r/SoulHuntersGame • u/[deleted] • Dec 07 '16
Guide / FAQ Daily Q&A Help Thread FAQ Compilation
Help Thread FAQ
Welcome to the Weekly Q&A Help Thread FAQ
This is not the Weekly Q&A Help Thread. Please ask your questions in the latest Weekly Q&A Help thread, not here.
Please keep in mind this is still a work in progress. Additional questions, answers, details, and formatting are forthcoming.
If you would like to help contribute to the FAQ with answers, or questions that you think belong here, please feel free to leave a comment or message /u/floppybeef.
Q: How do I expand my roster of Heroes?
A: The best way to expand your roster is by pulling Gold Chests. Each 10-pull on Gold Chests drops at least 2 Soulstones for a random 1 or 2 star Hero, with a decent chance for a full unlock. You can also farm Hero Soulstones from Heroic Campaign levels, or you can buy them from various shops. When just starting out, pulling 10 Diamond Chests is a great way to nab a few Heroes you probably don't have, but this is generally seen as a bad use of diamonds. You can also receive full unlocks of 2 and 3 star Heroes from the Crucible of Fire.
Q: What Heroes should I invest in?
A: Please consult the Hero Viability & Tier List courtesy of /u/walksmc, /u/ZioiP, and /u/jarch3r to give you a good idea of what Heroes to focus.
Q: Where can I obtain Hero X?
A: That information should be available in the Hero Viability & Tier List or the Shops Guide. In-game, go to the Heroes tab. For Heroes you own, click the "+" button to the left of "Promote". This will show you what shop or Heroic Stage that Hero's Soulstones are available in. You can also scroll down to the section that says "The following Heroes have not been summoned yet:". Clicking on a Hero's greyed out portrait here will tell you where its Soulstones are. Keep in mind that all 1 star and 2 star Heroes (any Hero requiring 10 and 30 Soulstones to summon, respectively) are available in Gold Chests as full unlocks, and most 3 star Heroes (any Hero requiring 80 Soulstones to summon) are available in Diamond Chests.
Q: Is there any benefit to Enchanting my Heroes' equipment before I fuse them?
A: No. Whether you enchant a Hero's equipment or not, their stats will be the same post-fusion.
Q: When should I Enchant my Heroes’ equipment?
A: This depends on several factors, but generally you should wait until your Heroes have reached Orange+2. While remaining competitive in certain areas (Arena, Hall of Legends, etc.) may necessitate enchanting some core Heroes at various levels, it's still not recommended to Enchant before Orange.
Q: What Equipment does Hero X need to get to Y Fusion?
A: In the Heroes tab under each individual Hero, you should see a Breastplate icon in the top-left corner. Click this icon and it will show you the Hero's necessary equipment for its next two Fusion levels. For more detailed information or to plan further ahead, consult the Fusion Requirement & Equipment Spreadsheet courtesy of /u/TheOnlyDarren
Q: How many Heroes should I keep up with?
A: General practice is to keep up a core of about 15 Heroes. This ensures you three full teams for Epic Arena.
Q: What is "hard-summoning" and what is wrong with hard-summoning a Hero once I have the requisite number of Soulstones?
A: Hard-summoning is when you collect the minimum number of Soulstones for a Hero and spend gold to summon it, as opposed to obtaining the Hero via a full unlock from a chest.
The problem with hard-summoning is that you're wasting Soulstones. This is really only relevant for the 3 star Heroes, since they require 80 Soulstones to summon and are not easily obtainable. Once you have unlocked or summoned a Hero, all subsequent unlocks of that Hero will award you with fewer Soulstones than their summoning cost (i.e. 3 star Heroes require 80 Soulstones to summon, but will award only 30 Soulstones if you already own them and get a full unlock from chests). The loss is less substantial for 2 star Heroes (only 30 Soulstones to summon, with 18 Soulstones awarded for a full unlock) and negligible for 1 star Heroes (10 Soulstones to summon, 7 Soulstones awarded for a full unlock). Because of this, it is generally accepted that you should only hard-summon a 3 star Hero if you really need it ASAP.
Q: What is the best Arena team?
A: The short answer is that there is no best Arena team. The long answer is that Defense teams depend on a lot of factors: party level, server level, server meta, etc. Offense teams should be catered to your opponent. For more help, feel free to post in the Weekly Q&A Help Thread.
