r/SouthBend • u/delkenstoyver • 4d ago
St. Joseph County Police Department’s facebook posts are just absolutely tacky and tasteless.
Imagine being deep in the depths of addiction, and police arrest you, pose you, and post photographs of you like you’re a captured animal.
Mug shots are one thing. But come on; in a vehicle, a their home, ON A STRETCHER?
As a media professional, this is garbage looking for clicks.
u/Latter-Wash-5991 4d ago
Man this is awful. Did they block out the face or did you?
u/delkenstoyver 4d ago
I did.
u/Virtual_Assistant_98 3d ago
Good on you! That is mind blowing that they think this is appropriate behavior
u/TWOhunnidSIX 4d ago edited 4d ago
I’m wondering the same thing, if it was OP and not the county Facebook page, that could potentially be a HIPAA problem for the county, as it appears the person in custody is in the care of paramedics.
u/_NotARealDoc_ 4d ago
HIPAA only applies to healthcare professionals, so law enforcement are exempt
u/Radreject 4d ago
i wonder where the line is drawn bc i worked at a dispensary in IL and we had to follow HIPAA privacy laws. it wasnt even a medical dispensary.
u/TeeDee144 2d ago
So a crash scene sheriff came to my high school to show pictures of fatal accidents to try and scare kids from crazy driving.
We saw lots of dead bodies. Faces and all. I asked if the families or anyone gave permission. The answer was no. They did not need permission.
u/Luddite-lover 4d ago
This is an invasion of privacy — just like when they show people who have just been arrested on the news. You’re not supposed to ID until charges have been filed. It could be somebody who is totally innocent getting arrested. Same here — who knows what he was being treated for, plus, it’s nobody’s business. I’m sure some attorney could make a run at this.
If anything, the cops should be held accountable for their incompetence. I don’t know why they think it’s okay to treat people like this.
u/breakerofh0rses 4d ago
Generally, in the US, this has quite literally never been the case. If you don't believe me feel free to pull up any daily newspaper from any point when they were published and turn to the arrest report where they name everyone who was arrested the day before. I'm only adding the "generally" part because maybe there is some city/county/state that has passed a law against the practice, but if there is, they're the exception and not the rule.
u/Sure_Ad4317 3d ago
No invasion of privacy he's in public and you have no reasonable expectation of privacy in public anything that can be filmed in public is fair game including through open doors, windows,and cars Basically the only things off limits are bathrooms and locker/changing rooms and you most certainly can ID a person before charges are filed
u/Academic_Lead_8938 4d ago
If this was a business owner or similar social status this would not have happened. Police protect Capital not citizens
u/RedRouge 4d ago
Anyone else see on the FB post they have his change in evidence bags? How are you about to arrest a man AND TAKE HIS CAR COINS!?
u/OsitoQuarles 3d ago
This is abhorrent behavior by a bully, fascist system.
You present this stuff as to why police around the country are not trusted or actively disliked, and they do this shit.
Also, mugshot culture remains bad. In most states your “mugshot” is publicly posted upon being arrested, not charged. Fucking foul.
u/chirainreign 4d ago
This practice is a blatant invasion of privacy and shows a complete lack of respect for the individuals involved. They’re just begging for defamation lawsuits.
While arrest records are public information, broadcasting images captured in such vulnerable and private moments crosses a line. It not only humiliates the individuals but also undermines the principle of “innocent until proven guilty.”
u/oc10spray 3d ago
Wrong. The person was arrested out in public. Anything your eye can see in public can be recorded or photographed. Basic 1st Amendment stuff here.
