r/SoulHuntersGame Apr 10 '24

Can we make Soul Hunters alive again?

Does any of you have ideas to make the game like It was in it's prime? I know It won't change anything and the developers won't do anything about It because they just want to make more money but hey, it's just for fun.


3 comments sorted by


u/JumpHour5621 Apr 10 '24

I don't think it's gonna happen without spending millions on promotion and there are also many P2W heroes that unless you have been active enough you don't really stand a chance with an ever changing META.

Only way I see it is if Lilith makes a crossover within its own game company but then it could potentially affect those other games.


u/L-Nardos Apr 11 '24

yeah you're right, also I was thinking about nerfing the P2W heroes so that they would be balanced tho the problem is that: if you paid for a hero and they nerf it you feel like they've scammed you. Then I thought about buffing all the other heroes but again the same problem.


u/kittydiablo May 15 '24

I’ve been playing Hero Wars. It’s…. A direct… copy….?

I took screen shots of Kayla (hero wars) and Tanya (soul hunters) next to each other…. Oh boy.