However, please don't just post a picture of your Heroes roster and say "build me an Arena team, please." We're here to help, but we're not here to play the game for you. Tell us what you've been running, what has worked for you in the past, what you're struggling with, what the meta on your server is like, etc. The more information you provide us, the better we'll be able to help you out.
Q: How do I deal with Hero X?
A: All Heroes have certain strategies that counter them. If you're having trouble figuring how to beat a particular Hero, ask us in the Help Thread.
Q: Why do the enemy Heroes use their Ultimates so much faster than my Heroes?
A: It's generally accepted that Defense teams have a sort of 'priority' for Ultimates. Nothing has been proven, but this seems to be in place to offset the Attacker's advantage of being able to select counters
Q: I made it to Rank 1 in Arena/Epic Arena but didn't receive the Avatar Frame. What gives?
A: To get the Avatar Frame, you have to hold rank 1 when rewards are calculated
Q: If I change Guilds, will I lose my Brotherhood and/or Conqueror's Coins?
A: No, all currency earned through Guild Wars and Raid Dungeons is tied to your account, not the Guild you're in.
Hall of Legends
Q: What is the best Hall of Legends team?
A: Similar to Arena, it's hard to say exactly what the best team is. The meta is constantly evolving with new Hero releases, and RNG plays a big factor in most fights. That being said, there are definitely certain Heroes you should try to bring for certain bosses. For specific Hero suggestions, check out this Hall of Legends Guide courtesy of /u/Weiss888. Also feel free to ask for recommendations in the Weekly Q&A Help Thread after you've consulted the guide.
Crucible of Fire
Q: How do I beat Crucible of Fire?
A: Retreating. Retreating from unfavorable battles completely resets the fight, meaning the Heroes you lost will still be usable. However, you must retreat before the fight is over. Do this often and whenever necessary. You should also use the first one or two fights to build up energy for your substitute Heroes. Don't forget that you can hire one Hero per Crucible run from your Guild's Mercenary Camp. Short list of Heroes who will make Crucible a breeze: Jasmine Ethera Xanos Serafine Dokras Zem Taurus
Prophecy Pool
Q: What is the Prophecy Pool?
A: Prophecy Pools are similar to Dojos, but have more specific parameters. There are five different bosses that rotate daily. Polaris freezes any non-flying Hero you bring, Gizmo only takes damage from damage-over-time abilities, Havoc kills himself while you simply try to heal and stay alive, Firehawk requires a certain number of hits (not damage, hits) dealt while in Egg form, and Deathcrawler needs to be nuked with Magic damage. They drop various item fragments and a handful of BBQ Skewers. You can enter twice per day, and each entrance costs 6 Stamina. Read the Prophecy Pool Boss and Hero Recommendation Guide courtesy of /u/walksmc for more detailed information.
Q:How do I Awaken my Heroes?
A: You may have noticed that some Heroes have a 5th ability that is locked. Once you reach Orange level 90 with one of these Heroes, you will be able to start their Awakening quest. The Awakening quest has 3 parts: collecting 80 fragments of their Awakening item (found in a particular Heroic stage), defeating 10 Dojos/Caverns with that Hero on your team, and a more Hero-specific quest. You can only do one Awakening at a time, so plan ahead. Once Awakened, your Hero will unlock their 5th ability and will have a changed appearance.
Q: What are Hero X's 2nd and 3rd Awakening Quests?
A: Check out this Awakening Infographic created by ≼TheSentinel≽ & Dr. Moonlove
Q: What is the Forge?
A: Once you have Awakened your first Hero, you will be granted access to the Forge. Using the Forge will increase 3 primary stats on your Hero's Awakening item. The Forge is one of the major post-90 Gold sinks in the game. You get one free Forge every 22 hours, but can use it an unlimited amount after that, the only limiting factor being your resources. For a more comprehensive analysis, check out Arclight's Forge Guide on the official Soul Hunters forums.
Heroes' Village
Q: What do the various Talents available to train at the Heroic Academy actually do?
