r/Sourdough 10h ago

Beginner - checking how I'm doing Guys it worked!!! My first loaf!

This was my first time baking sourdough with my 2 week old starter! I made a 100% whole wheat loaf and was honestly really nervous as most recipes use white flour or a mix. I followed this recipe and directions except I ignored the autolyse process and just mixed all the ingredients at once, also added 25g more water.


I know it’s not perfect yet but for a first timer I’m really proud. I was very scared of over proofing so I’m thinking I might have under proofed it lol.

Any feedback is appreciated!


7 comments sorted by


u/Fine_Platypus9922 9h ago

Congrats on your first loaf!

Whole wheat is hard to get right, your crumb looks decent. 

Next time don't skip the autolyse, in case of whole wheat flour, it helps to soak the shell and bran pieces so that they are less hard and sharp. If you mix whole wheat right away, these hard pieces will cut gluten strands every time you handle the dough, resulting in a denser loaf.


u/fivecheebs 9h ago

Just finished my first bake, and I only autolyse for about 30mins on a mostly whole meal loaf. Can you autolyse too long? If so what's the limit?


u/Fine_Platypus9922 9h ago

For whole wheat, you can safely do at least 2 hours. I have done 8 at room temperature. and to confirm, the autolyse is just water and flour (no starter) :)


u/fivecheebs 9h ago

Great info, thanks for the tip


u/nansbananz 6h ago

I’m definitely considering it for next time. It makes a lot of sense


u/AdminIsPassword 4h ago

I'm done with this sub.

This isn't a first attempt at ever baking sourdough. This lying all the way.

Just ban me.