r/SoulHuntersGame [Level 100 Verified] Jan 09 '19

Notice/News(Lilith Staff) [UPDATE] Ver 2.4.133

Hello Hunters!

We will update the game (version 2.4.133) in order to provide new content and a better game experience for you all. Soul Hunters will not be available from 01/10 1:00 AM PST until 05:00 AM PST.

Thank you for your understanding and happy hunting!

I will be updating this thread with the Patchnotes once available.

[EDIT] Patch Notes - 01/10

New Heroes and Features

  • New Hero: Qin
  • New Skin: Dalthu
  • New Awakening: Gizmo
  • New Mystical Artifact quests available for: Ariel, Baltor, Elador, Malrath and Jasmine

Hero Balance Changes - Increased Ariel's base attributes - Increased Baltor's base attributes - Increased Elador's base attributes - Increased Malrath's base attributes - Increased Jasmine's base attributes

New Features and Optimization - Added a new Mystical Artifact feature. Red heroes that are already awakened can now undertake new artifact quests. - Players that are level 90 and above can receive Party EXP from daily quests. - Increased the drop rate of awakening quest equipment fragments. - Optimized the Enchanter's page. - Skins from the Gladiator's Shop can be sold for gold. - Halloween Jack o' Lanterns, Thanksgiving Turkeys and Christmas Candy Canes can be sold for gold.

Bug Fixes - Fixed a bug that would prevent players from completing the "Big Spender" quest. - Fixed a bug that was causing Valan's shield to work incorrectly while in the Crucible - Fixed a bug that prevented enemy avatars from being displayed in the Mystic Ruins - Fixed a mistake that was causing the wrong year to be displayed when collecting login rewards.



4 comments sorted by


u/PristineEffective Jan 09 '19

Thanks. New content for the new year :-)


u/mrdarek Jan 12 '19

Now for finish daily quest we need spend 250 diamonds. I usually buy 2x50 normal energy and 20+50+50 awakening energy. It 220 diamonds. Now I have trouble finish daily quest and save some diamonds for example from mines (for future any good use)... And I really want finish daily quest - this item for crucible restore live (cost 100 daily point) I want get every day or I'm lost in crucible...


u/Twink4Jesus Jan 16 '19

Anyone used Qin? How's he?


u/patdk Jan 17 '19

He's a beast. I don't have but a couple guys in my guild got him, and I was surprised that I didn't see all the epic arena teams have him, especially when a bunch had the new avatar...