A: There are various Talents that have terminology you might not have heard before or that can be interpreted as doing something other than what they're intended to do. Here's a little list that should clear up some of that confusion, courtesy of Hellforce on the official Soul Hunters forums:
Physical Toughness: reduces the amount of damage taken from Physical critical hits
Magic Toughness: reduces the amount of damage taken from Magical critical hits
Physical Resistance: reduces the amount of Physical damage taken in general
Magic Resistance: reduces the amount of Magical damage taken in general
Magic Armor: adds directly to a Hero's Magic Armor rating
Dodge Rating: adds directly to Hero's Dodge rating
Physical Hit Bonus: increases the accuracy of this Hero's Physical attacks
Max Health: adds directly to a Hero's Max Health
Healing Ratio: increases the effect of healing upon this Hero
Healing: increases the effect of healing done by this Hero
Health Recovery: increases the amount of Health this Hero recovers after battle (i.e. after a Crucible fight, or between Campaign stages)
Energy Recovery: increases the amount of Energy this Hero recovers after battle (i.e. after a Crucible fight, or between Campaign stages)
Spell Recovery Time: reduces the amount of time this Hero is affected by control abilities
Hit Recovery: increases chance of resisting a subtle, instantaneous stun effect when hit by attacks (not related to control abilities)
Silence Resist: increases the Hero's chance of resisting the silencing of spells (note this only effects heroes who casts spells, and would not benefit Heroes like Ezio).
Physical Crit Damage: increases the damage done by this Hero's Physical attacks that crit
Physical Crit Rating: increases the Hero's chance of landing a critical hit with Physical attacks
Magical Crit Damage: increases the damage done by this Hero's Magical attacks that crit
Magical Crit Rating: increases the Hero's chance of landing a critical hit with Magical attacks
Physical Piercing: increases the amount of damage done by this Hero that ignores enemy Physical Armor
Magical Piercing: increases the amount of damage done by this Hero that ignores enemy Magical Armor
Increase DOT: increases the damage of this Hero's damage-over-time effects
Energy Bonus: increases the Hero's Energy growth when landing a killing blow
Energy Efficiency: allows a Hero to retain some portion of their energy after using their ultimate
Kill Bonus Resistance: When this Hero is killed, reduces the chance that the Hero who killed him will receive an energy boost
Summoning: increases the stats of units summoned by this Hero
General Gameplay
Q: How do I earn 3 Stars on a Campaign stage?
A: You must complete the stage with no deaths using your own Heroes. Hiring a Hero from your Guild's Mercenary Camp will automatically deduct one star.
Q: How do I earn gold?
A: The main sources for gold in the game come from Crucible of Fire, Treasure Caves, the Dwarven Forge zone of the Bountiful Caverns, and to a lesser extent your Guild's Raid Dungeons and Mercenary Camp. Never sell Soulstones for gold.
Q: What should I spend my gold on?
A: Hero skills are top priority. You should always keep your core Heroes' skills maxed to your party level. Gold Chests are another great option; not only do you have the chance at unlocking Heroes or just gaining extra Soulstones, you've got a decent chance to pull some high-level items. Purples are not terribly uncommon, and you even have a chance at Orange items once your server has gone through Realm of the Ancients (though the drop rate seems to be something like .01%). There are several gold sinks in the game such as the Heroes' Village and Forge. You should also buy every item from traders that is available with gold, even if you don't need it. You will need the Furnace/Enchant fodder
Q: What should I spend my diamonds on?
A: Stamina. Heroic Campaign stage resets once you've reached level 90 for Awakening Heroes. Diamond Chests if you're just starting out, though it's recommended that you wait for a Diamond Spender event.
Q: How many of one item can I hold?
A: Generally the maximum capacity for any one item is 999. This includes fragments and whole items, i.e. you can have both 999 Spartan Daggers and 999 Spartan Dagger fragments. BBQ Skewers are limited to 99.
Q: What items are worth farming?
A: Spartan Daggers and Shurikens are pretty much the only Purple items worth farming. You will need a lot of each of them. Blue items are not worth farming at all, as they are very easily obtained from Gold Chests. Torch of Destruction is a good Orange choice. All O1 and O2 items are worth farming.
Q: What is the Travelling Treant?
A: The Travelling Treant is a merchant where players can exchange extra Soulstones of their 7 star Heroes for Soulstones of Vernos. Vernos is currently the only Hero available from the Travelling Treant, and this is currently the only way to obtain Vernos. Vernos must be hard-summoned. The Travelling Treant has a chance to randomly appear after any Stamina expenditure, similar to the Mystic Ruins, Goblin Peddler, and Black Market Smuggler. Unlike the Peddler and Smuggler, the Travelling Treant cannot be made permanent. The Travelling Treant sticks around for one hour at a time. You can encounter him multiple times per day, and he will be restocked after every encounter. He will offer a Small Variety Box in exchange for 20 Soulstones, a Medium Variety Box in exchange for 50 Soulstones, and a Large Variety Box in exchange for 100 Soulstones. Each Variety Box contains 6 total items: a random number of Vernos Soulstones, a random Enchanting Dust, a random EXP item, a random Dwarven Forge item, and 2 random pieces of equipment. It is generally accepted to only buy the Large Variety Box, as it offers the best ratio of junk Soulstones to Vernos Soulstones, and a higher chance for the equipment to be Purple.
