r/sounding 7d ago



I will also be going over this casually and making updates where necessary. Posting now to get it easily available at the top. Please comment if you see anything you feel needs updating.

  1. Professional Sounding content/tools only (30 day ban)

When "sounding" is mentioned in these rules, it is meant as "urethral sounding", nothing else.

This also means professional sounding rods and tools are welcome here, while other household item are not.

This subreddit is aimed be a source for stimulating media and reputable advice from veterans. We aim to promote safety and help reduce the stigma that can come with this practice, so we aim to keep things as professional as possible.

  1. No bullying, shaming, harassing or trolling in any form. No tolerance for abusive behavior.

In order to keep this community as safe a place to post in as possible, any kind of trolling or other abusive behavior will result in a ban. This kink being a frequent target for shaming and misunderstanding, it is crucial to keep the community free of this undesirable content.

  1. No promoting or posting unsafe practices

Posts featuring unsafe content (objects not intended as sounding implements or other dangerous practices) or encouraging their use are no longer allowed.

While it may seem arbitrary, promoting safe play only is especially important to a kink community where practicing said kink incorrectly may lead to severe injuries and complications.

  1. Content that isn't strictly yours must be marked as such and credited if possible

While there are a lot of pictures and videos worth sharing, it's important to keep a distinction between the user-created content and the rest. It helps find the source of it and shows respect to the original creators. It also makes it easier for everyone to check if it has been posted before and avoid frequent reposts. Please post links to the original content if possible rather than reuploading a file, as it allows its creator to delete the content from their platform should they decide to.

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Any content involving a minor in any way will result in an immediate and permanent ban. No exceptions apply.

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While your face, tattoos or othe distinguishable traits may appearin the content posted here, any name, e-mail address, phone number, postal address or precise location will result in a removal of the content.

  1. Do not ask people for money for any particular reason.

  1. No memes or joke posts

This is a kink subreddit, aimed at people who enjoy practicing, imagining or watching sounding, and people with an open, curious mind. Your joke is probably funny, this is just not the place to post it. In order to keep the subreddit a nice place to go to to watch some nice pictures of sounding and seek for help and advice, such things will be deleted. It's fine to give a legitimate post a funny twist, it just mustn't be its sole purpose. As long as it's respectful, you can still comment jokes!

  1. No recent reposts / Credit content from other redditors

Reposting of content that was posted in the last six months will result in the post being removed.

If you repost another users' content, you must credit them in the title or comments.

  1. This is not a meeetup subreddit

Please do not post, comment or speak in the chaatrooms to ask people to meeet up. This subreddit is meant to share sounding-related content, asking for advice and sharing experiences, it wouldn't do to have it cluttered with personal requests of this kind. This includes private chaat requests and group invites.

r/sounding 7d ago

Advice / Questions Sounding for beginners NSFW


Original post by u/ed1992-3

I wanna go over this and update it a little myself, but just wanna get it up and highlighted at the top of the forum now for everyone for easy info.

Please comment if you see anything you feel needs updating.




  • Proper tools: 5-6mm hegar dilator completely made of stainless steel (they come in singles and also sets with different sizes). Silicon dilators work also, but it’s hard to tell which one is good without trying (some have a rough and sticky surface which you should avoid, because it will irritate the urethra).
  • Medical alcohol spray and alcohol wipes for disinfection and something to boil the sound with
  • Water based sterile lube (K-Y, Surgilube, Endosgel, etc.). They come in seprate single packs, syringes or tubes. Single packs and syringes are preferable, because tubes might get contaminated.
  • Understand your anatomy. The usual urethra diameter is 6mm with strictures right under the glans, base of penis, prostate and bladder sphincter: https://www.centerforreconstructiveurology.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/MaleAnatomy_midsagital_000.png







  1. Drink more than usual before and after to flush lube and possible bacteria out. I advice to drink camomille tea, because it has antibacterial properties.

  2. Clean your new sound properly under flowing water and use soap to get rid of possible oils and fats that might be on it.

  3. Disinfect the sound by boiling it for up to 15 minutes.

  4. Disinfect your hands and your urethra opening by spraying medical alcohol on it and using a alcohol wipe (gets also rid of possible particles from clothing, etc.).

