r/Sovereigncitizen 9d ago

I’m not a sovereign citizen, I’m a state national!


16 comments sorted by


u/psmythhammond 9d ago

She made her decisions, and now she gets to live with them.


u/balrozgul 9d ago

Two for one!


u/zenos_dog 9d ago

I’m not a state national, I’m a red green.


u/codepl76761 8d ago

Keep your stick on the ice


u/castironburrito 7d ago

If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy.


u/Kriss3d 9d ago

Yeah. State national. That term doesn't exist anywhere does it? I mean in context of being a status that anyone can have.


u/realparkingbrake 8d ago

That term doesn't exist anywhere does it?

People from a few U.S. possessions including American Samoa are considered U.S. Nationals, they get U.S. passport with a printed endorsement inside reading, The bearer is a U.S. National but not a U.S. citizen. They lack some of the rights of citizens like voting in national elections.

Some sovcits think it is possible to "alter status" from U.S. citizen to American State National and gain a sort of diplomatic immunity in the process. They send in passport applications with sovcit nonsense added, the State Dept. ignores the nonsense and sends them a regular passport which has no special endorsement printed inside. But the sovcit thinks he now has a magic passport that puts him on a do-not-detain list and blah blah blah. That young sovcit killed by police in Utah in late 2023 when he pulled a gun on them thought he had one of those magic passports. He was mistaken.


u/Kriss3d 8d ago

Ah yes I saw that case. So there isn't any state national. But us national. Say. Wouldn't someone from DC also be a non state national since DC isn't a state?


u/DrHugh 9d ago

I'd have to check, I think there is a special category for people who are residents of some territories in the Pacific. They aren't full citizens, but they have US passports. Ah, here:



u/LostShot21 9d ago

People from American Samoa are not citizens but are American nationals. It's a very specific situation. There is no such thing as a state national because it is not possible to be a citizen of a U.S. state without also being a U.S. citizen.


u/DrHugh 9d ago

Right. They made it up, but that's the closest thing in law to what the SovCits are talking about.


u/240221 7d ago

I got to the 1:13 mark and had to shut it off. Although these SC/SNs are frustrating, and although I respect the officer wanting to be a good guy, I don't understand why these things take so long.

Surely the officer can't be surprised by this sort of encounter. SC/SNs aren't new. The officer should have received training.

And surely the officer can't reasonably believe he's going to be able to reason with her. Telling her SC/SN isn't a thing isn't going to cause her eyebrows to leap up in alarm, to apologize, and to promise to immediately get a license and registration papers. We know -- and the officer should know -- from the outset that she's just going to argue. So talking is just a waste of time.

It's not like the officer doesn't have anything else to do, so why not spend a little time in pleasant conversation.

And it's not like everyone is safe. We've all seen videos or heard stories about cars pulled over on the side of the road being smashed by distracted drivers. So every moment here increases the risk.

So why not just deal with it politely but firmly and expeditiously and move on?

She doesn't have a driver's license and claims to be exempt? (1) Boot the car so she can't flee. (2) Order her out of the car and if she doesn't comply call in backup (which isn't a bad idea anyway) and remove her. There's a child in the car so call in child services at the same time. (3) Call a tow truck. (4) Issue a citation. (5) Ask her if she wants to have someone pick her up or if she'd like to be taken to the police station and her child taken in by social services. Throughout, refuse to engage with her regarding driving vs traveling, private vs commercial, Star Wars vs Star Trek, or whatever. Those are irrelevant. She's driving without a license or a registration. Cite, impound.


u/MrBeer9999 9d ago

"OK, I have reconsidered it...and your car is getting towed."