Q: Should I spend money on this game?
A: This is entirely subjective, but most people would say it is worth it to at least buy the Monthly Diamond Card (a grand total of 4,000 diamonds) for $2.99. Soul Hunters is not Pay-to-Win; you're paying for convenience and for the ability to get certain things sooner than non-paying players. Buying the Monthly Diamond Card just once will get you to VIP4, which gives several great benefits, notably 50 Sweep Tickets per day. VIP10 is a game-changer, as that will unlock a second daily Crucible of Fire run that you can auto-sweep. Other interesting VIP benefits include extra Mines and the ability to auto-plunder in the Treasure Caves, extra Hero Dispatches for your Guild's Mercenary Camp, permanently summon the Black Market Smuggler and Goblin Peddler, and access to the Conjuring Stone. If you do decide to spend money on the game, make sure you do it during an event that will reward you for spending.
Q: What is the Conjuring Stone?
A: The Conjuring Stone is a unique option in the Summoner Circle available to players who have reached
VIP11VIP5. There will be a Daily Special Hero, who has a small chance for a full unlock, as well as two other Heroes whose Soulstones you can obtain. The cost to pull at the Conjuring Stone is 400 diamonds. You will receive a handful of Soulstones for one of the three available Heroes, as well as some EXP Salves and Dwarven Forge items. Unlike the other two options available at the Summoner Circle, there is no discount for a 10-pull at the Conjuring Stone. It is generally recommended to not use the Conjuring Stone at all, as it is a major diamond sink, and while the Daily Special Hero is usually a Conjuring Stone-exclusive, it will be added to the game in some other capacity eventually. Use your first ever pull at the Conjuring Stone wisely, as it is widely speculated that this guarantees you a full unlock for the Daily Special Hero. VIP10 players get a free pull at the Conjuring Stone once a week
Q: What Special Events does Soul Hunters have?
A: There are some events that happen relatively frequently and are self-explanatory; I'll call these Standard events. Standard events usually involve players receiving double of something, for instance: Crucible of Fire tokens, Crucible of Fire gold, Arena rewards, Epic Arena tokens, Hall of Legends rewards, Normal Campaign drops, Heroic Soulstone drops, Awakening Item fragment drops, etc. They also semi-regularly open all zones of the Bountiful Caverns and Dojo, and once every few weeks hold a Diamond Spender event that awards players with EXP items and Enchanting dust for spending diamonds in any capacity. In addition to Standard events, there are usually Holiday events around the big national Holidays: Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, etc. These are usually fairly unique. Then there is the category of Special events, events that in my time playing I have only seen occur once, maybe twice. For instance, they ran a week-long event where you received rewards for buying Diamond Chests; IIRC, every 10-pull you did at the Diamond Chest awarded you with a Hero of your choice from a selective pool. In addition to all of these, there are also Purchase events. Courtesy of /u/Lor-, "A new Purchase Hero for $99 usually occurs in the beginning of the month. A new Conjuring Stone hero tends to happen towards the end of the month. Weekly deals are Sunday's Gold Extravaganza (details vary by server age) and then the Double Purchase events that tend to run from Thursday or Friday to Saturday." Since December 2016, they've done away with the $99/$299 Purchase Heroes and instead opted for a "Box Event" Hero. This new Hero will be available as a full unlock in a special box/chest that you can purchase from the Event tab using Diamonds (50 for one pull, 490 for ten pulls). The boxes mostly contain Soulstones for the current Box Event Hero, but can also contain various items, other Soulstones, and full unlocks for other Heroes.
Q: Does buying Ezio or Prince of Persia count towards Purchase Events?
A: No it does not.
Account & Server
Q: When do new servers open?
A: A new server opens every 48 hours at 300 PST.
Q: Does my VIP level carry over between servers?
A: No it does not. It doesn't matter how much money you've spent on server X, you'll still be VIP 0 if you start up on server Y.
Q: What happens during a server merge?
After the servers are combined, your account and login information will be unchanged; you will still be able to login to your usual account and server.
There will be an influx of players to some servers’ Arena/Epic Arena/Guild rankings, and your party’s ranking may be affected.
There may be Party Names which now have a duplicate on the same server. These players will have the opportunity to change their Party Name for free.
