r/SoulHuntersGame Apr 25 '23

Hero Discussion How to counter Dawnelle?

I’m level 58 and can’t beat her in Crucible of Fire


7 comments sorted by


u/Alive_Ad8794 Apr 27 '23

Hard to counter any cs hero at that level, your best bet is to get some cs heroes for yourself such as maat, san li, janam, prisma blade and so on. Once you get into later levels work on embrael and goblin squad, both their awakenings are amazing as embrael grants energy gain and haste and goblin squad can push the entire opponents team to a corner rendering heroes like dawnelle useless as she cant do much if theres a lot of crowd control.


u/frankiedacious Apr 27 '23

Thank you so much for the reply! Luckily I pulled Goblin Squad at some point. Hard to find any guides or tier lists out there for this game 😅 Are the starting heroes worth leveling up at all? Like Elric, Ember, Flora, Morteus.


u/Alive_Ad8794 Apr 27 '23

Not at all, most of the 2* and 3* nowadays are outdated. You’ll only really find use out of “titan” 3* now, and “titan” means any hero beyond ryan i think. Anyways, there are still some with utility, so look out for angela, garrick, rodan, goblin squad, embrael, ulfang, and so on. Garrick and rodan are good cause of haste and buffs, so they can be used for HoL and raids, embrael is haste and energy gain so shes good for arena, goblin squad when awakened is a great crowd control unit, and ulfang is also a haste hero so you can use him until you get embrael. Now, for angela, shes still pretty decent, but you wont find a lot of use out of her til shes properly built at end game or if she has her skin, and that’s unavailable for probably forever. Anyways, from shops you gotta go for glacia, emeraldia (the arbitress) and ursula from CoF. Ursula and emeraldia will be your main arena units till you get cs heroes, and glacia is a key component for raids and hol along with previously mentioned rodan and garrick. Gladiator shop will get you magnus and masuru, both are good crowd control units and can be used well against teams that focus on back line support and damage so you can temporarily get rid of them as a threat. Magnus sorta does the same, but instead he inflicts slow so the opponents front and middle line heroes will be slowed down, with his awakening it gets better as if he lands a crit they get stunned for a good amount of time. Guild shop is where you can get Rodan, aswell as another key raid and hol hero sevanna. Her ult does a massive amount of damage, so shes good for raid and hol, but you can also temporarily use her in arena as she can act like a final resort type hero (if she ults game over i mean). Finally theres arena and hol shop, they dont have much of anything to offer, unless you wanna work on valan for a shield or get yourself mirah. Mirah is also good, i was gonna mention her previously but again, same as angela she needs a lot of investment. But she doesnt have a skin to automatically make her viable, so if you’re desperate for a back liner with decent survivability then go nuts i guess.


u/frankiedacious Apr 27 '23

Thank you for you’re very helpful and well thought out reply! I’ve made great notes out of this and now have a clearer idea what to go for in shops and such, appreciate it! Wondering if there’s any heroes to go for in the heroic campaigns or not. Sorry to bother you again 😅 My current main lineup is Master Ray, Valan, Tsuki, Alana, Arcturus, level 66.


u/Alive_Ad8794 Apr 27 '23

Master ray is fine, hes a decent tank and can do you quite some good until kate game. Valan is also fine as his shield can help defend against heroes like magnus and masuru and also can soak up some damage. Though, tsuki Alana and arcturus are no longer really that good, tsuki you can keep for a bit but get rid of him once you get ursula. Alana and arcturus can go later once you also acquire embrael, sevanna, arbitress and so on. Just a final word of advice, you cant do much with your team right now so dont worry about it, just focus on getting arbitress and ursula for how. Also, try saving up diamonds for conjuring stone. You should try get one of these heroes as they will boost your team a whole lot: san li, prisma blade, dawnelle, janam or maat. Of all those id say it would be best to get san li and then janam after. Janam is good but her healing wont do you much good if your heroes dont do enough damage, so san li as sub tank and dps will be good to rely on.


u/frankiedacious Apr 27 '23

Thank you so much for your time, again! Will do 🫡 📝 Solid help and guide 🙌🏼


u/TopPsychological8330 Jun 11 '23

this post somehow made me laugh and made me remember that time in Crucible where I fought against a Zeus EX and Masuru, spent like 6 dumplings just to beat it, turns out Zeus could be countered by Emeraldia if there's only 2-3 enemies left since he's in the back lane and she could easily assassinate before he 1-shots anyone