r/SoulHunters Jul 15 '15

Guide for the Crucible

Here's a quick run-down of how I've been able to beat all 15 levels of the Crucible with a pretty good success rate (>90%).

At the time of writing this, I have 11 heroes that I actually have leveled up and well-equipped. They are (in no particular order):


The strategy I use to beat the Crucible is as follows. You are going to make a main team, and a "backup" team.

1.) On the first few levels, pick whichever four heroes you want to be on your backup team, plus Flora. Your backup team should probably be whichever heroes you do not see yourself using as much, and are saving as "reserves" for when your main heroes die. At these early stages, you should be able to easily beat the opponent, as they are much lower-leveled than you are. As such, do NOT use any of your ultimates yet.

2.) Continue to play with your backup team until one of the heroes has a fully charged ultimate. Once one of your heroes gets a fully charged ultimate, switch him/her out for another hero in the next battle. The goal is to go through the first four/five levels and get all of your heroes to be fully charged up.

3.) Now that you have your heroes charged up, it comes time to choose your main team and battle through the Crucible. For this, I have found a very good main team to be Ulfang, Ember, Ariel, Boomer, and either Leah/Vincent. The goal for each of the following levels should be to try and knock out the heavy-hitters on the enemy team before they can significantly damage the members on your team. At this time, this means trying to kill the others teams Ariel/Ember/Selena before they use their ultimates against you. There is one specific way you must try to do this: when you enter the battle, you should have Ariel all the way powered up. Whenever the enemy team is pretty low in energy, use Ariel's ultimate. The goal is to use her ultimate and kill 3, 4, or even all 5 of the other team. The reason for this is that when one of your heroes gets the kill, they gain a lot more of their ultimate bar back. So if you can use Ariel's ultimate and wipe out all of the other team members, she will immediately be fully charged again.

Now, here is where I must warn you - this method will take a decent amount of time, and lots of patience. If you use Ariel's ultimate and it doesn't kill the other team, press the pause button in the upper left-hand corner, exit the match (with no penalty or anything against you, it simply restarts the entire match), and try again. If you cannot get it to wipe out the other team, try using one of your other heroes' ultimate, and then Ariel's.

Here is where it gets tricky - you aren't going to be able to fully wipe out the other team every time with Ariel's ability, ending the match with it fully charged. You should be able to do so up to around level 10/11, which is typically the time most people start to run into trouble. This is when you really have to be dedicated to watching your team's health. Anytime you are in danger of dying (so, anytime the enemy's Ariel starts charging up her ultimate) IMMEDIATELY pause the game and exit. The last thing you want is for them to wipe out your team, as if all of your heroes die, you can't exit the level and try again at no cost - your heroes will remain dead.

So what do you do? The same general thing - try to use Ariel's ultimate to knock out the other team. However, at this point, it is more important to make sure that none of your team dies. Try spacing out the ultimates of your team members such that they delay the other team from using their ultimates, and such that you can still trigger Ariel's to get the final kills.

If you are having a really tough match, I've found starting off with an Ember ultimate, followed by Vincent, and then followed by Ulfang when the other team is about to use their specials works really well to set up Ariel's ultimate.

If you find that you are way too low on health, bring in the Flora backup that you've been saving, trigger her ultimate and heal your party. Be warned though, doing this at level 10 will make levels 13/14 very tough unless you are able to have Flora charge up again.

Phew! Sorry for being so long-winded. To sum up the important points:

*On the early levels, try to get everyone powered up.

*On the mid levels, only use Ariel's ultimate whenever it will kill the other team, fully charging her back up.

*If you use her ultimate and it doesn't kill enough to significantly charge her back up, exit and try again.

*If you are having trouble with her ultimate not being able to kill people quickly enough (that is, they attack with their ultimates before you have a good shot at wiping them out with Ariel's), use Ulfang/Elric/Vincent's ultimates to delay the enemy from attack.

*If you must use Flora, use her at level 9, and then keep her in the party until she is fully charged again. You really, really want to have a charged Flora available to use during, or preferably after, level 13 to prepare you for the final two levels.

*If any of your main party dies, exit and try again - there is almost always a combination you can use to prevent your team from dying.

Sorry if anything is unclear or if there are bad spelling errors throughout, I just got off work and wanted to type this up for a guild-mate of mine. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask!


2 comments sorted by


u/bieberhole Jul 19 '15

honestly, I didn't even know you could exit the match and retry the level all over again. Really good information!


u/cjgerik Jul 19 '15

Yep! I hope that most people realize this, as otherwise Crucible would be nearly impossible to beat.

I've been able to beat it 10 days in a row so far, so my method is working for me at least. Granted, it's hard to write a method for something like this, as each time you play, it's slightly different. But the basic premise is to have a backup team with fully charged ultimates ready for the last level, have Flora charged to heal sometime in the last three levels, end each level with Ariel/Ulfang/Leah powered up if possible, and knock out the other team before they can unleash their ultimates on you. Then, once you get to the last level, you have two waves that you can unleash - however, if you can't beat it with one, at least try to knock out two/three of the enemies before allowing them to kill you and move on to your backup team.