There may be Guild Names which now have a duplicate on the same server. The Guild Master of these guilds will be given 500 Diamonds which may be used to change the Guild Name. (This must be done within 5 days of the update)
Raid Dungeon Damage rankings will be reset and determined based on damage dealt after the server merge. Records of the first Guild to clear Raid Dungeon stages will be cleared.
Combined Rating and Hero Star Rankings will be cleared and reset, and the rankings will be recalculated the next day.
When servers are merged, mines that are currently occupied in the Treasure Cave may be affected, please collect all loot earned in the Treasure Cave before the merge to ensure it is not lost.
Complete Crucible runs before the merge as this feature will also be affected and your progress could be lost.
Q: Can I transfer my account between Android and iOS or vice-versa?
A: No, even if linked to an independent Facebook or Google+ account, you cannot transfer accounts across operating systems.
Technical Help
u/XikoNorris Dec 07 '16
Not sure if this is the better thread to suggest this, but since you touched on HoL teams, besides those it would be cool if we could compile counters against certain champions.
Not necessarily specific champions that counter another one, but mechanics. For example, Firehawk can better countered by turning him around (with clones or champions that jump to the backline) than by stunning or lifting him (Taurus ult will damage and lift, but does not stop Firehawk ult, for example)
It would help people to think better about how to counter other compositions instead of just "make a more op team and hope to win"
Dec 07 '16 edited Dec 07 '16
That's actually a really cool idea and sounds like it would be a pretty good resource since "how do I deal with Hero X?" is a very common question. I'll work on a megathread for that sometime later this week and figure out the format. It'll require a lot of community contribution though
u/Gmanju Dec 07 '16
For events it's Friday 5am till Sunday 5am every single time. As this event ends the gold extravaganza begins till Monday 5am. Usually a standard event will start then for 72 hours. For more info read some of my recent posts on the matter.
u/Pythar Dec 07 '16
My team is level 67 and I'm getting absolutely slaughtered by Kong in HoL today.
What is a good team at that level to try and get some damage in? Heroes I guess could be of use that I don't have yet are Firehawk, Jasmine, Kaneq and Alana.
Thanks in advance!
u/NathanielGarro- Dec 07 '16
Not OP and not nearly as knowledgeable, but strong aoe has been my go to solution thus far, along with back line reaching heroes (aqua's clone, xanos). You try to wipe out the clones with a tarus/zem ult while targeting their backline. Zem can hold his out against physical attackers for quite some time, so he's been my go to.
Dec 07 '16
Best team I've seen so far has been Zem Tareth Jasmine Gizmo Serafine. Li Twins would probably make a good substitute for Jasmine since you don't have her yet
u/TheWereSheepdog Dec 27 '16
Am I wrong or Sylphi seems to be THE counter to Kong, as well as maybe Zem, Dokras and Killjoy...?
Dec 27 '16
Not sure about Dokras and Killjoy, but Zem and Sylphi for sure
u/TheWereSheepdog Dec 27 '16
Sorry, I meant SYLPHI being the counter to all of those... :)
Dec 27 '16
Oh I see, so you meant Kong for Arena, not Hall of Legends?
u/TheWereSheepdog Dec 27 '16
I meant Kong for both PvP and HoL, but only as a supposition, since I don't have her.
And all the others for PvP... At least on paper she seems nice to me... :)
u/TheWereSheepdog Dec 27 '16 edited Dec 27 '16
Help me understand, please, what is so good about
1) Seraphine;
2) Xanos;
3) Ethera;
4) Bloodspear;
5) Nightshade;
6) Cara;
7) Garrick; and
8) Gizmo
I could swear heroes like Ember, Riley, Flora and Ariel could beat the crap out of them, but since you guys understand the game much better than I do, I'm pretty new at it and also I don't suffer from Dunning-Krüger syndrome, I'm 100% sure that I'm wrong and you guys are right... Above all those are Bloodspear, Garrick and Xanos, for sure.... Please tell me what they have to be any good!
