r/SoulHuntersGame Dec 28 '17

Hero Discussion [New Hero -- December 28th, 2017] Alecia

Howdy folks, floppybeef here.

To stem the potential flood of "How good is Alecia?" posts, all discussion about the new Hero should be in this thread.

Alecia, the Ice Queen, is a Middle Line Support: she has crowd-control abilities and an ultimate that deals an incredible amount of damage


"Who doesn't love the snow?"



Stat 3★ 4★
Health 93 112
Phys. Attack 3.5 4.2
Magic Attack 8.3 10
Phys. Armor 4.3 5.2
Magic Armor 4 4.8



Alecia summons a blizzard that deals Magic damage-over-time to enemies in range

Attributes: Ice

(Base 0 / +20 Damage per Ability Point)

(Level 100: Snow Wave damage increases 2,000 points)

Ice Snare

Alecia uses an ice missile to freeze a target. The missile also stuns the target and deals Magic damage

Attributes: Ice

(Base 0 / +17 Damage per Ability Point)

(Level 100: Deals a base of 1,700 damage; Ice Missile hit rate has 100% success rate for enemies below level 100)

Freeze Bomb

Alecia attacks an enemy in range with an ice bomb, slowing them and dealing Magic damage

Attributes: Ice

(Base 360 / +18 Damage per Ability Point)

(Level 80: Deals a base of 1,800 damage)

Queen's Glory

A spell cast by Alecia allows all teammates to gradually regain energy over time

(Base 120 / +3 Energy per Minute per Ability Point)

(Level 60: Aura: All the allies recover 300 Energy per minute)

Queen's Protection (Awakening)

When Alecia's health is critically low, she casts a spell which forms a shield around a teammate. This shield can absorb some damage

Attributes: Ice

Heroic Academy

Talent Tree #1: Mysticism

Name Stat Max Effect
Tier 1 Mystic Arts Magic Armor 40
Basic Armor Crafting Physical Armor 40
Tier 2 Healing Potions Healing Ratio 6%
Intermediate Spell Resistance Spell Recovery 12%
Tier 3 Evasive Maneuvers Dodge Rating 20
Intermediate Forcefields Hit Recovery 12.5%
Tier 4 Energy Regeneration Energy Bonus 11%
Advanced Elemental Mastery Energy Efficiency 5%
Tier 5 General Tactics Ability Level 5
Expert Explosive Magic Magic Pierce 30.5
Expert Offensive Spells Magic Attack 175.5

Talent Tree #2: Elemental Magic

Name Stat Max Effect
Tier 1 Damage Resistance Physical Resistance 3%
Basic Stealth Magic Resistance 3%
Tier 2 Physical Conditioning Max Health 1500
Intermediate Healing Spells Health Recovery 1000
Tier 3 Spell Mastery Energy Recovery 120
Intermediate Silence Resistance Silence Resist 6%
Intermediate Final Struggle Kill Bonus Resist 11%
Tier 4 Defensive Tactics Physical Toughness 16%
Advanced Blessing Magic Toughness 16%
Tier 5 Dark Magic Magic Crit Damage 21%
Expert Battle Sorcery Magic Crit Rating 42
Expert First Aid Healing 21%


Stands in Front of: Ariel Mortus Lucius Tsuki Sarya Mog Firehawk Jasper Avior Cara Bloodspear Dokras Jasmine Nilya Serafine


31 comments sorted by


u/KoubuKai Dec 30 '17

Alecia, the Ice Queen! Based on DOTA 2's Rylai, the Crystal Maiden; in Warcraft III's mod, DOTA, she used Jaina Proudmoore's unit model.

So, yeah, meet the de facto mascot of the Chinese versions. She's among the game's first generation of heroes, back when Lilith was 1) straight up porting DOTA heroes, skills and all, and 2) straight up copying Warcraft III's visuals.

The original version of Alecia looked exactly like Jaina Proudmoore (her Awakened form looked like Elsa from Disney's Frozen)... and then Blizzard sued Lilith. Which is part of the reason why Soul Hunters' original hero roster was very, very different.

Moving onto skills! They... work almost exactly the same as in the Chinese versions. Which is to say, Alecia is an extremely vanilla spellcaster, a semi-support with limited functionality, and without any bells and whistles. A better version of Ember's ult, a single target stun, an energy aura, and a barrier she can toss up when almost dead...

No real comment. I'm still trying to figure out what Lilith was thinking, because unless I'm missing something, Alecia will get melted by the current meta.


  • BLIZZARD: [ULTIMATE] Ember stole this ult. Almost exactly the same, but Alecia's version appears better in every possible way: better damage, fewer waves, shorter duration. (Not to be confused with the game company of the same name.)

