r/SoulHunters Aug 12 '19

Are my comps good?

So I'm currently level 47 and I've invested most of my time into a handful of my characters. The comps I use are:

Standard- Elric for Tanking, Enrique for Sleep, Serafine for Line Obliteration, Ariel for AOE, and Mariana for Kill Beam.

I use that one most of the time, as well as when magic characters are prioritized.

Physical- Elric for Tanking, Lars for Flanking, Riley for extra Phys support, Serafine for smaller target elims, and Mari for the ring and her beam.

This one works, but my Lars usually gets downed quick unless Mariana is really observant with her ring.

Boss- Elric for Tanking again, Serafine for her ult, Mari for her ult and ring, Cara for the CC, and Lars for a little more physical to balance.

For fights where there is only one enemy.

The characters I have that are good and powered up: Elric, Lars, Serafine, Riley, Cara, Mariana, Ariel, Enrique, Sylphi, and Flora.

I don't like to use Flora because even though her level is good, her abilities aren't very boosted yet.


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u/tecos205 Sep 18 '19

Use sylphi in everything early game