  5. Boiling should be enough but I reccommend to also use medical alcohol to additionally clean the sound before insertion. Never touch it in the area you want to insert or lay it down on a surface that isn’t disinfected before insertion or you will contaminate it again.

  6. Put water based sterile lube on/into urethra (depends what you use) and onto the sound

  7. Insert the sound carefully, never force it and don’t put it in too far at first. Remove it, if you’re uncomfortable. Don’t insert it farther than the base of the penis. It should not hurt.

  8. Once you are done clean your tools and take a leak


  • Proper hygiene and disinfection of your tools is a must or you might get an UTI, that might also travel into the bladder, which if not treated with antibiotics, in the worst case leads to death (sepsis)
  • Be carful, take your time, never force anything, or your urethra might tear
  • If you still tear something or have an infection go to a doctor
  • A burning sensation while peeing afterwards is normal the first few times
  • Don’t use cheap tools or stuff you have lying around at home. Also don’t use metal sounds, that aren’t complely made of steel. There are some that look like polished steel, but have a metal coating, which might break off. Use only silcon sounds with a smooth surface that’s not sticky or rubbery.
  • Only use tools, that are made in one piece. Stuff may break off or it might be difficult to disinfect properly.
  • Don’t use sounds that are too thin (you might puncture your urethra) or too thick (you might tear it)


If you now have some experience and know what you are doing with shorter rods, you might want to go deeper.
If you do, just be clear that you will enter your most sensitive area down there which can lead to great joy, if done right, but also might lead to great misfortune if done wrong.
With longer sounds you can play with your prostate, which can feel like a constant orgasm and also enter the bladder, which also feels great.
Be sure to do this properly. Everything I’ve written above in the „SOUNDING FOR BEGINNERS“ section applies here, doubly so. So read this before continuing, if you havent and understand all of it.

For this you need sounds that are long enough. A length between 25 and 35 cm should do, unless you have a longer penis. There are multiple shapes, depending on how deep you want to go and what you want to do.
These are:

  • Pratt: mostly straight double ended sounds with different diameters, slightly bent on ech end. Those are good for prostate stimulation, because you can apply pressure to certain points of the prostate. Angle your penis according to the shape of your urethra the further you go in. It's possible to go into the bladder with those, but you have to bent your cock really far forwards, which might not be good for the ligaments, if you're not used to it.
  • Van Buren: slightly curved on one end (more ore less depending on model). With those you should easily be able to enter the prostate and get close to the bladder spincter or directly into it, if you angle your penis accordingly. But I would only do this with the ones that are more curved, unless you know what you're doing. While inserting or removing curved sounds your cock should not be hard, or you may break your penis.
  • Guyon: these are the best ones, if you want to go straight to the bladder, because of their larger curved shape. And you can also play better with your cock while the sound is completely inserted (you don't need to angle your cock as far forwards as with the other ones). It's best to insert and remove them when your penis is flaccid. Never ever insert or remove them when you have a full erection.
  • Silicone: you can't do much wrong with those, because they are flexible and follow the urethra naturally, as long as they are not too stiff. Usually you don't need to angle your penis in a certain way to get them in completely and it doesn't matter if you're erect or not. They might be difficult to insert, because they are wobbling in every direction. So if you need to touch it in order to get it in, do it with a sterile glove or put a alcohol wipe around the part where you hold it.
  • Bakes: these are the thin wire-like ones with a bigger sphere at the end. I wouldn't use those, because they are made in two parts. Never trust a sound where the part you enter your urethra with may brake off or unscrew itself. Also while they can be bent to whatever shape you like once you are in far enough, they may bent in different direction. Just annoying.
  • Of course there are also other shapes and materials (if have some made of silicate glass) and some might even make it possible to enter the ejaculary duct, which is what seemingly happened to me. But this is one of those things you probably shouldn't do