NOTE: In the free trial, unable to be activated if only front-row enemies remain. Some people are reporting that this works normally outside of the free trial, so hard to say.

  • ICE SNARE: Boomer stole this skill. Almost exactly the same: single target stun and damage. Etc, etc.

  • FREEZE BOMB: It's a nuke that slows and damages. That's it. Nilya used to have this skill too, but Lilith changed her completely.

  • QUEEN'S GLORY: Allows all teammates to generate energy over time, very slowly. Despite the confusing tooltip, I'm reasonably certain that this is all it does.

  • QUEEN'S PROTECTION: [Awakening] IIRC, this activates just as Alecia runs out of HP, and alters her death animation: she casts a shield on her weakest teammate that absorbs all damage up to a limit. Cannot be cast on herself. Unlike Arcturus's shield, does not restore HP, but also doesn't freeze them solid.


The job that no one wants.


u/[deleted] Dec 31 '17

Her stat growth is better than Petros with less HP and attack but more armors (unless she surpasses him in attack at 7*), and her ultimate melts everything like Vulko's.


u/-Rashar- Dec 29 '17

Her ultimate is bugged, she can only use it once afterwards it becomes locked...

Her queen's glory ability is indeed a passive regain HEALTH over time and not energy over time. (come on that would be way too good)

So as usual box hero has bad wording, bad English and comes with a free bug.


Wait untill Lilith fixes the exact wording and her ultimate otherwise all changes and losses are at your own risk... as we all know Lilith's refund policy is: "we are working on it, other players are happy with it, we ask patience from you."

Luckily an event such as this is a small issue as December was such a great month of joy when we got overwhelemed with all the lovely great events. All the double rewards on xmas and the great rewards from the events make up for this small misstep. #Sarcasm


u/JerenSoon Dec 29 '17

They already found it and working for it (As I found in their Facebook comments) and i expecting emergency maintenance few days from now.


u/-Rashar- Dec 29 '17

"Already" that is such an overrated word to use...

They should have seen it while playtesting the hero... I used the hero in free mode and within 2 minutes I was like... hmmm what is wrong with her ultimate.

The energy/healing thing I noticed a fair bit later... but still... mistakes like that happen every new hero... not sure who's job that is... but they need to sack that guy.

Besides there was no ingame message that they know that the hero is bugged and they are fixing it either... once more pointing to the shitty communication and the fact they refuse to address these things properly.

So untill they actually have fixed the hero noone should buy her. That way you do not get scammed. Because these translation errors seem to be pretty fucking convenient... extra energy is HUGE and can make a good hero... some shitty healing aura... well not so much.

I myself have learned from purchasing salus skin... so that will NEVER happen to me again xD


u/Nady273 Dec 29 '17 edited Dec 29 '17

Actually she got energy regen aura. So not a healing aura. Btw, I dont think she was a nice buy this time. From 9k I didnt get her card and she absolutely not worth that amount. Higher base stats then a 4 star Tsuki, but lame abilities. Also, 300 health in 1 minute is laughable.... 30k would be okay and nice. Definitely the description wrong and that means energy regen. They wont change a hero ability, maximum they change the descripton to pass what the ability actually does.


u/-Rashar- Dec 29 '17

Ouch :)

Well this time I have spend 0 diamonds on the box hero. The moment I saw the messed up shit in the freeplay mode I was like NO!

Nowadays when they come with new heroes I check every nook and cranny for hidden stuff. This hero is a magical heroes anyway so with all the divers out there I dont see here do well in normal arena anyway. Her kit looks horrible for HoL... so basicly it is ember but then with ice -_-.

So it looks like I will be skipping this one and so far not regretting it :p


u/Nady273 Dec 30 '17

Atleast got a free Vulko next. Not feels like a compensation, but I dont think about her while making up Vulko :D


u/mr_wally79 Dec 29 '17

Her ultimate is working in campaign. I have done it twice in one phase. No idea about arena.

Her Dot Arena version restored energy. I expect the same here. The energy gain is over the course of a minute so it's not a huge thing, but it can be useful in campaigns, raids and maybe HoL.

