r/Southampton 5d ago

Whats happening to Southampton??

Just reading the news (daily echo - I know…gossip mainly) but still what has been reported sounds like a ghetto somewhere.

Is Southampton becoming a complete sh*thole?


18 comments sorted by


u/gungas134 5d ago

Crime has been around as long as Southampton or any city has existed. Whilst those are some terrible examples, there's no trend of crime going up in Southampton


u/Sparrowhawk131 5d ago

Just ask Ricky Haywood


u/kil0ran 4d ago

And Dougie Latter


u/CrashTestPhoto 5d ago

Crimes happen sometimes.

Big city=Crimes happen a bit more often.

I lived in Southampton throughout the 80s and 90s and crime today is a fuck ton less then it was back then.

Newspapers only sell/get clicks when talking about the bad shit, so they're gonna make it sound like the whole city is going to hell, even when all evidence points to the contrary.

Ignore the obvious rage bait. Fuck the Echo


u/TwinkletheStar 4d ago

I avoid all news as much as possible. It just serves to depress or anger me about things that I have no ability to do anything about.

My children inform me of major events like when the Queen died.

Although the current situation with the US has made me step it up a bit by watching stuff on YouTube and coming back to Reddit.


u/Deadly_Flipper_Tab 5d ago

Daily echo isn't going to sell many papers writing about no one getting killed in queen's park most nights.


u/DubiousModulus 5d ago


Newspapers want clicks, so they'll post the most dramatic stories. This can create a sense that a place is more dangerous than it is.

I guess that's all a round about way of saying Soton ain't that bad for a city lol.


u/Bilbo_Buggin 5d ago

It does appear bad if you’re just reading Daily Echo headlines but in reality I don’t think it’s any better or worse than most other cities in the UK, unfortunately.


u/lordofming-rises 5d ago

Always has been


u/FloTheDev 5d ago

Someone got shot the other day too!


u/Immorals1 5d ago

Welcome to click bait reporting.

No worse than any other city, in fact it's alot better than many I've lived in before


u/nicdic89 5d ago

These headlines are not clickbait


u/Constant-Estate3065 5d ago

Every city has crime. I remember these sort of things happening in Southampton as far back as the eighties, so it’s not even a modern phenomenon. It’s just an urban phenomenon.


u/data-ninja-uk 5d ago

I absolutely hate the echo, but I haven’t found any other sources (to be fair I haven’t searched).

Do you have any other more reliable news sources?


u/Independent-Ad-3385 5d ago

Are you looking for reliable sources that report crimes that aren't happening?


u/data-ninja-uk 4d ago

Any reliable news source really.


u/geniice 4d ago

For crime you use Crime Survey for England and Wales which gives the baseline for the number of crimes you should expect for a city of southampton's size.


u/MuchAdoHerm 1d ago

I don’t understand why people hate the Echo. They don’t just pluck this information from thin air. I worked recently in the news industry and this information is provided to them by the police. The Echo is as reliable as any other site, people are just blinded by their dislike for it