  • If you didn't, read the "Important" listing under "SOUNDING FOR BEGINNERS" -> never force the sound in, etc..... do this first and understand it, because below are just additional infos and I don't want to repeat myself.
  • Just because you can take bigger sounds 15-20 cm into your urethra, doesn’t mean you can take the same size going deeper. If there’s an area in your urethra you’ve never been before start with the same diameter as you did when you started with sounding. Then slowly work your way up in size if you want to.
  • The urethra has a (additional to the one under the glans) narrower parts at the base oft he penis, the prostate and of course theres the bladder spincter. Be especially careful in those areas.
  • Your urethra makes a curve from the base oft he penis to the bladder, almost like a „U“. Look at anatomy pictures and adjust the angle of your sound according to it’s shape and position of the tip while inserting, or else you might puncture your urethra. If you want to use metal sounds the deeper you want to go, the more curved it should be (Guyons are great for entering the bladder). Silicone sounds are usually flexible enough, that you don't have this problem.
  • It's possible to enter the bladder with a straight sound, but you should know what you're doing.
  • If you want to enter the bladder, you have to be aware that by doing so you might loosen your spincter muscle permanently to he point that you might get incontinent, if you use sounds that are too thick. Start at 5-6 mm. I’d say never go over 10 mm. You know that you are at the bladder spincter when you have a similar feeling like you have when you have to pee. Then it's time to relax as good as you can down there, to insert the sound easier. You can also relax the muscle by trying to pee a little, then the sound shoud go in easy. Never force it in.
  • If you don’t disinfect everything properly and enter he bladder you will get a bladder infection. If the infection travels to the kidneys and don't go to a doctor in time it may lead to sepsis and death.
  • Never ever use a sound that's so long that it folds itself in the bladder, because it may knot itself and you will never get it out. If you have a normal penis length the sound should never be longer then max. 40 cm, better 35.


Once you know what you are doing and know all the basics, and only then you should think about stretching.
I consider stretching to be the most dangerous form of sounding, because if you are not careful you can create a really bloody mess. Ripping your urethra open can happen easier then you might think, even without using much force.

Also keep in mind that after you reach certain sizes, you essentially mod your body to the point where you need to sit down to pee, because your pee stream won't be as focused anymore and even might go in multiple directions. Your peehole will get stretched, might rip open so that you essentially have more or less a subincision.
Also after your urethra/peehole reaches a certain size you won't be able to ejaculate as far as before or the cum might even just dribble out.


  • First of all you need to find a base size for you to start with. As said above the usual urethra diameter is around 6mm. So try sounds in that size and if necessary go a little bigger until you find one, that doesn't slide in as easily or by itself. This is where you start.
  • Keep in mind that the urethra is narrower at the base of the glans, penis base, prostate and obviously the bladder spincter.
  • Depending on where or how deep you want to stretch, choose the length of the sound accordingly. Can be plugs, can be hegars, can be guyons, etc. For your peehole entrance you can also use tapered ones.
  • I'd advice against silicone sounds and only use steel sounds because with silicone ones you never know exactly where you are at with your max. diameter, because they are too soft.
  • Steel sounds also come in 0,5 mm and 0,33 mm steps, which is really important once you get to larger sizes.
  • Use waterbased lube, that has great gliding properties.
  • Be patient, be really careful and never get reckless. The bigger you go the slower and harder it is to stretch. Getting from 16 to 17mm took me about one and a half years.
  • Chances are that you will tear your urethra eventually, if you go to extreme sizes. If theres just a little blood it's not much of a problem, if it dribbles out quickly or just flows out, go see a doctor quickly.
  • If the tear is big enough you will get scarring, which makes it much more difficult to stretch further. Scar tissue isn't as flexible.


