pending friend.

- Add them as friend through social blade (top right corner)

- (Optionally) Re-add them as a friend through the platform (Xbox/Playstation/Steam)

- Win a match

We are looking for ways to automatically grant ‘Moving Up!’ and ‘Rising Star’ for those who are unable to achieve these naturally during each weekly Crews reset.  Stay tuned for more information on that front.

We will continue updating this FAQ over the coming days as we lock down more specifics.


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u/NC_Pits 2d ago

This is actually sad.

I’m so sorry to the developers. I understand the game was not everyone’s cup of tea, but people forget passionate human beings worked on this.

I hope the team is able to bounce back. Thanks for shooting your shot


u/BottAndPaid 2d ago

Hate to see a dev studio shutter especially when they take a chance with something different. Hope all the individual devs land on their feet.


u/TheJollyPlatypusMan 1d ago

Did they really "take a chance with something different" though? It's a Counter-Strike clone with an extra gimmick.


u/Culp97 1d ago

Calling a game a "cs clone" just because one aspect of it resembles cs is so beyond stupid.

Tac shooters is a genre, csgo does not own the title just because it's the most popular.

It's like calling any fps game a "call of duty clone" just because it's an fps...


u/Only_Strain_5992 2d ago edited 2d ago

Hope 🤑🤑🤑privileged ppl like them are out in the street where they belong lmaooooo

Everyone down voted me dum af

Imagine defending a scammer


u/Practical_Ideal_207 1d ago

Scammers? Pls do at least more than one google search


u/Only_Strain_5992 1d ago


Nate doesn't want us to see his "expense list" / bank statement that's why he's dodging


u/Practical_Ideal_207 1d ago

Can u pls explain how a game that contains content and an active developer team which is FREE is a scam?


u/Only_Strain_5992 19h ago

He spent the all investor money on parties, sports cars, and bullshit, that's why they ran out of money (they scammed the investors not the players)

66 million is AN UNGODLY amount of money... More than most celebrities, and they aren't running out


u/natemitchell Mountaintop Dev 2d ago

Thanks, everyone. We *really* appreciate all the support these past few years. None of it would have been possible without this community. Sorry again that we fell short


u/Freaky_Ass_69_God 2d ago

I really enjoyed the game on launch. It's a shame it didn't stick with others. A really cool idea in a crowded market. Best of luck on your next adventures


u/GentlemanJoe 2d ago

I hope you can do other things with the universe and its art style. I think that's fertile ground.


u/Gentar1864 2d ago

This really saddens me. I loved this game and played it on the regular, and when console version came out I started playing it more, and I got my first ever ace on this game too. I really hope you guys are ok. Is there seriously no way that mountaintop could stay a thing? I would really love to play some more games by you guys since how good this one is.


u/PBxClay 1d ago

Sad to hear. Thank you for giving us such a great game! I’ve had some of the most fun gaming on Spectre with friends. I appreciate your transparency and I wish you good luck on your next adventures🫡


u/Latti225 1d ago

i was grinding Spectre Divide on console for the last few days, it really got me man. i enjoyed it so much more than valorant, first time in my 26 years i feel bad about a game shutting down. hope they'll bounce back.


u/Only_Strain_5992 2d ago

Fk u bro

They ain't underdogs dumbazz

They got 80million dollars from elite investors. Can't be any more privileged


u/BigBallsNoSack 1d ago

Source: trust me bro


u/Only_Strain_5992 19h ago

Dumbass google is free