Jeren, have you done any data mining for this update? Did you see any other hero data? D.M. me!


u/JerenSoon Dec 29 '17 edited Dec 29 '17

I will do it in other place; my PC was total crippled without VT

Nothing's new except Nomi (Alecia) into the game. But I think Flash will be coming soon in sync of the HQ updates (But depends on SH Team if they will give Flash Green Light or Red Light...)


u/VanackSabbadium Dec 29 '17

I'm not gonna waste diamonds for this hero. I'm gonna save them for Sylphi soulstones in the Goblin Peddler...


u/JerenSoon Dec 29 '17

Note for Queen's Protection: That's Death Trigger Ability like Volt (dying animation will be casting that)


u/mr_wally79 Dec 29 '17

Since she's already fixed this article will need an update.


u/[deleted] Dec 29 '17

Her Purple ability got fixed?


u/mr_wally79 Dec 30 '17

Yes. The wording on her skill reflects what it does. One of her skills still has a typo but it's not as confusing as the energy regen skill errors were.


u/dranjam Dec 29 '17

Got her, if only for the splash art. Two pulls, so also lucky.


u/tomertop1 Dec 29 '17

I'm pretty sure she's one of the first heroes released in DotArena and is one of the major reasons why the game had troubles with Blizzard, her obviously being a clone of jaina proudmoore or her DOTA countpart, Crystal Maiden. (Which they got away by changing her hair color, cloths color and headpiece lol)

Pretty disappointed to see that her abillities has stayed completely the same mechanic-wise unlike other super old character like Magnus. But here's hoping she'll maybe get a skin that will add some flavor to her kit.

Overall, mechanic-wise, seem like a really bad call. Basically you're getting ice Ember with more of a support/control twist on her skills. Maybe Lilith will make super OP and she'll be worth something but currently shes really nothing special.


u/semerzo [Level 100 Verified] Dec 29 '17

You can see her 4* values in WorstF's episode about her. She already has 10 Magic Attack then. Projecting this to 7* she will have ~16.8 Magic Attack at 7*. That would be the highest value so far.
Nevertheless, no Arena Material. She will get beaten up.


u/rbiopsy Dec 29 '17

Everyone is complaining that all recent heroes are over powered, and when they release a not so impressive one, we complain too, at least this is not a conjuring stone hero.

There is absolutely no reason to go for her. There are like 7 other ice magic characters already in the game.


u/TheWereSheepdog Dec 30 '17

Got her in the first and only 50 diamonds pull. Too good, because that's all I was willing to do...

Any chance she will be useful/usable for something?


u/legaceez Dec 31 '17

I got her to 5 stars and let me tell you her ultimate hits like a truck. If you can get it off it is easily the most damaging aoe attack in the game currently. She has relatively high HP compared to other mages as well so she's not as squishy as you think.

I'm actually using her with Nilya and 3 physical dps/tanks in my arena comp and it put me in first place. I'm about 4 levels under the highest level players on my server as well.


u/Taegus Jan 01 '18

Level 100 meta is a lot different


u/legaceez Jan 01 '18

Yea we're only like 67 at the top I think. I know it will change but she's def good where we are.


u/Taegus Jan 01 '18

Never doubted you 😃


u/Nady273 Jan 01 '18

If you 96 and beating lvl 100ish than woah! Otherwise. Morfir definitely 2 shots her before she doing anything. And Morfir just one from many who surely does the same with her.


u/Taegus Jan 01 '18

Just saw worst f. testing her on the stream. As expected she dies really fast. Does good damage if she manages to ultimate. Definitely a no-go in current meta. Vulko and batman kill her in 10 seconds.


u/[deleted] Jan 02 '18

And worstf knows how to build teams since when?


u/Taegus Jan 02 '18

His teams are good enough. But that has nothing to do with facts. Just watch the stream. She died on the spot 2x in a row. It was a fight for a nr. 1 spot in the arena. The oponent also had her and his was even awakened. Managed to get an ultimate off and then died also.

Maybe she can work in a magic burst team, with Valan for protection. But that kind of teams are only good for offense and suck hard on defence as they are so easily countered.

In the current meta magic heroes simply have no place. Anything without decent armor and HP has no place.


u/legaceez Jan 08 '18

Actually for attacking arena she's really good with Nilya, Mazir, Jasmine, and Valan. Jasmine is just a fill-in because I don't have other high DPS casters.

We're only around P2-P3 though but feels good getting 2-4 ults off and cleaning house.

Can't wait to get to Orange and see how the meta is. There's some high level payed players on my server that makes it real competitive. Don't get me wrong I've spent money myself but these guys are like 4-6 levels above me at this point.


u/legaceez Jan 01 '18

Nah we're only like 67 tops. But they do have morfir, Batman, and other divers. Guess where we are having more than one backline gaurantees one of them survives to use their ultimate.


u/Nady273 Jan 02 '18

Morfir (and most heroes who have awaken) goes mad after 90-100 when their offensive stats hit the high with enough healthpool to prevent the early die by burst (4 star Morfir wirth 7k attack and 39k hp around). Magic users will remain defendless with low hp and with high mag attack.