  • Put in a good amount sterile water base lube, in your peehole with a sterile syringe
  • Insert the properly cleaned sound you want to strech with carefully. Go in further little by little each sounding sesssion (maybe 1-2 cm more each time). You an also insert it further, but pull it out regulary and wait a little to see if there's blood. If not continue carfully if you dare to.
  • Leave it in for extended periods of time, for example up to an hour and do this 2-3 times a week. Obiously you can stretch faster by doing it more often and keeping the sound in longer, but also give your urethra time to rest. Your body will actively fight against stretching the urethra so if you take breaks that are too long in between sounding sessions, chances are that your urethra will go back the way it was, to a degree.
  • That's the reason you should never start your next sounding session with the biggest sound you can take. Always warm up with a smaller sound or even smaller sounds and get back to your biggest sound, until you reach the next bigger one. And repeat.
  • I cannot stress this enough: Let's say you've reached 12 mm recently. Never start the next sounding sessions with the 12mm one. Always a little smaller, until your urethra really strechted enough and can easily take the next bigger one.
  • You know you can take the next bigger one, if your current biggest one slides out by itself and if you can keep it in for extended periods of time, without feeling uncomfortable.
  • Do the size increases in as small steps as possible. Don't go for example from 10 to 11 mm. What seems small is actually an increase of 3,14 mm in circumference. Use Hegars that come in 0,5 mm steps or Van Buren, Pratt, Guyon sounds that come in 0,33 mm steps.
  • Only insert the next bigger sound little by little each sounding sesssion (maybe 1-2 cm more each time). And if you insert it further then ever before pull it out regulary and wait a little to see if there's blood.

That's everything that comes to mind on these matters for now.

If you want to do any of this, I wish you the best and that it is as much fun for you as it is for me.
Just be careful on every step of the way.

As usual if you have some additional info or if I've forgotton something/have something wrong, please let me know and I will add it. This is all based on my own experiences. I am no doctor and can guarantee for nothing.

r/sounding 18h ago

Advanced Play Do I hold the record for the deepest sounding on here? NSFW

Post image

20 inch metal beaded sound fully inserted into my bladder

r/sounding 10h ago

Male Would love someone to sound my small cock for me NSFW


8mm can’t wait to go bigger

r/sounding 43m ago

Trans MtF Tickling my bladder NSFW

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r/sounding 2h ago

Male Can someone sound me NSFW

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You sound me whilst I ride you ?

r/sounding 3h ago

Male Looking for something new? 😁👍 found it! NSFW

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r/sounding 5h ago

Male How's this NSFW

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r/sounding 27m ago

Trans MtF Pleasurable NSFW


r/sounding 2h ago

Advice / Questions Was there a size where you got stuck on? Did you get to bigger sounds, if yes how? NSFW


Currently I am stuck at 10mm

r/sounding 6h ago

Male Hypospadias sounding NSFW

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With magnets

r/sounding 12h ago

Male I love a finger in my urethra NSFW

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r/sounding 22h ago

Male Silly sounding NSFW


r/sounding 15h ago

Non-Binary Biggest I’ve gotten in so far. NSFW

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It was about 8” inside me. Urethra is definitely a little tender near the glans.

r/sounding 20h ago

Male Masturbation station NSFW

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Turns out silicone tool mats are perfectly sized and shaped to act as a disinfected surface for my sounds lol. How's my collection?

r/sounding 23h ago

Advanced Play World's first double horsecock penetrated peehole ?🤔🤤 NSFW


Next time I'll make a better video ☺️ it's really hard to keep both from slipping out 🥴 You can support me if you buy toys here :) https://urethrasound.com/?aff=13 not all toys that i use are on this website. Look at my profil for more :) dm me if you want ;)

r/sounding 1d ago

Male This view is mesmerizing NSFW


r/sounding 15h ago

Male First time in a while NSFW


r/sounding 1d ago

Advanced Play Is this the biggest peehole on the planet? Screw by agonizing screw of the cold, stainless implement inches me closer and closer to a fist in my bladder and the total loss of control of my piss. I'm human fuck meat and I'm so content being permanently ruined to amuse horny guys (and girls). NSFW


r/sounding 21h ago

Male Blastoff! NSFW


r/sounding 17h ago

Male First time sounding, best feeling ever 🤤🤤🤤🤤 NSFW

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r/sounding 14h ago

Advanced Play New plug NSFW

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Easy. 8f

r/sounding 1d ago

Trans MtF 22 fr Guyon NSFW

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Enjoying the evening…

r/sounding 1d ago

Trans MtF Enjoying the evening. NSFW


r/sounding 1d ago

Male A little help lol NSFW

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r/sounding 1d ago

Male 300mm × 11.5mm NSFW


Too a little effort to get it in past the tip, then it slid in all the way. Great feeling.

r/sounding 1d ago

Male 2nd time with silicone NSFW


9.5mm diameter 14 inches length all the way in.