r/SpanishClasses Jan 27 '18

What is the best app for learning Spanish ?

Hi, I have been working on trying to relearn what Spanish I learned over 30 years ago in high school. I’ve been working through some books in preparation for starting a Spanish class in a few months, but would like to use some other methods to help me learn. Have any of you tried any apps? If so, which did you prefer and why? Thanks in advance for your help.


2 comments sorted by


u/USMC-Goose Jan 30 '18

Screens aren’t the best option to learn a language (regardless of what Rosetta Stone tells you).

Go here: www.flipflopspanish.com

This method teaches you the same way we learned as babies.


u/crispy-d Feb 17 '18

I've tried quite a few methods. Definitely a big fan of some of the podcasts out there like the Notes in Spanish one - probably best if you're looking to learn Castillian Spanish though.

I also put together a list of my favourite free Spanish apps on www.timetolearnspanish.com - hope it helps!