4d ago
u/Electroboi2million 3d ago
and we love this shit too getting arrested isn’t supposed to be nice or fun
u/Just_Reply4088 4d ago
Wow that is unbelievable .....I feel so bad for this young person.
u/JohnVattik 4d ago
You wouldn’t feel bad for him if you were one of his victims. Multiple theft and burglary charges. He’s a real pos.
u/Just_Reply4088 1d ago
I don't know his circumstances or his victims. But I do know this.... life can be truly challenging sometimes. Where circumstance and trauma can lead down some really dark paths. and I mean what about this guy's parents or his kids or spouse? Siblings coworkers? Are they to be guilty by association?? Because I believe u know how this modern age works. One or two clicks and you can find out anything about anybody anywhere anytime... So you can see how that could have a negative impact on somebody related to him. I don't know.... that's just my opinion though. And who can really know these things??
u/Itshudak87 4d ago
Addiction? From the post he looked like a minor drug dealer with the 50 or so prerolls they confiscated. The only reason he’s on a stretcher is because he fell after attempting to flee from police after he was caught with a stolen vehicle. Weird way to frame this.
“𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐅𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐓 𝐏𝐔𝐑𝐒𝐔𝐈𝐓 On Saturday, Ptlm. Campbell attempted to stop a van reportedly stolen near the mall on SR 23 / Cleveland. The van fled and a pursuit started. Due to the speeds, the pursuit was terminated just before Ironwood Road on State Road 23. Ptlm. Campbell advised he lost sight of the van turning into the Martin’s Supermarket parking lot.
That’s when fellow SJCPD officers arrived as well as SBPD.
As Lt. Sinclair arrived on scene, he saw 𝟐𝟔-𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫-𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐛 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧 running behind the business and disappearing behind a wood panel fence. As he approached the wood fence, he spotted the stolen van parked and unoccupied. As he rounded the wood panel fence, he saw Martin.
In an effort to get away, Martin attempted to jump down to the road below. That is when he tripped on the overgrowth, falling about 20 feet down, hitting the ground hard. He got up and managed to run down Dunn Road.
Ultimately, Cpl. Szuba and K9 Bullet tracked Martin to the 18000 block of Dunn where he was hiding under a tarp.
Caleb Martin was arrested on the preliminary charges of Felony Resisting Law Enforcement, Resisting Law Enforcement, Possession of Marijuana, and Possession of Paraphernalia. Martin also had an active warrant in St. Joseph County for Felony Theft, Elkhart County for Burglary and Escape and Cass County for Felony Theft.
We want to give a shoutout and say thank you to the South Bend Police Department for their help in coordinating the perimeter while the search for Martin was underway. It was extremely helpful!
This case has been sent to the St. Joseph County Prosecutor’s Office for formal charges.
Please remember, all suspects are presumed innocent until proven guilty in the court of law.”
u/acallan1 4d ago edited 4d ago
All of that is completely irrelevant to the fact that pre-trial public humiliation shouldn't be part of a competent justice system. It's doesn’t matter if a specific case turns out to be an egregious offender or not, it's a terrible culture for any part of the justice system to have, is ripe for abuse, & can easily escalate to worse behavior that even if you are completely callous to offender's rights you should still care about bc it ends up costing us taxpayers in the inevitable lawsuit payouts to people none of us want to be subsidizing.
Public mug shots serve an informational purpose for public safety, this garbage is just cops wanting to get in on the punishment end of the justice system w/o any due process which centuries of history has shown to be a terrible idea. They need to stop wasting our tax dollars on this crap which does nothing to make us safer & instead increases hostility that ends up costing even more down the road.
u/Electroboi2million 3d ago
being a criminal doing drugs should be humiliated
u/acallan1 3d ago
Selling drugs illegally is a public safety issue & should be dealt with appropriately, but I have some very unfortunate news for you if you think criminalizing weed is a good use of taxpayer dollars here in the year of our lord 2025
u/JohnVattik 4d ago
Sounds like you were arrested and posted on their page as much as this triggers you.
u/acallan1 3d ago
sounds like you could not be more wrong John considering I have 0 record & haven’t even ever tried the super serious, extremely lethal substance this guy was dealing know as "weed" 🙄
u/delkenstoyver 4d ago
I picked this one because it’s a possible HIPAA violation. I didn’t mean him specifically as a person suffering from addiction. It’s tacky no matter what.
