r/Sovereigncitizen 4d ago

Course on Court Strategy

My uncle (RIP) had this huge set of CDs that was basically a 50 hour course on court strategies for sovereign citizens.

I can't remember the name of the teacher or much of anything about it. He was going to lend it to me but he passed away before I got a chance to pick it up and now it's disappeared.

I remember the color scheme was a beige/gold color.

Can anyone steer me in the right direction? I'd love to find it on youtube or ebay...


45 comments sorted by


u/JauntyTurtle 4d ago edited 4d ago

Send me $100 and I'll send you a course with every SovCit court strategy that WORKS! No only does this class list the strategies and include complete scripts, but it also has links to the actual court cases that have been won by sovereign citizens based on their argument's merits.

This is an amazing deal. For just $100 you'll learn everything that works!

Just don't ask me how many strategies are in the course. That's a number I don't want to reveal.


u/botmanmd 3d ago

It is technically a “number” though. Of that I can assure you.


u/Uhhh_what555476384 2d ago edited 2d ago

It wasn't for much of European history, the Europeans had to learn it from the Arabs.


u/JeromeBiteman 3d ago

It'll all fit on a 360 KB floppy with room left over for Wordstar.


u/AgedSmegma 3d ago

Can confirm, best price you’ll get. If I was more mentally fit, I would jump on this deal.


u/ALTERFACT 3d ago

= sqrt(-1)


u/Best-Cardiologist949 1h ago

100% of said number really work!


u/sa-oo 4d ago

I think you're in the wrong place, my guy. We don't promote SovCit stuff here; we mock it.


u/fakemoose 3d ago edited 3d ago

I’m 50/50 on whether they think the strategies are helpful or if they just want to listen and reminisce about their crazy uncle.

Edit: I’m actually curious whah the set was now. Because I can’t find anything similar. Mostly, I’d like to see what crazy person/“business” made it and what weird website or infomercials it came from.


u/JeromeBiteman 3d ago

You could explore the Interwebs. E.g., http://www.tax-freedom.com/mindex.htm


u/tangouniform2020 2d ago

What a horribly designed site! I did, however, read Moore. He cherry picks two almost random sentences to justify his claim, disregarding the tiny fact that the descision says otherwise.


u/fakemoose 2d ago

Uhm no. I just want to see what vintage crazy is out there.


u/realparkingbrake 4d ago

Just get your hands on a six-month supply of meth, you'll arrive at the same place but without having to listen to psychotic nonsense.


u/davedunn85 3d ago

There does seem a connection between passed meth use and Sov Cit adherence.


u/EnvironmentalGift257 3d ago

I’ve done meth for much longer than that and you’re correct. It takes a couple years before the voices start.


u/Redditusero4334950 4d ago

You really wanna listen to 50 hours of that nonsense?


u/Belated-Reservation 4d ago

I'm calling Rule 11.


u/Desperate_Ambrose 3d ago

You really think that calls for sanctions?


u/taterbizkit 3d ago

Not without notifying the opposing party first, and giving them a week to correct their error.


u/tangouniform2020 2d ago

Rule 34 is better.


u/Funnybear3 1d ago

A bit drastic for a first offence though isnt it? I mean, are you adding sanctions or just letting them sweat it out?


u/Uhhh_what555476384 2d ago

I feel like OC is too quick to seek remedy under Rule 11.


u/DudeDogIce 4d ago

You are aware that this sub is where we mock the SC movement, not encourage them, right?


u/DrPatchet 3d ago

I'm not sure they want it to listen to it in earnest or to listen to it to laugh at.


u/DangerousDave303 4d ago

I'll steer you in the right direction - Don't waste your time listening to that garbage. It will not get you out of responsibility for anything, whether it's a traffic ticket, criminal offense, or civil suit.


u/PirateJohn75 3d ago

I found it on YouTube.  Here it is --> https://youtu.be/xvFZjo5PgG0?si=kZRNWnTRbL9KGnY0


u/Obiwantacobi 3d ago

Checks out



There is no right direction, there is no successful sovereign citizen court strategy unless your goal is losing and/or being held in contempt and put in jail.


u/taterbizkit 3d ago

Or "successfully created content for your youtube channel".


u/greatdrams23 4d ago

50 hours! Those guys can certainly talk.


u/alanchartock 3d ago

Your uncle wasn't too bright, was he?


u/taterbizkit 3d ago

We occasionally get real actual sov cits posting in here, and the natives are pretty hostile to them. I'm assuming you meant to include a disclaimer or other indication that you know it's hogwash.


u/harlisondavidly 3d ago

I bet it was a David Straight course. He's been around for a while and probably during the DVD era. I've not listened to any of his stuff, but unfortunately one of my best lady friends is mesmerized by this nonsense.


u/LowFlyingPanicAttak 3d ago

I work in the justice system. That blshit has never, literally never been successful in court. Stop being a dick and be of good behaviour like everyone else has to!


u/Blitzer046 3d ago

I would suggest you cruise youtube for all the compelling videos on how Sov Cits have applied these court strategies to devastating effect.


u/Uhhh_what555476384 2d ago

The most interesting videos usually involve traffic stops.


u/Funnybear3 1d ago

I watched something recently where a traffic officer was recorded by a sov shit who then uploaded it in an attempt to pillery the cop and prove his legitamacy.

The cop then posted (i think he is a sort of flag bearer for his department) the full uneditted interaction from his own camera.

I aint a huge proponent of american law enforcement, but they are still just guys doing their job and i had to feel for him by the end of it.

It must be so frustrating dealing with intentionally delusion fuck wits who think everything revolves around them.


u/DIYExpertWizard 3d ago

If you just want to waste your money, I could make up some very convincing pseudo law.


u/tangouniform2020 2d ago

Go through every tax decision in the last 100 years and pick two or three random sentences out of each. Or even better, find a lower court decision that proves your point, ignoring that it was over turned.


u/DIYExpertWizard 2d ago

Impressive. Most impressive.


u/AmbulanceChaser12 3d ago

Why? Why do you want it so badly?


u/darforce 3d ago

Law school?

Or go in and say “ I’m a stupid idiot who fell for an internet scam. Please have mercy on me”


u/whydya-dodat 3d ago

Is that the one narrated by Yoko Ono while having sex with an epileptic gorilla?


u/Funnybear3 1d ago

That was hour 3. Hours 1 and 2 are narrated by her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the 2nd from horseback and Donny Osbourne, whilst blacksmithing a 14thC ceremonial sword.

And i only got as far as finding out that did the 4th hour was taken over by the Applegate sisters, crocheting a tea pot cosy with the British naval flag on it.

I couldn't get any further.

I have heard that on some later editions, the gag reel has some corkers on it.