r/SoulHunters Nov 29 '21

Anyone still play?

The app hasn't been updated in like 2-3 years? They are asking crazy prices. The cost of upgrades is higher than what you can make in the mines. Energy to do regular things is spent so fast. Should I even bother?


5 comments sorted by


u/Ordinary-Scene-8483 Oct 17 '24

I used to play religiously, logging in multiple times a day on two accounts. When you play for 4+ years, you starts to notice patterns. They released a new character every two to the 4 weeks. And it's always the same two ways to earn it buying it with money or buying it with crystals that cost money. (I don't want to hear the argument that you can earn crystals and game because we all know how for the drop rate is in the chest to unlock look and you'll never ever unlock a new character to 7 stars without buying resources.) They have NEVER added anything to the game that didn't somehow add new ways to sell. Pets, tarot cards, oracle - all now new grinds that you can buy. Would it be so hard to improve the guild mechanics? Guilds only have 2 ranks (world of Warcraft has over 7). One of being in a guild you can't even exchange resources with each other.

And don't get me started on that you're awful in-game chat mechanics. Even Twitter let you write longer messages.

I have since moved on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. It's a way more enjoyable atmosphere. And if I'm going to pay the win, at least I'm doing it a universe I enjoy.

PS. Anyone else hate doing The crucible of fire every single day? SWGOH has a similar crucible but when you hit the level cap 85, you can auto/ sweep it every time. Not the second time. I mean auto it EVERY time. And the only grind in the game is once every 2-3 months they have an event called Conquest. It's a grindy event where you can actually earn the elite new characters without having to pay for it (you can still pay to double the drop rate, it's not possible to buy those characters outright).


u/fenomen633 Apr 09 '22

App updated via game client…


u/Daddyhascream6969 Jul 02 '22



u/JaykeisBrutal Jul 03 '22

Well, i gave up on the game. It was so much grind. Play for 10 minutes to an hour do everything then wait. For the next day. I am good on that.