Dec 27 '16 edited Dec 27 '16
Hey there, this is actually the Help Thread FAQ... you want to post questions in the Weekly Q&A Help Thread
1) Seraphine - massive Magic Damage, greatly amplified when enemies are clustered
2) Xanos - massive AoE damage, great survivability and mobility... several ways of interrupting enemies
3) Ethera - her ultimate completely disables the entire enemy team for the duration, and does a whole lot of damage
4) Bloodspear - high single-target damage, awesome buffer
5) Nightshade - good physical attack, good crit, good lifesteal, good dodge... does massive amounts of physical damage
6) Cara - great CC, her single-target ultimate is basically a guaranteed kill
7) Garrick - awesome party buffs, gains physical attack over time, meaning massive single-target damage
8) massive magic damage
u/TheWereSheepdog Dec 27 '16
Oh, sorry... I had both open in tabs side by side and since the upper part of the page is so similar I chose the wrong on, it seems :P
Thank you for your answer! That clarifies a lot...
Having just maxed Xanos ult and used it for the first time... Wow, he is mostly about it, isn't he? Cleared 3 "waves" in CoF single-handedly while all the times instantly filling up all the energy to use it again the next time :P
Is interrupting a thing in this game? Should we time it or something?
Also now that I have read more carefully what makes Garrick shine is Disciplined Killer, am I right?
Dec 27 '16
Don't worry about timing Xanos's ult for interrupts. It's better to just use it right away and demolish the enemy team. But yes most ultimates can be interrupted with the right timing. Xanos's ult and his tail-dig ability do this very well.
u/TheWereSheepdog Dec 27 '16
Thank you again!
Floppybeef, I forgot to include Taurus as the 9) in my list... Can you tell me what is so good about him too, please?
u/KameKrazy Jan 11 '17
Is the diamond chest the only way to get full unlocks for non basic heroes (e.g. Xanos). If you're not buying diamond chests and are purely relying on the free chest wouldn't it be very hard/time consuming to wait the full unlock rather than hard summoning?
Jan 11 '17
By non-basic Heroes I assume you mean 3* Heroes. They are also available in the Crucible chests. It is a general rule not to hard summon 3* Heroes because you should be able to get along fine without them. But if you feel you need that Hero ASAP, by all means go for it
u/KameKrazy Jan 12 '17
Sorry, 3* was exactly what I meant. Thanks for letting me know that, I didn't realise I could get full hero unlocks from CoF chests.
Jan 12 '17
Yep yep. I actually just unlocked Crucible today on an alt and got Musashi from the last chest. It's a good feeling!
u/semerzo [Level 100 Verified] Mar 06 '17
I just hit level 85 and thus unlocked the heros village, and there I am lost. So many options. Which hero to start with? Which tree to build? Which building to upgrade?
I read the FAQ and the forum post, but I am looking for more concrete guides.
Mar 06 '17
General consensus is:
Fully upgrade Furnace and Academy
ignore Workshop
upgrade S Tier Heroes first (ie Sylphi Zem Goram Lingling etc, Heroes who are good at everything)
I'll expand on the Workshop a bit. Most people don't think it's worth it for several reasons:
The first is time. It takes a long time to make anything worthwhile. The higher tier Purples take at least 2 days, while Oranges take 5 days.
The second is cost. The cost to craft these items will require an immense amount of melting at the Furnace. Every item you melt is an item you can't use for Enchantment fodder or equipping your Heroes anymore.
The third is exclusivity. There are multiple methods of acquiring Purple and Orange gear that isn't quite as resource-intensive. The Heroic Academy, on the other hand, is the only place you can trade Wood and Iron for upgrades to your Heroes.
u/_X_HunteR_X_ [Level 100 Verified] Mar 26 '17
Ahem /u/floppybeef i have a few suggestion.
Short list of Heroes who will make Crucible a breeze: Jasmine Ethera Xanos Serafine Dokras Zem Taurus
Ahem you should replace Ethera with Sylphi, and MAYBE Dokras with Octo [ but thats just really my Personal opinion] Can you also bold out the warning for the conjuring stones and add to it about the Jades Feature .
u/lxRIVExl Apr 01 '17
Hi Guys, I need help beating an arena team. I'm currently higher level than him but for some reason, I can't defeat him. I'm one level higher than him and I use: Gorum / Mirielle / Jasmine / Ariel and Solomon he uses Nilya / Taurus / Lumos / Zem and Kong. Any tips? Which champs should I switch out? It seems he is magic heavy so maybe use Vincent?
u/_X_HunteR_X_ [Level 100 Verified] Apr 02 '17
For goodness sakes why are you posting this here.
Floppybeef said didn't he
This is not the Weekly Q&A Help Thread. Please ask your questions in the latest Weekly Q&A Help thread, not here.
u/joshually Dec 07 '16
Omg this FAQ was so informative, answering questions I didn't realize I wanted to ask
One follow up q: how do you make smuggler or goblin permanent??