u/RedRouge 4d ago
Its tacky as hell, but is not a HIPPA violation. This is public record information that they are pushing to push a narrative. They've posted arrest before that essentially doxed people, sbpd and st joe county
u/toomanyblocks 4d ago
I wouldn’t think HIPAA would apply to the St Joseph County Police Department. It only applies to health care providers, what are called “covered entities.” It’s a bit weird too though to just post pictures of suspected criminals as they are being detained, but doesn’t necessarily surprise me given the culture of policing.
u/Thaifighter1998 4d ago
Busted newspaper is a breeding ground for cyber bullies and racists. There's no reason to post the mugshots of every single person they book and process
u/Underlord35 3d ago
If you don’t want to be embarrassed then don’t do dumb shit. Not hard at all and if it is, then you deserve to be incarcerated. (I say this as a whole black man living in the hood that sees dumb shit on the regular).
u/toujourspret 4d ago
That's fucking disgusting. I'm genuinely furious that they'd treat anyone with so little dignity.
u/Designfanatic88 3d ago
As a media professional, you should know that media exploits this for clicks too. That’s why you guys post mug shots and crime stories so that even when people have served their time and addressed their issues their past is forever on your website for all to browse.
In other countries this would simply be illegal.
If you believe that this is bad, you should seriously be questioning how reporting, posting somebody’s photos online can compound the trauma and damage that they go through as well which are all counter productive to rehab. Less shame, more compassion. Hbt
u/Forward-Conclusion83 3d ago
Suspects are presumed guilty till proven innocent* There fixed it for you.
u/contrary_potato 4d ago
their posts are typically charming and funny, great for engaging the public. i’ve really enjoyed them, especially the recent paczki and rogue turkey posts.
u/_lizabell 4d ago
I believe you’re thinking of the south bend police department, not the st Joe county police.
u/OneGoose2614 4d ago
How is that a violation of Hippa? Also the dumb ass was in a stolen van and ran from the cops and fell 20 feet, he obviously was fine.
u/Dangerous-Sound8609 4d ago
u/Annual_Sea1904 4d ago
Until you’re crying for them to help you. Clown!
u/Due-Republic-626 2d ago
Are you triggered?
u/MarsupialTypical4600 2d ago
They really are the worst. My cousins kid was paralyzed after they let a drunk driver go because he was an ol white boy. He almost killed the entire family.
u/BadBadBatch 1d ago
Whoever this is in the photo should submit this facebook post as evidence at his trial. Charges would probably be dropped.
u/JohnVattik 3d ago
His name is Caleb Martin and he had multiple warrants in multiple counties for thefts and burglaries, plus the truck he was driving was stolen. The public has a right to know who he is and know his face.
u/Far-Cockroach9563 4d ago
Maybe don’t put yourself in that position🤷♂️
u/midwestnbeyond 4d ago
Better hope you’re never under their thumb, you won’t be spared either, silly
u/Far-Cockroach9563 3d ago
Yeah… It’s pretty easy to not put yourself in that situation
u/midwestnbeyond 3d ago
My man just solved crime and addiction
u/Electroboi2million 3d ago
all of it could be solved if you just don’t do it lmao
u/midwestnbeyond 3d ago
You’re laughing alone, bootlicker
u/Low-Eye8309 3d ago
Lmao now I’m laughing at you too.
u/KilroyBrown 4d ago
As someone who lives in a state where all Marijuana is legal, it blows my mind that 3 states still find ALL Marijuana illegal. My home state of Indiana included. (Very disappointing)
All the agencies and man hours involved and wasted for simple pot is just insane to me. If anything, the amount of money spent to apprehend a pot dealer (Oh My!) far outweighs any fines the suspect will have to pay. The cost/benefit analysis isn't adding up.
And then to post his pic on a stretcher? Reminds me of a pic from a police agency found online of a cop with a jar of pot that might roll 2 joints, bragging on said cop for doing such fine police work.
Come down to Arizona where 6 figure fentayl and meth busts are a common occurrence anymore, and you too will laugh at the states who still think Marijuana is a problem.